September 1993, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 376-377 Book Reviews : JOHN J. PAUL, The Legal Profession in Colonial South India, OUP, Bombay, 1989, 265 pp., Rs. 250
by Dharma Kumar - 377-379 Book Reviews : RODERICH PLAK and DIETMAR ROTHERMUND eds., Emporia, Commodities and Entrepreneurs in Asian Maritime Trade c. 1400-1750, STEINER VERLAG, 1991, 509 pp
by Lakshmi Subramanian - 379-381 Book Reviews : BIPAN CHANDRA ed., Ranade's Economic Writings, Gian Publishing House, New Delhi, 1990, XC + 460 pp., Rs. 450
by S. Ambirajan
June 1993, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 135-161 The great TISCO strike and lockout of 1928-Part 1
by Dilip Simeon - 163-180 Money supply and asset choice in inter-war India
by Tirthankar Roy - 181-214 The privilege of taking life: Some 'anomalies' in the law of homicide in the Bengal Presidency
by Radhika Singha - 215-237 Perception and classification of the rights of the social classes: Gorakhpur and the East India Company in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries
by Meena Bhargava - 239-240 Book Reviews : SARAH F.D. ANSARI, Sufi Saints and. State Power: The Pirs of Sind, 1843-1947, Cambridge University Press, Delhi, 1992
by Seema Alavi - 241-243 Book Reviews : A.G. CHANDAVARKAR, Keynes and India: A Study in Economics and Biography, Macmillan, London, 1989, xiv + 209 pp
by G. Balachandran - 243-245 Book Reviews : MICHAEL H. FISHER, Indirect Rule in India: Residents and the Residency System, 1764-1858, Oxford University Press, Bombay, 1991, 515 pp., Rs. 325
by Mani Kamerkar - 245-248 Book Reviews : OLIVIER GUILLAUME, Analysis of Reasonings in Archaeology: The case of Graeco-Bactrian and Indo-Greek Numismatics, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1990, 133 pp., Rs. 125
by Nayanjot Lahiri - 248-250 Book Reviews : OLIVIER GUILLAUME, edited and compiled, Graeco-Bactrian and Indian Coins from Afghanistan, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1991, xiv + 199 pp., Rs. 140
by Nayanjot Lahiri - 250-252 Book Reviews : GARLAND CANNON, The Life and Mind of Oriental Jones, Cambridge University Press, 1990, xix + 409 pp
by O.P. Kejariwal - 252-253 Book Reviews : RUBY MALONI, European Merchant Capital and the Indian Economy: A Historical Reconstruction Based on Surat Factory Records 1630-1688, Manohar Publications, Delhi, 1992, xii+463 pp., Rs. 320
by Sumit Guha - 253-254 Book Reviews : B. JANARDHAN RAO, Land Alienation in Tribal Areas, Kakatiya School of Public Administration, Kakatiya University, Warangal, 1987, viii + 336 pp. , Rs. 100
by I. Thirumali - 254-256 Book Reviews : CHANDI PRASAD SARKAR, The Bengali Muslims: A Study in Their Politic ization (1912-1929), K.P. Bagchi, Calcutta, 1991, 273 pp. , Rs. 200
by Swaraj Basu - 256-258 Book Reviews : MEENAKSHI THAPAN, Life at School: An Ethnographic Study, Oxford Uni versity Press, Delhi, 1991, viii + 271 pp., Rs. 250
by Alka Malvankar - 258-259 Book Reviews : DEBAL K. SINGHA RoY, Women in Peasant Movements-Tebhaga, Naxalite and After, Manohar, 1992, 158 pp., Rs. 175
by Virginius Xaxa - 260-260 A Clarification
by Sanjay Subrahmanyam
March 1993, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-27 The handloom industry and its market structure: The case of the Madras Presidency in the first half of the twentieth century
by Haruka Yanagisawa - 29-55 Theory and practice of town planning in Calcutta, 1817 to 1912: An appraisal
by Samita Gupta - 57-84 Strikes in the greater Calcutta region 1918-1924
by Partho Datta - 85-113 South Bihar geography and the agricultural cycle: Gaya and Shahabad in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
by Alok Sheel - 115-116 Book Reviews : WALTER K. ANDERSON and SHRIDHAR D. DAMLE, The Brotherhood in Saffron. The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and Hindu Revivalism, Vistaar Publications, New Delhi, 1987, 317 pp., Rs. 225
by Meenakshi Thapan - 116-118 Book Reviews : SUGATA BosE, ed., South Asia and World Capitalism, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1990, xii + 405 pp., Rs. 325
