2010, Issue 29
- 239-243 Instruments of providing of competitiveness of domestic railway transport
by Yakimenko N. V. - 244-246 Research of experience of leading foreign countries in the management by a build complex
by Borovik Yu T. - 246-249 Tax levers to balance the budget resources
by Gorodetskaya T. E. - 250-253 Influence of quality of transport service on demand of users of transport services
by Zherdev M. D. & Miroshnichenco U. V. - 254-256 Financial safety of the economic systems in condition of the economy of the knowledges
by Zhuravleva I. V. - 257-259 National industrial policy of Ukraine
by Kalinichenko L. L. - 260-264 Estimation of annual damages as a result of contamination of stocky layer of atmosphere by motor transport on the example of city kam’yanets-podil''skiy
by Kushnir O. K. - 265-268 Estimation of attractiveness of mass bank service for clients
by Melnikova K. I. & Pashchenko O. V. - 269-272 Going near establishment of tariffs on carrying passengers and loads per of Ukraine rail
by Palamarchuk I. V. - 272-277 The approaches to definition of essence and size of the intellectual capital of a railway transport
by Pletnikova I. L. - 277-279 Need of the reforms VAT in Ukraine
by Pokolodna O. V. & Makarenko T. V. - 280-282 Analysis to activity of the banks on stock market of the Ukraine
by Prokhorova J. V. & Drobilko E. K. - 283-285 Теоретические Подходы К Исследованию Конъюнктуры Рынка Недвижимости
by Соколова Л. В. & Савченко Н. С. - 286-289 Анализ Методов Оценки Объектов Недвижимости
by Соколова Л. В. & Герасимчук Ю. В. - 289-294 Motivation action reluctances to terrorist manifestations in transport branch
by Cherednichenko O. Yu - 295-298 Expenseses on transport and accomodation production
by Yurchenko Yu M. - 299-304 System of the factors of the estimation of the organizing culture enterprise machine-building area (on example harikovskoy area)
by Avakyan N. V. - 305-308 Economic potential and potential of the economic development of the enterprise to particularities and defect
by Bazhanova O. V. - 308-312 Dataware to economic safety to business activity
by Bilokomirova Y. M. - 313-316 Use of the system Nortona – kaplana for the evaluation of economic efficiency of achievement of strategies of machine-building enterprises on the example of «Kharp»
by Butenko O. P. & Barabanov I. V. & Ivanova A. U. - 317-320 Основные Типы И Характеристика Негативного Воздействия На Экономическую Безопасность Предприятия
by Воловельськая И. В. - 320-325 Methodological results of controlling investigation as extra functional instrument in the system of railway enterprises administration
by Efimenko T. I. & Podoprigora I. V. - 326-331 Research of methods of the estimation of the human capital and substantiation of ways their application at the enterprises of the railway transportation
by Efimenko T. I. & Petuhova T. O. - 331-337 Instituciyni principles of construction system the corporate relations in Ukraine and directions of its perfection
by Zayceva I. Y. - 337-340 Determination of the modern form to integrations enterprise of the Ukrainian railway transport
by Kondratyuk N. V. - 340-344 Condition of the build enterprise and arrangement of its stabilization according to the peculiarities of the crisis
by Melnikova K. I. & Melnikova A. V. - 344-347 Modern approaches to definition of essence enterprise financial resources in a market economy
by Merenkova L. O. - 348-350 Enhancement of methodical background for automation with enterprise specification
by Pisarchuk O. V. & Uvarova V. S. - 351-355 Method of determination reserve of financial safety margin to durability current level enterprises financial safety
by Pogosova M. Y. - 355-358 Assessment the level of economic security of the enterprise: problem aspects
by Polozova T. V. & Zhuravel M. Y. - 359-363 Development to strategies of the development of the enterprise
by Popova N. V. & Belevcova N. M. - 364-370 Management steadfast development enterprises as base of the transformational processes
by Prohorova V. V. - 370-373 System of indicators for evaluation organizational and technical level of railway companies
by Sinikova E. M. - 373-379 Methodical bases of the estimation of strategic competitive positions at formation of competitiveness of the enterprise
