January 1970, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 105-107 North Africa: A Veiw from New Delhi: Selected Speeches and Writings 1963–1969. By Chester Bowles. Bombay, Allied Publishers, 1969. Pp. 276, Rs. 7.00
by B.K. Shrivastava - 107-108 North Africa: America's Stake in Asia By Drew Middleton. J.B. Lippincott, Philadelphia. 1968. 240 p. $5.95
by Rakesh Puri - 109-110 North Africa: Fulbright: The Dissenter By Haynes Johnson and Bernard M. Gwertzman. Hutchinson, London. 1969. 321 p. 50 s
by Niranjan M. Khilmani - 110-110 North Africa: Law in a Changing America By Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. 1968. 207 p. $ 5.95
by R. Naraynan - 110-111 Australia: Austalia in World Affairs, 1961–1965 Ed. by Gordon Greenwood and Norman Harper. F.W. Cheshire, Melbourne. 1968. $ 8.75
by A.J. Dastur - 111-112 Australia: Industrial Labour and Politics: The Labour Movement in Eastern Australia, 1900–21. By Iam Turner. Cambridge University Press, London. 1965. 272 p. £ 4-12-6
by Partha Sarathi Gupta - 113-119 Indian Books of the Quarter
by V. Machwe
October 1969, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 321-358 A Report on Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia
by Vishal Singh - 359-373 The Economic Bases of Foreign Policy
by J. Bandopadhya - 374-384 Australia's Nuclear Policy
by Ian Bellany - 385-387 International Affairs: Theoretical Aspects of International Politics Mahendra Kumar Shiva Lal Agarwala, Agra. 1967, xii, 487 p. Rs. 32
by A.P. Rana - 387-389 International Affairs: International Relations By Adi H. Doctor. Vikas, Delhi. 1969. 250p. Rs. 18
by Malathi Subramanian - 389-390 International Affairs: The Gold-Money Rift: A Classical Theory of International Liquidity By P. R. Popular Prakashan, Bombay. 1969. xiv, 351p. Rs. 36. Brahmananda
by Vivek Sagar Minocha - 390-391 International Affairs: Horizons of Freedom By Institute of Constitutional and Parliamentary Studies. National, Delhi 1969. xxvi, 331p. Rs. 36
by R.B. Jain - 391-394 India: Himalayan Blunder By J.P. Dalvi. Thacker, Bombay. 1969. xxii, 506p. Rs. 30
by R. Rama Rao - 394-395 India: In freedom's Quest: A biography of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose By N.G. Jog. Orient Longmans, Bombay. 1969. 356 p. Rs. 25
by C. R. Rathee - 395-397 India: The Economic Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi By Shanti S. Gupta. Ashok, Delhi. 1968. 223 p. Rs. 30
by Nageshwar Prasad - 397-398 India: India's Manpower Strategy Revisited, 1947–1967 By George Tobias and Robert S. Queener. N.M. Tripathi, Bombay. 1168. xxii, 265 p. Rs. 25
by N. Das - 398-399 India: Indo-Arab Relations by Maqbul Ahmad. Popular Prakashan, Bombay, 1979. ix 187p. Rs. 20.00
by A.H.H. Abidi - 400-400 India: Indian Periodicals: An annotated guide, Comp. and Ed. By N.N. Gidwani and N. Navlani. The authors, Jaipur. 1969. viii, 191p. Rs. 30
by N/A - 401-402 Asia: The Commonwealth in South Asia By S.P. Aiyar, Lalvani, Bombay. 1969. 409p. Rs. 30
by G.S. Bhargava - 402-403 Asia: Contemporary China, Vol. VI, 1962–1964 Ed. By E. Stuart Kirby. Hong Kong University Press. 1968. 532p. $6
by G.P. Deshpande - 403-405 Asia: The Broken Triangle By Sheldon W. Simon. Johns Hopkins, Baltimore. 1969. x, 210p. $6.95
by G. P. Deshpande - 405-406 Asia: Modern China's Search for a Political form Ed. by Jack Gray. Oxford University Press, London. 1969. xii, 379 p. 75 S
by V. P. Dutt - 406-408 Asia: Chinese Civilization By Werner Eichhorn. Faber & Faber, London. 1969. 360 p. 65 $
