October 1980, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 381-396 The Delhi Proposals: A Study in Communal Politics
by Mushirul Hasan - 397-408 The State of Research into Bene Israel Indian Jews
by Shalva Weil - 409-419 Genesis and Operation of the Bengal State Aid to Industries Act, 19311
by Iftikhar-Ul-Awwal - 421-422 Book Reviews : ASHIS NANDY, At the Edge of Psychology, Essays in Politics and Culture, Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1980, Pp. 133, Rs. 50
by Andre Beteille - 422-423 Book Reviews : C. R. BOXER, Portuguese India in the Mid-Seventeenth Century, New Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1980, Pp. 57, Rs 15
by T.R. De Souza - 423-425 Book Reviews : B. R. NANDA (ED), Essays in Modern Indian History, Oxford University Press, 1980, Pp. 252, Rs 70
by Mushirul Hasan - 425-427 Book Reviews : KRISHNA KUMAR TUMMALA, The Ambiguity of Ideology and Administrative Reform, Allied Publishers Private Ltd, 1979, Pp. 367, Rs 50
by S. Guhan - 427-429 Book Reviews : SAMUEL J. ELDERSVELD and BASHIRUDDIN AHMED, Citizens and Politics: Mass Political Behaviour in India, The University of Chicago Press, 1978, Pp. xii+351
by Thomas Pantham
July 1980, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 257-281 Weavers, Merchants and Company: The Handloom Industry in Southeastern India 1750-1790
by S. Arasaratnam - 283-306 On South Indian Bandits and Kings
by David Shulman - 307-327 "Lombard Street" and India: Currency Problems in the Late Nineteenth Century
by Arnold P. Kaminsky - 329-341 Share of the Nobility in the Revenues of Akbar's Empire 1595-96
by Shireen Moosvi - 343-344 Book Reviews : TEOTONIO R. DE SOUZA, Medieval Goa: A Socio-economic Study, New Delhi, Concept Publishing House, 1979, Rs 65
by M.N. Pearson - 344-348 Book Reviews : HERMANN GOETZ, Studies in the History, Religion and Art of Classical and Medieval India, edited by Hermann Kulke, South Asia Institute, Uni versity of Heidelberg, Franz Steiner Verlag GMBH, Wiesbaden, 1974, Pp. 171, 38 line drawings, 31 plates, Price not stated
by Devangana Desai - 348-350 Book Reviews : R. JEFFREY (ed.) People, Princes and Paramount Power : Society and Politics in the Indian Princely States, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1978, Rs 80
by Colin Simmons - 350-350 Book Reviews : ASOK MITRA, Implications of Declining Sex Ratio in India's Population (ICSSR Programme of Women's Studies), Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1979, Pp. 85, Rs 25
by A. Mukul Mukherjee - 351-352 Book Reviews : RAMKRISHNA MUKHERJEE, Sociology of Indian Sociology, Allied Publishers, 1979, pp. 199, Rs 50
by Shiv Visvanathan - 352-353 Book Reviews : JOAN M. NELSON, Access to Power, Politics and the Urban Poor in Develop ing Nations, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1979, Pp. 463, Cloth, $34.50, paper $8.75
by Andre Beteille
April 1980, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 157-189 The Indigenous Irrigation Organization in South Bihar
by Nirmal Sengupta - 191-209 Railways and Their Impact on Bengal's Economy, 1870-1920
by Mukul Mukherjee - 211-226 Birbhum Silk Industry: A Study of its Growth to Decline
by Rajan Kumar Gupta - 227-241 Notes on the Textile Technology in Medieval India with Special Reference to the South
by Vijaya Ramaswamy - 243-244 Book Reviews : Bharuci's Commentary on the Manusmrti, the Manubhasyavivarana (books 6-12) Text, Translation and Notes, Vol. I, Text pp. 14+325: Vol. II, Translation and Notes pp. 489; Edited and Translated by J. Duncan M. Derrett, Franz Steiner Verlag GMBH, WIESBADEN, 1975
by M.M. Patkar - 244-246 Book Reviews : RICHARD MAXWELL EATON, Sufis of Bijapur, 1300-1700: Social Roles of Sufis in Medieval India, Princeton University Press, 1978
