April 1963, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 168-170 India: Politics of Scarcity: Public Pressure and Political Response in India. By Myron Weiner. Asia Publishing House, Bombay. 1963. 271p. Rs. 18.00
by A.R. Desai - 170-172 India: Official History of the Indian Armed Forces in the Second World War 1939–45
by S. Krishnamurthy - 172-173 Asia: The Red Army of China. By Edgar O'Ballance. Faber and Faber Ltd., London. 1962. 232p. 30s
by K. Bahadur Singh - 173-175 Asia: The Story of Ceylon. By E.F.C. Ludowyk. Faber & Faber, London. 1962. 328p. 25s
by Urmila Phadnis - 175-177 Asia: Martial Law in India, PAKISTAN AND CEYLON. By Joseph Minattur. Martinus Nujhoff, The Hague. 1962. 99p. 7'50 Guilders
by M.P. Jain - 177-177 Asia: Foreign Aid and the Defense of Southeast Asia. By Amos A. Jordan, (Jr). Frederick A. Praeger, New York. 1962. 272p
by K. Bahadur Singh - 177-180 Asia: Aung San of Burma. Ed. By Maung Maung. Published for Yale University South-East Asia Studies by Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague. 1962. 162p. 10.80 Guilders
by W. S. Desai - 180-181 Europe: History of the Second World War: British Foreign Policy in the Second World War. By Sir Llewellyn Woodward. His Majesty's Stationery Office, London. 1962. 592p. 37s. 6d
by P.C. Chakravarti - 182-183 USSR: Conversations with Stalin. By Milovan Djilas. Rupert Hart-Davis, London. 1962. 192p. 16s
by Chanchal Sarkar - 183-184 USSR: Soviet Policy Toward International Control of Atomic Energy. By Joseph L. Nogee. University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, Indiana. 1961. 306p. $6.50
by K.P. Misra - 185-185 USA: Frank B. Kellog and American Foreign Relations 1925–1929. By L. Ethan Ellis. Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick. 1961. 303p. $7.50
by B.R.C. Babu - 186-187 Africa: African Political Parties. By Thomas Hodgkin. Penguin Books Ltd., Harmondsworth, Middlesex. 1961. 217 p
by E.D. Jakeyo - 188-199 Indian Books of the Quarter
by A. Chaya Devi
January 1963, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 3-20 Foreign Policy of Dulles
by G. L. Mehta - 21-65 Economic Consequences of Disarmament
by B. N. Ganguli - 66-66 India: Report of the Officials of the Government of India and the People's Republic of China on the Boundary Question. By Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, New Delhi. 1961. 342 CR 213p. Rs. 3.00
by N/A - 66-68 India: India-China Relations. By Dr. P. C. Chakravarti. Firma K. L. Mckhopadhyaya, Calcutta. 1961. 195p. Rs. 12.00
by Bisheswar Prasad - 68-68 India: Ancient Political Experiences. By Krishna Prasanna Mukerji. M. D. Gunasena & Co. Ltd., Colombo. s1961. 331p. Rs. 10.00
by N/A - 68-69 India: Ideologies of War and Peace in Ancient India. By Indra. Vedic Research Institute, Hoshiarpur. 1957. 191p. Rs. 20.00
by Dasharatha Sharma - 70-70 India: British Statesmen in India. By V. B. Kulkarni. Orient Longmans, New Delhi. 1961. 550p. Rs. 20.00
by N. K. Sinha - 71-71 India: India's Foreign Policy: The British Interpretations, 1947–57. By Shri Ram Sharma. Gyan Mandir, Gwalior. 1961. 336p. Rs. 10.00
by Dev Sharma - 71-72 Report of the Committee on Democratic Decentralisation. By Co-operation and Rural Development Department, Government of Maharastra, Bombay. 1961. 298p
by V. Jagannadham - 72-74 Law of Citizenship and Aliens in India. By A. N. Sinha. (Issued under the auspices of the Indian Council of World Affairs, New Delhi) Asia Publishing House, Bombay. 1962. 387p. Rs. 24.00
