June 2019, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 97-99 Book review: Zoya Hasan, Agitation to Legislation: Negotiating Equity and Justice in India
by Kamal Nayan Choubey - 100-129 Assembly Elections 2017–2018
by Vibha Attri & Himanshu Bhattacharya - 130-130 Corrigendum
by N/A
December 2018, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-1 Editorial Note
by Suhas Palshikar - 157-167 Political Dynasticism: Networks, Trust, Risk
by Arild Engelsen Ruud & Kenneth Bo Nielsen - 168-179 The State, Networks and Family Raj in Goa
by Parag D. Parobo - 180-195 The Family Way: Manhood and Dabangai in the Making of a Dynasty in Uttar Pradesh
by Satendra Kumar - 196-208 Parivar Raj (Rule of Family): The Role of Money and Force in the Making of Dynastic Authority
by Lucia Michelutti - 209-224 The Osman Dynasty: The Making and Unmaking of a Political Family
by Arild Engelsen Ruud - 225-246 Royal Dynasties, Political Representation and Positive Discrimination: A Comparison of Two Constituencies in Northwestern Odisha
by Uwe Skoda & Minaketan Bag - 247-266 Concentric Clientelism: A Case Study of Rural Saharanpur
by Rajkamal Singh & Rahul Hemrajani - 267-281 ‘Is It Family or Politics?’ Reflections on Gender and the Modern Tamil Subjectivity Constitution in the Discourse of C. N. Annadurai
by G. Sujatha - 282-296 From Jan Sunwai to Rajasthan Right to Hearing Act 2012: Fostering Transparency and Accountability through Citizen Engagement
by Vidhi Agrawal & Hari Nair - 297-302 Beyond Quasi Federalism: Change and Continuity in Indian Federalism
by Balveer Arora & K. K. Kailash - 303-309 Mapping Mediated Politics: Some Thoughts on the Indian Case
by Diya Mehra - 310-314 Book Review: Chinnaiah Jangam, Dalits and the Making of Modern India, Sambaiah Gundimeda, Dalit Politics in Contemporary India and Hugo Gorringe, Panthers in Parliament Dalits, Caste and Political Power in South India
by Sudha Pai - 314-316 Book Review: Manisha Priyam, Contested Politics of Educational Reform in India
by Radhika Menon - 316-317 Book Review: Himanshu Roy, Mahendra Prasad Singh and A. P. S. Chauhan (eds.), State Politics in India
by John Harriss - 317-319 Book Review: M. V. Nadkarni, N. Sivanna and Lavanya Suresh, Decentralised Democracy in India: Gandhi’s Vision and Reality
by E. Venkatesu
June 2018, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-14 Contradictions of Conservatism
by Sudipta Kaviraj - 15-26 Lala Lajpat Rai’s Ideas on Caste: Conservative or Radical?
by Vanya Bhargav - 27-43 The State as Guardian of the Social Order: Conservatism in Indian Political Thought and Its Modern Manifestations
by Pradeep Chhibber & Susan L. Ostermann & Rahul Verma - 44-59 Conservative in Practice: The Transformation of the Samajwadi Party in Uttar Pradesh
by Gilles Verniers - 60-70 National Narrative and Regional Subtext: Understanding the Rise of BJP in Assam
by Vikas Tripathi & Tamasa Das & Sandhya Goswami - 71-87 Does Higher Turnout Hurt Incumbents? An Analysis of State Elections in India
by Milan Vaishnav & Johnathan Guy - 88-102 Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah of Kashmir, 1965–1975: From Externment to Enthronement
by Rakesh Ankit - 103-116 Adivasis and the State Politics in Jharkhand
by Sujit Kumar - 117-131 Policymaking in the Context of Contestations: GM Technology Debate in India
by Asheesh Navneet - 132-139 Language Textbooks and Politically Active Citizenship: Assisting or Hindering the National Project?