by S. Nurul Hassan - 246-248 Book Reviews : S.P. Gupta, Modern India and Progress in Science and Technology, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1979
by Aparna Basu - 248-249 Book Reviews : ASOK MITRA, The Status of Women: Literacy and Employment (ICSSR Programme of Women's Studies—II), Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1979, Rs 20, Pp. 74. ASOK MITRA, ADHIR K. SRIMANY, and LALIT K. PATHAK, The Status of Women: Household and Non-Household Activity (ICSSR Programme of Women's Studies—III), Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1979, Rs 20, Pp. 78
by Mukul Mukherjee - 250-250 Book Reviews : K. SARADAMONI, Emergence of a Slave Caste: Pulayas of Kerala, People's Publishing House, New Deihi, 1980, Rs 45
by Dharma Kumar - 251-253 Book Reviews : ASOK SEN, Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar and His Elusive Milestones, Ridhi- India, Calcutta, Pp. 194, Rs 30
by Suresh Sharma - 253-255 Book Reviews : G.D. SHARMA, Rajput Policy—A Study of Politics and Administration of the State of Marwar, 1638-1749, Manohar, Delhi, 1977, Pp. 333, Rs 50
by Harbans Mukhia - 255-255 Book Reviews : PUSHPA SURI, Social Conditions in Eighteenth Century Northern India, University of Delhi, 1977, Pp. 252, Rs 58
by Rajat Ray
January 1980, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-34 The Technology and Economy of Mughal India
by Irfan Habib - 35-94 Assamese Agrarian Society in the Late Nineteenth Century: Roots, Structures and Trends
by Amalendu Guha - 95-120 Banditry in Mughal India: Historical and Folk Perceptions
by J.F. Richards & V.N. Rao - 121-138 On the Study of Conversion Movements: A Review Article and a Theoretical Note
by R.E. Frykenberg - 139-142 Book Reviews : K.N. CHAUDHURI, The Trading World of Asia and the English East India Company 1660-1760, Cambridge University press, 1978, Pp. xviii+ 629, £ 37.50
by OM Prakash - 142-143 Book Reviews : A. L. EPSTEIN (Ed.), The Craft of Social Anthropology, Hindustan Publishing Corporation (I), Delhi, 1978, Pp. xxix+274, Rs 35.00
by Klshav C. Kaistha - 144-145 Book Reviews : CHITTABRATA PALIT, Tensions in Bengal Rural Society: Landlords, Planters and Colonial Rule 1830-1860, Progressive Publishers, Calcutta, 1975, Pp. 226 +Appendices and a map, Rs 30.00
by Dipesh Chakrabarty - 145-150 Book Reviews : GYANENDRA PANDEY, The Ascendancy of the Congress in Uttar Pradesh 1926-34: A Study in Imperfect Mobilization, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1978, Pp. xvi+245
by Rajat Ray - 151-151 Book Reviews : JOHN PEMBLE, The Raj, the Indian Mutiny and the Kingdom of Oudh 1801-1859, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1979, Pp. 303, Rs 48
by Rajat Ray - 151-153 Book Reviews : GEORGE STEINER, On Difficulty and Other Essays, Oxford University Press, Pp. 209+xi, £5.50
by R.A.P. Shastri - 153-154 Book Reviews : MYRON WEINER and JOHN OSGOOD FIELD (Eds.), Electoral Politics in the Indian States: Three Disadvantaged Sectors, Vol. II, Manohar Book Service, Delhi, 1975, pp. xxii+199, Rs 60
by Bashiruddin Ahmed - 154-155 Book Reviews : A Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Vrndavan Research Institute (in two parts), Vrndavan Research Institute, Vrndavan, India. Part I: compiled by R.D. Maiduly and edited by R.D. Gupta and M.L. Gupta, 1976, Pp. 409+Appendix of 118 pages; Part II: compiled by V. Hanumantachar and edited by R.D. Gupta and J.C. Wright, 1978, Pp. 459+80
by B.N. Chaturvedi
October 1979, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 377-394 Development of Modern Elite Retailing in Calcutta, 1880-19201
by Christine Furedy - 395-414 Henry Fawcett and the British Empire
by John Wood - 415-427 Population of Marwar in the Middle of the Seventeenth Century
