January 2007, Volume 23, Issue 1-2
- 243-258 Women's Participation in Argentina's Picketing Movement
by Ada Freytes Frey & Karina Crivelli - 259-283 Globalization and Child Labor
by Erica G. Polakoff - 285-297 Conclusion
by Ligaya Lindio–McGovern
December 2006, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 347-358 Debt and Deforestation
by Richard J. Culas - 359-378 Child Rights: An Enabling or Disabling Right? The Nexus between Child Labor and Poverty in Bangladesh
by Kanchana N. Ruwanpura & Leanne Roncolato - 379-400 Sustainable Community for Sustainable Development
by Ella Schmidt - 401-420 The Price of Alignment
by William H. Thornton & Songok Han Thornton - 421-449 Designing Anti-Corruption Strategies for Developing Countries
by Yemane Desta - 451-473 Development, Democracy and the NGO Sector
by Sabeel Rahman - 475-476 Index to Volume 22
by N/A
September 2006, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 227-234 Editor's Preface
by Roy Smith - 235-285 A Critical Political Economy of the Small Island Developing States Concept
by Liam Campling - 287-301 Collapse of Easter Island
by Palanisamy Nagarajan - 303-326 Defending Island Ecologies
by Henry C. L. Chen & Pete Hay - 327-343 Culture, Catholics and Condoms
by Christine McMurray
June 2006, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 83-84 Editor’s Note to the Readers
by Richard L. Harris - 85-109 Communalism and the Green Revolution in Punjab
by Marco Corsi - 111-143 Searching for a Weapon of Mass Production in Nepal
by Ravi Bhandari - 145-168 Urban Poverty and the Rural Development Bias
by Anthony Marcus & Sulikah Asmorowati - 169-196 Financial Market Governance in Developing Countries
by Xiaoke Zhang - 197-219 China and Globalization
by Bin Liang & Pat Lauderdale
March 2006, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 5-9 Editorial Preface: New Perspectives on Development in Africa
by Richard L. Harris - 11-27 Adult Education, Deliberative Democracy and Social Re-engagement in Africa
by Tonic Maruatona - 29-37 Exploitation of Energy Resources in Africa and the Consequences for Minority Rights
by Julia Maxted - 39-56 Impact of Trade Liberalization on the Environment in Developing Countries
by Mete Feridun & Folorunso Sunday Ayadi & Jean Balouga - 57-73 Saarc-Comesa
by Sonu Trivedi
December 2005, Volume 21, Issue 3-4
- 203-204 Editorial Preface
by Richard L. Harris - 205-207 Introduction
by Jorge Nef & Harry E. Vanden - 209-232 Towards a Political Economy of Hemispheric Relations
by Jorge Nef - 233-251 Latin American Globalization in Historical Perspective
by Ward Stavig - 253-269 The Latinamericanization of American Foreign Policy
by Paul J. Dosal - 271-279 The Attempt to Globalize Hegemony
by Martin Needler - 281-299 The Empire Strikes Out?
by Jan Knippers Black - 301-320 The American Empire in the New Century
by Luis Fernando Ayerbe - 321-335 Between Soft Power and a Hard Place
by Jaime Preciado Coronado - 337-355 The Effects of Unequal Size
by Gaspare M. Genna & Taeko Hiroi - 357-368 Globalization,Maquilas, NAFTA, and the State
by Saul Landau - 369-387 Contesting Free Trade
by Gary Prevost - 389-402 Is There Any Room for Latin America in US Foreign Policy?