by Kishore Darak - 140-145 Mind the Gap?: Navigating the Quantitative and the Qualitative in Survey Research
by Ankur Datta & Divya Vaid - 146-147 Book review: Milan Vaishnav, When Crime Pays: Money and Muscle in Indian Politics
by Gilles Verniers - 148-152 Book review: Paul R. Brass, An Indian Political Life: Charan Singh and Congress Politics
by Prabhu Ghate - 152-154 Book review: Gautam Bhan, In the Public’s Interest. Evictions, Citizenship and Inequality in Contemporary Delhi
by Lisa Björkman - 154-156 Book review: Rahul Ramagundam, Including the Socially Excluded: India’s Experience with Caste, Gender and Poverty
by Navprit Kaur
December 2017, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 159-180 The Better Angels of Their Natures? The Declining Rate of Homicides against India’s Dalits
by Peter Mayer - 181-192 The Associational Basis of Vanniyar Organizations in Tamil Nadu
by R. Saravana Raja - 193-204 The Historical Legacy of Party System Stability in Kerala
by Balu Sunilraj & Oliver Heath - 205-217 The Roots and Varieties of Political Conservatism in India
by Christophe Jaffrelot - 218-232 Collective Conservatism and the Constituent Assembly Debates: The Case of Free Speech in India
by Malvika Maheshwari - 233-247 The Political Economy of Economic Conservatism in India: From Moral Economy to Pro-business Nationalism
by Adnan Naseemullah - 248-261 The Congress in Gujarat (1917–1969): Conservative Face of a Progressive Party
by Christophe Jaffrelot - 262-268 Teaching Political Violence: Experiences from a South Asian Classroom
by Ankur Datta - 269-275 Studying Indian Politics with Large-scale Data: Indian Election Data 1961–Today
by Francesca R. Jensenius & Gilles Verniers - 276-285 Vote Choice of Indian Voters: Guided or Independent?
by Shreyas Sardesai & Vibha Attri - 286-287 Book Review: James Manor, The Writings of James Manor: Politics and State–Society Relations in India
by Anusha - 287-289 Book Review: Tarini Bedi, The Dashing Ladies of Shiv Sena: Political Matronage in Urbanizing India
by Garima Dhabhai - 289-291 Book Review: Kanchan Chandra. (Ed.), Democratic Dynasties: State, Party and Family in Contemporary Indian Politics
by Ritambhara Malaviya - 291-293 Book Review: Pranab Kumar Das (ed.), Decentralisation, Governance and Development: An Indian Perspective and Satyajit Singh, The Local in Governance: Politics, Decentralization and Environment
by Himadri Chatterjee - 293-295 Book Review: Anuj Bhuwania, Courting the People: Public litigation in Post Emergency India
by Awadhendra Sharan - 295-297 Book Review: Prerna Singh, How Solidarity Works for Welfare: Subnationalism and Social Development in India
by Satyajit Singh - 297-299 Book Review: Achin Vanik, After the Bomb and Ali Ahmed, India’s Doctrine Puzzle—Limiting War in South Asia
by Rajiv Nayan - 300-301 Alfred Stepan (1936–2017)
by K. K. Kailash
June 2017, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-17 Political Pressures and Bureaucratic Consequences: Vignettes of Janmabhoomi Implementation in Andhra Pradesh
by Kiran Konkipudi & Suraj Jacob - 18-31 After Silent Revolution: Most Marginalized Dalits and Local Democracy in Uttar Pradesh, North India
by Satendra Kumar - 32-41 Padayatras and the Changing Nature of Political Communication in India
by Radhika Kumar - 42-54 Decentralized Governance and Devolution of Funds to the Panchayats in India: A Critical Analysis of Two States
by M. Gopinath Reddy & Bishnu Prasad Mohapatra - 55-66 Understanding Ethnicity-based Autonomy Movements: A Study of Manipur
by Komol Singha - 67-72 Doing Political Science Differently: Experiences from an Institute of Social Sciences
by Jagannath Ambagudia - 73-81 Political Processes under the Microscope: Comparative Ethnography as an Approach to Understanding Democracy and Elections in India
by Manisha Priyam - 82-91 Time of Vote Choice in India