by Tan Chung - 408-409 Asia: The Japanese Socialist Party and Neutralism: A study of a political party and its foreign policy By J. A. A. Stockwin. Melbourne University Press. 1968. xv, 197 p. $6.50
by Narasimha P. A. Murthy - 409-409 Asia: The Economy of Nepal By B.P. Shreshtha, Vora, Bombay 1967. 274 p. Rs. 20
by S. K. Verghese - 409-410 Asia: The Pattern of Economic Development in Pakistan By K.L. Seth. Sterling, Jullundur. 1968. 170 p. Rs. 20
by S. K. Verghese - 410-411 Asia: Economic Policy and Industrial Growth in Pakistan By Stephen R. Lewis Jr. George Allen and Unwin, London. 1969. xiii, 191p. 45s
by Sumitra Chishti - 413-421 Indian Books of the Quarter
by V. Machwe
July 1969, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 207-215 The Role of Middle Powers
by J.N. Chaudhuri - 216-228 Evolution of Australian Defence Policy
by D.K. Palit - 229-253 The CPI on India's Foreign Relations
by K. Raman Pillai - 254-257 Indo-Pakistani Enclaves
by R.N. Banerji - 258-260 International Relations: State Succession in Municipal Law and International Law By D.P. O'Connell. Cambridge University Press, London, 1967 Vol. I, 592p and Vol. II, 430p. $ 25.00 and $ 22.50
by R.P. Anand - 260-262 International Relations: The History of Treaties and International Politics By Mario Toscano. Johns Hopkins Press Baltimore, 1966.xv, 686p. $ 13.50
by Raj Kumar - 262-262 International Relations: Extradition in International Law and Practice By Satya Dev Bedi. Bronder-Offset, Rotterdam. 1966. 299p. £3.18s. 6d
by Rahmatullah Khan - 263-264 International Relations: International Relations: The World Community in Transition By Norman D. Palmer and Howard C. Perkins Edn. 3. Houghton Miffilin, Boston. 1969. xxxv, 799p. $ 8.95
by Mahendra Kumar - 264-266 International Relations: From Prague after Munich: Diplomatic Papers, 1938–1940 By George F. Kennan. Princeton University Press, Princeton. 1968.xxviii, 266p. $ 6.50
by Partha Sarthi Gupta - 266-267 International Relations: The Ecological Perspective in Human Affairs: With Special Reference to International Politics By Harold and Margaret Sprout. Princeton University Press, Princeton. 1965.xi, 236p. $ 5.50
by R.K. Srivastava - 267-268 Asia: Communist Chinese Air Power By Richard M. Bueschel. Frederik A Praeger, New York. 1968. p. 238 $ 6.15
by N/A - 268-271 Asia: Communism in China: Ideology in Flux By Benjamin Schwartz. Harvard University Press, Cambridge. 1968. V, 254p. $ 5.95
by N/A - 271-272 Asia: Quotations from Chairman Mao By Mao Tsetung and Ed. by Stuart R. Schram. Praeger, New York. 1967. 182p. $ 5.00
by N/A - 272-273 Asia: Pakistan in Crisis By G.S. Bhargava. Vikas, Delhi. 1969. 222p. Rs. 24
by B.L. Sharma - 273-273 Asia: Transfer of Power in Indonesia By Jayanta Kumar Ray. Manaktalas, Bombay, 1967. 224p. Rs. 24
by N/A - 273-276 Asia: Malaysia: Prospect and Retrospect By Richard Allen. Oxford University Press, London, 1968, 330 p. 55s
by V. Suryanarayan - 276-277 Asia: Soviet Works on Southeast Asia: A Bibliography of Non Periodical Literature, 1946–1965 By Peter Berton and Alvin Z. Rubinstein. University of Soutern California Press, Los Angeles. 1967. 201p. $ 4.50
by L. C. Kumar - 277-279 India: Portrait of A Martyr By Balraj Madhok. Jaico, Bombay. 1969. xv, 255p. Rs. 25.00
by B.L. Maheshwari - 279-280 India: Morarji By D.F. Karaka. Times of India Press, Bombay. 1965. 160p. Rs. 12.00
by Ram Rattan - 280-281 India: Ten Years to Freedom, By Kanji Dwarkadas. Popular, Bombay. 1968. 296p. Rs. 30.00