by R. N. Mathur - 74-76 Asia: The Asian Century: A History of Modern Nationalism in Asia. By Jan Romein. George Allen & Unwin Ltd., London. 1962. 448p. 50s
by S. C. Sarkar - 76-76 Asia: Asia in the European Age 1498–1955. By Michael Edwardes. Asia Publishing House, Bombay. 1961. 351p. Rs. 22
by B. R. Nanda - 76-77 Asia: Middle East Record 1960. Ed. Yitzhak Oron. Published for The Israel Oriental Society. The Reuven Shiloah Research Centre. Tel Aviv, by Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1962. 582 p., s. 70/- or $ 12.50
by N/A - 77-78 Asia: The Land of the Great Sophy. By Roger Stevens. Methuen & Co. Ltd., London. 1962. 291p. 42s
by Munibur Rahman - 78-79 Asia: Agrarian Unrest in Southeast Asia. (II Edition). By Erich H. Jacoby. Asia Publishing House, Bombay, 1961. 279p. Rs. 17.00
by R. K. Vasil - 79-82 Asia: Politics, Personality, and Nation Building: Burma's Search for Indentity. By Lucian W. Pye. Yale University Press, New Haven; Oxford University Press, Bombay. 1962. 307p. $7.50
by W. S. Desai - 82-82 Africa: Remaking Africa. By Mogel Heseltine. Museum Press Ltd., London, 1961. 160p. 18s
by S. N. Varma - 83-83 Africa: A Short History of Africa. By Roland Oliver and J. D. Fage. Penguin Books Ltd., Harmondsworth, Middlesex. 1962. 279p. 5s
by S. N. Varma - 84-85 Africa: Zik: A Selection from the Speeches of Nnamdi Azikiwe. Ed. by Philip Harris. Cambridge University Press, London. 1961. 344p. 25s
by Om Prakash Goel - 85-87 Africa: Zik of New Africa. By V. C. Ikeotuonye. P. R. Macmillan Ltd., London. 1961. 262p. 21s
by Ansu K. Dutta - 87-88 General: The Frontiers of International Law. By George Schwarzenberger. Issued under the auspices of London Institute of World Affairs; Stevens, London. 1962. 320p. £4.4s
by L. N. Tandon - 88-89 General: Peace and Opinion. By Evan Luard. Oxford University Press, London. 1962. 168p. 18s
by R. P. Kaushik - 90-91 General: The Role of the Military in Underdeveloped Countries. Ed. by John J. Johnson. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersy; Oxford University Press, Bombay. 1962. 427p. $8.50
by D. D. Khanna - 91-92 General: Nations in Alliance: The Limits of Interdependence. By George Liska. Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore. 1962. 301p. $6.00
by Tarun C. Bose - 92-93 General: The Challenge of the Common Market. (II Edition) By U. W. Kitzinger. Basil Blackwell. Oxford University Press, London. 1961. 168p. 10s. 6d
by Asghar Bilgrami - 94-104 Indian Books of the Quarter
by A. Chaya Devi
October 1962, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 323-354 Economic Consequences of Disarmament
by B. N. Ganguli - 355-381 Moslems in Indian Politics, 1947–60
by Sisir K. Gupta - 382-393 China, India and Tibet
by Jayantanuja Bandyopadhyaya - 394-412 General
by N/A - 413-423 Indian Books of the Quarter
by A. Chaya Devi
July 1962, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 219-229 European Community and United States
by Robert R. Bowie - 230-253 Islam as a Factor in Pakistani Foreign Relations
by Sisir K. Gupta - 254-268 1932 Revolution in Thailand
by Saad M. Hashmi - 269-282 Notes and Memoranda: The Third General Election in India—1932 A Select Post-Election Bibliography–Part II
by S. M. Master - 283-292 A Select Post-Election Bibliography—Part III
by Hari Om - 293-311 Book Review: Notes and Memoranda: International Relations
by Jayantanuja Bannerji - 312-320 Indian Books of the Quarter
by N/A
April 1962, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 111-133 Some Aspects of Pakistani Planning