by Shreyas Sardesai & Jyoti Mishra - 92-93 Book Review: Hilal Ahmed, Muslim Political Discourse in Postcolonial India: Monuments, Memory, Contestation
by Christophe Jaffrelot - 93-95 Book Review: Rajshree Chandra (ed.), The Cunning of Rights: Law, Life, Biocultural
by Hidam Premananda - 95-97 Book Review: Rekha Chowdhary, Jammu and Kashmir: Politics of Identity and Separatism
by Sangit Kumar Ragi - 97-99 Book Review: Tariq Thachil, Elite Parties, Poor Voters: How Social Services Win Votes in India
by Vibha Attri - 99-102 Book Review: Sunil Khilnani, Vikram Raghavan and Arun K. Thiruvengadam (eds), Comparative Constitutionalism in South Asia, Maneesha Tikekar (ed.), Constitutionalism and Democracy in South Asia; Political Developments in India’s Neighbourhood and Mark Tushent and Madhav Khosla (eds), Unstable Constitutionalism: Law and Politics in South Asia
by Alisha Dhingra - 102-104 Book Review: Paula Banerjee, Anasua Basu Ray Chaudhury and Atig Ghosh (eds), The State of Being Stateless: An Account of South Asia
by Ravi Sriramachandran - 105-158 Assembly Elections 2014–2016
by Vibha Attri & Himanshu Bhattacharya
December 2016, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 1-1 Editorial
by Suhas Palshikar - 143-158 Ambedkar’s Framing of the ‘Political’ within Ethical Practice
by Rajeev Kadambi - 159-177 Women Police in the City of Delhi: Gender Hierarchies, ‘Pariah Femininities’ and the Politics of Presence
by Santana Khanikar - 178-190 Spurn Thy Neighbour: The Politics of Indigeneity in Manipur
by Thongkholal Haokip - 191-205 Disputed Waters: India, Pakistan and the Transboundary Rivers
by Amit Ranjan - 206-217 Health Movement and Civil Society Activism: An Interface of Overlap and Exclusion
by Skylab Sahu - 218-232 Quota for Patels? The Neo-middle-class Syndrome and the (partial) Return of Caste Politics in Gujarat
by Christophe Jaffrelot - 233-240 What Does the International Mean? IR’s Deep Ontology and the Promise It Holds
by Atul Mishra - 241-248 Design-based Approach in Social Science Research
by Anustubh Agnihotri & Rahul Verma - 249-250 Book Review: Louise Tillin, Rajeshwari Deshpande and K.K. Kailash (eds), Politics of Welfare: Comparisons across Indian States
by Ajit Phadnis - 251-252 Book Review: Manish K. Jha and Pushpendra (eds), Traversing Bihar: The Politics of Development and Social Justice
by Jeffrey Witsoe - 252-253 Book Review: Sanjay Ruparelia, Divided We Govern: Coalition Politics in Modern India
by Mona G. Mehta - 254-256 Book Review: Anastasia Piliavsky (ed.), Patronage as Politics in South Asia
by Rahul Verma - 256-258 Book Review: Samir Kumar Das (ed.), India: Democracy and Violence
by Ngoru Nixon - 258-259 Book Review: K.S. Subramanian, State, Policy and Conflicts in Northeast India
by Akhil Ranjan Dutta - 260-265 ‘Persistent Centrism’ and Its Explanations
by Ujjwal Kumar Singh & Anupama Roy - 266-273 A Distinctive Indian Political Economy: New Concepts and a Synthesizing Framework
by Aseema Sinha - 274-279 Lloyd and Susanne Rudolph: In Memoriam
by Asha Sarangi
June 2016, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial
by N/A - 1-7 Democracy, Governance and Political Parties in India: An Introduction
by K.C. Suri & Carolyn Elliott & David Hundt - 8-21 India’s States: The Struggle to Govern
by James Manor - 22-36 Clientelism and the Democratic Deficit
by Carolyn Elliott - 37-48 Politics as Business: An Analysis of the Political Parties in Contemporary India
by Prakash Sarangi - 49-62 Dalit Parties and the Dilemmas of Democratization in Tamil Nadu
by Hugo Gorringe - 63-76 Federal Coalitions in India: Strategic Calculations and Revolving-door Partners
by K.K. Kailash & Balveer Arora - 77-89 Mass Politics and Institutional Restraint: Political Parties and the Election Commission of India
