Undated material is presented at the end, although it may be more recent than other items
- 149/17 Test_A il tuo mal di testa. A report di indagine
by Alessandra De Rose & Roberto Verna - 143/15 Pricing arithmetic average options and basket options using Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte methods
by Maria Giuseppina Bruno & Antonio Grande - 137/14 Community activism and sustainability: a multi-dimensional assessment
by Filippo Celata & Venere Stefania sanna - 133/14 Advances in the combination of supervised classification methods: an experimental study
by Sabina Mazza - 132/14 Stabilization and expanded commitment: a theory of forward guidance for economies with rational expectations
by Hughes Hallett Andrew & Nicola Acocella - 131/14 Un nuovo algoritmo di inversione della distribuzione normale standardizzata e sue applicazioni finanziarie
by Maria Giuseppina Bruno & Antonio Grande - 130/14 Gender inequality at home when mothers work. The case of Italy
by Adele Menniti & Pietro Demurtas & Serena Arima & Alessandra De Rose - 128/14 Public health prevention strategies. A mathematical model
by Giuseppe Schinaia & Valentino Parisi - 126/14 The theoretical roots of EMU institutions and policies during the crisis
by Nicola Acocella - 125/14 FEDERICO CAFFÈ: the man, the teaching and the intellectual path
by Nicola Acocella & Mario Tiberi - 124/14 Forward guidance announcements and policy effectiveness
by Nicola Acocella - 123/14 Rise and decline of economic policy as an autonomous discipline: a critical survey
by Nicola Acocella - 122/13 RNS e l’informazione statistica oltre la scala e la risoluzione dei dati
by Gianluigi Salvucci & Valerio Vitale & Edoardo Patruno - 118/13 A review of the literature on subjective poverty in Europe: a focus on data sources
by Elisabetta Santarelli - 117/13 A tale of two cities: exit policies in Washington and Frankfurt
by Nicola Acocella - 116/13 Sviluppo e ambiente: di alcuni possibili conflitti
by Nicola Acocella & Giovanni Di Bartolomeo - 113/13 Subjective poverty in Europe: the role of household socioeconomic characteristics and social capital
by Giuseppina Guagnano & Elisabetta Santarelli & Isabella Santini - 112/13 Social capital and undeclared work: an empirical analysis in Italy from 1998 to 2008
by Maria Felice Arezzo - 111/13 Optimal fiscal policy in a simple macroeconomic context
by Luca Correani & Fabio Di Dio & Stefano Patrì - 109/12 Social capital and household poverty: the case of European Union
by Isabella Santini & Anna de Pascale - 108/12 Gli indicatori bibliometrici nella valutazione delle pubblicazioni scientifiche
by Lucia D'Antone - 104/13 Teoria e pratica della politica economica: l’eredità del recente passato
by Nicola Acocella - 103/12 Europe and its ‘other’: free trade and the geographical imagineries of euro-mediterranean politics
by Raffaella Coletti & Filippo Celata - 102/12 Suburban hotels and the atomization of tourist space in large cities: the case of Rome
by Filippo Celata - 101/12 Social capital and its impact on poverty reduction: measurement issues in longitudinal and cross-country comparisons. Towards a unified framework in the European Union
by Isabella Santini & Anna de Pascale - 99/12 Economic, housing conditions and health of old people in Italy: evidence from EU-SILC
by Elisabetta Santarelli & Anna De Pascale - 95/12 Processi socio-economici e fattori di degrado del suolo nell’alto fortore
by Silvia Ciccarelli - 94/12 Forme e processi di degrado del suolo: il caso della regione Basilicata
by Simone Bonamici - 91/11 The theory of economic policy: from a theory of control to a theory of conflict (resolutions)
by Nicola acocella & Giovanni Di Bartolomeo & Andrew Hughes Hallett - 87/11 Politiche territoriali e politiche turistiche nell’evoluzione urbana. Riflessioni intorno a Roma
by Roberta Gemmiti - 82/11 The deflationary bias of exit strategies in the EMU countries
by Nicola Acocella - 80/11 Labor market imperfections, real wage rigidities and financial shocks
by Nicola Acocella & Laura Bisio & Giovanni Di Bartolomeo & Alessandra Pelloni - 77/11 Roma turistica e competitiva
by Simone Bonamici & Silvia Ciccarelli & Roberta Gemmiti & Daniele Paragano - 76/10 The optimal inflation rate revisited
by Giovanni Di Bartolomeo & Patrizio Tirelli & Nicola Acocella - 72/10 Perception of poverty. Individual, household and social enviromental determinants
by Isabella Santini