by Rajat Kanta Ray - 118-120 Book Reviews : AYESHA JALAL, The State of Martial Rule: The Origins of Pakistan's Political Economy of Defence, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New York, Sydney, 1990, xiv + 362 pp
by S.D. Muni - 120-122 Book Reviews : N. LAHIRI, The Archaeology of Indian Trade Routes (up to c. 200 BC), Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1992, 461 pp., Rs. 450
by Himanshu Prabha Ray - 122-124 Book Reviews : D.A. Low, Eclipse of Empire, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1991, 375 pp., n.p
by David Baker - 124-126 Book Reviews : PETER REEVES, Landlords and Governments in Uttar Pradesh. A Study of their Relations until Zamindari Abolition, Oxford University Press, Bombay, 1991, xiv + 359 pp., Rs. 325
by Sanjay Sharma - 126-128 Book Reviews : GHANSHYAM SHAH, ed., Capitalist Development: Critical Essays, Popular Prakashan, Bombay, 1990, xi + 411 pp., Rs. 450
by Ashis Banerjee - 128-132 Book Reviews : SANJAY SUBRAHMANYAM, The Political Economy of Commerce: Southern India 1500-1650, Cambridge University Press, 1990
by Neils Steensgaard - 132-133 Book Reviews : WILLEM VAN SCHENDEL, Three Deltas: Accumulation and Poverty in Rural Burma, Bengal and South India, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 1991, 344 pp., Rs. 295
by Sekhar Bandyopadhyay
December 1992, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 393-436 The commons, community and the courts of colonial Punjab
by Minoti Chakravarty Kaul - 437-477 Nature of society and civilisation in early Deccan
by Aloka Parasher - 479-506 State intervention in industrialisation: A case study of the Madras Presidency
by Padmini Swaminathan - 507-528 Migration, famines and sex ratio in Orissa division between 1881 and 1921
by Bidyut Mohanty - 529-531 Book Reviews : AKBAR S. AHMED, Resistance and Control in Pakistan, Routledge, London, 1991, xx + 207 pp
by Ayesha Jalal - 531-533 Book Reviews : MUSHIRUL HASAN, A Nationalist Conscience: M.A. Ansari, The Congress and the Raj, Manohar, New Delhi, 1987, 277 pp
by Aparna Basu - 533-535 Book Reviews : GIRIJA SHANKAR, Marwadi Vyapari, Krishna Jansevi & Co., Bikaner, 1988, 204 pp., Rs. 195
by Sumit Guha
September 1992, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 247-289 Towards a new demographic equilibrium: The inception of demographic transition in south India
by Christophe Z. Guilmoto - 291-321 The Mughal state—Structure or process? Reflections on recent western historiography
by Sanjay Subrahmanyam - 323-348 Long-term demographic trends in south Bihar: Gaya and Shahabad districts,* 1811-1921
by Alok Sheel - 349-370 The Maniktala secret society: An early Bengali terrorist group
by Peter Heehs - 371-372 Book Reviews : EHTISHAM AHMAD and NICHOLAS STERN, The Theory and Practice of Tax Reform in Developing Countries, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1991, and Foundation Books, New Delhi, 1991
by P.B. Nayak - 372-374 Book Reviews : S. BHATTACHARYA et al., The South Indian Economy: Agrarian Change, Industrial Structure and State Policy, c. 1914-1947, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1991, xxvii + 292 pp., Rs. 290
by Nasir Tyabji - 374-375 Book Reviews : PETER BOOMGARD, ed., The Colonial Past: Dutch Sources on Indonesian History, The Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, Bulletin No. 323, 1991, 63 pp., price not stated; G.J. KNAAP, Changing Economy in Indonesia: A Selection of Statistical Source Material from the Early Nineteenth Century up to 1940, Volume 9: Transport 1819-1940, KIT Press, The Royal Tropical Institute, 1989, Amsterdam, 122 pp., Df1. 26.00; P. BOOMGARD and J.L. VAN ZANDEN, Changing Economy in Indonesia: A Selection of Statistical Source Material from the Early Nineteenth Century up to 1940, Volume 10: Food Crops and Arable Lands, Java 1815-1942, KIT Press, The Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, 1990, 144 pp., Df1. 48.00
by Sumit Guha - 375-378 Book Reviews : GIORGIO BORSA, ed., Trade and Politics in the Indian Ocean: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives, Delhi, Manohar, 1990, x + 221 pp., Rs. 220