by Manjari Katju - 90-101 Encapsulation without Integration? Electoral Democracy and the Ambivalent Moderation of Hindu Nationalism in India
by Subrata K. Mitra - 102-115 The Communist Party of India (Marxist) and the Left Government in West Bengal, 1977–2011: Strains of Governance and Socialist Imagination
by Hans Löfgren - 116-118 Shodharthy: An Initiative towards Empowering Indian Language Students
by A.K. Verma - 119-127 Political Ethnography as a Method for Understanding Urban Politics and Elections in India
by Manisha Priyam - 128-130 Book Review: Jyotirmaya Tripathy and Sudarsan Padmanabhan (eds), The Democratic Predicament: Cultural Diversity in Europe and India
by Mithilesh Kumar Jha - 130-132 Book Review: Sharachchandra Lele and Ajit Menon (eds), Democratizing Forest Governance in India
by Kamal Nayan Choubey - 132-134 Book Review: A. Vinod Kumar, India and the Nuclear Non-proliferation Regime: The Perennial Outlier
by Rudra Chaudhuri - 134-135 Book Review: Arjun Guneratne and Anita M. Weiss (eds), Pathways to Power: The Domestic Politics of South Asia
by Mark Schneider - 136-137 Book Review: Paul Wallace (ed.), India’s 2014 Elections: A Modi-led BJP Sweep
by Pranav Gupta - 138-142 Susanne Hoeber Rudolph (1930–2015), Lloyd I. Rudolph (1927–2016): A Personal Tribute
by Philip Oldenburg
December 2015, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 149-163 Jayaprakash Narayan, Indian National Congress and Party Politics, 1934–1954
by Rakesh Ankit - 164-178 Democratic Processes in the Context of Separatism and Political Divergence: An Analysis of 2014 Assembly Elections in Jammu and Kashmir
by Rekha Chowdhary - 179-197 Candidate Caste Effects in Uttar Pradesh Elections
by Shikhar Singh - 198-211 India’s Look East Policy: Prospects and Challenges for Northeast India
by Thongkholal Haokip - 212-228 India’s Digital Poll Battle: Political Parties and Social Media in the 16th Lok Sabha Elections
by Neena Talwar Kanungo - 229-246 Towards a Comparative Subnational Perspective on India
by Suraj Jacob - 247-259 The Public Life of a ‘Progressive’ Law: PESA and Gaon Ganarajya (Village Republic)
by Kamal Nayan Choubey - 260-276 Unpacking Public Preference for Increasing Defence Expenditure in India
by Pooja Bakshi - 277-283 Framing the North-East in Indian Politics: Beyond the Integration Framework
by Kham Khan Suan Hausing - 284-289 Ethical Dilemmas of the Encounter: Ethnography, Fieldwork and Political Violence
by Ankur Datta - 290-291 Book Review: M. Madhava Prasad, Cine-Politics: Film Stars and Political Existence in South India
by Rajan Krishnan - 291-294 Book Review: B.L. Shankar and Valerian Roderigues. The Indian Parliament: A Democracy at Work and Sudha Pai and Avinash Kumar (Eds). The Indian Parliament: A Critical Appraisal
by Ajay K. Mehra - 294-296 Book Review: Sandy Gordon, India’s Rise as an Asian Power: Nation, Neighborhood, and Region
by Srinath Raghavan - 296-298 Book Review: Ajay Gudavarthy, Maoism, Democracy and Globalisation: Cross-currents in Indian Politics
by Om Prakash - 299-304 How to (Not) Study Muslim Electoral Responses?
by Hilal Ahmed
June 2015, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial Note
by N/A - 1-4 Rajni Kothari: In Memoriam
by Suhas Palshikar & K.C. Suri - 5-6 Explaining the 2014 Lok Sabha Elections: Introduction
by Christophe Jaffrelot - 7-18 Changing Patterns of Women’s Turnout in Indian Elections
by Sanjay Kumar & Pranav Gupta - 19-38 The Class Element in the 2014 Indian Election and the BJP’s Success with Special Reference to the Hindi Belt
by Christophe Jaffrelot - 39-49 The Impact of Urbanization on the Electoral Results of the 2014 Indian Elections: With Special Reference to the BJP Vote
by Christophe Jaffrelot & Sanjay Kumar - 50-68 The Rise of the Bharatiya Janata Party in West Bengal
by Pralay Kanungo - 69-80 General Election 2014: Will BJP’s Gains Polarize Assam Further?