by Carlos M. Vilas - 403-428 Resistance and Alternatives to Washington’s Agenda for the Americas
by Richard L. Harris - 429-431 Appendix: Some Statistical Parameters
by N/A - 432-432 Index to Volume 21
by N/A
June 2005, Volume 21, Issue 1-2
- 3-6 Preface to the Special Issue
by Anil B. Deolalikar - 7-32 Poverty Trends in Bangladesh during the 1990s
by Rinku Murgai & Salman Zaidi - 33-54 Child Labor in Bangladesh
by Claire Salmon - 55-90 Poverty and Child Malnutrition in Bangladesh
by Anil B. Deolalikar - 91-120 Education and Health Expenditures in Bangladesh
by Elena Glinskaya - 121-142 Effectiveness of Food Assistance Programs in Bangladesh
by Rinku Murgai & Salman Zaidi - 143-173 Direct and Indirect Effects of a Maternal and Child Health Program in Rural Bangladesh
by Anoshua Chaudhuri - 175-194 An Analysis of Gender–Water Nexus in Rural Bangladesh
by I. M. Faisal & M. R. Kabir
September 2004, Volume 20, Issue 3-4
- 147-147 Preface
by Alex E. Fernández Jilberto & Barbara Hogenboom - 149-171 Conglomerates and Economic Groups in Neoliberal Latin America
by Alex E. Fernández Jilberto & Barbara Hogenboom - 173-188 Rise and Collapse of Neoliberalism in Argentina
by Miguel Teubal - 189-206 Neoliberal Restructuring
by Alex E. Fernández Jilberto - 207-225 Economic Concentration and Conglomerates in Mexico
by Barbara Hogenboom - 227-246 The Role of Local Economic Groups in Telecommunication Privatization in Central America
by Benedicte Bull - 247-258 A Criollo Financial Conglomerate in the Caribbean
by Antonio Carmona Báez - 259-259 Annual Index 2004
by N/A
June 2004, Volume 20, Issue 1-2
- 3-19 An Economic Analysis of Agricultural Production in Senegal: A Case Study of the Thiès and Diourbel Regions
by Aly Cisse & Boris E. Bravo-Ureta & Paul Fuentes & Abdourahmane Thiam - 21-38 Sexual Satisfaction of Married Urban Chinese
by Jianjun Ji & Andrea M. Norling - 39-55 Globalization from Below: AIDWA, Foreign Funding, and Gendering Anti-Violence Campaigns
by Elisabeth Armstrong - 57-78 Policy Issues and Empirical Assessment of Economic Performance: The Cases of African Countries, 1970-1999
by Francois K. Doamekpor - 79-88 Unblocking the Blockages: Challanges for Nigerian Education
by Mobolaji Ogunsanya & Harold Thomas - 89-106 Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Africa
by Steve Onyeiwu & Hemanta Shrestha - 107-124 Civil Society and Japan’s Dysfunctional Democracy
by Keiko Hirata - 125-144 Religion and Development Revisited: Comparing Islam and Christianity With Reference to the Case of Iran
by Kazem Alamdari
December 2003, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 433-457 “Turning Waste into Things of Value†: Marketing Fern, Kudzu, and Osmunda in Enshi Prefecture, China
by Xu Wu - 458-472 New Immigrants in Minnesota: The Somali Immigration and Assimilation
by Kebba Darboe - 473-508 Corporate Amazons or Empowerment Spice Girls?: Elite Black Businesswomen and Transformation in South Africa
by Okechukwu C. Iheduru
June 2003, Volume 19, Issue 2-3
- 90-113 Globalization and Development in Latin America: Economic Integration, Health, Labor and Popular Mobilization
by Richard L. Harris - 114-136 The Free Trade Area of the Americas in the Context of U.S.-Latin American Relations
by Gary Prevost & Robert Weber - 137-171 The FTAA: Health Hazard for the Americas?