by Sisir K. Gupta - 134-153 Imperial Defence, Communist Challenge And The Grand Design1
by D. P. Singhal - 154-166 The Welfare State Concept in Indonesia and Cambodia
by B. R. Chatterji - 167-179 The Third General Election in India: A Select Bibliography of Articles Before the Poll
by S. M. Master - 180-202 Reviews and Notices
by N/A - 202-204 Books in Brief
by N/A - 205-216 Indian Books of the Quarter
by A. Chaya Devi
January 1962, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 3-9 The Sino-Soviet Dispute and the Twenty-Second Congress
by Leonard Schapiro - 10-27 South-East Asia's Problems
by Bernard B. Fall - 28-57 Growth of Non-Alignment in World Affairs
by N. Parameswaran Nayar - 58-66 Morals and International Politics
by L. Ledermann - 67-75 Towards a Socialist Italy within the N.A.T.O
by Mira Guha - 76-96 Reviews and Notices
by N/A - 96-96 Corrigenda
by Mira Guha - 97-107 Inidan Book of the Quarter
by Girja Kumar & Chaya Devi
October 1961, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 323-327 An Essential Requisite of National Integration
by Jayaprakash Narayan - 328-358 Basic Elements of Israel's Foreign Policy
by Shabtai Rosenne - 359-369 Morocco at the Cross-Roads
by Aries - 370-395 East Indians and the Federation of the British West Indies
by Jesse Harris Proctor Jr. - 396-402 Disfranchisement of the Natal Indians
by Iqbal Narain - 403-429 Reviews and Notices
by N/A - 430-437 Indian Book of the Quarter
by Girja Kumar & Chaya Devi
July 1961, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 215-226 Evaluation of American Foreign Policy
by Chester Bowles - 227-241 United Nations Seminars on Human Rights
by Lin Mousheng - 242-257 Minorities in the Middle East
by Joseph B. Schechtman - 258-276 Ghana's African and World Relations
by L. Winston Cone - 277-293 Foreign Policies of India and the United States: A Comparison
by Edwin C. Hoyt - 294-304 National Integration—A Select Bibliography
by Sevaklal M. Master - 305-322 Indian Books of the Quarter
by Girja Kumar
April 1961, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 103-127 A Reassessment of Indian Policy in Asia
by B. G. Verghese - 128-139 Tibet since 1950
by H. E. Richardson - 140-149 The Future of the British Labour Party
by Richard Rose - 150-161 American Leadership of the Western World
by Coral Bell - 162-169 The Imperial Institution in Japan
by T. W. Eckersley - 170-198 Reviews and Notices
by N/A - 199-211 Indian Book of the Quarter
by Girja Kumar
January 1961, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 3-29 Some Observations on Politics and Parties in Israel
by Emmanuel E. Gutmann - 30-43 An Interpretation of Philippine Politics
by Martin Meadows - 44-57 Gandhi and the British Commonwealth
by S. R. Mehrotra
October 1960, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 301-309 Britain's Choice in Europe
by J. H. M. Pinder - 310-336 Structure and Working of the Israeli Government
by Yehezkel Dror - 337-348 Economic Policy in People's Democratic Czechoslovakia
by Otto Sik - 349-357 Renunciation of Force in Inter-State Relations
by Radha Binod Pal - 358-364 The Burma-China Border
by Maung Maung - 365-367 The Tokyo Conference on Sino-Soviet Relations
by Vidya Prakash Dutt - 368-368 International Law: The Crime of State (Vol. 1 Humanicide, Vol. 2 Genocide). By Pieter N. Drost, Leyden, A. W. Sythoff 1959, pp. 358 & 225, fl. 28.90 & fl. 16.95, respectively
by Nagendra Singh - 369-370 International Law: Recognition in the Law of Nations. By S. R. Patel, Bombay, M. M. Tripathi Private Ltd. 1959, pp. 122, Rs. 15|-