by Smitana Saikia - 81-93 How Do Muslims Vote? Case of Seemanchal 2014 Parliamentary Elections
by Manindra Nath Thakur - 94-110 Electing the Ruling Party and the Opposition: Voter Deliberations from Sangam Vihar, Delhi, Lok Sabha Elections 2014
by Manisha Priyam - 111-123 Understanding Urban–Rural Patterns of BJP Campaigning in UP (Lok Sabha Elections 2014)
by Siddhartha Mukerji - 124-127 Engendering Political Science in the Classroom
by Shefali Jha - 128-133 Scaling Up: Beyond the Subnational Comparative Method for India
by Aseema Sinha - 134-136 Book Review: Suhas Palshikar, K.C. Suri and Yogendra Yadav, eds, Party Competition in Indian States
by Amitabh Dubey - 136-139 Book Review: Rob Jenkins, Loraine Kennedy and Partha Mukhopadhyay, eds, Power, Protest and India’s Special Economic Zones
by Aseema Sinha - 139-140 Book Review: Mukulika Banerjee. Why India Votes?
by Gilles Verniers - 140-142 Book Review: Manindra Nath Thakur and Dhananjay Rai, eds, Democracy on the Move? Reflections on Moments, Promises and Contradictions
by Harsh Sethi - 142-143 Book Review: Kuldeep Mathur, Public Policy and Politics in India: How Institutions Matter
by Jyoti Mishra - 143-145 Book Review: Uddipana Goswami, Conflict and Reconciliation: The Politics of Ethnicity in Assam
by Santana Khanikar - 145-147 Book Review: Louise Tillin, Remapping India: New States and Their Political Origins
by Rekha Saxena
December 2014, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 119-135 Indigenism in Contemporary IR Discourses in India: A Critique
by Atul Mishra - 137-151 The BJP’s Fragile Mandate: Modi and Vote Mobilizers in the 2014 General Elections
by Pradeep K. Chhibber & Susan L. Ostermann - 153-167 Understanding the Defeat of the BSP in Uttar Pradesh: National Election 2014
by Sudha Pai - 169-183 Seeking OBC Status: Political Strategies of Two Dominant Castes
by Rajeshwari Deshpande - 185-202 Institutionalizing a Coalitional System and Games within Coalitions in India (1996–2014)
by K.K. Kailash - 203-214 Electoral Politics in Madhya Pradesh: Explaining the BJP Consolidation
by Yatindra Singh Sisodia - 215-229 Affirmative Action for Muslims? Arguments, Contentions and Alternatives
by Mohd. Sanjeer Alam - 231-235 Critical Studies in Politics—An Introductory Note
by Aditya Nigam - 237-242 The Promise of Ethnography for the Study of Politics
by Satendra Kumar - 243-245 Book Review: Oliver Mendelsohn, Law and Social Transformation in India
by Anushka Singh - 245-247 Book Review: Ajay K. Mehra (ed.), Party System in India: Emerging Trajectories
by Asha Sarangi - 247-249 Book Review: David N. Gellner, ed., Borderland Lives in Northern South Asia
by Nasreen Chowdhory - 249-251 Book Review: Maya Tudor, The Promise of Power: The Origins of Democracy in India and Autocracy in Pakistan
by David Gilmartin - 251-253 Book Review: Shrikant Paranjpe, India’s Strategic Culture: The Making of National Security Policy and Chris Ogden, Hindu Nationalism and the Evolution of Contemporary Indian Security: Portents of Power
by Waheguru Pal Singh Sidhu - 253-255 Book Review: Dayabati Roy, Rural Politics in India: Political Stratification and Governance in West Bengal
by Neelanjan Sircar - 255-257 Book Review: Suryakant Waghmore, Civility against Caste: Dalit Politics and Citizenship in Western India
by Dishil Shrimankar - 259-260 Obituary Hans Lofgren (1953–2014)
by K.C. Suri - 261-262 Obituary Granville Austin: The Social Constitutionalist
by Ashutosh Kumar - 263-263 Corrigendum
by N/A
June 2014, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-19 Studying the Indian Legislature: What does Question Hour Reveal?
by Srikrishna Ayyangar & Suraj Jacob - 21-41 Governing the Resource: A Study of the Institutions of Decentralized Forest Resource Management
by Lavanya Suresh - 43-54 Civil Society’s Engagement with ULFA in Assam: A Historical Exploration
by Akhil Ranjan Dutta - 55-66 On Civil Society, Again: Civil Society, State and Public Policy in South India
by Anil Kumar Vaddiraju - 67-80 Changing Risk for Landless Populations: How Structural Transformation Influences Communist Success in Rural India
by Triveni Gandhi - 81-97 Return of the ‘National’ in Indian Elections: When do National-level Factors Play a Role in Influencing the Outcomes of State Assembly Elections?