by Ukrainskaja L. O. & Rjabik G. E. - 379-382 The integrated process of quality management for industrial products
by Chala O. V. - 382-387 Efficient management economic activity enterprise of the rail-freight traffic and his(its) influence upon competitiveness of the area
by Chebanova N. V. - 387-394 Organizing-legal particularity of the condition commercial (konfedecialinoy) of the secret on enterprise and institutions of the Ukrainian railways
by Cherednichenko O. Yu - 394-400 Condition and prospects of the development of the machine-building complex of the Ukraine
by Shifrina N. I. - 401-403 Account to risk factor during realization of investment projects on railway transport
by Dicolenco O. G. - 403-405 Determination of priority of investing rolling stock
by Zubenko V. O. - 405-409 Directions of activation of innovative-investment activity of railway to the transport of Ukraine
by Yakovenko V. G. - 410-417 Social responsibility as modern conception of business
by Vorona E. V. - 418-421 Management study social processes enterprise management strategy and its social development team
by Chupyr E. N. - 422-426 Supply chain management organization in corporative structures development mechanism
by Goncharenko N. G. & Naumenko M. O. - 427-429 Introducing the organizing structures of management with marketing orientation on enterprise of the branches to difficult industry of the Ukraine
by Hussarov O. O. & Antipceva O. Yu - 430-432 The approaches of determination and realization of marketing Audit for the enterprise
by Sychova E. E. & Guryanov A. B. & Kornienko A. I. - 433-443 Shaping to intellectual model spiritual-moral governing the leaders of the rail-freight traffic
by Kompaniec V. V. - 444-449 Information potential of the high educational institutions in composition information society
by Mashchenko N. E.
2009, Issue 28
- 13-20 Aspects of essences of competitiveness of national economy
by Dikan V. L. & Kirdina E. G. - 20-23 Determination of basic factors of increas of building efficiency
by Butenko O. P. - 24-28 Authentication of methods of pricing for a price on products from the second raw material
by Butenko O. P. - 28-32 Role of competition secret service in fight against unfriendly absorptions in Ukraine
by Dikan V. L. & Kurkin M. V. - 33-38 Transport component in formation of tax receipts in Ukraine
by Lazebnyk Y. O. - 38-47 Improvement of mechanism of estimation of solvency of borrower of bank with the use of method of fuzzy sets
by Neskorodeva I. I. & Chuvakova A. A. - 48-53 An influence of erroneous view on economic dynamics in the conditions of market transformation
by Oleynik M. V. - 54-59 Methodical bases of construction of integral and rating estimations of economic systems
by Prokhorova V. V. - 60-62 Формирование Стратегических Направлений Развития Общеевропейского Рынка Железнодорожного Транспорта
by Реброва А. Ю. - 63-65 Deepening of International economic integration how the factor of intensification of global public transformations
by Ryabik G. E. - 66-71 Development of tourist routes how direction of differentiation of activity is on a railway transport
by Sivolovskaya E. V. & Shalya O. G. - 71-74 Possibilities and prospects of development of industrial (industrial) tourism in the East region of Ukraine
by Cherednichenko A. Yu & Cherednichenko A. A. - 75-79 Sidebar of the organization transformation move regulation in a business integrated structure management mechanism development shaping
by Cherkachina M. V. & Naumenko M. O. - 79-81 Reyderstvo is in Ukraine: reasons and consequences
by Shinkarenko V. G. & Maksimov V. V. - 82-86 Estimation of transport material well-being of economic districts of Ukraine in the system of acceleration of delivery of loads and passengers
by Bogomolova N. I. - 87-90 Investigation of investment sources fleet renewal coaches «Ukrzaliznytsya»
by Volkanova N. D. - 90-92 Analysis directions of providing competitiveness of railway transport
by Kalicheva N. E. - 93-95 Perfection of management a railway transport is in modern terms
by Tokmakova I. V. - 96-100 Methodical approach to computation of integral index of ability of the country to transit
by Tolstova A. V. - 100-103 The main competitive advantages at the railway transport