by Nagendra Singh - 370-372 International Law: The Development of International Law by The International Court. By Sir Hersch Lauterpacht, London, Stevens, 1958, pp. 408, £3 3s
by K. Krishna Rao - 372-372 International Law: International Law Through the Cases. By L. C. Green, London, Stevens and Sons, 1959, pp. 885, £3 15s
by R. C. Hingorani - 373-374 Asia: Asia Ceylon—Dilemmas of a New Nation. By W. H. Wriggins, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1960, pp. 505, $10
by €Œd†- 374-376 Asia: The Reconstruction of Iraq: 1950–1957. By Fahim I. Qubain, London, Stevens & Sons, 1959, pp. 227, Rs. 28|-
by Abu Salim - 376-378 Asia: Government and Politics of South-East Asia. Edited by George Mc Turnan Kahin, New York, Cornell University Press, 1959, pp. 531, $ 6.50
by B. R. Chatterji - 378-381 Asia: Communism in South-East Asia: A Political Analysis. By J. H. Brimmell, London, Oxford University Press, 1959, pp. 415, 42s
by B. R. Chatterji - 381-385 Asia: The Role of Indian Minorities in Burma and Malaya. By Usha Mahajani, Bombay, Vora & Co., 1960, pp. 344, Rs. 20
by W. S. Desai - 385-386 India: India the Right of Passage Over Indian Territory. By T. O. Thomas, Leyden, A. W. Sythoff, 1959 pp. 54, dfl 4.75
by R. Vasudev Pillai - 386-386 India: Communism in India by Gene D. Overstreet and Marshall Wind-miller: California University Press; 1959; pp. 603. 75s
by A. H Somjee - 386-387 India: Soviet Russia and Indian Communism by David N. Druhe: Bookman Associates, New York, 1959; pp. 429, $ 8.50
by A. H. Somjee - 387-390 India: The Supreme Court in the Indian Constitution. By Sri Ram Sharma, Delhi, Rajpal & Sons, 1959. pp. 356. 36s
by A. N. Sinha - 390-391 India: India's Constitution in the Making. By B. N. Rau. Calcutta, Orient Longmans, 1960, pp. 510, Rs. 25
by P. N. Sapru - 392-393 India: Miscellaneous the Logic of the Oder-Neisse Frontier. By Jozef Kokot. Warsaw, Wydawnicwo Zachodnie, 1959, pp. 289
by C. R. Ekambaram - 393-393 India: Law in Diplomacy. By Percy E. Corbett. New Jersey, Princeton University Press, 1959, pp. 290, $ 6.00
by R. C. Hingorani - 393-394 India: Africa: Its People and Their Culture History. By George P. Murdock. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1959, pp. 456, $ 8.75
by S. N. Varma - 395-404 Indian Books of the Quarter
by Girja Kumar
July 1960, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 203-236 Indian Foreign Policy in Action, 1954–56
by M. S. Rajan - 237-248 The Six After Two Years
by Gilbert Mathieu - 249-258 Germany and the Common Market
by Heinrich Bechtoldt - 259-269 Categories of International Integration
by N. Marbury Efimenco - 270-272 United Nations: A History of the United Nations Charter. By Ruth B. Russell. Washington D.C., The Brookings Institution, 1958. pp. 1140. $10
by S. N. Varma - 272-273 United States: The American Constitution. By C. Herman Pritchett. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1959. pp. 719. $ 7.95
by M. S. Venkataramani - 273-275 Soviet Union: The Prophet Unarmed: Trotsky 1921–1929. By Issac Deutscher. London, Oxford University Press, 1959. pp.490. 38s
by R. N. Mathur - 275-276 Soviet Union: Britain's Discovery of Russia 1553-1815.— By M. S. Anderson. London, Macmillan & Co., 1958. pp. 245. 30s
by €˜B’ - 276-277 Soviet Union: The Soviet Cultural Scene 1956–57. Ed. by Walter Z. Laqueur and George Lichtheim. London, Stevens & Sons., 1958. pp. 300. 27s. 6d