by Rahul Verma & Jyoti Mishra & Shreyas Sardesai & Sanjay Kumar - 99-104 Syllabi and Textbooks of Political Science: Three Notes
by Shailendra Kharat & Mirza Asmer Beg & Gauri Kopardekar - 105-108 Making Surveys Work Better: Experiments in Public Opinion Research
by Irfan Nooruddin - 109-111 Book Review: Achin Vanaik, ed., ICSSR Research Surveys and Explorations: Political Science
by Aparna Devare - 111-114 Book Review: Jagdish Bhagwati and Arvind Panagariya, eds, Why Growth Matters: How Economic Growth in India Reduced Poverty and the Lessons for other Developing Countries and Jean Dreze and Amartya Sen, eds, An Uncertain Glory: India and Its Contradictions
by Rob Jenkins - 114-117 Book Review: Ajay Gudvarthy, ed., Reframing Democracy and Agency in India: Interrogating Political Society and Ajay Gudavarthy, ed., Politics of Post-Civil Society: Contemporary History of Political Movements in India
by Ankita Pandey
December 2013, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 1-1 Note from the Editors
by Suhas Palshikar & K.C. Suri - 127-133 India’s Nationhood: History as Contemporary Politics
by D.L. Sheth - 135-152 The 2013 Karnataka Assembly Outcome: Government Performance and Party Organization Matters
by Sandeep Shastri - 153-177 Making Sense of the House: Explaining the Decline of the Indian Parliament amidst Democratization
by Rahul Verma & Vikas Tripathi - 179-201 Gross Violations of Duverger’s Law in India
by Peter Mayer - 203-212 ‘How Different Are Goa’s Politics?’
by Arthur G. Rubinoff - 213-229 Was the Delimitation Commission Unfair to Muslims?
by Francesca Refsum Jensenius - 231-234 De-structuring Political Science
by Ajay Gudavarthy - 235-240 National and Subnational Comparative Politics: Why, What and How
by Louise Tillin - 241-244 Book Review: Security and Development in India’s Northeast, Confronting the State: ULFA’s Quest for Sovereignty and Perilous Journey: Debates on Security and Development in Assam
by Deepak K. Singh - 244-246 Book Review: India’s Rights Revolution: Has it Worked for the Poor?
by Monica Sakhrani - 246-248 Book Review: Democracy and Its Institutions
by Krishna Menon - 248-249 Book Review: Corruption and Reform in India: Public Services in the Digital Age
by Irfan Nooruddin - 250-252 Book Review: More than Maoism: Politics and Policies of Insurgency in South Asia and Ordinary People, Extraordinary Violence
by Rumela Sen - 252-253 Book Review: Green and Saffron: Hindu Nationalism and Indian Environmental Politics
by Janaki Srinivasan - 253-255 Book Review: Mobilizing Restraint: Democracy and Industrial Conflict in Post-reform South Asia
by Jolie M.F. Wood - 255-257 Book Review: New Subjects and New Governance in India
by Ashutosh Kumar
June 2013, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-1 Introduction to the First Issue
by Suhas Palshikar & K.C. Suri - 1-5 Rajni Kothari’s Career in Political Science
by Lloyd I. Rudolph & Susanne Hoeber Rudolph - 7-11 Underestimating Rajni Kothari
by James Manor - 13-20 The Enigma that is Politics in India
by Yogendra Yadav - 21-41 Political Responses to Religious Diversity in Ancient and Modern India
by Rajeev Bhargava - 43-63 How has Indian Federalism Done?
by Ashutosh Varshney - 65-77 Politics of Governance: A Study of Gujarat
by Ghanshyam Shah - 79-95 Gujarat Elections: The Sub-Text of Modi’s ‘Hattrick’—High Tech Populism and the ‘Neo-middle Class’
by Christophe Jaffrelot - 97-101 Political Science in India: Who Teaches What, to Whom and What for?
by Rajeshwari Deshpande - 103-107 Perspectives on Methods in Political Science
by Divya Vaid - 109-111 Book Review: The Oxford Companion to Politics in India
by K. K. Kailash - 111-113 Book Review: India Since 1980
by Milan Vaishnav - 113-115 Book Review: Poverty Amid Plenty in the New India
by John Echeverri-Gent