by Narendra Kumar - 281-281 India: Two Great Indian Revolutionaries By Uma Mukherjee. Firma K.L. Mukhopadhay, Calcutta. 1966. 251p. Rs. 15
by N/A - 281-285 India: Correspondence, 1924–32 of Subhas Chandra Bose. Netaji Research Bureau, Calcutta. 1967. 427p. Rs. 17.50
by Bimal Prasad - 285-286 India: Applied Anthropology in India Ed. by L.P. Vidyarthi. Kitab Mahal, Allahabad. 1968. 543p. Rs. 20
by B.N. Nair - 287-288 India: The Problems of Indian Society By Devabrata Bose. Popular, Bombay. 1968. xii, 206p. Rs. 28.00
by T.N. Madan - 288-289 India: Elite Conflict in a Plural Society—20th Century Bengal By J.H. Bloomfield. Berkeley, University of California Press, Berkeley. 1968. 349p. Rs. 50.00
by N/A - 290-290 India: The Quest for Nationhood By S.J. Edward D'Cruz. Lalvani, Bombay. 206p. Rs. 21.50
by N/A - 290-292 India: Dusk & Dawn in Village India By Zahir Ahmed. Pall Mall, London. 1968. 144p. 25s
by K.G. Krishnamurthy - 292-293 India: Scientific Farming in India By A.R. Khan, Orient Longmans, Calcutta. 1968. x, 238 p. Rs. 12.00
by S.S. Johri - 293-295 India: The Crisis of Indian Planning Ed. by Paul Streeton and Michael Lipton. Oxford University Press, Bombay. 1968. 416p. Rs. 60.00
by J.D. Sethi - 295-295 India: Working of Public Corporation in India By D.K. Sinha. Lokbharti, Allahabad. 1966. 274p. Rs. 16.00
by N/A - 296-296 India: Efficacy of Public Enterprise, Ed. By V.V. Ramanadham. Allied, Delhi. 1963. 231 p. Rs. 16.00
by Sumitra Chishti - 297-298 India: Harihar Nath Shastri: Life and Work Ed. by B.N. Datar. Popular, Bombay. 1968. viii, 214 p. Rs. 20
by Partha Sarathi Gupta - 298-300 India: Problems of Monetary Policy in Underdeveloped Countries By P.D. Hajela. Lalvani, Bombay. 1969. 298 p. Rs 25
by Vivek Sagar Minocha - 300-301 India: Manufacturing Problems in India—The Cummins Diesel Experience By Jack Baranson. Syracuse University Press, Syracuse. 1967. 146 p. $ 5.95
by B.N. Nakra - 301-303 India: Malabar in Asian Trade, 1740–1800 By A. Das Gupta. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 1967. 204 p. 85s
by Suhash Chakravarty - 303-304 India: Legislation and Interpretation By Jagdish Swarup. Dandewal, Allahabad. 1968. 646p. Rs. 40.00
by R. Vasudev Pillai - 304-306 India: The Legal Effects of the Second World War and the German Problem By Alfous Klafkowski. Interpress, Warsaw 1968. 326 p
by S. Bhatt - 306-306 India: Chief Justice K. Subba Rao: Defender of Liberties By V.D. Mahajan. S. Chand, Delhi. 1967. 122p. Rs. 15.00
by N/A - 306-307 India: A Comparative Study of the Indian Constitution By D.K. Sen, Orient Longmans, Calcutta. 1966. 743p. Rs. 30
by Rani Dutta - 307-307 India: Higher Education in India Ed by A.B. Shah. Lalvani, Bombay. 1967. 237 p. Rs. 15.00
by N/A - 307-307 India: Planning and Educational Development in India By John Laska. Columbia University, New York. 1968. 129p. $ 3.95
by N/A - 307-311 India: University Education in India By S.R. Dongerkery. Manaktalas, Bombay. 1967. 360 p. Rs. 36.00
by P.A. Narasimha Murthy - 312-317 Indian Books of the Quarter
by V. Machwe
April 1969, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 107-121 India as Middle Power
by J.D. Sethi - 122-138 Co-Operation in China's Agriculture (1953–57)
by N/A - 139-152 The Soviet-Uar Relations
by K. R. Singh - 153-169 Land and Labour Policy in Brazil: A Historical Perspective
by A. Pescatello - 170-171 International Affairs: The Transfer of Technology to Developing Countries Ed. by Daniel L. Spencer & Alexander Woroniak. Frederik A. Preager, New York. 1967. 209 p
