2025, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-13 The impact of game reward mechanisms on enhancing elementary school students' English vocabulary acquisition based on the ARCS motivation model
by Ching-Yu Yang & Rong-Chi Chang & Sheng-Min Hsieh - 14-24 Teachers' perceptions and attitudes on the use of tablet computers in teaching and learning process: Experiences from face-to-face sessions at Morogoro-campus in Tanzania
by Kija Steven Magembe - 25-34 An educational researcher's guide to ChatGPT: How it works and how to use it
by Jamie DeCoster & Jhonelle Bailey & Matthew Keys - 35-40 E-learning open seminar on "Human–centered artificial intelligence in education: From theory to practice"
by Konstantinos Kotsidis & Panagiotes Anastasiades
2024, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 9-16 The use of digital storytelling in the teaching of reading at a rural primary school
by Matome Liphy Ramalepe & Gert Van der Westhuizen - 17-27 Kenyan teachers’ experiences of an online professional development program across rural, peri-urban, and urban settings
by Eileen Wood & Edwin Santhosh & Alexandra Gottardo & Noah Battaglia & Livison Chovu & Clifford Ghaa & Anne Wade & Natasha Vogel - 28-42 Wolfram alpha and maple as educational technology for future teachers of mathematics
by Sergei Abramovich - 43-63 Transforming K-12 education: A systematic review of AI integration
by Godfrey Steven Semwaiko & Wen-Hung Chao & Ching-Yu Yang - 64-79 Equipping college students with statistical literacy under the massification of higher education
by Weichen Teng & Yueh-Hsia Huang & Mei-Hui Peng & Tien-Tien Liao - 80-88 Investigating sustainable development and environmental protection in the education of urban mining through the learning strategy of WSQ
by Yong-Cih Yang & Hao-Chiang Koong Lin
2024, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-8 Introducing pre-service teachers to game-based learning
by James Hernandez & Rica Ramirez
2024, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 8-16 Affective, meta and collaborative STEAM learning
by Tony Houghton & Zsolt Lavicza & Robert Weinhandl
2024, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-7 Application of the discovery learning model using student worksheets based on scaffolding on stoichiometric materials to improve learning outcomes
by Maysara & Wa Ode Aulia Wahyuni & Muh Alim Marhadi & Dahlan & Aceng Haetami & Esnawi
2023, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-14 The effects of the repeated reading method from teachers’ perspectives of cycle one schools (1-4)
by Najla Hamed Hilal Al Saadi - 15-27 The social effects of higher education in Jordan
by Raed Adel Sabha & Basimeh Mohammad Khaleel - 28-37 Social media and student academic performance: A cross-country analysis using PISA 2018
by Zhiqiang Ji & Jia Pang - 38-44 Acceptance of technology by parent fraternity as a means of remote learning for children: An empirical study
by Gokuladas V K & Sivakumar Manickam
2023, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 7-15 ICT integration in teaching and learning: Perceptions and practices in Ghanaian college of education
by Samuel Asare & Mensah Kwadwo Emmanuel & Emmanuel Appiah Dankwah & Abrefah-Mensah Eric
2023, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-6 FIRO analysis as a study of interpersonal communication: Does GULALI program can strengthening character?
by Yani Nurul Hikmah & Husnita
2022, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 26-34 Teacher and Student Interpersonal Communication through a Moodle-Based Learning Management System Application in Improving Student Learning Achievement in SMA Negeri Kota Depok
by Siti Jainab & Teddy Oswari - 35-41 The Effect of Blended Learning and Teacher-Student Interaction on the Learning Motivation of SMAN 1 Depok City Students
by Rini Yunita Sari & Husnita Hermawan
2022, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-9 Interpersonal Communication between Teachers and Students through Science Practicum Activities in Increasing the Learning Motivation of Public High School Students in Depok City during the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Nyken Yuliani & Teddy Oswari - 10-16 Teachers' Communication Strategies in Fostering the Entrepreneurial Spirit of Students of SMK Centers of Excellence in Bekasi City
by Dhani Irawan & Teddy Oswari - 17-25 Experiential Learning: The Case of Training MBA Students in an Asian School
by Chiraphol N Chiyachantana & David K Ding & Jack J Hong
2022, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 10-15 A Survey of Dormitory Vietnamese University Students’ Lifestyle