by M.N. Pearson - 378-379 Book Reviews : H.V. BOWEN, Revenue and Reform: The Indian Problem in British Politics 1757-1773, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1991, xi + 204 pp. , £ 27.50
by Sumit Guha - 379-381 Book Reviews : JEAN DREZE and AMARTYA SEN, Hunger and Public Action, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1989, 373 pp., Rs. 275
by Arup Mitra - 381-382 Book Reviews : HIROSHI FUKAZAWA, The Medieval Deccan: Peasants, Social Systems and States—Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries, with Preface by N. Karashima and Introduction by H. Kotani, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1991, xiv + 252 pp., Rs. 250
by Sumit Guha - 383-385 Book Reviews : ANIRUDHA GUPTA, ed.,Minorities on India's West Coast. History and Society, Kalinga Publications, Delhi, 1991, 231 pp., Rs. 295
by Lakshmi Subramanian - 385-386 Book Reviews : HAROLD JAMES, HAKAN LINDGREN and ALICE TEICHOVA, eds., The Role of Banks in the Interwar Economy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, and Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Paris, 1991, xii + 277 pp., price not mentioned; RONALD C. MICHIE, The City of London: Continuity and Change, 1850-1990, Macmillan, London, 1992, xii + 238 pp., price not mentioned
by G. Balachandran - 387-388 Book Reviews : P.J. RICH, Elixir of Empire, London Regency Press, 1989
by Krishna Kumar - 388-390 Book Reviews : DILBAGH SINGH, The State, Landlords and Peasants: Rajasthan in the 18th Century, Delhi, Manohar, 1990, xii + 226 pp., Rs. 150
by Sanjay Subrahmanyam - 390-391 Book Reviews : TATU VANHANEN, Politics of Ethnic Nepotism: India as an Example, Sterling Publishers, New Delhi, 1991
by Ashok Guha
June 1992, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 117-144 Quarantine, pilgrimage, and colonial trade: India 1866-1900
by Mark Harrison - 145-169 Textile traders and territorial imperatives: Masulipatnam, 1750--1850
by P. Sudhir & P. Swarnalatha - 171-198 Surveillance and settlements under the Criminal Tribes Act in Madras
by Meena Radhakrishna - 199-214 The diffusion of the stationary steam engine from Britain to India 1790-1830
by Jennifer Tann & John Aitken - 215-225 Land tax and trade in agricultural produce in seventeenth century western Rajasthan
by B.L. Bhadani - 227-234 Book Reviews : GYANENDRA PANDEY, The Construction of Communalism in Colonial North India, Oxford, Delhi, 1990; SANDRIA B. FREITAG, Collective Action and Community: Public Arenas and the Emergence of Communalism in North India, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1989; VEENA DAS, ed. Mirrors of Violence: Communities, Riots and Survivors in South Asia, Oxford, Delhi, 1990
by Nita Kumar - 234-238 Book Reviews : SUSAN BAYLX, Saints, Goddesses and Kings: Muslims and Christians in South Indian Society, 1700-1900, (Cambridge South Asia Series no. 43),Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1989, 504 pp., bibliography, index
by Richard M. Eaton - 238-239 Book Reviews : MARIAM DOSSAL, Imperial Designs and Indian Realities: The Planning of Bombay City 1845-1875, Oxford University Press, Bombay, 1991, xv+251 pp., Rs. 290
by V.R. Muraleedharan - 239-241 Book Reviews : HUGALD GRAFE, History of Christianity in India: Tamilnadu in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Vol. IV, Part II, Church History Association of India, Bangalore, 1990, 325 pp., price unstated
by Susan Visvanathan - 241-242 Book Reviews : MARK HOLSTROM, ed., Work for Wages in South Asia, Manohar, New Delhi, 1990, 193 pp., Rs. 200/
by Dharma Kumar - 242-244 Book Reviews : MALAVIKA KARLEKAR, Voices from Within: Early Personal Narratives of Bengali Women, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1991, xviii + 227 pp., Rs. 225
by Indrani Chatterjee
March 1992, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-35 The climax of popular protest: The Quit India Movement in Orissa
by Biswamoy Pati - 37-56 Class and gender politics in the Ramlila
by Nita Kumar - 57-75 Mortality and Indian labour in Malaya, 1877-1933