by J. Krishnamurty - 172-173 International Affairs: Functionalism and World Politics: A Study Based on United Nations Programs Financing Economic Development by James Patrick Sewell. Princeton Univesity Press, Princeton. 1966. xii, 359 p. $6.50
by Sumitra Chishti - 173-177 India: Hindu World: An Encyclopaedic Survey of Hinduism by Benjamin Walker. 2 V. George Allen and Unwin, London. 1968. 609, 696 p. 2 Gns per set
by K. Damodran - 177-177 India: A Dictionary of Indian History comp. by Sachidananda Bhattacharya. University of Calcutta, Calcutta. 1967. p. Rs. 40.00
by R.P. Dua - 177-179 India: India's Defence Problem by S.S. Khera. Orient Longmans, Calcutta. 1968. 329 p. Rs. 20
by D. Som Dutt - 179-180 India: Defence Organisation in India By A.L. Venkateswaran India, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Publications Division. 385 p. Rs. 15
by K. Subrahmanyam - 180-182 India: India and World Politics By Michael Brecher. Oxford University Press, Bombay. 1968. 390p. Rs. 45
by H. Venkatasubbiah - 182-183 India: India's Policy in the United Nations By T. Ramakrishna Reddy. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, Ruthford. 1968. 164p. $ 6.50
by B.L. Sharma - 184-185 India: Indo-Nepalese Relations, 1816–1817 By Ramakant. S. Chand, Delhi. 1968. 390p. Rs. 35
by Urmila Phadnis - 185-187 India: The Younghusband Expedition: An interpretation. By Parshotam Mehra. Asia, Bombay. 1968. 408p. Rs. 35.00
by S.C. Bajpai - 187-188 India: Towards the Integration of Indian States by Urmila Phadnis. Asia, Bombay. 1968. 297p. Rs. 25/
by S.V. Desika Char - 188-188 India: Public Service Commissions of India: A Study By C.N. Bhalerao. Sterling, Delhi. 246p. Rs. 25
by N/A - 188-190 India: Personnel Administration: The Need for Change By Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi. 197p. Rs. 20
by Surendra Chopra - 190-191 India: Indian Administration By S.R. Maheswari, Orient Longmans, Calcutta. 1968. 278 p. Rs. 12
by O.P. Goyal - 191-192 India: Dilemmas of Democratic Politics in India By G.S. Halappa. P.C. Manaktala, Bombay. 1966, 295p. Rs. 26-
by S.V. Desika Char - 193-193 India: We Shall Unite By P.D. Saggi. Indian Publications Trading Corporation, New Delhi. 1968. 127p. Rs. 25
by B.N. Kumar - 193-194 India: Muslim Politics in India By Hamid Dalwai. Nachiketa, Bombay. 1968. 110p. Rs. 10.00
by B.N. Kumar - 194-195 India: Mahatma Gandhi: 100 Years Ed. by S. Radhakrishnan. Gandhi Peace Foundation, New Delhi. 1968. 401p. Rs. 17.50
by Mahendra Kumar - 196-204 Indian Books of the Quarter
by V. Machwe
January 1969, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 3-20 Security and Defence of South and South-East Asia∗
by Som Dutt - 21-33 The Student Unrest in Europe
by Girija K. Mookerjee - 34-43 Termination of U.N. Peace-Keeping Operations
by R.S. Morkhandikar - 44-58 US-Pak Economic Transaction Flows: A Case-Study in International Integration1
by Mohammed Ayoob - 59-59 International Affairs: A History of War and Peace, 1939–1965. By Wilfred Knapp. Oxford University Press, London. 1967. 693p. 63s
by N/A - 59-62 International Affairs: Current Peace Research and India. By Mahendra Kumar Gandhian Institute of Studies, Varanasi. 1968. 147p. Rs. 18
by S. P. Varma - 62-62 International Affairs: Parliament and Foreign Affairs Ed. by Peter G. Richards. George Allen and Unwin, London. 1966. 191p. 35s
