September 2003, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 227-270 EC merger control regulation and the energy sector: An analysis of the European Commission's decisional practice on remedies
by M. Piergiovanni - 271-293 Congestion management in the Nordic power market - counter purchases and zonal pricing
by M. Bjørndal & K. Jørnsten & V. Pignon - 293-325 European electronic communications on the roads to full competition: The concept of significant market power under the new regulatory framework
by M. Bak
September 2003, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 119-136 Interim pricing of local loop unbundling in Ireland: Epilogue
by J.G. Sidak & H.J. Singer - 137-156 Regulating cross-border trade by soft law? The "Florence process"in the supranational governance of electricity markets
by B. Eberlein - 157-189 Hong Kong's telecommunicaion deregulation since 1995 in light of international experiences
by K-S- Kwong & G. Moon-cheung Shiu - 189-224 The protection of the European citizen in a competitive e-society: The new E.U. universal service directive
by A. De Streel
September 2003, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 3-28 Processes, Information and accounting gaps: learning from Argentina's privatized railways regulation
by J. Campos & A. Estache & L. Trujillo - 28-61 Price squeezes, foreclosure and competition law
by P. Crocioni & C. Veljanovski - 61-81 Regulatory change in network industries: the Spanish experience
by J. Gual - 81-117 Distortion of competition in the postal sector: the EC case law on abuse of maket power and state aid
by C. Rizza
September 2002, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 365-375 Generating the right signals for the community electricty market - An interdisciplinary challenge
by L. Hancher - 375-425 Towards a common European Electricity market paths in the right direction… still far from an effective design
by J. Boucher & Y. Smeers - 425-467 An economic assessment of congestion management methods for electricity transmission networks
by R.A. Hakvoort & L.J. De Vries
September 2002, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 273-296 How can regulators set nonarbitrary interim rates? The case of local loop unbundling in Ireland
by J.G. Sidak & H.J. Singer - 297-312 Why regulate deregulated network industries?
by J-M- Glachant - 313-335 Competing DNS roots: creative destruction or just plain destruction
by M.L. Mueller - 335-365 Gats regulatory disciplines meet global public goods: The case of maritime and aviationservices
by R. Janda
September 2002, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 157-161 Overview of broadband issues: Editorial comment
by L. Firth - 161-182 Broadband and convergence
by C. Dowd & L. Firth & P.H. Longstaff - 183-223 Broadband: four nations' experience
by L. Firth & A. Gillwald & J. Houghton & M. Merini & P. Morris & L. Prosperetti - 223-230 Achieving universal broadband access: The Canadian approach
by D.J. Maclean - 231-238 Market implications of technologically neutral regulation
by M. Naftel - 239-272 International trade law and broadband regulation: Toward convergence
by D. Luff
September 2002, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-38 Evolution of terminal dues and remail provisions in European and international postal law
by J.I. Campbell Jr. - 39-76 EC secondary legislation of network markets and public service: An economic and functional approach
by U. Hammer - 77-99 Competition and restructuring in the UK water industry
by P. Vass - 99-128 Regulatory issues in establishment and management of communications infrastructure: the impact of network convergence
by D. Geradin & C. Humpe - 129-150 A closer look at some assumptions underlying EC regulation of electronic communications
by P. Larouche
September 2001, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 277-310 EC must-carry rules on the brink of a lost opportunity: Harmonisation and free movement of TV broadcasts within the communications review (proposed directive on universal service and users' rights)
by J. Capiau - 311-352 Congestion management in the European electricity system: An evaluation of the alternatives
by R.A. Hakvoort & H.P.A. Knops & L.J. De Vries - 353-385 To regulate or not to regulate electricity: Explaining the German Sonderweg in the EU context
by B. Eberlein - 385-427 Access to electricity networks: the application of the 'Essential facilities doctrine' by the Germand federal cartel office description and discussion of the decision and its legal background from A European perspective
by A. Heinen - 427-432 Lars Bergman, Gert Brunekreeft, Chris Doyle, Nils-Henrik M. von der Fehr, David M. Newbery, Michael Politt, and Pierre Régibeau (eds.), A European market for electricity? Monitoring European deregulation 2
by G. Carolo Scarsi
September 2001, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 137-162 Network industries and cohesion in the EU
by F. Mcgowan - 163-207 Comparing postal and telecommunications networks: Similarities and differences
by V. Visco Comandini & C. Lettieri - 207-231 Connecting customers and disconnecting competitors The facility-based firms' strategy towards virtual operators
by Ø. Foros & B. Hansen - 231-267 Cross-border disputes on on-line consumer contracts in the European Union. The Brussels convention, the Brussels regulation and the role of alternative dispute resolution systems
by A. Lopez-tarruella - 267-276 Sam Peltzman and Cliffor Winston (Eds), Deregulation of network industries: What's next?