by B.L. Bhadant - 429-431 Book Reviews : B.D. CHATTOPADHYAYA, Coins and Currency Systems in South India, c. AD 225-1300, Munshiram Manoharlal Oriental Book Publishers, New Delhi, 1977, Pp. xiv+352, 8 plates, Rs 110
by Pratipal Bhatia - 431-433 Book Reviews : K.N. CHAUDHURI and CLIVE J. DEWEY (Eds.), Economy and Society: Essays in Indian Economic and Social History, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1979, Pp. x+358, Rs 85
by Michelle McAlpin - 433-435 Book Reviews : CLIVE DEWEY and A.G. HOPKINS (Eds.), The Imperial Impact: Studies in the Economic History of Africa and India, The Athlone Press, Univer sity of London, 1978, Pp. 409, £ 12.50
by Dharma Kumar - 435-437 Book Reviews : VIDYA DEHEJIA, Early Stone Temples of Orissa, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 1979, Pp. 217, Rs 125
by C. Sivaramamurti - 437-439 Book Reviews : K. L. GILLION, The Fiji Indians—Challenge to European Dominance, 1920-46, Australian National University Press, Canberra, 1977
by Lalita Chakravarty - 439-440 Book Reviews : Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics and the Indian Council of Social Science Research, Annotated Bibliography on the Economic History of India, 1500 to 1947, Vol. I (Parts 1-4), Vol. II (Parts 5-6), Pune, 1977, Pp. 241 and 318, Rs 200 per volume
by J. Krishnamurty - 440-441 Book Reviews : B. N. GOSWAMY, Painters at the Sikh Court: A Study based on Twenty Documents, Franz Steiner Verlag GMBH, Wiesbaden, 1975, Pp. 146 (19 plates in b/w)
by Partha Mitter - 442-445 Book Reviews : M. MUFAKHARUL ISLAM, Bengal Agriculture 1920-1946: A Quantitative Study, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, London, New York, Melbourne, 1978, Pp. iv + 283, £12.50
by Ashok V. Desai - 445-448 Book Reviews : D.A. Low (Ed.), Congress and the Raj: Facets of the Indian Struggle, 1917-47, New Delhi, Arnold-Heinemann, 1977, Pp. xiv+514, maps
by Partha Sarathi Gupta - 448-449 Book Reviews : PRASANTA S. MAJUMDAR and ILA MAJUMDAR, Rural Migrants in an Urban Setting, Hindustan Publishing Corporation, Delhi, 1979, Pp. 176, Rs 50
by Ashish Bose - 449-451 Book Reviews : JAMES MANOR, Political Change in an Indian State—Mysore, 1917-55, New Delhi, Manohar, 1977, Pp. xii+261, Rs 45
by Raman Mahadevan
July 1979, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 243-267 Comparative Agrarian Relations in Karnataka (South India) and Hausaland (Northern Nigeria)
by Polly Hill - 268-271 Appendix II
by N/A - 273-300 Forest Management and Imperial Politics: Thana District, Bombay, 1823-188.7
by Richard Tucker - 301-321 Wages Data from the Private Agricultural Accounts, Nellore District, 1893-1974
by M. Atchi Reddy - 323-345 The Alienation of Weavers: Impact of the Conflict between the Revenue and Commercial Interests of the East India Company, 1750-1800
by Hameeda Hossain - 347-365 Patronage and Irrigation in Tamil Nadu: A Long-term View
by David Ludden - 367-368 Book Reviews : IMTIAZ AHMAD (Ed.), Caste and Social Stratification among Muslims in India (2nd edn.), Manohar, 1978, Pp. 318, Rs 65. IMTIAZ AHMAD (Ed.), Family, Kinship, and Marriage among Muslims in India, Manohar, 1976, Pp. 367, Rs 75
by Veena Das - 368-370 Book Reviews : UMA DAS GUPTA, Rise of an Indian Public, RDDHI, Calcutta, 1977, Pp. 332, Rs 60
by Aparna Basu - 370-370 Book Reviews : VINA MAZUMDAR (Ed.), Symbols of Power: Studies on the Political Status of Women in India, Allied Publishers Private Limited, Bombay, 1979, Pp. xxiv +373, Rs 60
by Michelle McAlpin - 370-373 Book Reviews : RAJAT K. RAY, Industrialization in India: Growth and Conflict in the Private Corporate Sector, 1914-47, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1979, Pp. xi+ 384, Rs 80
by Morris David Morris - 373-374 Book Reviews : M.H. SIDDIQI, Agrarian Unrest in North India: The United Provinces, 1918-22, Vikas, New Delhi, 1978, Pp. xvii+247, Rs 60