by N/A - 62-64 International Affairs: The Role of the United Nations in the Maintenance of World Peace. By Motilal C. Setalvad. Asia, Bombay. 79p. Rs. 10.00
by K. P. Misra - 64-65 International Affairs: The Cold War as History By Louis J. Halle. Chatto & Windus, London. 1967. 434p. 50s
by A. P. Rana - 65-66 International Affairs: Test Ban and Disarmament: The Path of Negotiations by Arthur H. Dean. Harper & Row. New York. 1966. 149p. $3.50
by B. K. Shrivastava - 66-66 International Affairs: Peaceful Coexistence By Bernard A. Ramundo. John Hopkins Press, Baltimore. 1967. 262p. 56s
by N/A - 66-68 International Affairs: Experiment in Internationalism: A study in International Politics By John H. MacCallum Scott. George Allen & Unwin, London. 1967. 223p. 42s
by Mahendra Kumar - 68-69 International Affairs: Non-Jewish Jew and Other Essays By Issac Deutscher. Oxford University Press. London. 1968. 164p. 30s
by Mohit Sen - 70-70 Asia: Approaches to Modern Chinese History Ed. by Albert Fuerwerker and Mary C. Wright. University of California Press, Berkeley. 1967. 256p. $7.50
by B. L. Sharma - 71-71 Asia: China's Economic System By Audrey Donnithorne. George Allen & Unwin, London. 1967. 592p. 48s
by Gargi Dutt - 71-72 Asia: The Red Book and the Great Wall: An Impression of Mao's China By Alberto Moravia, from Italian Ronald Strom. Secker & Warburg, London. 1968. 158p. 25sh
by A. Chaya Devi - 72-73 Asia: Korea and the Politics of Imperialism, 1876–1910 By C.I. Eugene Kim and Nan Kyo Kim. University of California Press, Berkeley. 1967. 260p. $7.00
by P. A. Narasimha Murthy - 73-73 Asia: Towards Peace in Indo-China By Anthony Eden. Chatham House Essays. Oxford University Press, London. 1966. p.71. 7s. 6d
by N/A - 73-75 Asia: Deposed King Thibaw of Burma in India By W.S. Desai. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay. 1967. 166p. Rs. 7.00
by V. M. Reddi - 75-76 Asia: Pakistan's Search for Constitutional Consensus By K.P. Mishra, M.V. Lakhi and Virendra Narain. Impex India, New Delhi. 1967. Rs. 25.00
by Mohammed Ayoob - 76-77 Asia: India, Britain and China: A Study in British Opinion By V.K. Chavda. Sterling, Delhi. 1967. 245 p. Rs. 25
by S. C. Bajpai - 77-78 India: Uncertain India By Pran Chopra. Asia. 1968. 403p. Rs. 35.00
by S. P. Aiyar - 79-79 India: The Congress Party of India By Stanley A. Kochanek. Princeton University Press, Princeton. 1968. 516p. $ 7.50
by N/A - 79-81 India: Day to Day with Gandhi (Secretary's Diary), By Mahadev Desai. Vol. I. Sarva Seva Sangh Prakashan, Varanasi. 1968. xiv, 400p. Rs. 15.00
by B. L. Sharma - 81-82 India: Men I Met By M.N. Roy. Lalvani, Bombay. 206p. 1968. Rs. 21.50
by N/A - 83-83 India: Social Factors in the Birth and Growth of the Indian National Congress By R. P. Dua. S. Chand, Delhi. 1967. 163p. Rs. 15.00
by O. P. Goyal - 83-83 India: A Short History of Indian National Congress By M.V. Ramana Rao. S. Chand, Delhi. 1959. 355p. Rs. 10.00
by N/A - 83-84 India: Nehru: The Years of Power By Geoffery Tyson. Pall Mall Press, London; distributed by U.B.S. Delhi, 1966. 206p
by J. C. Johari - 84-84 India: Aspects of Democratic Government and Politics in India, Ed. by K.R. Bombwall, and L.P. Choudhry. Atma Ram, New Delhi. 631p. 1968. Rs. 45.00
by N/A - 84-85 India: The Making of the Indian Republic By Panchanan Misra. Scientific Book Agency. 1966. 255p. Rs. 12.00
by Verinder Grover - 85-86 India: Gandhi in Indian Politics By Nirmal Kumar Bose and P.H. Patwardhan. Lalvani, Bombay. 1967. 93p. Rs. 8.50