by €˜B’ - 277-279 Asia: Foreign Trade and Industrial Development of China. By Yu-Kwei Cheng. Washington, D.C., University Press of Washington, 1956. pp. 27s. $ 7
by Vidya Prakash Dutt - 279-280 Asia: Revolt in Tibet. By Frank Moraes. New York, Macmillan Company, 1960. pp. 223. $ 1.50
by N/A - 280-281 Asia: Tibet Disappears. Ed. by Chanakya Sen. Bombay, Asia Publishing House, 1960. pp. 474. Rs. 19.25
by Parshotam L. Mehra - 281-282 India: India and Disputes in the United Nations 1946–54. By B. V. Govinda Raj. Bombay, Vora & Co., 1959. pp. 280. Rs. 12
by S. N. Varma - 282-283 India: Atlas of Northern Frontier of India. New Delhi, Government of India, Ministry of External Affairs, 1960. maps 39. Rs. 15
by N/A - 283-285 India: The Relation of the Individual and the State Under the Indian Constitution. By P. N. Sapru. Calcutta, University of Calcutta, 1959. pp. 72. Rs. 3
by R. N. Mathur - 285-287 General: Diplomacy in a Changing World. Ed. by Stephen D. Kertesz and M. A. Fitzsimons. Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 1959. pp. 402. $ 7.50
by Krishnalal Shridharani - 287-288 General: Democracy in the Atomic Age. By Arnold J. Toynbee. Bombay, Oxford University Press, 1957. pp. 80
by R. N. Mathur - 288-288 General: Readings in World Politics. Edited by Robert A. Goldwin with Ralph Lerner and Gerald Stourzh. pp. 577
by N/A - 288-289 General: Readings in Russian Foreign Policy. Edited by Robert A. Goldwin with Gerald Stourzh and Marvin Zetterbaum. pp. 775
by N/A - 289-289 General: Readings in American Democracy. Edited by Gerald Stourzh and Ralph Lerner. pp. 481
by N/A - 289-289 General: Readings in American Foreign Policy. Edited by Robert A. Goldwin with Ralph Lerner and Gerald Stourzh. pp. 709
by N/A - 290-297 Indian Books of the Quarter
by Girja Kumar
April 1960, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 105-119 Twenty-Five Years of Indian Socialism
by Aloo J. Dastur - 120-138 The European Economic Community: Its Meaning for Europe and the World
by Joachim Willmann - 139-144 I—New Parliament in Burma
by Maung Maung - 145-154 II—The Economy of Ghana
by J. W. Williams - 155-169 India-China Border Areas' Dispute: A Selected Bibliography
by B. C. Tewari & Urmila Phadnis - 170-171 International Law: The Basis of Obligation in International Law and Other Papers. By the late James Leslie Brierly. Selected and edited by Sir Hersch Lauterpacht and Prof. C. H. M. Waldock. Oxford, at the Clarendon Press, 1958. pp. 375 Index. 50s
by K. Krishna Rao - 171-173 The Exploitation and Conservation of the Resources of the Sea. By F. V. Garcia Amador. Leyden, A. W. Sijthoff's, 1959. pp. 212. dfl. 26.75
by G. S. Pathak - 173-173 United Nations: The United Nations as a Political Institution. By H. G. Nicholas. London, Oxford University Press, 1959. pp. 222. 21s
by N/A - 173-175 United Nations: The Nature of Function of International Organisation. By Stephen S. Goodspeed. New York, Oxford University Press, 1959. pp. 676. $7.25
by S. Lall - 175-175 United Nations: 2. China and the United Nations: Report of a study-group set up by the China Institute of International Affairs. New York, Manhattan Publishing Co., 1959. pp. 285. $3.00
by N/A - 175-175 United Nations: 1. Australia and the United Nations. By Norman Harper and David Sissons. New York, Manhattan Publishing Co., 1959. pp. 423. $3.00
by N/A - 176-180 United Nations: 3. Italy and the United Nations: Report of a Study Group Set up by the Italian Society for International Organisation. New York, Manhattan Publishing Co., 1959. pp. 208. $3.00