by Gyan Pandey - 374-375 Book Reviews : BINDESHWARI PRASAD SINHA (Ed.), The Comprehensive History of Bihar, Volume I, Parts I and II, Kashi Prasad Jayaswal Research Institute, Patna, Pp. 2000, Rs 120
by Girish Mishra
April 1979, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 105-143 The Deindustrialization of India in the Nineteenth Century: A Methodological Critique of Amiya Kumar Bagchi
by Marika Vicziany - 147-161 A Reply
by Amiya Kumar Bagchi - 163-184 Agricultural Credit Cooperatives in Madras, 1893-1937: Rural Development and Agrarian Politics in Pre-independence India
by Bruce L. Robert JR - 185-206 The Economic Consequences of Indirect Rule in India: A Re-appraisal
by C.P. Simmons & B.R. Satyanarayana - 207-232 Agrarian Conditions in Assam, 1880-1890: A Case Study of Five Districts of the Brahmaputra Valley
by Aditya Mukherjee - 233-234 Book Reviews : AKBAR S. AHMED, Millennium and Charisma among Pathans: A Critical Essay in Social Anthropology, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1976. Pp. xvii+173, £4.95
by Ashis Nandy - 234-236 Book Reviews : BIPLAB DASGUPTA with ROY LAISHLEY, HENRY LUCAS and BRIAN MITCHELL, Village Society and Labour Use, Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1977. Pp. vi+229, Rs 40
by Iqbal Ahmed - 236-238 Book Reviews : NEERA DESAI, Social Change in Gujarat, Bombay, Vera and Co., Publishers Pvt. Ltd. Rs 50
by Aparna Basu - 238-239 Book Reviews : AUSTIN A. D'SOUZA, Anglo-Indian Education: A Study of its Origins and Growth in Bengal up to 1960, Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1976. Pp. 344, Rs 60
by Uma Das Gupta - 239-240 Book Reviews : AMIT KUMAR GUPTA, North West Frontier Province Legislature and Freedom Struggle (1932-47), I.C.H.R., Pp. 239, Rs 30
by Aparna Basu - 240-242 Book Reviews : S. R. MEHROTRA, Towards India's Freedom and Partition, New Delhi, Vikas, 1979, Pp. 322, Rs 60
by Rajat K. Ray
January 1979, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-31 Man, Woman and the Novel: The Rise of a New Consciousness in Bengal (1858-1947)
by Rajat K. Ray - 33-52 Underdevelopment, Past and Present—Some Comparisons of Pre-Industrial Levels of Living—II
by Ajit K. Dasgupta - 53-75 Agrarian Relations in North Bihar: Peasant Protest and the Darbhanga Raj, 1919-20
by Stephen Henningham - 76-83 Appendix
by N/A - 85-95 Land-System as Reflected in Kautilya's ArthaÅ›Ä stra
by Sibesh Bhattacharya - 97-97 Book Reviews : ELLIOTT JAQUES, A General Theory of Bureaucracy, London, Heinemann. Pp. xiii+412, Rs 6.80
by E.A. Ramaswamy - 98-99 Book Reviews : JOHN R. McLANE, Indian Nationalism and the Early Congress, Princeton University Press, 1977, Pp. xii+404, Rs $25
by Gail Minault - 99-101 Book Reviews : FRANK F. CONLON, A Caste in a Changing World: The Chitrapur Saraswat Brahmans 1700-1935, Center for South and Southeast Asia Studies, Berkeley, New Delhi, 1977, Pp. xv+255, Rs 80
by Ashin Das Gupta - 101-102 Book Reviews : A.H. FRANCKE, A History of Ladakh, Critical Introduction by S.S. Girgan and F.M. Hassnain, Sterling Publishers, New Delhi, Pp. 225, Rs 60
by M.L. Pandit - 102-104 Book Reviews : GIRISH MISHRA, Agrarian Problems of Permanent Settlement: A Case Study of Champaran, Peoples' Publishing House, New Delhi, 1978, Pp. xiii+354, Rs 45
by Stephen Henningham
October 1978, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 421-452 Development Strategy: Class and Regional Interests of the Ruling Elites in Pakistan
by Emajuddin Ahmed - 451-466 Officjal Data on Agricultural Wages in the Madras Presidency from 1873
by M. Atchi Reddy - 467-503 Survey of Material in Marathi on the Economic and Social History of India—4
by V.D. Divekar - 505-515 The Trade of the Central Provinces of India (1861-1880)
by N. Benjamin - 517-519 Who Really Ruled Madras Presidency?