by Mahendra Kumar - 86-86 India: The Indian Problem By Reginald Coupland. Oxford University Press, Bombay 1968. 160p. Rs. 18.00
by R.P. Dua - 87-87 India: The Kashmir Story By B.L. Sharma. Asia Publishing House, Bombay. 1967. 271p. Rs. 18.00
by K.P. Misra - 87-88 India: India and West Asia By G.S. Bhargava. A survey of public opinion. Popular Book Services, New Delhi. 1967. p. 109. Rs. 10.00
by S.A.H. Haqqi - 88-91 USSR: The Unfinished Revolution By Issaac Deutscher. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 1967. 115p. 21s
by Suhash Chakravarti - 91-91 USSR: Encounters with Lenin By Nikolay Valentinov, tr. from the Russian by Paul Rosta & Brian Pearce. Oxford University Press, London. 1968. 273p. 42s
by B. L. Sharma - 92-104 Indian Books of the Quarter
by V. Machwe
October 1968, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 301-310 The Indian Political Landscape
by Rasheeduddin Khan - 311-332 American Interest in Indian Independence 1930–43
by Somendu K. Banerjee - 333-343 Current Pakistani Politics and Prospects
by N/A - 344-355 Concern for Human Rights
by Sudesh Mehta - 356-357 International Affairs: The Cold War as History. By Louis J. Halle. Chatto & Windus, London, 1967. 434p. 50s
by A.P. Rana - 357-358 International Affairs: Force, Order, and Justice. By Robert E. Osgood and Robert W. Tucker. John Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1967. 374 p. $ 10.00
by Dev Sharma - 358-359 International Affairs: The Role of the United Nations in the Maintenance of World Peace. By Motilal C. Setalvad. Asia, Bombay, 1967. 79p. Rs. 10/-
by K.P. Misra - 359-360 Asia: India and Ceyion: Unity and Diversity. By Philip Mason (Ed.). Oxford University Press, Bombay, 1967. 311p. Rs. 42.50
by L.M. Jacob - 360-360 Asia: Bhutan: A Physical and Cultural Geography. By Pradyumna P. Karan. University of Kentucky Press, Lexington, 1967. 104p. £7
by S. Chakravarty - 361-361 Asia: Modern Yemen. By Manfred W. Wenner. John Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1967. 257p. $6.95
by K.R. Singh - 361-362 Asia: Islamic Reform: The Political and Legal Theories of Muhammad Abuduh and Rashid Rida. By Malcolm. H. Kerr. University of California, Berkeley, 1966. 249p. 42s
by M.S. Agwani - 363-364 India: Low, D.A. (ed.), Soundings in Modern South Asian History, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1968. 374 p, 63 sh
by N/A - 365-366 India: Cabinet Government in India. By R.J. Venkateswaran. George Allen & Unwin, London. 1967. 200p. 35s
by J.C. Johari - 366-367 India: The Swatantra Party and Indian Conservatism by Howard L. Erdman. Cambridge University Press, 1967. 356p. 45s
by K. Raman Pillai - 367-370 India: Fundamentals of Planning in India By V.T. Krishnamachari. Orient Longmans, Calcutta. 267p. Rs. 12
by M.V. Pylee - 370-371 India: Impact of Assistance Under P.L. 480 on Indian Economy. By Nilakanth Rath and V.S. Patwardhan. Gokhalc Institute of Politics and Economics, Poona. 1967. 202p. Rs. 20
by M.J. Subbaiah - 371-371 India: Monopolies in India. By M.V. Namjoshi. Lalvani, Bombay. 1966. 176p. Rs. 15
by N/A - 371-373 India: Industrial Combinations. A Study of Managerial Integration in Indian Industries. By M.L. Kothari. Chaitanya, Allahabad. 1967. 235p. Rs. 18
by A.V. Desai - 373-373 India: Work, Wages and Well-Being in an Indian Metropolis—Economic Survey of Bombay City by D.T. Lakdawala, J.C. Sandesara, V.N. Kothari and P.A. Nair. University of Bombay, Bombay, 1963. 863p. Rs. 50
by N/A - 373-374 India: Problems of Rapid Urbanisation in India by J.F. Bulsara. Popular Prakashan, 1964. 215p. Rs. 20