by Ralph Shlomowitz & Lance Brennan - 77-102 Reflections in another mirror: Fictional genealogies of Chilkigarh
by Ranabir Samaddar - 103-104 Book Reviews : SEKHAR BANDOPADHYAY, Caste Politics and the Raj: Bengal 1872-1937, Calcutta, 1990, K.P. Bagchi and Co., Rs. 150
by Tanika Sarkar - 104-105 Book Reviews : Z.A. DESAI and W.E. BEGLEY, ed., The Shah Jahan Nama of 'Inayat Khan,' Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1990, xxxviii + 624 pp., maps, 48 plates, Rs. 575
by Sanjay Subrahmanyam - 106-107 Book Reviews : MUSHIRUL HASAN, Nationalism and Communal Politics in India 1885-1930, Manohar, New Delhi, 1991, x + 338 pp., Rs. 300
by Papiya Ghosh - 107-109 Book Reviews : DEEPAK KUMAR, ed., Science and Empire: Essays in Indian Context (1700-1947), Anamika Prakashan, New Delhi, 1991, xiv + 205 pp., Rs. 200
by D. Veeraraghavan - 109-110 Book Reviews : HUGH OWEN, The Indian Nationalist Movement, c. 1912-22: Leadership, Organisation and Philosophy. Asian Studies Association of Australia, South Asian Publications Series, No. 6. Sterling Publishers, New Delhi, 1990, 262 pp., Rs. 225
by David Baker - 110-112 Book Reviews : SANJAY SUBRAHMANYAM, Improvising Empire. Portuguese Trade and Settlement in the Bay of Bengal 1500-1700. Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1990, xix + 269 pp., appendix, index, three maps, Rs. 215
by Anthony Disney - 112-114 Book Reviews : STANLEY JEYARAJA TAMBIAH, Magic, Science, Religion, and the Scope of Rationality, Cambridge University Press, 1990, 187 pp., £9.95
by Rabindra Ray - 114-116 Book Reviews : PETER VAN DER VEER, Gods on Earth. The Management of Religious Experience and Identity in a North Indian Pilgrimage Centre, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1989, xv + 310 pp., appendices, notes, bibliography, index, Rs. 200
by Roma Chatterji
December 1991, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 341-370 State policy, the market economy, and tribal decline: The Central Provinces, 1861-1920
by David Baker - 371-391 Mortality decline in early twentieth century India: A preliminary enquiry
by Sumit Guha - 393-416 Growth and decline of the mica mining industry in Nellore, 1911-1950
by Keshabananda Das - 417-434 The making of the Congress muslim stereotype: Bihar, 1937-39
by Papiya Ghosh - 435-443 A note on some early nineteenth century inam records in the Karnataka state archives
by Sanjay Subrahmanyam - 445-461 Review Article : KÄ«rtan and social organisation in medieval Bengal
by Kunal Chakrabarti - 463-465 Book Reviews : D.W. ATTWOOD and B.S. BAVISKAR (eds.), Who Shares? Co-operatives and Rural Development, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1988, x + 432 pp., Rs. 250
by M.N. Panini - 465-466 Book Reviews : BRAJADULAL CHATTOPADHYAYA, Aspects of Rural Settlements and Rural Society in Early Medieval India, Calcutta, Centre for Studies in Social Sciences (Sakharam Ganesh Deuskar Lectures on Indian History and Culture, 1985), 1990, 131 pp., Rs. 50
by Upinder Singh - 466-469 Book Reviews : SANDRIA B. FREITAG (ed.), Culture and Power in Banaras: Community, Performance and Environment 1800-1980, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1989
by Radhika Singha - 469-470 Book Reviews : A.K. JAIN and P. VISARIA (eds.), Infant Mortality in India: Differentials and Determinants, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 1988, 404 pp., Rs. 225
by Alaka M. Basu - 470-472 Book Reviews : GEETANJALI PANDEY, Between Two Worlds: An Intellectual Biography of Premchand, Manohar, New Delhi, 1989, 225 pp., Rs. 140
by Vir Bharat Talwar - 472-473 Book Reviews : G. RODGERS, ed., Population Growth and Poverty in Rural South Asia, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 249 pp., 1989, Rs. 195
by Alaka M. Basu - 473-474 Book Reviews : MANJIT SINGH, The Political Economy of Unorganised Industry: A Study of the Labour Process, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 1990, 236 pp., Rs. 190
by Tirthankar Roy
September 1991, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 229-260 Commercialisation of Indian agriculture, 1900-1940: What do supply response functions say?