by Phung Xuan Dung & Nguyen Quang Vinh - 16-25 Students’ Attitudes towards Translation, their Difficulties and Use of Strategies in Vietnamese-English Translation
by Nguyen Huynh Trang
2022, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-9 Instructional Content and Quality of Business Studies Textbook in Secondary School in Kenya
by Bekele Sarah Getahun & Odundo Paul Amollo & Mwangi John Kamau & Ganira Khavugwi Lilian
2021, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 14-21 Non-English Major Students ‘Motivation in English Classrooms: Evidence from a University Setting
by Nguyen Huynh Trang
2021, Volume 11, Issue 1
2021, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 56-67 ICT: Didactic Strategy using Online Simulators for the Teaching Learning of the Law of Conservation of Matter and its Relationship to Chemical Reactions in Higher Middle Education
by Yvonne Rodriguez Barocio & Adolfo Eduardo Obaya Valdivia & Yolanda M. Vargas-Rodriguez - 68-72 Development of Personalized Learning Resources Recommendation System Based on Knowledge Graph
by XU Xiaoli & HUANG Hui & WU Mengmeng & LIAO Yu & YUAN Ziheng & WNAG Yingfeng
2021, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-7 Powercoaching Program and Oral Discourse Competence of Grade 10 Students
by Richard B. Sucion & Rebecca D. Subillaga & Cristobal M. Ambayon - 8-25 How to Promote Personal Financial Education - Findings from Finnish University Students’ Financial Literacy Study
by Sirli Mandmaa - 26-39 The Advantages and Challenges of e-Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic in Omani Schools from Parents’ Perspectives of Cycle Two Schools (5-9)
by Shaikha Al Hadhrami & Najlaa Al Saadi - 40-46 Strategies for Information Design and Processing of Multimedia Instructional Software —Based on Richard E. Mayer's Multimedia Instructional Design Principles
by Shan Ge & Xiaoyun Lai - 47-55 Ghanaian Classroom Teacher Trainees’ Perceived Competence and Intrinsic Motivation in Physical Education
by Seidu Sofo & Eugene F. Asola & Emmanuel Thompson
2020, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 60-66 An Assessment of Physical Education Teacher Candidates’ Dispositions
by Seidu Sofo & Adolfo Ramos & Emmanuel Thompson & Thomas J. Pujol - 67-77 Consolidating Digital Partnerships between Academic Libraries in the Middle East and North Africa: A Prospective Study
by Mohamed A. Abdulla
2020, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-9 Examining Students’ Perceptions About an Adaptive-Responsive Online Homework System and its Influence on Motivation and Learning
by Issa I. Salame & Aisha Soliman - 10-18 Online Applied Problem-Based Learning to Determine the Shelf Life of an on-Site Solution of Refrigerated Drug
by Yolanda Marina Vargas-Rodriguez & Adolfo Eduardo Obaya Valdivia & Carlos Montano-Osorio & Alvaro E Lima-Vargas & Sandy M. Pacheco-Ortin & Guadalupe I. Vargas-Rodriguez - 19-38 Exploring 1:1 iPad Integration Practices through a TPACK-in-Practice Lens
by Kristina Malik & Judy Lambert - 39-51 A Case Study on How Children Develop Computational Thinking Collaboratively with Robotics Toys
by Kay Yong Khoo - 52-59 Assistive Technologies and Academic Success for Students with Dyslexia: A Literature Review
by Tara Dawn Horn & Tonya Huber
2020, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 52-60 Investigating the Validity and Reliability of a Scientific Imagination Test for Tenth graders
by Nur Zuraimi Zam Jamar & Nyet Moi Siew - 61-69 Effectiveness of Using Electronic Exams in Assessment in Saudi Universities: Empirical Study
by Mohammed Elmetwali Mohammed Amer - 70-82 The Satisfaction of Students about How Instructional Design Quality Criteria for e-Course in Distance Learning
by Hatim Ibrahim - 83-90 Influence of Perceptions and Preparedness of Senior High School Teachers based on their Qualifications towards Professional Teacher Licensing in Ghana
by Samuel Obed Amoah & Francis Britwum & Kenneth Adu-Gyamfi & Francis Nyamekye & Palmas Anyagre & Paul Dela Ahiatrogah - 91-97 Teaching Biology in Primary Education
by Eirini Tzovla & Katerina Kedraka
2020, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-15 Degree of Educational Portal Use in the Schools of the Future from its Teachers' Perspective
by Hamzah Mahmoud Daradkah - 16-24 Impact of Double-Intake Programmes on the Teacher Co-Efficient Determinant of Quality Education at the University of Nairobi, Kenya
by Genevieve Wanjala & Ongosi Boni Obutu - 25-37 Teachers’ Perception of Factors Affecting Integration of Information and Communication Technology for Instructional Purposes in Secondary Schools in Kenya
by Philip K Mwei - 38-46 Effect of a Course on Educational Tools on Students’ Attitude and Digital Literacy Skills
by Ebrahim Samani & Raziyeh Bagheripour & Nooreen Noordin - 47-51 Benefits of Mixed Reality Simulations in Online Courses