by Kusum Madgavkar - 375-376 Europe: British Government and Politics. By Douglas V. Verney. Harper & Row, New York, 1966. 240p. 45s
by S.A.H. Haqqi - 376-376 India: British Politics and the American Revolution: The Path to War 1773–75. By Bernard Donoughue, New York, 1964. 323p. $ 8.50
by R.P. Dua - 377-377 India: Politics in Everyday Life. By Victor Wiseman. Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1966. 221p. 30s
by Dev Sharma - 378-379 India: Commonwealth for a Colour-Blind World. By Derk Ingram. George Allen & Unwin, London, 1965. 224p. 30s
by B. Bhardwaj - 380-380 India: Cyprus: Conflict and Conciliation 1954–1958. By Stemphen G. Xydis. The Ohio State University Press, Columbus, Ohio. 1967. 702p. $ 15
by K.R. Singh - 381-385 Books Received
by N/A - 386-392 Indian Books of the Quarter
by V. Machwe
July 1968, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 183-212 The Kutch Award
by R. P. Anand - 213-238 Chinese Efforts to Influence Soviet Policy to India
by Richard L. Siegel - 239-269 Indo-Pakistani Western Boundary—II Dissenting Opinion of Judge Ales Bebler 1914–1947
by N/A - 269-269 Change, Hope, and the Bomb
by R.K. Srivastava - 269-269 The World Crises and Scientific Organization for Action
by J.C. Kundra - 271-271 International Economic Co-Operation
by Moheb Ali - 271-272 Reorientations
by K.N. Ramachandran - 272-274 The Chinese in Cambodia
by Shivaji Ganguly - 274-274 The Arab-Israeli Conflict—Documents & Comments
by Slp - 274-276 Mobilisation of State Resources
by Tarlok Singh - 276-277 Practice and Procedure of Parliament
by Slp - 277-278 Parliamentary Procedure in India
by G.N. Rastogi - 278-279 State Politics in India
by Slp - 279-280 Political Philosophy of M.N. Roy
by Suhash Chakravarty - 280-281 Foreign Policy
by J.C. Johari - 281-282 Kashmir and Other Related Matters
by Sisir Gupta - 282-282 Britain and Europe, Pitt to Churchill 1793–1940
by Suhash Chakravarty - 282-283 The British Constitution
by R.P. Dua - 283-284 Britain and the Commonwealth
by P.K. Ghosh - 284-285 American-Soviet Relations 1921–33
by Zafar Imam - 285-286 The Lamp and the Lampstead
by Bimla Prasad - 287-298 Indian Books of the Quarter
by V. Machwe
April 1968, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 77-139 The Indo-Pakistani Western Boundary
by N/A - 140-164 Indonesia: Problems and Opportunities
by Soedjatmoko - 165-179 Indian Books of the Quarter
by V. Machwe
January 1968, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-5 Kashmir
by K.A. Chitale - 6-16 Evolution of India's Northern Borders
by P.C. Chakravarti - 17-49 The Sino-Burmese Border Settlement
by N.M. Ghatate - 50-61 Soviet Policy on Kashmir
by J. A. Naik - 62-75 Indian Books of the Quarter
by V. Machwe
October 1967, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 325-337 Soekarno and the New Regime in Indonesia
by Vishal Singh - 338-361 Apartheid—its Theory and Practice in South Africa∗
by D.N. Dhanagare - 362-407 The 1964 Indo-Ceylonese Pact and the ‘Stateless’ Persons in Ceylon
by Urmila Phadnis - 408-417 Indian Books of the Quarter
by V. Machwe
July 1967, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 225-235 Latin American Nationalism
by N. M. Khilnani - 236-252 Left-Wing Movement in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Ansu K. Datta - 253-273 Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy∗
by Krishna Nath Sharma - 274-277 The Foreign Policy of Ayub Khan
by Sisir Gupta