by Omkar Goswami & Aseem Shrivastava - 261-279 The begar abolition movements in British Kumaun
by Shekhar Pathak - 281-297 Excess mortality during the Bengal famine: A re-evaluation
by Tim Dyson & Arup Maharatna - 299-321 Ownership and control of land in medieval Kerala: Janmam—kanam relations during the 16th-18th centuries
by K.N. Ganesh - 325-326 Book Reviews : WILLIAM CROOKE, A Glossary of North Indian Peasant Life, edited, with an Introduction, Appendices and Notes, by Shahid Amin, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1989. liv, 290 pp., Rs. 185
by Gyan Prakash - 327-328 Book Reviews : DANIEL GOLD, The Lord as Guru: Hindi Sants in the North Indian Tradi tion, Oxford University Press, New York, 1987, 250 pp. , Rs. 165
by Ravinder Kaur - 328-330 Book Reviews : STEPHEN HENNINGHAM, A Great Estate and its Landlords in Colonial India: Darbhanga 1860-1942, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1990, 179 pp., Rs. 185
by Peter Robb - 330-332 Book Reviews : R.P.T. DAVENPORT—HINES, and GEOFFREY JONES, eds., British Business in Asia since 1860, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1989, xvi + 301 pp., £ 35.00
by G. Balachandran - 332-333 Book Reviews : LARRY DIAMOND, JUAN J. LINZ, SEYMOUR MARTIN LIPSET, eds., Democracy in Asia, Vistaar Publications, New Delhi, 1989, 487 pp., Rs. 295
by Niraja Gopal Jayal - 333-334 Book Reviews : R.K. KANCHAN. Hindu Kingdoms of South-East Asia, Cosmo Publications, New Delhi, 1990, xxi+372 pp., Rs. 225
by Kunal Chakrabarti - 334-335 Book Reviews : DIRK H.A. KOLFF, Naukar, Rajput, and Sepoy: the ethnohistory of the military in Hindustan, 1450-1850, Cambridge, 1990, xvi + 217 pp., £ 30
by Stewart Gordon - 336-338 Book Reviews : BALDEV RAJ NAYAR, India's mixed economy: The role of ideology and interest in its development, Popular Prakashan, Bombay, 1988, xi + 421 pp., Rs. 350
by P.N. Dhar - 338-339 Book Reviews : PAUL B. RICH, Race and Empire in British Politics, Cambridge University Press, 1986, xiii + 272 pp., notes, bibliography, index, £ 25
by Partha Sarathi Gupta - 339-340 Book Reviews : AMARTYA SEN Commodities and Capabilities, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1987, 89 pp., Rs. 60. AMARTYA SEN with contributions from J. Muellbauer, R. Kanbur, K. Hart and B. Williams, ed., G. Hawthorn, The Standard of Living, The Tanner Lectures, Clare Hall, Cambridge, 1985, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1987, xiv + 125 pp
by Suresh Tendulkar
June 1991, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 121-150 Famines and Peasant Mobility: Changing Agrarian Structure in Kurnool District of Andhra, 1870-1900
by D. Rajasekhar - 151-170 Growth and decay of a Kanphata Yogi monastery in south-west Nepal
by Veronique Bouillier - 171-185 The cultural space of a film narrative: Interpreting Kismet (Bombay Talkies, 1943)
by Ravi Vasudevan - 187-201 Sris Chandra Chatterjee: 'The quest for a national architecture
by Samita Gupta - 203-205 Book Reviews : V.B. ATHREYA, G. DJURFELDT and S. LINDBERG, Barriers Broken: Production Relations and Agrarian Change in Tamil Nadu, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 1990, 335 pp., Rs. 250
by Madhura Swaminathan - 205-208 Book Reviews : JAN BREMAN, Taming the Coolie Beast: Plantation Society and the Colonial Order in Southeast Asia, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1989, 339 pp., Rs. 175
by Rana P. Behal - 208-209 Book Reviews : MICHAEL COULSON, MÄ lati MÄ dhavam, (critical edition, revised by Roderick Sinclair), Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1989, lxi+278 pp., Rs. 225
by Ashutosh Dayal Mathur - 209-211 Book Reviews : CHRISTOPH von FÃœRER-HAIMENDORF, Life Among Indian Tribes: The autobiography of an anthropologist, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1990, vii + 186 pp. + plates, Rs. 190
by K.S. Singh - 211-213 Book Reviews : KATHLEEN GOUGH, Rural Social Change in Southeast India 1950s to 1980s, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1989, xix + 578 pp. , Rs. 175
by T.K. Sundari - 213-216 Book Reviews : RAMACHANDRA GUHA, The Unquiet Woods: Ecological Change and Peasant Resistance in the Himalaya, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1989, xxii+214 pp., Rs. 175
by Jacques Pouchepadass - 217-217 Book Reviews : ZOYA HASAN, Dominance and Mobilisation: Rural Politics in Western Uttar Pradesh 1930-1980, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 1989, 195. pp., Rs. 175