by Lin Carver & Jodi Lamb
2019, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-6 The Role of Virtual Reality in Enhancing Students’ Learning
by Sultan Hammad Alshammari - 7-13 Educational Application of the Internet by Basic Pupils in Effutu Municipal Assembly: The Guidance and Counselling Implications
by Francis Nyamekye & Gideon M. Anapey
2019, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 22-28 Developing Students’ Sheets for Transaction Recording Materials into Special Journal of Trading Company
by Vidia Pattashiki & Ibut Priono Leksono & Abd. Cholid - 29-35 The Work of SAVI Model, Direct Learning Model and Learning Motivation to Increase Learning Outcome for Elementary Students
by Della Malaya Putri & Ibut Priono Leksono & Abd. Cholid
2019, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-10 Typologies and Multidimensional Nature of Computer Use for Classroom Instruction in Secondary Education
by Mwei, K. P. & Too, J. K. & Okioma, M. L. - 11-16 Ensuring Content Representativeness: Perceptions of Senior High School Teachers in Ghana
by Daniel Asamoah & Benjamin Sundeme & Aaron Adusei & Moses K. K. Ocansey & William Ntiamoah Ntim - 17-21 Awareness of Secondary School Students’ Usage of Mobile Devices for Learning
by Amadi, Anderson Choice & Agbarakwe, Harriet Akudo
2019, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 32-39 The Implementation of Group Investigation, Direct Learning and Motivation toward Learning Outcome of Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PPKn)
by Yeni Rohmawati & Iskandar Wiryokusumo & Ibut Priono Leksono - 40-51 Evaluation Results of a Teacher Professional Development Program in Greece on Gifted and Talented Children Education (GATCE)
by Efthymia Gourgiotou & Ioanna Katsavria & Eleftheria Basagianni - 52-59 Serious Gaming as an Additional Learning Tool for Medical Education
by Mehmet E. Aksoy & Mehmet E. Sayali
2019, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-8 Cross-Cultural Transference in Translation: Translator Preferences in Translating Cultural Elements from Turkish to English in Madonna in a Fur Coat By Sabahattin Ali
by Hakan Hilmi DEMİREL & Korkut Uluç İŞİSAĞ - 9-14 The Use of Probing Prompting Learning (PPL) and Inside Outside Circle (IOC) Model to Learning Outcome of Plane Figure Material
by Dian Novita Marceillina & Iskandar Wiryokusumo & Djoko Adi Walujo - 15-19 The Effect on Mathematical Learning Outcome by Modelling of Mathematic Learning and Cognitive Style of Junior High Students
by Nurhamiyah . & Mustaji . & Suryaman . - 20-24 The Development of Teaching Material Based on Multiple Intelligence Theory of Central Learning Model for Childhood Aged 5-6 Years
by Siti Maria Ulfa & Iskandar Wiryokusumo & Ibut Priono Leksono - 25-31 The Effects of Conventional Method, Mind Mapping Method, and Learning Motivation on Thematic Learning Outcomes in 3rd Grade of Elementary School
by Wahyu Niken Irbawati & Iskandar Wiryokusumo & Ibut Priono Leksono
2018, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 40-45 The Benefits of Using Facebook Live for Listening Activities in A Korean University EFL Classroom
by Chris Kobylinski - 46-57 Constraints Hindering Adoption of ICT in Government Secondary Schools in Tanzania: The Case of Hanang District
by Kunda Humphrey Kweka & Placidius Ndibalema - 58-67 English for Academic Purposes in the Korean University Context: Teachers’ Opinions on What is Being Taught, How it is Being Taught, and Possible Improvements
by Chris Kobylinski & Richard Prasad - 68-75 Integration of the Video Response App FlipGrid in the Business Writing Classroom
by Terrill Reid McLain - 76-84 The Factors Impact on Students' Actual Research Activity in Public Universities in Hanoi, Vietnam
by Hoang Thanh Tung & Nguyen Thi Van Anh
2018, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-7 Strategies Used to Enhance Parent Involvement on Performance of Early Childhood Education in Kisii, Nyamira and Homabay Counties, Kenya
by Ogoti Evans Okendo - 8-12 The Didactics of Bilingual Education: Disciplinary Teaching and Language
by Georges Faustin Koumje - 13-24 The Influence of Learning Models and Personality on Learning Outcomes of Programming Algorithm Course in the Students’ Majoring in Information System at Stikom Ambon College
by Nurdin Ibrahim & Zulfiati Syahrial & Lukman Saleh - 25-33 Role of British Colonial Education on Reduction of Illiteracy for Wasukuma 1918-1961: A Case of Shinyanga District Tanzania
by Kaligilwa Jeremiah - 34-39 Evaluation of E-Learning Lessons for Strengthening Early Childhood Practitioner Use of Family Capacity-Building Practices
by Dunst, C. J. & Howse, R. B. & Embler, D. & Hamby, D. W.