by David Ludden - 521-523 On the Applicability of the Concept of Sanskritization: Comment on Hetukar Jha
by Leela Dube - 525-526 Book Reviews : AMALENDU GUHA, Planter Raj to Swaraj, ICHR, New Delhi, 1977, Pp. xx+392, Rs 45
by J.B. Bhattacharjee - 526-528 Book Reviews : P.J. MARSHALL, East Indian Fortunes: The British in Bengal in the Eighteenth Century, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1976, Pp. 284, £ 7.75
by OM Prakash - 528-530 Book Reviews : JOAN P. MENCHER, Agriculture and Social Structure in Tamil Nadu: Past Origins, Present Transformations and Future Prospects, New Delhi, Allied Publishers, 1978, Pp. 304, Rs 60
by B.H. Farmer - 530-533 Book Reviews : ATUL CHANDRA ROY, A History of Mughal Navy and Naval Warfares, Cal cutta, The World Press Ltd, 1972, Pp. 164. B.K. APTE, History of the Maratha Navy and Merchantships, State Board for Literature and Culture, Bombay, 1973, Pp. 311, 40 figures, 17 plates
by Jean Deloche - 533-536 Book Reviews : R.B.P. SINGH, Jainism in Early Medieval Karnataka (c. A.D. 500-1200), Motilal Banarasidas, Delhi, Rs 35
by R. Champakalakshmi - 536-537 Book Reviews : STANLEY WOLPERT, A New History of India, New York, Oxford University Press, 1977, Pp. 471+Bibliography, Index, Glossary
by Mario D. Zamora - 537-539 Book Reviews : H. VENKATASUBBIAH, Enterprise and Economic Change: 50 Years of FICCI, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 1977, Pp. x + 176, Rs 45
by Dwijendra Tripathi
July 1978, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 249-327 Emergence of an Industrial Labour Force in a Dual Economy-British India, 1880-1920
by Lalita Takravarty - 329-358 Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Colonial Burma—An Exploratory Study of the Role of Nattukottai Chettiars of Tamil Nadu, 1880-1930
by Raman Mahadevan - 359-373 The Zamindars' Share in the Peasant Surplus in the Mughal Empire—Evidence of the Ain-i-Akbari Statistics
by Shireen Moosvi - 375-407 Survey of Material in Marathi on the Economic and Social History of India—3
by V.D. Divekar - 409-409 Book Reviews : RICHARD G. Fox (ed.), Realm and Region in Traditional India, New Delhi, Vikas, 1977. Pp. 307, Rs 60
by Tom Timberg - 410-410 Book Reviews : A.D.D. GORDON, Businessmen and Politics—Rising Nationalism and a Moderni zing Economy in Bombay, 1918-1933, Australian National University Monographs on South Asia, No. 3, Manohar Publications, New Delhi, 1978, Pp.xiv+323, Rs 50
by Tom Timberg - 410-415 Book Reviews : M.N. PEARSON, Merchants and Rulers in Gujarat: The Response to the Portu guese in the Sixteenth Century, Munshiram Manoharlal, New Delhi, 1976, Pp. xii+178, Rs 50
by Arun Dasgupta - 415-416 Book Reviews : O.P. SINGH, Surat and its Trade in the Second Half of the 17th Century, Uni versity of Delhi, 1975, Pp. 223, Rs 50
by Ashin Das Gupta - 416-419 Book Reviews : THOMAS A. TIMBERG, The Marwaris—From Traders to Industrialists, Delhi, Vikas, 1977, Rs 60
by C.A. Bayly
April 1978, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 133-150 The Rupee/Pound Exchange in the 1920s
by J.D. Tomlinson - 151-172 The Diary of a Road: A Sequential Narration of the Origins of the Lucknow-Kanpur Road (1825-1856)
by Robert Gabriel Varady - 173-185 Revenue Administration and Agricultural Statistics in Bombay Presidency
by Ashok V. Desai - 187-210 A Further Critique of Historical Yields Per Acre in India
by Alan Heston - 211-219 Land, Soil, Rainfall, Irrigation—Some Aspects of the Backdrop of Agrarian Life in the ArthaÅ›Ä stra of Kautilya
by Sibesh Bhattacharya - 221-240 Survey of Material in Marathi on the Economic and Social History of India—2
by V.D. Divekar - 241-244 Book Reviews : LOUIS DUMONT, From Mandeville to Marx-The Genesis and Triumph of Eco nomic Ideology, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, 1977, Pp. 236
by Sukhamoy Chakravarty - 245-246 Book Reviews : AMAL KUMAR CHATTOPADHYAYA, Slavery in India, London, The Golden Eagle Publishing House, 1977, Pp. xv+278, Rs 60
by Mukul Mukherjee - 246-247 Book Reviews : KRISHNA CHANDRA JENA, Socio-Economic History of Orissa during the 19th Century, Sandeep Prakashan, Delhi, 1978, Pp. 171 (with a bibliography), Rs 48