by Ustenko M. A. - 104-109 Methdological aspects to competitiveness of the rail-freight traffic
by Yakimenko N. V. - 110-115 Influence of methods of management on efficiency of activity of enterprise
by Andreeva T. E. & Opikunova N. V. & Moseykina M. O. - 115-121 Forming of system of management by trade marks on enterprise
by Bihova O. M. - 121-124 Estimation of economic potential of enterprise how the constituent of process of restructuring is: methodical aspect
by Vaskovsky Ja V. - 124-131 Forms of long-term stimulation of top management of Corporation
by Voloshko N. O. - 131-136 Development and realization of the program of increase of competitiveness of repair of carriages enterprise
by Dikanya V. L. & Kokovikhinoi O. O. - 137-141 Improvement of quality standard of economic risk of the enterprise of a railway transportation with application of a card of risks
by Zhuravel K. V. - 142-145 Business modelling of strategic management by the enterprise intellectual capital
by Zhuravleva I. V. - 146-150 Conception of organization of defence of enterprise from unfriendly absorption
by Zayceva I. Y. - 150-155 Determination of indexes of profitability on the basis of size of quality arrived
by Zinchenko O. A. - 156-160 Developing the concept of enterprise competitiveness
by Kalinichenko L. L. - 161-168 The integrated methodical approach of determination of economic strength security of enterprises of transport mashinostroeniya of Ukraine on the basis of estimation of their financial constituent
by Kucherenko O. O. - 169-172 Ekonometrichne design of economic potential of build enterprises
by Mamonov K. A. & Bezborodov S. V. - 173-177 Methodical securing of valuation of potential of small machine-building enterprises
by Manakova O. V. - 178-183 Forming of financial mechanism of antikrizisnogo management by enterprise
by Martyusheva L. S. & Koreneva A. B. - 183-185 Budget’s planning in system of strategic planning of activity of enterprises of railway transport
by Melnik V. A. & Zhuravel A. V. - 185-189 Problems of development of business on small enterprises in Ukraine
by Myagkih I. M. - 189-193 Methodical approaches to the estimation of the human capital of the enterprises of the railway transportation
by Petuhova T. O. - 194-197 Forming and processing of the dataflow by controlling instruments for management at railway enterprises
by Pidoprigora I. V. - 198-202 Methodical bases of forming of control system by development of personnel of enterprise
by Ukrainskaya L. & Kurennoy A. - 203-208 Estimation of level of financial development of enterprise
by Khvostenko V. S. - 208-216 Improvement of methods of management by the firm functioning on enterprises ore mining and processing
by Shishova I. V. - 217-220 Forming of the system of management by the investment resources of aviation-repair enterprises
by Vovk O. M. - 220-224 Determination of indexes of specific net present value for estimation of efficiency of investment projects
by Minka V. F. - 225-228 The dynamics of incomes and population expenses – in a context of stabilization of level of wages
by Goncharenko N. G. - 228-232 Features of determination of social management in the State
by Zova V. A. - 232-235 Planning for the cost of social development team operations under quantification social priorities
by Chupyr E. N. - 235-239 Bases of non-material motivation on railway transport
by Vorona E. V. - 240-243 Role and place of regional market informative infrastructure in the anti-crisis actions of power
by Zinchenko O. A. - 243-248 Direction of charges on development of personnel of industrial enterprise is that their classification
by Kolosok V. M. & Alistaeva A. V. - 249-252 Theoretical approaches as to marketing strategical models systematization
by Sokolova L. V. & Veriasova G. M. & Onishchenko Y. A. - 252-255 Теоретическое Обоснование Сущности Качества Труда
by Уткина Ю. Н. - 255-258 Determination of enterpris’s processes for introduction of process-oriented quality Menegement system
by Chala O. V. & Butsukina I. B. - 259-261 Обоснование Критериев Оценки Качества Рабочей Силы В Условиях Экономики Знаний
by Шраменко Е. В. & Плугина Ю. А. - 262-272 Типизация Социально-Экономических Систем По Этическому Критерию. Концепция Духовно-Нравственной Социально-Экономической Системы
by Компаниец В. В.