by Purnima Roy - 218-218 Book Reviews : M.R. KANTAK, ed., First Anglo-Maratha War: The Last Phase (1780-83), Deccan College Post-Graduate and Research Institute, Pune, 1989, 311 pp., Rs. 210
by Sumit Guha - 218-220 Book Reviews : D.N. MACLEAN, Religion and Society in Arab Sind, E.J. Brill, Leiden, 1989, x + 191 pp
by André Wink - 220-221 Book Reviews : K.N. PANIKKAR, ed., Peasant Protests and Revolts in Malabar, Indian Council of Historical Research and People's Publishing House, New Delhi, 1990, 571 pp., Rs. 160
by K. Gopalankutty - 222-223 Book Reviews : BURTON STEIN, Thomas Munro: The Origins of the Colonial State and His Vision of Empire, Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1989, vii + 374 pp., Rs. 250
by David Ludden - 223-224 Book Reviews : NASIR TYABJI, The Small Industries Policy in India, Oxford University Press, Calcutta, 1989, 223 pp., Rs. 200
by Tirthankar Roy - 224-227 Book Reviews : R.K. SAXENA, The Army of the Rajputs (A Study of 18th Century Raj putana), Saroj Prakashan, Udaipur, 1989, vii + 420 pp., Rs. 200
by S. Inayet A. Zaidi
March 1991, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-42 Class conflict and agrarian regimes in Chotanagpur, 1860-1950
by P.P. Mohapatra - 43-71 Eastern India in the early eighteenth century 'crisis': Some evidence from Bihar
by Muzaffar Alam - 73-95 Work and leisure: Daily working hours of agricultural labourers, Nellore District, 1860-1989
by M. Atchi Reddy - 97-109 Factions, interests and messianism: The politics of Portuguese expansion in the east, 1500—1521
by LuÃs Filipe F.R. Thomaz - 111-114 Book Reviews : AMIYA KUMAR BAGCHI, The Presidency Banks and the Indian Economy: 1876-1914, Oxford University Press, Calcutta, 1989, xv + 294 pp., Rs. 125
by S. Ambirajan - 115-116 Book Reviews : FRANCINE FRANKEL and M.S.A. RAO, eds., Dominance and State Power in Modern India, Volume 1, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1989, xv + 443 pp., Rs. 190
by Oliver Mendelshon - 116-119 Book Reviews : RANAJIT GUHA, ed., Subaltern Studies: Writings on South Asian History and Society: Volume V, 1987, x + 296 pp., Rs. 150; Volume VI, 1989, x+335 pp., Rs. 200. Oxford University Press, New Delhi
by Ramachandra Cuha
December 1990, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 377-404 Ethnicity and trade in Surat during the dual government era: 1759-1800
by Michelguglielmo Torri - 405-444 Harappa as a centre of trade and trade routes: A case study of the resource-use, resource-access and lines of communication in the Indus civilization
by Nayanjot Lahiri - 445-463 The Bengal Famine of 1943: re-examining the data
by Omkar Goswami - 465-474 Some aspects of begarin Kashmir in the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries
by Mushtaq Ahmad Kaw - 475-482 Naive anthropology in the reconstruction of Indo-Greek history
by Olivier Guillaume - 483-485 Book Reviews : IMRAN ALI, The Punjab under Imperialism, 1885-1947, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1989, 265 pp., Rs. 225
by Indu Agnihotri - 485-487 Book Reviews : PETER BOOMGAARD, Children of the Colonial State: Population Growth and Economic Development in Java, 1795-1880, Free University Press, Amsterdam, 1989, x + 247 pp. Figures, graphs, maps, tables, appendices. No index. Price not stated
by R.E. Elson - 487-489 Book Reviews : BHIKHU PAREKH, Colonialism, Tradition and Reform: An Analysis of Gandhi's Political Discourse, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 1989, 288 pp., Rs. 190
by B.R. Nanda - 489-491 Book Reviews : TANIKA SARKAR, Bengal 1928-1934: The Politics of Protest. Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1987, 183 pp. , Rs. 130
by Basudeb Chattopadhyay - 491-493 Book Reviews : GUNTHER D. SONTHEIMER and HERMANN KULKE eds., Hinduism Reconsidered. Manohar, New Delhi, 1989, ix + 238 pp., Rs. 180
by C.J. Fuller - 493-495 Book Reviews : B.G. TAMASKAR, Contributions to Historical Geography of India, Inter-India Publications, New Delhi, 1985, xii + 217 pp., Rs. 230
by Krishna Mohan Shrimali
September 1990, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 255-255 Errata
by N/A - 257-287 Disciplining and policing the 'criminals by birth', Part 2: The development of a disciplinary system, 1871-1900
by Sanjay Nigam - 289-312 International business, the state and industrialisation in India: Early growth in the Indian cigarette industry, 1900-19
by Howard Cox - 313-330 Mortality and migrant labour en route to Assam, 1863-1924
by Ralph Shlomowitz & Lance Brennan - 331-350 Fear and loathing in Bhadohi: The revolt of the Monas Rajputs, 1857-58