by Bidyut Mohanty
January 1978, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-19 The Non-Brahmin Movement in Kolhapur
by Chandra Y. Mudaliar - 21-39 The Functions of Hindu Social Reformers— With Special Reference to Kerala
by Charles H. Heimsath - 41-52 Underdevelopment, Past and Present— Some Comparisons of Pre-Industrial Levels of Living
by Ajit K. Dasgupta - 53-79 Population and Standards of Living in Akbar's Time—A Second Look
by Ashok V. Desai - 81-117 Survey of Material in Marathi on the Economic and Social History of India—1
by V.D. Divekar - 119-120 Book Reviews : A.L. BASHAM (ed.), A Cultural History of India, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1975, Pp. 585
by Dharma Kumar - 120-122 Book Reviews : ABUL KHAIR MUHAMMAD FAROOQUE, Roads and Communications in Mughal India, Idarah-i Adabiyat-i Delli, Delhi, 1977, Pp. xxviii+248, Rs 70
by Jean Deloche - 122-125 Book Reviews : B.R. NANDA, Gokhale: The Indian Moderates and the British Raj, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1977, Pp. 580, Rs 80
by Richard Tucker - 125-126 Book Reviews : DEEPAK NAYYAR, India's Exports and Export Policies in the 1960's, South Asian Studies No. 19, Cambridge University Press and Blackie and Son (India) Limited, Cambridge, 1976, Pp xviii +392, Rs 80
by P.B. Mongia - 126-127 Book Reviews : HEATHER and VIJAY JOSHI, Surplus Labour and the City: A Study of Bombay, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1976
by J. Krishnamurty - 127-132 Book Reviews : PRAKASH CHARAN PRASAD, Foreign Trade and Commerce in Ancient India, New Delhi, 1977, Pp. 255
by Jean Deloche
October 1977, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 427-489 Income from the Secondary Sector in India, 1900-47
by S. Sivasubramonian - 493-517 Political Change in British India
by Rajat K. Ray - 519-547 Indian Indentured Labour in Natal, 1890-1911
by Maureen Tayal - 549-559 Lower-Caste Peasants and Upper-Caste Zamindars in Bihar (1921-1925): An Analysis of Sanskritization and Contradiction between the Two Groups
by Hetukar Jha - 561-565 Private Archives in the United Kingdom Relating to India and Problems in Consulting Them
by V.D. Divekar - 567-569 Book Reviews : E.A. RAMASWAMY, The Worker and His Union: A Study in South India, Bombay, Allied Publishers, 1977, Pp. 204, Rs 30
by Eamon Murphy - 569-571 Book Reviews : HARVARD SPODEK, Urban-Rural Integration in Regional Development: A Case Study of Saurashtra, India, 1800-1960, Chicago, University of Chicago, Department of Geography Research Paper 171, 1976
by Helen Meller - 571-572 Book Reviews : M.N. SRINIVAS, The Remembered Village, Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1976. Pp. xiv+356, Rs 60
by Dharma Kumar - 572-574 Book Reviews : WILLIAM CENKER, The Hindu Personality in Education: Tagore, Gandhi, Aurobindo, Manohar, 1976, Pp. 230, Rs 50
by Aparna Basu - 574-575 Book Reviews : MOHD. ABDUL WAHEED KHAN, Brief History of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad. State Archives, Government of Andhra Pradesh, 1972, Pp. 131. J. MANGAMMA, The Rate Schools of Godavari, Regular Monograph Series of State Archives No. 3, Hyderabad, Government of Andhra Pradesh, 1973, Pp. 100
by Dharma Kumar
July 1977, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 291-321 Class and Community in India: The Madras Labour Union, 1918-21
by E.D. Murphy - 323-340 Changing Concepts of Work in the Indian Censuses: 1901-61
by J. Krishnamurty - 341-362 Land as "Patrimony": Nationalist Response to Immigrant Labour Demands for Land in the Early Twentieth Century Sri Lanka
by Vijaya Samaraweera - 363-376 Rents and Forms of Tenancy in Birbhum since the Permanent Settlement
by Karuna Moy Mukerji - 377-384 Marine Insurance and Indo-Portuguese Trade History: An Aid to Maritime Historiography
by T.R. De Souza - 385-389 Factory Labour during the Early Years of Industrialization—A Comment
by Wolf Mersch - 391-396 The Standard of Living in Akbar's Time: A Comment
by Alan W. Heston - 397-401 Note on Professor Alan Heston's "Standard of Living in Akbar's Time—A Comment"
by Shireen Moosvi - 403-403 The Annotated Bibliography on the Economic History of India (1500 A.D. to 1947 A.D.)