by Ellen R. Shaffer & Joseph E. Brenner & Alicia Ely Yamin - 172-226 Socioeconomic and Political Factors of Health Security and Insecurity in Latin America and the Caribbean
by Jorge Nef - 227-267 Social Aspects of Labor Organizing: Maquiladora Workers in a Grassroots Development Effort
by Robert Huesca - 268-307 Harnessing Globalization: Rio Grande Do Sul’s Successful Effort to Attract Dell Computer Corporation
by Roy C. Nelson - 308-333 Globalization in a Time of Neoliberalism: Politicized Social Movements and the Latin American Response
by Harry E. Vanden - 334-364 The Concept of Sem Terra and the Peasantry in Brazil
by Luca Fanelli & Sarah Sarzynski - 365-426 Popular Resistance to Globalization and Neoliberalism in Latin America
by Richard L. Harris - 427-432 About the Authors
by N/A
March 2003, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-25 An Assessment of the Demographic Transition in China
by Jianjun Ji - 26-46 Aids, Orphans, and Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Review of the Dilemma of Public Health and Development
by Joe L.P Lugalla - 47-89 Sanctuary: A Women’s Refuge in India
by Jacqueline A. Gibbons-Trikha
December 2002, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 290-314 Outreach, Impact, and Sustainability of Informal Banking: A Case Study of the Ouelessebougou-Utah Alliance Microenterprise Program in Mali
by Yodit Solomon & Bonnie Ballif-Spanvill & Carol Ward & Addie Fuhriman - 315-329 Population Growth and Economic Growth in Africa
by Victor Ukpolo - 330-353 The East Asian Model of Economic Development and Developing Countries
by Jong H. Park - 354-364 Nations without Nationalism: Ethno-Political Theory and the Demise of the Nation-State
by Lamont Dehaven King - 365-366 Book Reviews: Bread, or Bullets! Urban Labor and Spanish Colonialism in Cuba, 1850-1898
by Avi Chomsky - 367-368 Book Reviews: Human Rights and Choice in Poverty: Food Insecurity, Dependency, and Human Rights-Based Development Aid for the Third World Rural Poor
by Gerald W. Fry - 369-370 Book Reviews: India and Pakistan: The First Fifty Years
by Kenneth A.R. Kennedy - 370-372 Book Reviews: Women and Social Movements in Latin America: Power From Below
by Amy Lind - 372-373 Book Reviews: Dominance Without Hegemony
by Yasmin Saikia
June 2002, Volume 18, Issue 2-3
- 1-10 Introduction: Structural Changes and Gender Relations in Latin America and the Caribbean
by Cecilia MenjÃvar - 11-31 Questioning Globalization: Gender and Export Processing in the Dominican Republic
by Helen I. Safa - 32-58 Gender, Work, and Family in Cuba: The Challenges of the Special Period
by Maura I. Toro-Morn & Anne R. Roschelle & Elisa Facio - 59-80 Psychic and Somatic Vulnerability among Professional Women in Argentina as a Result of the Precarization of Labor Linked During the Socioeconomic Crisis
by Susana Masseroni & Susana Sauane - 81-108 Women and Survival Strategies in Poor Urban Contexts: A Case Study from Guadalajara, Mexico
by RocÃo EnrÃquez Rosas - 109-148 Families on the Verge of Breakdown? Views on Contemporary Trends in Family Life in Guanacaste, Costa Rica
by Sylvia Chant - 149-168 Households and Income: Ageing and Gender Inequalities in Urban Brazil and Colombia
by Maria Cristina & Gomes Da Conceição - 169-195 Work, Gender, and Space: Women’s Home-Based Work in Tijuana, Mexico
by Silvia López Estrada - 196-227 Organizing a Space of their Own? Global/Local Processes in a Nicaraguan Women’s Organization
by Jennifer Bickham Mendez - 228-258 Making Feminist Sense of Neoliberalism: The Institutionalization of Women’s Struggles for Survival in Ecuador and Bolivia
by Amy Lind - 259-285 Competition and Cooperation Among Working Women in the Context of Structural Adjustment: The Case of Street Vendors in la Paz-El Alto, Bolivia
by Victor Agadjanian - 286-289 About the Authors
by N/A
March 2002, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-22 Law and the Culture of Capital: A Critical Perspective on Labour’s Right to Associate in Developing Societies
by L. A. Visano & Nicholas Adete Bastine - 23-45 The Relationship of State and Society: Productive or Unproductive
by Richard Grabowski - 46-63 Societal Development and the Change of Leadership Style in Oriental Chinese Societies
by Ji Li & Ping Ping Fu & Irene Chow & T. K. Peng - 64-81 The Two Giants of Asia: Trade and Development in China and India
by Jong H. Park - 82-83 Book Reviews: Globalisation: Threat or Opportunity
by A. H. Somjee - 83-84 Book Reviews: Postcolonial Developments: Agriculture in the Making of Modern India
by Dibyesh Anand - 85-86 Book Reviews: From Submission to Rebellion: The Provinces Versus the Center in Russia
by Douglas A. Borer - 87-88 Book Reviews: Separate and Unequal
by Paul J. Magnarella - 88-90 Book Reviews: Booty Capitalism: The Politics of Banking in the Philippines
by David Lempert