- 299 Externality, Migration and a Cumulative Process in a City
by Yoshitsugo Kanemoto - 298 Entry Regulation, Fixed Costs and Dominant Public Firms
by Richard Harris - 297 Clubs, Local Public Goods and Transportation Models
by Eitan Berglas & David Pines - 296 Pricing in and Urban Spatial Monopoly: Some Welfare Implications for Policies Which Alter Transport Rates
by Dennis R. Heffley - 294 Investing Returns from Depleting Renewable Resource Stocks and Intergenerational Equity
by John M. Hartwick - 293 Harry Johnson's Contribution to the Pure Theory of International Trade
by Richard G. Lipsey - 292 The Control of Labor Turnover with Incomplete Insurance Markets: The One-Group Case
by Richard Arnott - 291 Optimal Fiscal Policy for State and Local Government
by Richard J. Arnott & Ronald E. Grieson - 290 The Study of Aggregate Bi-Modal Urban Travel Supply, Demand and Network Behavior using Simultaneous Equations with Autoregressive Residuals
by Marc Gaudry - 289 Trade and Depletable Resources: the Small Open Economy
by Richard Harris - 288 The Rhythm of Growth in the Atlantic Economy of the Eighteenth Century
by Brinley Thomas - 287 Modelling a Market Which is Sometimes in Disequilibrium
by James G. MacKinnon - 286 The Employment Contract, Corporate Financial Structure and the Regulation of Private Pension Plan Funding
by Richard J. Arnott & Mark Gersovitz - 285 The Supply of Urban Housing: Comment
by Richard J. Arnott & Ronald E. Grieson - 284 A Simple Urban Growth Model with Durable Housing
by Richard J. Arnott - 283 Capital Accumulation and the Investment in the Regulated Firm
by Elie Appelbaum
- 282 Exploitation of Many Resource Deposits with Set-up Costs
by John Hartwick - 281 Intergenerational Equity and the Investment of Rents from Exhaustible Resources in a Two Sector Model
by John Hartwick - 280 Population Growth, Technical Progress, Intergenerational Equity and the Investment of Resource Rents
by John Hartwick - 279 Technology and the Least-Developed: A Case of "Economic Backwardness in Future Perspective"?
by Oli Hawrylyshyn - 278 Increasing Returns and the Inefficiency of Cost Minimization
by Richard Arnott & Richard Harris - 277 On a Class of Additively Decomposable Inequality Measures
by Anthony Shorrocks - 276 Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Singular Equation Systems with Autoregressive Disturbances
by Charles M. Beach & James G. MacKinnon - 275 The Exemption of Specialization Agreements - As Proposed for Stage II Amendments to the Combines Investigation Act
by Klaus Stegemann - 274 Shared Inputs and Peak Loading in a Neoclassical Framework
by John Hartwick - 273 Efficient Land Use in an Equilibrium Residential Annulus
by John Hartwick - 272 Estimates of the Value of Household Work Canada, 1961 and 1971
by Hans Adler & Oli Hawrylyshyn - 271 A Monetary Theory of Value
by Lloyd T. Paquin - 270 A Simple Technique for Computing Optimal Tax Equilibria
by Richard Harris & James G. MacKinnon - 269 A Comment on Location and Industrial Efficiency with Free Entry
by B. Curtis Eaton & Richard G. Lipsey - 268 Optimal Taxation in a Spatial Economy with Transportation Costs
by Richard Arnott - 267 The Transition of Land to Urban Use
by Richard Arnott & Frank D. Lewis - 266 Dynamic Oligopoly, Investment in Capacity and Government Firms
by Richard Harris & Elmer Wiens - 265 Spatial Monopoly, Natural Monopoly, Pure Profits, and Land Rents
by B. Curtis Eaton & Richard G. Lipsey - 264 Growth and Optimal Growth with Renewable and Nonrenewable Natural Resources
by Pham Chi Thanh - 263 Some Skepticism Concerning the Price Level Insulation Properties of a Flexible Exchange Rate
by Douglas D. Purvis - 262 Professor Sontheimer's "Proof" of the Determinacy of Money Prices, A Comment
by Lloyd Paquin - 261 Distribution of World Income in the Ricardo-Mill Model of International Trade
by John Hartwick - 260 Optimal Growth with Increasing Returns to Scale in Expanding Capacity
by John Hartwick - 259 Full Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Second-Order Autoregressive Error Models
by Charles M. Beach & James G. MacKinnon - 258 The Coase Theorem: Equilibrium Outcomes with Externalities
by Nancy Olewiler - 257 Seasonality in Regression: An Application of Smoothness Priors
by Mark Gersovitz & James G. MacKinnon
- 256 Increasing Returns, Competitive Equilibrium and the Enigma that was Alfred Marshall
by A.L. Levine - 255 A Monetary Theory of Value Based on Transaction Costs
by Lloyd Paquin - 254 Unpriced Transportation Congestion
by Richard Arnott - 253 Cost Reduction, Incentives and Market Structure
by Elie Appelbaum & Richard Harris - 252 The Impact of Investment in Education on Wage Rates in the United States: 1870 and 1900