2009, Issue 27
2009, Issue 26
- 13-18 The mechanism of creation of railway transport and industrial group in a modern conditions of development of the Ukrainian railway transport
by Dikan V. L. & Kondratyuk N. V. - 19-22 Логистические Мультимодальные Транспортные Технологии В Системе Транспортных Коридоров
by Винников В. В. - 22-25 Reformirovanie railway branch: determination of the organizing structure of management and her(its) influence upon competitiveness
by Elagin Y. V. - 25-28 Estimation real degree to monopolizing the rail-freight traffic in sphere of passenger transportation
by Zorina E. I. - 29-31 Factors to commercializations of the railway complex
by Markova I. V. - 32-34 Globalizaciya transport logistic systems in world economy
by Polyakova E. N. - 34-39 Determination quality of service rail transportations
by Utkina Y. N. - 40-43 Перспективы Кластерных Структур В Морской Отрасли Украины
by Чекаловец В. И. & Гребенник Н. Г. - 44-51 Way restructuring rail-freight traffic in modern condition on example of the countries of the Europe
by Cherednichenko O. Y. - 51-55 Methodical bases for estimation of shipping and stevedoring companies integration in the conditions of world trade globalization
by Shcherbyna V. V. - 56-59 Development of the transport potential of the rail-freight traffic in system integration processes
by Yakimenko N. V. - 60-63 Bases logistic to integrations when shaping logistic systems
by Dikan V. L. & Panchishin Ya M. - 64-66 Основные Виды Рисков, Их Воздействие На Экономическую Безопасность Предприятия. Методы Оценки Рисков
by Воловельская И. В. - 66-72 Financial potential of administrative-territorial unit: essence, problems of development and evaluation
by Grinaschuk I. I. - 72-76 Совершенствование Организационно-Экономического Механизма Экспортной Деятельности Предприятий Харьковского Региона
by Демин С. С. - 76-85 Estimation and analysis of level of defence of enterprises of motor transport from unfriendly absorptions on basis of ekonomiko-mathematical methods
by Dikan V. L. & Zayceva I. Y. - 86-87 Estimation of the quality of management in the enterprise
by Yermolenko A. A. - 88-93 Systematization of basic categories of forming of competitiveness of enterprise
by Kokovikhina A. A. - 93-96 Влияние Деятельности Монополий На Нтп
by Косич М. В. - 97-101 Тheoretical aspects of enterprise material and Technical base development management mechanism shaping
by Litvinenko A. O. - 102-106 Efficiency of managerial process by a fixed capital in Sea trading ports
by Matvienko M. - 106-110 Critical analysis of budgetary system methods and enterprise`s financial planning
by Merenkova L. O. - 110-114 Enterprise strategic development resource and logistical justification
by Naumenko M. & Veremeychik I. - 114-117 Оценка Целесообразности Работы Экспедитора На Рынке Транспортных Услуг
by Наумов В. С. - 118-122 Forming of the logistic service system on the enterprises of railway transport
by Naumova O. E. - 122-125 Strategy of the development enterprise by coach facilities of the rail-freight traffic of the Ukraine in condition of reorganization branches
by Neskuba T. V. - 125-133 Export potential machine-building enterprise region: essence, structure and problems to deversifications
by Poddubnaya L. I. & Semikop Yu O. - 133-137 Model of adaptive management development industrial enterprise as structured element organizing-economic ensuring the process of economic safety management