by N/A - 405-411 Book Reviews : C. J. BAKER and D. A. WASHBROOK, South India: Political Institutions and Political Change, 1880-1940, Delhi, 1975, Pp. 231 plus index (hereafter B. and W.); C. BAKER, The Politics of South India, 1920-1937, Delhi, 1976, Pp. 326 plus bibliography, glossary and index (hereafter B.); and D.A. WASHBROOK, The Emergence of Provincial Politics, 1880-1920, Delhi, 1977, Pp. 350 plus bibliography, glossary and index (hereafter W.)
by S. Gopal - 411-413 Book Reviews : IMTIAZ AHMAD (Ed.), Family, Kinship and Marriage among Muslims in India, Delhi, Manohar, 1976, Pp. 367, Rs 75
by Zarina Bhatty - 413-415 Book Reviews : D. B. MILLER, From Hierarchy to Stratification: Changing Patterns of Social Inequality in a North Indian Village, Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1975, Pp. xviii+229, Rs 60
by Anand Chakravarti - 415-417 Book Reviews : VIJAYA B. PUNERAR, Assimilation: A Study of North Indians in Bangalore, Popular Prakashan, Bombay, 1974, Pp. ix+160, Rs 36
by Andrea Menefee Singh - 417-420 Book Reviews : FRANCIS ROBINSON, Separatism among Indian Muslims: The Politics of the United Provinces' Muslims, 1860-1923, Cambridge University Press, 1974, Pp. xiii+469, £ 9.00
by Gail Minault - 421-422 Book Reviews : B.S. UPADHYAYA, Feeders of Indian Culture, Peoples Publishing House, New Delhi, 1973, Pp. viii+127, Rs 16.50
by Pratipal Bhatia - 422-424 Book Reviews : G.R. THURSBY, Hindu-Muslim Relations in British India: A Study of Contro versy, Conflict, and Communal Movements in Northern India, 1923-1928, Leiden, E.J Brill, 1975, Pp. x+194, Guilders 48
by Gail Minault - 425-425 Letters
by Robin Jeffrey - 426-426 Reviewer's Reply
by N/A
April 1977, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 153-191 The Working of the Chauth and Sardeshmukhi System in the Mughal Provinces of the Deccan (1707-1803 A.D.)
by M.A. Nayeem - 192-206 Appendix
by N/A - 207-230 Price-making and Market Hierarchy in Early Medieval South India
by Kenneth R. Hall - 231-245 Illegal Extortions from Peasants, Artisans and Menials in Eighteenth Century Eastern Rajasthan
by Harbans Mukhia - 247-254 Marriages among the Christians of Goa— A Study Based on Parish Registers
by Harish C. Srivastava - 255-268 A Note on the Malayali Origins of Anti-Brahminism in South India
by Robin Jeffrey - 269-273 Book Reviews : IMMANUEL WALLERSTEIN, The Modern World-System: Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the European World-Economy in the Sixteenth Century, Academic Press, New York, 1974, Pp. 409
by K.N. Chaudhuri - 273-282 Book Reviews : SARVEPALLI GOPAL, Jawaharlal Nehru: A Biography, Volume One: 1889-1947, Oxford University Press, Bombay, 1976 (first published in Great Britain by Jonathan Cape, 1975), Pp. 398, Rs 100
by Rajat Ray - 282-282 Book Reviews : GEOFFREY BOLTON, Britain's Legacy Overseas, Oxford University Press, London, 1973, Pp. 168, £ 0.65
by A.J.H. Latham - 282-285 Book Reviews : BURTON STEIN (Ed.), Essays on South India, New Delhi, Vikas Publishing House, 1976, Pp. 213, Rs 60
by Joseph J. Brennig - 285-285 Book Reviews : HUGH TINKER, A New System of Slavery: The Export of Indian Labour Over seas, 1830-1920, Oxford University Press, London, 1974, Pp. xvi+432, £ 5.75
by A.J.H. Latham - 285-287 Book Reviews : JOHN C.B. WEBSTER, The Christian Community and Change in Nineteenth Cen tury North India, Macmillan India, Delhi, 1976, Pp. 293, Rs 65.00
by Duncan B. Forrester - 287-290 Book Reviews : PRABHA DIXIT, Communalism—A Struggle for Power, Orient Longman, New Delhi, 1974, Pp. xi+236, Rs 20 (Paperback)
by Rajat Ray