by Troy Downs - 351-358 A note on Buddhism and urban culture in Kushan India
by Xinru Liu - 359-360 Book Reviews : AUNG TUN THET, Burmese Entrepreneurship: Creative Response in Colonial Economy, South Asian Research Publications Series No. 126, South Asian Institute, University of Heidelberg, Sttutgart; Wiesbaden, Franz Steiner Verlag, 1989, xvi + 197 pp
by Raman Mahadevan - 361-361 Book Reviews : AMIYA KUMAR BAGCH ed., Economy, Society and Polity. Essays in the Political Economy of Indian Planning in Honour of Professor Bhabatosh Datta, Calcutta, Oxford University Press, 1988, xiii + 271 pp. with subject and name indexes, Rs. 100
by N. Raghunathan - 361-363 Book Reviews : SASKIA C. KERSENBOOM-STORY, Nityasumangalī, Devadasi Tradition in South India, Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass, 1987, 226 pp., Rs. 150
by Aloka Parasher - 363-365 Book Reviews : LOLITA NEHRU, Origins of the Gandharan Style, Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1989, xxii + 230 pp. with 195 illustrations and 4 maps
by Olivier Guillaume - 366-366 Book Reviews : LAURENCE W. PRESTON, The Devs of Chinchvad: A Lineage and the State in Maharashtra, Cambridge University Press, 1989, xi + 273 pp., £30
by Sumit Guha - 367-368 Book Reviews : P. RADHAKRISHNAN, Peasant Struggles, Land Reforms and Social Change, Malabar: 1836-1982, New Delhi, Sage Publications, 1989, 289 pp., Rs. 195
by K. Gopalankutty - 369-370 Book Reviews : D. RAJASEKHAR, Land Transfers and Family Partitioning, Trivandrum, Oxford & IBH and CDS, 1988, xii + 90 pp., Rs. 66
by D. Narasimha Reddy - 370-372 Book Reviews : TAPAN RAYCHAUDHURI, Europe Reconsidered: Perceptions of the West in Nineteenth Century Bengal, Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1988, 369 pp., Rs. 170
by Tanika Sarkar - 372-374 Book Reviews : JOHN F. RICHARDS ed., The Imperial Monetary System of Mughal India, Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1987
by K.N. Chaudhuri - 374-376 Book Reviews : DIETMAR ROTHERMUND, An Economic History of India, London, Croom Helm, 1988, x + 214 pp. with annotated bibliography and index
by N. Raghunathan
June 1990, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 131-164 Disciplining and policing the 'criminals by birth', Part 1: The making of a colonial stereotype— The criminal tribes and castes of North India
by Sanjay Nigam - 165-188 Aspects of the Sinhalese-Tamil relations in the plantation areas of Sri Lanka under the British Raj
by Eric Meyer - 189-208 Monarchs, merchants and a matha in Northern Konkan (c. 900-1053 AD)
by Ranabir Chakravarti - 209-228 Sectarianism in Indian Islam: The Shia-Sunni divide in the United Provinces
by Mushirul Hasan - 229-243 Review Article : Imperialism: The auditor's report
by G. Balachandran - 245-246 Book Reviews : Yashodhara Dalmia, The Painted World of the Warlis: Art and Ritual of the Warli Tribes of Maharashtra, Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi, 1988, 239 pp. bibliography, Rs. 200
by Indra Munshi Saldanha - 246-248 Book Reviews : Akinobu Kawai, 'Landlords' and Imperial Rule: Change in Bengal Agrarian Society, c.1885-1940, 2 Vols., Institute for the Study of the Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo, 1986-87, vi + 216 pp., price not stated
by Sumit Guha - 248-249 Book Reviews : Ravi Kalia, Chandigarh: The Making of an Indian City, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1987, 201 pp., Rs. 135
by Gautam Bhatia - 249-251 Book Reviews : T.S. Maxwell, Viśvarūpa, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1988 (Oxford University South Asian Studies Series), xvi+303 pp., 70 black-and- white plates, Rs. 225
by David Shulman - 252-254 Book Reviews : Sujata Patel, The Making of Industrial Relations: The Ahmedabad Textile Industry 1918-1939, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1987
by Chitra Joshi - 254-256 Book Reviews : Paula Richman, Women, Branch Stories, and Religious Rhetoric in a Tamil Buddhist Text, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, 1988, xii + 272 pp. + appen dices, notes, bibliography, index. Foreign and Comparative Studies/ South Asian Series 12
by Norman Cutler
March 1990, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-31 The sterling crisis and the managed float regime in India, 1921-1924
by G. Balachandran - 33-63 Population growth and mortality in British India Part II: The demographic revolution
by Ira Klein - 65-84 An early environmental debate: The making of the 1878 forest act
by Ramachandra Guha - 85-110 Mortality and migrant labour in Assam, 1865-1921