by Прохорова В. В. & Kucherenko O. O. - 137-139 Property of the corporative structures as object of management
by Tkachuk I. - 140-143 Current capital enterprise railway complex: his(its) feature and approaches to categorizations
by Chebanova N. V. - 144-146 Restrukturizaciya as instrument of the improvement to activity enterprise
by Shramenko E. V. & Matuschenko A. I. - 147-150 Public-private Partnership as instrument of bringing investments in Sea ports development
by Afanasyeva O. K. - 151-153 Using inovations approach and technology for provision of competitiveness of railway passenger transportation beside condition of reform branches
by Elagin Y. V. - 153-157 Organizational-economic substantiation of strategy selection of enterprise innovative development
by Efremov A. S. - 157-161 Innovation processes enterprises in composition strategic Alliance
by Kalinichenko L. L. - 161-165 Features of working out of strategy of innovative development of Sea trading ports
by Roshchina N. - 166-168 Организационно-Методические Основы Адаптации Приоритетной Стратегии Развития Порта К Условиям Реализации
by Белоус Е. В. - 169-173 Обоснование Лимитной Цены Модернизации Пассажирского Вагона После Истечения Нормативного Срока Службы
by Бугаева Е. В. - 174-177 The definition of transportation operators payment for the strings of the train traffic diagram
by Vasiliev O. L. & Volokhov V. A. - 180-184 Methodical approach to definition of working out stages of Ukrainian passenger railway traffic speed and highspeed improvement
by Ieriomina M. - 184-189 Методика Экономической Оценки Потерь От Действующих Предупреждений
by Зеньчук Н. Ф. & Залужная А. В. - 189-194 Theoretical aspects of introduction programmatic-having method in budgetary carbro of Ukraine
by Kondusova L. F. & Neskorodeva I. I. - 194-198 The conditions for the forming legal bases of Ukrainian trade in 1990
by Lantukh V. V. & Gritsay N. N. - 198-202 Economic potential: theoretical aspects and transformation’s line
by Mamonov K. A. & Ugodnikova E. I. - 203-207 Organization of controlling system on Ukrainian railways
by Podoprigora I. V. - 207-209 Оценка Уровня Продовольственной Безопасности Украины И Перспективы Ее Повышения В Условиях Финансового Кризиса
by Сухорукова Т. Г. - 210-212 Transaction costs in the informational economy
by Ukis Y. O. & Gubanova N. N. - 213-217 Monitoring the processes in managerial system by quality
by Chaliy S. F. & Chalaya O. V. & Makovoz E. V. - 217-223 Real estimation worker time for railway enterprise
by Chupyr V. E. - 224-226 Need and essence of uptime management
by Gneniy N. V. - 226-228 The methodical approaches to shaping the system of the factors to social responsiblity
by Efimenko T. I. - 229-231 Social transfer system in The transition countries
by Rogovoy M. I. - 231-233 Strategic personnel management of The enterprises
by Sunigovets O. N. - 234-238 Human capital: notion and organizing-economic mechanism of the shaping on rail-freight traffics
by Koroleva N. N. - 238-241 Subject, object and tasks of the marketing audit
by Fayzulayeva K. - 242-253 Исследование Особенностей Экономического Сознания И Культурных Стереотипов Менеджеров Железнодорожного Транспорта
by Компаниец В. В. & Павлович Ю. Л. - 254-257 Theoretical approaches to formation and management of the Human Capital of the railway transportation
by Petuhova T. O. - 258-260 Роль Образования В Экономическом Развитии
by Фролов А. И. & Косич М. В.