by L. Denant-boëmont & B. Dumont
September 2001, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-7 Convergence of infrastructures: Business opportunities and regulatory challenges for the energy sector
by R.W. Künneke - 3-9 Investments in Generation and Transmission
by F. Leveque & G. Brunekreeft - 7-25 Economies of convergence: towards a redefinition of the energy business
by R.W. Künneke - 9-32 Assessing Regulation of Reliability of Electricity Supply
by B. Singh - 25-69 De-regulation and reconfiguration of infrastructure industry: theoretical reflections on empirical patterns from Nordic markets
by A. Middtun - 33-55 Nuclear Energy between Past and Future. An Assessment based on the Concept of Risk
by F. Romerio - 55-72 The Danish Electricity Reform - Success or Failure?
by O.J. Olsen & A. Larsen - 69-77 The changing identity of an energy distribution company
by F. Van Overbeeke - 73-99 Provision of Operating Reserve Capacity: Principles and Practices on the Nordic Electricity market
by E.S. Amundsen & L. Bergman - 77-92 Converging infrastructures: telecommunication synergies in the US rural electricity sector
by W. Melody & J. Moore - 93-112 General or specific competition rules for network utilities?
by T. Van Dijk - 113-127 Regulatory issues raised by network convergence: The case of multi-utilities
by D. Geradin - 127-130 Laurent Garzaniti, Telecommunications, broadcasting and the internet - EU competition law and regulation
by C. Humpe
September 2000, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 375-406 The principle of essential facilities in European community competition law - the position since Bronner
by J. Temple Lang - 407-446 Relevant market definition in network industries: Air transport and telecommunications
by P. Larouche - 447-469 New technologies and convergence of markets: implications for telecommunications regulation
by T.J. Tardiff - 469-478 Introducing telecommunications competition through a wireless licencse: lessons from Morocco
by C.M. Rossotto & B. Wellenius
September 2000, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 259-268 A competitive European energy market: creating a culture of competition
by L. Hancher - 269-286 Competition law issues arising from the liberalisation process
by M. Albers - 287-304 The impact of liberalisation on long-term energy contracts
by P-J- Slot - 305-338 New energy law in France: The implementation of electricity and gas EC directives
by N. Charbit - 339-352 Energy trading in the EU: Commoditisation of electricyt and the emergence of energy exchanges
by S. Schulte-beckhausen - 353-374 Consumers and energy liberalisation
by F. Mcgowan
September 2000, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 127-156 Cross-border transmission of electricity in the European energy market: Regulatory issues
by L. Hancher - 157-184 As the airline industry evolves to a network industry, How should competition policy adapt
by A. Ryan - 185-222 Convergence in the European communications sector - An analysis
by C. Humpe - 223-244 Foundations and structure of state responsibility for infrastructure
by G. Hermes - 245-249 Paul Nihoul, Droit Européen des télécommunications
by D. Geradin - 249-253 Stan J. Liebowitz and E. Margolis (eds.), Winners, losers and Microsoft competition and antitrus in high-technology
by B. Dumont
September 2000, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 5-33 Institutional aspects of EU regulatory reforms in the telecommunications sector: an analysis of the role of national regulatory authorities
by D. Geradin - 33-55 Local loop unbundling and regulatory risk
by C. Doyle - 55-88 The recent case law of the European court of justice on state monopolies and its implication for network industries
by F. Blum - 89-100 Light-handed regulation of electricity networks in New Zealand: The failure of the New Zealand model
by C. Cornwell & R. Patterson - 101-108 Carl Shapiro and Hal R. Varian, information rules: a strategic guide to the network economy
by B. Dumont - 107-111 F. Blum and A. Logue, State monopolies under EC Law
by C. Humpe - 110-121 Thomas Cottier and Petros C. Mavoidis, Eds; Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer, Associate Ed, State Trading in the Twenty-First century
by D. Luff
0000, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 3-24 Mergers in the U.S. electric power industry
by R. J. Pierce Jr. - 25-46 Unauthorised sharing through P2P networks: A digital pollution?
by F. Rochelandet - 47-75 Are returns to private infrastructure in developing countries consistent with risks since the Asian crisis?