by S. Lall - 180-181 Commonwealth: The Imperial Idea and its Enemies—A Study in British Power. By A. P. Thornton. London, Macmillan, 1959. pp. 370. 30s
by K. P. Karunakaran - 181-183 Commonwealth: The Commonwealth and Regional Defence. By W. C. B. Tunstall. London, University of London (for the Institute of Commonwealth Studies), 1959. pp. 68. 6s
by M. S. Rajan - 183-184 India: The Diplomacy of India. By Ross N. Berkes and Mohinder S. Bedi. California, Stanford University Press, London University Press. 1958. 30s
by N/A - 184-185 India: Poverty and Capital Development in India. By D. K. Rangnekar. Bombay, Oxford University Press, 1958. pp. 316, Rs. 25
by B. Natarajan - 186-186 India: Mahatma Gandhi: A Biography. By R. R. Nanda. London, George Allen & Unwin, 1958. pp. 542. 35s. net
by T. M. P. Mahadevan - 186-187 India: The Political Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi and Sarvodaya. By V. P. Varma. Agra, Lakshmi Narain Agarwal, (1959). pp. 310. Rs. 15
by B. S. Sharma - 188-189 India: A Century of Social Reform in India. By S. Natarajan. Bombay, Asia Publishing House, 1959. pp. 208. Rs. 10.50
by R. S. Mathur - 189-191 Miscellaneous: Economic Theory and under Developed Regions. By Gunnar Myrdal. Bombay, Vora, 1958. pp. 183. Rs. 4.50
by N/A - 192-200 Indian Books of the Quarter
by Girja Kumar
January 1960, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 3-23 Congress Ideology: A Statement
by Humayun Kabir - 24-30 Austria, Neutrality and the United Nations
by Alfred Verdross - 31-50 India and the Commonwealth 1954–56
by M. S. Rajan - 51-61 The U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and India, 1958–9
by M. S. Venkataramani - 62-62 General: Historical Atlas and Gazetteer (being volume XI of A Study of History). By Arnold Toynbee and Edward D. Myers. Published under the auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, London, Oxford University Press, 1959, pp. 257, 35s
by N/A - 63-63 General: Foreign Policy of the American People. By Charles O. Lerche Jr., Englewood Cliffs (N.J.), Prentice-Hall, 1959, pp. 547
by M. S. Venkataramani - 63-65 General: Protracted Conflict. By Robert Strausz-Hupe, William R. Kintner, James E. Dougherty and Alvin J. Cottrell. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1959. pp. 203 $3.95
by M. S. Venkataramani - 65-65 Europe: The Austrian Odyssey. By Gordon Shepherd. London, Macmillan, New York, St. Martin's Press, 1957, pp. 302
by M. Mujeeb - 65-66 Europe: The Genesis of the Oder-Neisse Line (A Study in the Diplomatic Negotiations during World War II). By Wolfgang Wagnen. Stuttgart, Brentano-Verlag, 1957, pp. 168
by M. Mujeeb - 66-67 Europe: The Origins of Russia. By George Vernadsky. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1959, pp. 354, 35s
by Audrey J. Ahmad - 67-69 Europe: Atomic Energy in the Communist Bloc. By G. A. Modelski. Carlton, Melbourne University Press, 1959, pp. 226, 30s
by M. K. Gopaliengar - 69-70 Europe: A Political Study of the Arab-Jewish Conflict. The Arab Refugee Problem. By Rony E. Gabby. Geneva, Librairie E. Droz, 1959, pp. 611
by Sadath Ali Khan - 70-70 Europe: 1. Backdrop to Tragedy. The Struggle for Palestine. By William R. Polk, David M. Stamler and Edmund Asfour. Cambridge, Mass., Arlington Books Inc., 1958, pp. 399, $4.95
by N/A - 70-72 Europe: 2. The Palestine Refugee Problem: A New Approach and a Plan for Solution. By a Panel of Scholars, New York, Institute for Mediterranean Affairs, 1958, pp. 133, $2.50
