- 1999-3 Interview with 1999 Economics Nobel Laureate Robert A. Mundell
by Mundell, Robert A. - 1999-1 Robert A. Mundell: Background Information
by Committee, Nobel Prize - 1998-3 Autobiography
by Sen, Amartya
- 1998-2 The Possibility of Social Choice
by Sen, Amartya - 1998-1 Amartya Sen: Background Information
by Committee, Nobel Prize - 1997-4 Autobiography
by Scholes, Myron S. - 1997-3 Autobiography
by Merton, Robert C.
- 1997-2 Derivatives in a Dynamic Environment
by Scholes, Myron S. - 1997-1 Applications of Option-Pricing Theory: Twenty-Five Years Later
by Merton, Robert C. - 1996-5 Biography
by Vickrey, William S. - 1996-4 Autobiography
by Mirrlees, James A.
- 1996-2 William Vickrey: A Pioneer in the Economics of Incentives
by Laffont, Jean-Jacques - 1996-1 Information and Incentives: The Economics of Carrots and Sticks
by Mirrlees, James A. - 1995-2 Autobiography
by Lucas, Jr., Robert E.
- 1995-1 Monetary Neutrality
by Lucas, Jr., Robert E. - 1994-6 Autobiography
by Selten, Reinhard - 1994-5 Autobiography
by Nash, Jr., John F. - 1994-4 Autobiography
by Harsanyi, John C.
- 1994-3 Multistage Game Models and Delay Supergames
by Selten, Reinhard - 1994-2 The Work of John Nash in Game Theory
by Committee, Nobel Prize - 1994-1 Games with Incomplete Information
by Harsanyi, John C. - 1993-4 Autobiography
by North, Douglass C. - 1993-3 Autobiography
by Fogel, Robert W.
- 1993-2 Economic Performance through Time
by North, Douglass C. - 1993-1 Economic Growth, Population Theory, and Physiology: The Bearing of Long-Term Processes on the Making of Economic Policy
by Fogel, Robert W. - 1992-2 Autobiography
by Becker, Gary S.
- 1992-1 The Economic Way of Looking at Life
by Becker, Gary S. - 1991-2 Autobiography
by Coase, Ronald H.
- 1991-1 The Institutional Structure of Production
by Coase, Ronald H. - 1990-6 Autobiography
by Sharpe, William F. - 1990-5 Autobiography
by Miller, Merton H. - 1990-4 Autobiography
by Markowitz, Harry M.
- 1990-3 Capital Asset Prices With and Without Negative Holding
by Sharpe, William F. - 1990-2 Leverage
by Miller, Merton H. - 1990-1 Foundations of Portfolio Theory
by Markowitz, Harry M. - 1989-2 Biography of Trygve Haavelmo
by Committee, Nobel Prize
- 1989-1 Econometrics and the Welfare State
by Haavelmo, Trygve - 1988-2 Autobiography
by Allais, Maurice
- 1988-1 An Outline of My Main Contributions to Economic Science
by Allais, Maurice - 1987-2 Autobiography
by Solow, Robert M.
- 1987-1 Growth Theory and After
by Solow, Robert M.
- 1986-1 The Constitution of Economic Policy
by Buchanan, James M. - 1985-2 Autobiography
by Modigliani, Franco
- 1985-1 Life Cycle, Individual Thrift and the Wealth of Nations
by Modigliani, Franco - 1984-2 Autobiography
by Stone, Richard
- 1984-1 The Accounts of Society
by Stone, Richard - 1983-2 Autobiography
by Debreu, Gerard
- 1983-1 Economic Theory in the Mathematical Mode
by Debreu, Gerard - 1982-2 Autobiography
by Stigler, George J.
- 1982-1 The Process and Progress of Economics
by Stigler, George J. - 1981-2 Autobiography
by Tobin, James
- 1981-1 Money and Finance in the Macro-Economic Process
by Tobin, James - 1980-2 Autobiography
by Klein, Lawrence R.
- 1980-1 Some Economic Scenarios for the 1980's
by Klein, Lawrence R. - 1979-4 Autobiography
by Lewis, Arthur - 1979-3 Autobiography
by Schultz, Theodore W.
- 1979-2 The Slowing Down of the Engine of Growth
by Lewis, Arthur - 1979-1 The Economics of Being Poor
by Schultz, Theodore W. - 1978-2 Autobiography
by Simon, Herbert A.
- 1978-1 Rational Decision-Making in Business Organizations
by Simon, Herbert A. - 1977-4 Autobiography
by Meade, James E. - 1977-3 Autobiography
by Ohlin, Bertil
- 1977-2 The Meaning of "Internal Balance"
by Meade, James E. - 1977-1 1933 and 1977 - Some Expansion Policy Problems in Cases of Unbalanced Domestic and International Economic Relations
by Ohlin, Bertil - 1976-2 Autobiography
by Friedman, Milton
- 1976-1 Inflation and Unemployment
by Friedman, Milton - 1975-4 Autobiography
by Koopmans, Tjalling C. - 1975-3 Autobiography
by Kantorovich, Leonid Vitaliyevich
- 1975-2 Concepts of Optimality and Their Uses
by Koopmans, Tjalling C. - 1975-1 Mathematics in Economics: Achievements, Difficulties, Perspectives
by Kantorovich, Leonid Vitaliyevich - 1974-1 The Equality Issue in World Development
by Myrdal, Gunnar
- 1974-2 The Pretence of Knowledge
by von Hayek, Friedrich August - 1973-2 Autobiography
by Leontieff, Wassily
- 1973-1 Structure of the World Economy
by Leontieff, Wassily - 1972-4 Autobiography
by Arrow, Kenneth J. - 1972-3 Autobiography
by Hicks, John R. - 1972-1 The Mainspring of Economic Growth
by Hicks, John R.
- 1972-2 General Economic Equilibrium: Purpose, Analytic Techniques, Collective Choice
by Arrow, Kenneth J. - 1971-1 Autobiography
by Kuznets, Simon
- 1971-2 Modern Economic Growth: Findings and Reflections
by Kuznets, Simon - 1970-2 Biography of Paul A. Samuelson
by Committee, Nobel Prize
- 1970-1 Maximum Principles in Analytical Economics
by Samuelson, Paul A. - 1969-3 Autobiography
by Frisch, Ragnar - 1969-1 From Utopian Theory to Practical Applications: The Case of Econometrics
by Frisch, Ragnar
- 1969-2 The Use of Models: Experience and prospects
by Tinbergen, Jan