2018, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 45-51 Awareness and Utilization of e-Learning Resources by Trainee Counsellors of Counselling Education in Calabar, Nigeria
by Okpechi, P. A & Denwigwe, C. P. & Asuquo, P. N. & Abuo, C. & Unimna, F. U. - 52-64 Project-Based Learning in Introductory Statistics: Comparing Course Experiences and Predicting Positive Outcomes for Students from Diverse Educational Settings
by Lisa Dierker & Jane Robertson Evia & Karen Singer- Freeman & Kristin Woods & Janet Zupkus & Alan Arnholt & Elizabeth G Moliski & Natalie Delia Deckard & Kristel Gallagher & Jennifer Rose - 65-68 Using Augmented Reality to Increase Interaction in Online Courses
by Sherry Vafa & Kayla Sappington & Rita Coombs- Richardson - 69-77 Study of Education Competency and Effect on Learning Process of BCCT Method on Educational Group of Education Age (PAUD) in Sukasari Bandung
by Irma Yulisutiany - 78-92 Comparison of Useful Activities of Improving Awareness in Blended Classes in Java Script and PHP Programming
by Isao Miyaji
2018, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-16 Pioneers in Unknown Territory: Teacher Perceptions and Use of Non-Conventional Instructional Tools
by Louis S. Nadelson & Stephanie M. Juth & Christina Hartman & Sam Gedeborg & Andrew Glaze - 17-23 A Review of Educational Data Mining Tools & Techniques
by Haitham Alagib Alsuddig Hamza & Piet Kommers - 24-29 Anxieties Disorder and Deviant Behaviors among Secondary School Studies in Obubra Local Government Area of Cross River State
by Okpechi, Philip A. & Ekpang Pauline U. - 30-34 A Review on Effect of Social Media on Education in Sudan
by Mohamed Ibrahim Alsaid Hassan & Piet Kommers - 35-44 A Study of Language Learning Strategies for Practical Use through the Process of Cooperative Learning
by Wannakarn Likitrattanaporn
2018, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 36-40 Hour of Code and its Cultural Educative Impact on Preschool, Basic Education and Middle School
by Ma del Carmen Nolasco - 41-47 Effectiveness of PBL through Concept Map to Improve Problem Solving Skills of Primary School Students
by Issufiah Dwi Nuryati & Sunardi . & Sri Anitah W. & Gunarhadi . - 48-53 Announcement of Retraction
by Marina Taylor - 54-58 Influence of Parenting Styles on the Academic Performance of Secondary School Students in Ethiope East Local Government Area Delta State
by Rev FR DR Jude J. Obiunu - 59-64 The Critical Discourse Analysis of Language Teacher’s Instructional Decisions
by Zhang Youwen
2018, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-7 Model Development of Instructional Design, Commercial Graphics-Based Planning Project, in the Faculty of Arts and Design, Trisakti University
by Menul Teguh Riyanti - 8-13 Engineering Mathematics and Modern Technology
by Qefsere Doko Gjonbalaj & Luigj Gjoka - 14-24 Student Cognitive Presence in Small Group Collaboration Facilitated by Mobile Instant Messaging
by Yuhan QIAO & Ying TANG & Khe Foon HEW - 25-31 Parent’s Commitment is the Gateway to a Child’s Academic Success
by Anthony Kudjo Donkor - 32-35 The College Choice Paradox; What Really Matters
by Brendan Ryan
2017, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-5 The Importance of Knowing and Applying the Standards in A Scientific Research
by Irida HOTI & Rina MUKA - 6-10 How to Teach the Sequential Part of Digital Electronics Basis with Project Pedagogy? Thanks to a Self-Working Card Trick Named “Cyclic Number”!
by Pierre SCHOTT - 11-15 The Role of Guidance and Counselling in Effective Teaching and Learning in Schools: The Cameroonian Perspective
by Einstein Moses Egebe Anyi - 16-27 Teaching Reading Skills to Learners with Down Syndrome
by Sandro Sehic - 28-36 Learning Methodologies for Learners with Dyslexia
by Sandro Sehic - 37-50 Student-Centered Learning: Moving Towards Mass-Customization in Higher Education
by Herbert Rau