by N/A - 72-74 South Asia: Socialism in Southern Asia. By Saul Rose. Bombay, Oxford University Press, 1959, pp. 278, Rs. 17.50
by B. R. Chatterji - 74-77 South Asia: Pakistan—A Political Study. By Keith Callard. London, George Allen & Unwin, 1957, pp. 355, 30s
by Sisir Gupta - 77-77 South Asia: The Indian Year Book of International Affairs, 1957. Vol. VI published under the auspices of the Indian Study Group on International Law and Affairs, Madras University, Madras. pp. 516, Rs. 15
by N/A - 77-79 South Asia: The Indian Year Book of International Affairs, 1958. Vol. VII, pp. 445, Rs. 15
by R. C. Hingorani - 79-80 South Asia: Understanding India. By G. L. Mehta. Bombay, Asia Publishing House, 1959. pp. 287. Rs. 12.75
by K. Santhanam - 80-82 South Asia: Productive Uses of Nuclear Energy—A Report on Regional Economic Development and Nuclear Power in India. By Norman L. Gold. Washington, D. C. National Planning Association, 1957. pp. 129. $2.75
by M. K. Gopaliengar - 82-83 South Asia: Measurement of Productivity in Indian Industry By Dr. R. Balakrishna: Madras, Madras University, 1958. pp. 466. Rs. 20
by M. V. Divatia - 83-85 South Asia: Bihar Through the Ages. By R. R. Diwakar. Calcutta, Orient Longman's Private Ltd., 1959. pp. 891. Rs. 20
by Narmadeshwar Prasad - 85-88 South Asia: Indian Minority in South Africa By S. B. Mukherji, New Delhi, Peoples' Publishing House, 1959, pp. 211, Rs. 10
by Iqbal Narain - 88-89 South Asia: Select Documents on Asian Affairs: India 1947–50. By S. L. Poplai Bombay, Oxford University Press, 1959, two volumes pp. and Rs. 50 and for the set
by W. H. Morris-Jones - 89-90 Miscellaneous: Management's Mission in a New Society. By Dan H. Fenn (Jr.). New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1959. pp. 345. $6.00
by M. Zinkin - 90-91 Miscellaneous: The Individual and the Universe. By A. C. B. Lovell, London, Oxford University Press, 1959, pp. 111, 10s. 6d
by N/A - 91-91 Books Received
by N/A - 92-102 Indian Books of the Quarter
by Girja Kumar
October 1959, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 327-347 Constitution and Politics of the Fifth French Republic
by J. Meynaud - 348-360 U.S. Foreign Assistance Programme
by Harry F. Bangsberg - 361-366 Politics and Parties in Canada
by Paul W. Fox - 367-381 Indians in Mauritius (1842–1870)
by Sudhansu Bimal Mookherji - 382-392 India and the Common Market
by Subimal Mookerjee - 393-395 North-East Frontier of India
by N/A - 396-397 International Affairs: The Legality of Nuclear Weapons. By George Schwarzenberger, London: Stevens & Sons, 1958, pp. 61, 3 s. 6 d
by Nagendra Singh - 397-398 Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare. By Bertrand Russel. London, George Allen and Unwin, 1959. pp. 93. 7 s. 6d
by Gyanchand - 398-400 Colonial Planning—A Comparative Study. By Barbu Niculescu. London, George Allen & Unwin, 1958. pp. 208, 18 s
by Subimal Mookerjee - 400-402 Asia: Leadership and Political Institutions in India. (Ed.) Richard L. Park and Irene Tinker. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1959. pp. 486, $10
by K. Santhanam - 402-403 Regionalism Vs. Provincialism: A Study in Problems of Indian National Unity. By Joan V. Bondurant. Berkeley, University of California, 1958. pp. 150
by Sisir Gupta - 403-404 Inflation in an Under-Developed Economy—A Study of Inflation in India. By Santikumar Ghosh. Calcutta, the World Press Private Ltd., 1959. pp. 179. Rs. 10
by N. V. A. Narasimham - 404-405 India's Food Resources and Population. By P. C. Bansal. 1959, Bombay, Vora & Co., 1959, pp. 252. Rs. 10
by Gyanchand