2009, Issue 25
- 11-20 Regulating economic activity of railway enterprises
by Dikan V. L. & Chebanova N. V. - 20-23 Kontroling in the modern system of management by an enterprise
by Dikan V. L. & Plugina Yu A. - 23-27 To the problems of organization of the integrated logistic service taking into account the specific of enterprise of border-line region
by Dikan E. V. - 28-30 Ways of increasing to competitiveness enterprise in condition of the economic crisis
by Eremenko-grigorenko O. A. - 30-33 Model of corporate defence of enterprises of motor transport from unfriendly absorptions
by Zaitseva I. Y. - 34-38 Methods of the comparative estimation to efficiency to activity enterprise in composition PFG and by itself functioning enterprise
by Kalinichenko L. L. - 39-42 Normative-legal providing of activity of enterprises of railway transport in the conditions of structural transformations
by Neskuba T. V. - 42-46 Methdological base of management competitiveness enterprise
by Panchishin Y. M. - 46-54 Metodologo-methodical bases of the estimation efficiency management International competitiveness enterprises
by Poddubnaya L. I. - 54-59 Ground of mechanism of co-operation of enterprises of railway transport with the enterprises of external environment
by Yurchenko Yu M. - 60-62 Improvement of the normative legal base, as factor of the increase the volumes transit of transportation
by Volkanova N. D. & Rebrova A. Yu - 62-65 Theoretical and methodological constituents of development of railway transport of Ukraine
by Deyneca O. G. & Pozdnyacova L. O. - 65-68 Problems intercoupling to railway branch and economy region
by Ivankova I. V. - 68-71 Ways of support of the transport system of Ukraine in the conditions of crisis
by Kalicheva N. E. - 71-75 The shapingof the State models of corporative management of railway transport of Ukraine
by Kondratyuk N. V. - 75-77 Main aspects of the interaction industrial and main rail-freight traffic of the Ukraine
by Polyakova E. N. - 78-81 Bases to reorganization of the passenger complex of the rail-freight traffic
by Samsonkin V. M. & Gudkov O. M. - 82-84 Modern approaches to the decision of problem of update of mobile composition of railway transport
by Tokmakova I. V. - 86-89 Development of the research potential to transport branch, as factor of increasing development research potential to transport branch, as factor of increasing to competitiveness Ukrainian ITC
by Tolstova A. V. - 89-93 Analysis factor, negative influencing upon operating the rail-freight traffic in modern condition and way their
by Cherednichenko A. Yu - 93-96 Transport system of the Ukraine and globalizacionnye processes
by Yakimenko N. V. - 97-99 Logistics as factor to competitiveness enterprise rail-freight traffic
by Yakimenko N. V. & Ustenko M. A. - 100-102 Technique of an estimation of a level of innovative potential as the component of the mechanism of innovative development of railway transport enterprise
by Voloveliskaya I. V. - 103-105 Directions improvement of the mechanism distribution investment on railways road
by Loza S. P. - 106-110 Software-target approach to organizations innovation systems
by Mishenko S. P. - 111-113 Инфляционные Ожидания В Украине На Современном Этапе
by Гречишкина А. А. - 113-116 Пути Реформирования Железнодорожного Транспорта Ведущих Стран Мира В Условиях Экономического Роста
by Дикань В. Л. & Мищенко Е. А. - 117-121 The mathematical model of management of risk for the stock of orders at the organization of transportations on the railway
by Zhuravel K. V. - 121-123 Преимущества И Недостатки Заемного Капитала
by Ломинога И. В. - 124-125 Необходимость Тимбилдинга На Всех Стадиях Коллективного Развития
by Маковоз Е. В. & Сторожилова У. Л. - 126-128 Анализ Опыта Работы Проектных Организаций
by Машошина Т. В. - 128-131 International standardization as a factor of increase of competitiveness of National production
by Naydenova M. V. - 131-137 Use to theoretical model of the estimation of the expenseses when undertaking function-cost of the analysis of the product in furniture production
by Slyusarenko A. V. - 137-140 Development of railway of Ukraine and formation a new subsection from the management by railway
by Suponieva V. P. - 140-143 Mechanism of the shaping competitive advantage miscellaneous type transport
by Utkina Yu N. - 143-146 Place of estimation of accordance in the system of quality management of transport services on a railway transport
by Shalya O. G. & Borovskiy B. R.