October 2005, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 331-354 Unconditional welfare benefits and the principle of reciprocity
by Shlomi Segall - 355-373 Capabilities, resources, and systematic injustice: a case of gender inequality
by Jude Browne & Marc Stears - 374-382 Review essay: The Economy of Esteem
by Tyler Cowen - 383-383 contributors
by N/A - 384-384 Index to Volume 4
by N/A
June 2005, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 155-155 Introduction: the legacy of John Rawls
by N/A - 157-174 Rawls’s political ontology
by Philip Pettit - 175-194 From order to justice
by Russell Hardin - 195-219 ‘Perhaps the most important primary good’: self-respect and Rawls’s principles of justice
by Nir Eyal - 221-231 The limits of John Rawls’s pluralism
by Chantal Mouffe - 233-248 ‘Forty acres and a mule’ for women: Rawls and feminism
by Susan Moller Okin - 249-265 Hurley on egalitarianism and the luck-neutralizing aim
by Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen - 267-268 contributors
by N/A - 269-269 Erratum
by N/A
February 2005, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 5-28 Choice, circumstance, and the value of equality
by Samuel Scheffler - 29-67 Freedom with forgiveness
by Marc Fleurbaey - 69-90 Equality and human rights
by Allen Buchanan - 91-130 The future reach of the disembodied will
by Eric Rakowski - 131-151 Liberty and Leviathan
by Philip Pettit - 152-152 contributors
by N/A
October 2004, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 267-281 Eclectic distributional ethics
by John E. Roemer - 283-312 On Dworkin’s brute-luck–option-luck distinction and the consistency of brute-luck egalitarianism
by Martin E. Sandbu - 313-335 Dworkin’s auction
by Joseph Heath - 337-364 Does left-libertarianism have coherent foundations?
by Mathias Risse - 365-379 Children and democracy: theory and policy
by Francis Schrag - 381-381 Contributors
by N/A - 383-383 Index to Volume 3
by N/A
May 2004, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 131-142 The Persuasiveness of Democratic Majorities
by Robert E. Goodin & David Estlund - 143-159 Duties to Assist Others and Political Obligations
by George Klosko - 161-189 The Pareto Efficiency and Expected Costs of k-Majority Rules
by Keith L. Dougherty & Julian Edward - 191-220 The Completeness of Public Reason
by Micah Schwartzman - 221-239 A Dilemma for Objective Act-Utilitarianism
by Gerald Lang - 241-259 The Morality of the Market and the Medieval Schoolmen
by Adrian Walsh - 261-262 Contributors
by N/A
February 2004, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 5-35 Reciprocity and the Social Contract
by Ken Binmore - 37-57 Towards the Unity of the Human Behavioral Sciences
by Herbert Gintis - 59-76 Models of Man: Neoclassical, Behavioural, and Evolutionary
by Dennis C. Mueller - 77-95 On the Priority of Intellectual Property Rights, Especially in Biotechnology
by Alex Rosenberg - 97-124 Democracy and City Life
by Loren A. King - 125-126 Contributors
by N/A
October 2003, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 283-304 What We Owe to Distant Others
by Leif Wenar - 305-322 Resources, Power and Systematic Luck: A Response to Barry
by Keith Dowding - 323-341 Capitalists Rule. OK? A Commentary on Keith Dowding
by Brian Barry - 342-381 The Axiomatic Approach to Population Ethics
by Charles Blackorby & Walter Bossert & David Donaldson
June 2003, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 139-163 Equality, Coercion, Culture and Social Norms
by Richard J. Arneson - 165-190 Responsibility for Past Injustice: How to Shift the Burden
by Chandran Kukathas - 191-211 Reward and Responsibility: How Should We be Affected when Others Change their Effort?
by Alexander W. Cappelen & Bertil Tungodden - 213-238 Mill's `Socialism'
by Dale E. Miller - 239-263 The Impossibility of Rational Politics?
by Peter Stone - 265-277 The Public Goods Rationale for Government and the Circularity Problem
by Tyler Cowen & Gregory Kavka
February 2003, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 5-36 Constitutional Quandaries and Critical Elections
by Norman Schofield - 37-62 Political Obligation and Military Service in Three Countries
by George Klosko & Michael Keren & Stacy Nyikos - 63-92 On the Counterfactual Dimension of Negative Liberty
by Matthew H. Kramer - 93-114 Flexible Citizenship for a Global Society
by Bruno S. Frey - 115-128 Reflections on the Minimal State
by John Hasnas - 129-134 Double-counting Inequalities
by Hillel Steiner - 135-136 Contributors
by N/A
October 2002, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 283-306 Women and the Law of Peoples
by Martha Nussbaum - 307-323 Rawls and the Outlaws
by Henry Shue - 325-335 Toleration and Reciprocity: Commentary on Martha Nussbaum and Henry Shue
by Michael Blake - 337-354 Rational Aggregation
by Bruce Chapman - 355-370 Was Mill a Liberal?
by Chin-Liew Ten - 371-371 Contributors
by N/A
June 2002, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 155-184 Capitalists Rule Ok? Some Puzzles About Power
by Brian Barry - 185-212 Equality and Diversity
by Chandran Kukathas - 213-236 Liberalism and the Politics of Cultural Authenticity
by James Johnson - 237-276 Self-ownership, Marxism, and Egalitarianism
by Eric Mack - 277-277 Contributors
by N/A
February 2002, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 5-28 Two Ways to Think About Justice
by David Miller - 29-58 Moral Universalism and Global Economic Justice
by Thomas W. Pogge - 59-74 Linguistic Justice
by Philippe Van Parijs - 75-108 Self-ownership, Marxism, and Egalitarianism
by Eric Mack - 109-146 The Paradox of Persisting Opposition
by Robert E. Goodin - 147-148 Contributors
by N/A