by A. Estache & M. E. Pinglo
0000, Volume 5, Issue 3-4
- 221-263 Electricity reform in Chile. Lessons for developing countries
by M. Pollitt - 263-276 The ERG common position on remedies under the new regulatory framework for electronic communications: An economist's perspective
by L. Di Mauro - 277-294 Coordination of European and member state regulatory policy. Horizontal, vertical and transversal aspects
by P. Larouche - 295-347 The economics of EU railway reform
by L. Di Pietrantonio & J. Pelkmans - 347-364 Circumscribing the scope of EC competition law in network industries? A comparative approach to the US supreme court ruling in the trinko case
by N. Petit
0000, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 139-164 Services of general economic interest, state aid, and public procurement
by S. Janssen - 165-193 The Belgian gas market and gas supply contracts under Belgian law
by T. Schoors - 193-218 Biases and errors in the assessment of market boundaries for ex ante regulation with an application to internet services in the UK
by I. Dobbs & P. Richards
0000, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 3-22 The new approach to economic regulation in the electronic communications sector in Europe: the application of regulatory remedies
by R. A. Cawley - 23-50 Remedies for broadband services
by M. Cave - 51-82 Market failures and remedies in mobile telephony
by T. Valletti - 83-136 Regulatory obligations to be imposed on operators with significant market power: Narrowband services
by C. Koboldt
0000, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 327-354 Policy challenges in two-sided network industries
by R. Gonçalves - 355-390 Principles fo good market governance
by L. Hancher & P. Larouche & S. Lavrijssen - 391-411 Unintended and persistent consequences of regulation: The case of cable television provision in Canada
by S. M. Law & J. F. Nolan
0000, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 227-270 EC merger control regulation and the energy sector: An analysis of the European Commission's decisional practice on remedies
by M. Piergiovanni - 271-293 Congestion management in the Nordic power market - counter purchases and zonal pricing
by M. Bjørndal & K. Jørnsten & V. Pignon - 293-325 European electronic communications on the roads to full competition: The concept of significant market power under the new regulatory framework
by M. Bak
0000, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 119-136 Interim pricing of local loop unbundling in Ireland: Epilogue
by G. Sidak & H. J. Singer - 137-156 Regulating cross-border trade by soft law? The "Florence process"in the supranational governance of electricity markets
by B. Eberlein - 157-189 Hong Kong's telecommunicaion deregulation since 1995 in light of international experiences
by K.-S. Kwong & G. Moon-cheung Shiu - 189-224 The protection of the European citizen in a competitive e-society: The new E.U. universal service directive
by A. De Streel
0000, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 3-28 Processes, Information and accounting gaps: learning from Argentina's privatized railways regulation
by J. Campos & A. Estache & L. Trujillo - 28-61 Price squeezes, foreclosure and competition law
by P. Crocioni & C. Veljanovski - 61-81 Regulatory change in network industries: the Spanish experience
by J. Gual - 81-117 Distortion of competition in the postal sector: the EC case law on abuse of maket power and state aid
by C. Rizza
0000, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 365-375 Generating the right signals for the community electricty market - An interdisciplinary challenge
by L. Hancher - 375-425 Towards a common European Electricity market paths in the right direction… still far from an effective design
by J. Boucher & Y. Smeers - 425-467 An economic assessment of congestion management methods for electricity transmission networks
by R. A. Hakvoort & L. J. De Vries
0000, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 273-296 How can regulators set nonarbitrary interim rates? The case of local loop unbundling in Ireland
by G. Sidak & H. J. Singer - 297-312 Why regulate deregulated network industries?
by J.-M. Glachant - 313-335 Competing DNS roots: creative destruction or just plain destruction
by M. L. Mueller - 335-365 Gats regulatory disciplines meet global public goods: The case of maritime and aviationservices
by R. Janda
0000, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 157-161 Overview of broadband issues: Editorial comment
by L. Firth - 161-182 Broadband and convergence
by C. Dowd & L. Firth & P.H. Longstaff - 183-223 Broadband: four nations' experience
by L. Firth & A. Gillwald & J. Houghton & M. Merini & P. Morris & L. Prosperetti - 223-230 Achieving universal broadband access: The Canadian approach
by D. J. Maclean - 231-238 Market implications of technologically neutral regulation
by M. Naftel - 239-272 International trade law and broadband regulation: Toward convergence
by D. Luff
0000, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-38 Evolution of terminal dues and remail provisions in European and international postal law
by J. I. Campbell Jr. - 39-76 EC secondary legislation of network markets and public service: An economic and functional approach
by U. Hammer - 77-99 Competition and restructuring in the UK water industry
by P. Vass - 99-128 Regulatory issues in establishment and management of communications infrastructure: the impact of network convergence
by D. Geradin & C. Humpe - 129-150 A closer look at some assumptions underlying EC regulation of electronic communications
by P. Larouche
0000, Volume 2, Issue 3-4
- 277-310 EC must-carry rules on the brink of a lost opportunity: Harmonisation and free movement of TV broadcasts within the communications review (proposed directive on universal service and users' rights)
by J. Capiau - 311-352 Congestion management in the European electricity system: An evaluation of the alternatives
by R. A. Hakvoort & H. P.A. Knops & L. J. De Vries - 353-385 To regulate or not to regulate electricity: Explaining the German Sonderweg in the EU context
by B. Eberlein - 385-427 Access to electricity networks: the application of the 'Essential facilities doctrine' by the Germand federal cartel office description and discussion of the decision and its legal background from A European perspective
by A. Heinen - 427-432 Lars Bergman, Gert Brunekreeft, Chris Doyle, Nils-Henrik M. von der Fehr, David M. Newbery, Michael Politt, and Pierre Régibeau (eds.), A European market for electricity? Monitoring European deregulation 2
by G. Carolo Scarsi
0000, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 137-162 Network industries and cohesion in the EU
by F. Mcgowan - 163-207 Comparing postal and telecommunications networks: Similarities and differences
by V. Visco Comandini & C. Lettieri - 207-231 Connecting customers and disconnecting competitors The facility-based firms' strategy towards virtual operators
by Ø. Foros & B. Hansen - 231-267 Cross-border disputes on on-line consumer contracts in the European Union. The Brussels convention, the Brussels regulation and the role of alternative dispute resolution systems
by A. Lopez-tarruella - 267-276 Sam Peltzman and Cliffor Winston (Eds), Deregulation of network industries: What's next?