January 1977, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-9 Introduction
by Burton Stein - 11-45 Temples in Tamil Country, 1300-1750 A.D
by Burton Stein - 47-73 Kings, Sects and Temples in South India, 1350-1700 A.D
by Arjun Appadurai - 75-106 From Protector to Litigant— Changing Relations Between Hindu Temples and the Raja of Ramnad
by Carol Appadurai Breckenridge - 107-118 Siva, MÄ«nÄ kÅŸsi, Visnu— Reflections on a Popular Myth in Madurai
by Dennis Hudson - 119-151 Ideology and Cultural Contexts of the Śrīvaisnava Temple
by Friedhelm Hardy
October 1976, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 419-452 East Bengal Immigrants and Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani in Assam Politics, 1928-47
by Amalendu Guha - 455-485 Recruiting and Organizing an Industrial Labour Force in Colonial India: The Case of the Coal Mining Industry, c. 1880-1939
by C.P. Simmons - 487-505 Emergence of Bengalee Entrepreneurship in Tea Plantation in a Bengal District, 1879-1933
by S. Mukherjee - 513-523 Source Material for the Study of Village Communities in Maharashtra
by A.R. Kulkarni - 525-531 The Bihar Famine of 1770
by Nikhil Sur - 533-534 Book Reviews : Baldev Raj Nayar, Violence and Crime in India, Macmillan, Delhi, 1975, Pp. 144
by Dalip S. Swamy - 534-536 Book Reviews : Emily C. Brown. Hardayal: Hindu Revolutionary and Rationalist, The University of Arizona Press, Tuscan, Arizona, USA, 1975, Pp. 321, $ 7.95 (paperback). Reprinted by Manohar Book Service, Daryaganj, New Delhi, Rs 60.00 (hardcover)
by Prabha Dixit - 536-538 Book Reviews : Robin Jeffrey, The Decline of Nuyar Dominance: Society and Politics in Travancore, 1847-1908, London, Sussex University Press, 1976
by M.S.A. Rao - 538-539 Book Reviews : Romila Thapar, The Past and Prejudice, National Book Trust, New Delhi, 1975, Pp. 70, Rs 5
by Veena Das
July 1976, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 277-329 Factory Labour in Eastern I ndia: Sources of Supply, 1855-1946 Some Preliminary Findings
by Ranajit Das Gupta - 331-349 India and the British Empire, 1935-1947
by B.R. Tomlinson - 353-373 Caste Associations in South India: A Comparative Analysis
by David Arnold & Robin Jeffrey & James Manor - 375-391 The Establishment of English Commerce in North-western India in the Early Seventeenth Century
by I. Bruce Watson - 393-401 Numismatic Methodology in the Estimation of Mughal Currency Output
by John S. Deyell - 403-404 Book Reviews : N. N. Bhattacharya, Ancient Indian Rituals and their Social Contexts, Manohar Book Service, Delhi, 1975, Pp. xi+184, Rs 40
by Romila Thapar - 404-407 Book Reviews : Susil Chaudhuri, Trade and Commercial Organization in Bengal 1650-1720. Firma K. L. Mukhopadhyay. Calcutta, 1975, Pp. 293, Rs 40
by Indrani Ray - 408-409 Book Reviews : Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies Monograph, Pills Against Poverty: A Study of the Introduction of Western Medicine in a Tamil Village, Series No. 23, 1975, Goran Djurfeldt Staffan Lindberg, Studentlitteratur, Curzon Press
by K.S. Sanji'vi - 409-411 Book Reviews : Walter J. Fischel, ed., Unknown Jews in Unknown Lands, the Travels of Rabbi David D'Beth Hillel (1824-1832), New York, Ktar Publishing House, Inc., 1973, Pp. 130, sketch maps
by Simon Digby - 412-413 Book Reviews : Surendra Gopal, Commerce and Crafts in Gujarat, 16th and 17th Centuries: A Study in the Impact of European Expansion on Pre-capitalist Economy, People's Publishing House, New Delhi, 1975, Pp. ix + 289
by M.J. Mehta - 414-415 Book Reviews : M. A. Laird, Missionaries and Education in Bengal 1793-1837, Oxford, 1972, Pp. 300, £ 5.50
by Uma Das Gupta