by Ralph Shlomowltz & Lance Brennan - 111-118 Review Article : Post-orientalist blues: Cultural fusions and confusions
by Ayesha Jalal - 119-119 Book Reviews : SURENDRA BHANA and JAMES D. HUNT eds., Gandhi's Editor (Letters of M.H. Nazar), New Delhi, Promilla & Co, 1989, 125 pp., with 4 pages of plates, Rs. 150
by K. Swaminathan - 120-121 Book Reviews : CARLA M. BORDEN ed., Contemporary India, Essays on the Uses of Tradition, Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1989, 412 pp., Rs. 250
by Susan Visvanathan - 122-124 Book Reviews : RICHARD F. GOMBRICH ed., Oxford University Papers on India, Vol. 2, Part 1: Indian Ritual and its Exegesis, Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1988, xvii + 175pp + index, Rs. 125
by David Shulman - 124-125 Book Reviews : RAGHAVAN IYER ed., The Moral and Political Writings of Mahatma Gandhi, Volume III, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1987, 641 pp., Rs. 250
by K.P. Shankar - 125-127 Book Reviews : K.N. PANIKKAR, Against Lord and State: Religion and Peasant Uprisings in Malabar, 1836-1921, Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1989, xv + 232 pp., Rs. 175
by David Arnold - 127-129 Book Reviews : LLOYD I. RUDOLPH and SUSANNE HOEBER RUDOLPH, In Pursuit of Lakshmi: The Political Economy of the Indian State, Delhi, Orient Longman, 1987, 529 pp., Rs. 225
by A. Vaidyanathan - 129-130 Book Reviews : ELEANOR ZELLIOT and MAXINE BERNTSEN eds., The Experience of Hinduism: Essays on Religion in Maharashtra, Albany, State University of New York Press, 1988, xxiv + 387 pp
by C.J. Fuller
December 1989, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 387-403 Population growth and mortality Part I: The climacteric of death
by Ira Klein - 405-435 Mixed trends in landholding in Lalgudi taluk: 1895-1925
by Haruka Yanagisawa - 437-457 Early historical trade: An overview
by Himanshu Prabha Ray - 459-480 Mobilisation against the State and not against the landlords: The Civil Disobedience Movement in Malabar
by K. Gopalankutty - 481-482 Book Reviews : GENEVIÈVE BOUCHON, 'Regent of the Sea': Cannanore's Response to Portuguese Expansion, 1507-1528, Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1988, 254 pp., with 5 maps, appendices, glossary and bibliography. Rs. 100
by Anthony Disney - 482-484 Book Reviews : HASTINGS DONNAN, Marriage among Muslims: Preference and Choice in Northern Pakistan, Delhi, Hindustan Publishing Corporation, 1988, xiv + 231 pp., with illustrations, tables, glossary, bibliography and index. Rs. 180
by Imtiaz Ahmad - 484-485 Book Reviews : S.J.M. EPSTEIN, The Earthy Soil: Bombay Peasants and the Indian Nationalist Movement, 1919-1947, Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1988, 160 pp., Rs. 125
by Sumit Guha - 485-486 Book Reviews : K.K.N. KURUP, William Logan: A Study in the Agrarian Relations of Malabar, Calicut, Sandhya Publications, 1981, Rs. 50
by Rajan Gurukkal - 486-487 Book Reviews : K.K.N. KURUP ed., Kavalappara Papers, Calicut, Calicut University Historical Series, 1984, Rs. 50
by Rajan Gurukkal - 488-489 Book Reviews : T.N. MADAN, Non-Renunciation: Themes and Interpretations of Hindu Culture, Delhi; Oxford University Press, 1987, xiii + 184 pp
by Lawrence A. Babb - 489-490 Book Reviews : THOMAS PANTHAM and KENNETH L. DEUTSCH eds., Political Thought in Modern India, New Delhi, Sage Publications, 1986, 362 pp., Rs. 175
by Gurpreet Mahajan - 491-493 Book Reviews : PEMA RAM, Agrarian Movements in Rajasthan, Panchsheel Prakashan, 1986, xii + 356 pp. , Rs. 175
by Hari Sen - 493-494 Book Reviews : BHARATI RAY, Hyderabad and British Paramountcy: 1858-1883, Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1988, xviii + 232 pp., Rs. 299
by C.V. Subbarao - 495-497 Book Reviews : KARINE SCHOMER and W.H. McLEOD eds., The Sants: Studies in a Devotional Tradition of India, Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass, 1987, ix + 472 pp., with index, select bibliography and colour plate. Rs. 300
by David Shulman
September 1989, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 269-295 The Criminal Tribes Act in Madras Presidency: Implications for itinerant trading communities
by Meena Radhakrishna - 297-318 The handloom industry of Central India: 1825-1950
by Sumit Guha - 319-341 Cultural nationalism and social reform: The 1904 Temperance Movement in Sri Lanka
by John D. Rogers - 343-362 The Mughal State and tribes in seventeenth century Sind
by Sunita Zaidi - 363-367 A rejoinder to Irfan Habib
by André Wink