by L. Denant-boëmont & B. Dumont
0000, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-7 Convergence of infrastructures: Business opportunities and regulatory challenges for the energy sector
by R. W. Künneke - 7-25 Economies of convergence: towards a redefinition of the energy business
by R. W. Künneke - 25-69 De-regulation and reconfiguration of infrastructure industry: theoretical reflections on empirical patterns from Nordic markets
by A. Middtun - 69-77 The changing identity of an energy distribution company
by F. Van Overbeeke - 77-92 Converging infrastructures: telecommunication synergies in the US rural electricity sector
by W. Melody & J. Moore - 93-112 General or specific competition rules for network utilities?
by T. Van Dijk - 113-127 Regulatory issues raised by network convergence: The case of multi-utilities
by D. Geradin - 127-130 Laurent Garzaniti, Telecommunications, broadcasting and the internet - EU competition law and regulation
by C. Humpe
0000, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 375-406 The principle of essential facilities in European community competition law - the position since Bronner
by J. Temple Lang - 407-446 Relevant market definition in network industries: Air transport and telecommunications
by P. Larouche - 447-469 New technologies and convergence of markets: implications for telecommunications regulation
by T. J. Tardiff - 469-478 Introducing telecommunications competition through a wireless licencse: lessons from Morocco
by C. M. Rossotto & B. Wellenius - 479-482 Book Reviews
by P. Nihoul
0000, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 259-268 A competitive European energy market: creating a culture of competition
by L. Hancher - 269-286 Competition law issues arising from the liberalisation process
by M. Albers - 287-304 The impact of liberalisation on long-term energy contracts
by P.-J. Slot - 305-338 New energy law in France: The implementation of electricity and gas EC directives
by N. Charbit - 339-352 Energy trading in the EU: Commoditisation of electricyt and the emergence of energy exchanges
by S. Schulte-beckhausen - 353-374 Consumers and energy liberalisation
by F. Mcgowan
0000, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 127-156 Cross-border transmission of electricity in the European energy market: Regulatory issues
by L. Hancher - 157-184 As the airline industry evolves to a network industry, How should competition policy adapt
by A. Ryan - 185-222 Convergence in the European communications sector - An analysis
by C. Humpe - 223-244 Foundations and structure of state responsibility for infrastructure
by G. Hermes - 245-249 Paul Nihoul, Droit Européen des télécommunications
by D. Geradin - 249-253 Stan J. Liebowitz and E. Margolis (eds.), Winners, losers and Microsoft competition and antitrus in high-technology
by B. Dumont
0000, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 5-33 Institutional aspects of EU regulatory reforms in the telecommunications sector: an analysis of the role of national regulatory authorities
by D. Geradin - 33-55 Local loop unbundling and regulatory risk
by C. Doyle - 55-88 The recent case law of the European court of justice on state monopolies and its implication for network industries
by F. Blum - 89-100 Light-handed regulation of electricity networks in New Zealand: The failure of the New Zealand model
by C. Cornwell & R. Patterson - 101-108 Carl Shapiro and Hal R. Varian, information rules: a strategic guide to the network economy
by B. Dumont - 107-111 F. Blum and A. Logue, State monopolies under EC Law
by C. Humpe - 110-121 Thomas Cottier and Petros C. Mavoidis, Eds; Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer, Associate Ed, State Trading in the Twenty-First century
by D. Luff