by Frank D. Lewis - 251 The Welfare Economics of Ex Post Optimality
by Richard Harris & Nancy Olewiler - 250 Market and Shadow Land Rents with Congestion
by Richard Arnott & James G. MacKinnon - 249 Exports and the Keynesian Model of the Open Economy
by Douglas D. Purvis & Robert P. Ford - 248 Inflation and Unemployment in a Disequilibrium of a Small Open Economy
by Martin Prachowny - 247 Optimal Taxation and the Direct versus Indirect Tax Controversy
by Anthony B. Atkinson - 246 Mixed and Pure Public Goods, User Charges and Welfare
by Timothy Muzondo - 245 The Corporation Income Tax, Depreciation Policy and Optimal Behaviour of a Competitive Firm
by Timothy Muzondo - 244 Price and Quantity Decisions of a Firm Facing Uncertainty in the Input and Output Markets
by Chin Lim - 243 Efficient Commodity Taxation
by Richard Harris - 242 Measuring the Costs of Height Restrictions with a General Equilibrium Model
by Richard Arnott & James G. MacKinnon - 241 A Comment on Externalities and the "Coase Theorem": The Importance of Property Rights
by Nancy Olewiler - 240 An Examination of the Statistical Nature of the Demand for International Reserves
by Mervin Daub - 239 The Introduction of Space into the Neo-classical Model of Value Theory
by B. Curtis Eaton & Richard G. Lipsey - 238 The Balancing Off of Time Preference and Increasing Returns to Scale in Expanding Capacity
by John Hartwick - 237 Optimal Price Discrimination
by John Hartwick - 236 The Effects of Urban Transportation Changes: A General Equilibrium Simulation
by Richard Arnott & James G. MacKinnon - 235 The Provision of Price Guidelines - An Exercise in Classical Price Theory?
by A. L. Levine - 234 Unanticipated Money Growth and Unemployment in the United States
by Robert J. Barro - 233 Non-Economic Biases Towards Capital-Intensive Techniques in LDC's
by Oli Hawrylyshyn - 232 The Exchange Rate Regime and the Conduct of Anti-Inflation Policy
by David Laidler - 231 Depreciation and the Neutrality of the Corporation Income Tax
by Robin Boadway & Neil Bruce - 230 An Alternative Approach to the Specification of Structural Transition Functions
by Charles M. Beach - 229 Toward Optimal Capacity Expansion for an Electric Utility
by John Rowse - 228 Inflation, Employment and the Phillips Curve: A Comment on the Phelps-Friedman Twist
by Douglas D. Purvis - 227 The Choice of Large Projects
by Richard Harris - 226 Comparison Shopping and Clusters of Homogeneous Firms
by B. Curtis Eaton & Richard G. Lipsey - 225 Increasing Returns and Decentralization Rules for the Public Sector
by Richard Arnott & Richard Harris - 224 Ex Post Efficiency and Resource Allocation Under Uncertainty
by Richard Harris - 223 Optimal Scale in a Large Homogeneous Area
by John Hartwick - 222 A Spatial, General Equilibrium Analysis of Optimal City Size
by Richard Arnott - 221 Dynamic Public Investment Rules in a Neo-classical Growth Model
by Robin Boadway - 220 Intergenerational Equity and the Investing of Rents from Exhaustible Resources
by John Hartwick - 219 The Economics of Tax Incentives to Encourage Investment, with Special Reference to Malaysia
by Dan Usher - 218 The Welfare Economics of the Socialization of Commodities
by Dan Usher - 217 The Existence and Computation of Equilibria with Increasing Returns and Externalities
by James G. MacKinnon - 216 The Comparative Dynamics of Tax Changes: A Non-steady State Analysis
by Robin Boadway - 215 The Place of the Phillips Curve in Macroeconomic Models
by Richard G. Lipsey - 214 Towards a Definition of Non-Market Activities
by Oli Hawrylyshyn - 213 Corporate Bankruptcies, Investment and Equilibrium Capital Structures
by Richard Harris - 212 Portfolio and Consumption Decisions: Towards a Model of the Transmission Process
by Douglas D. Purvis - 211 Alternative Maximum Likelihood Procedures for Regression with Autocorrelated Disturbances
by Charles M. Beach & James G. MacKinnon - 210 More on Pitfalls in Financial Model Building
by Douglas D. Purvis - 209 Capital and Investment: A Macroeconomic Approach
by Douglas D. Purvis - 208 The Theory of Spatial Pre-emption: Location as a Barrier To Entry
by B. Curtis Eaton & Richard G. Lipsey - 207 Freedom of Entry and the Rate of Profit
by B. Curtis Eaton & Richard G. Lipsey - 206 The Capitalization of Fiscal Residuals, A General Equilibrium Analysis
by Richard Arnott - 205 The Effects of the Property Tax: A General Equilibrium Simulation
by Richard Arnott & James G. MacKinnon - 204 A Simple Exposition of Inequality in the Optimum Town
by Richard Arnott - 203 Unemployment and Unemployment Insurance -- Testing Some Corollaries
by Stephan F. Kaliski - 202 Investment, Underinvestment and Imperfect Capital Markets
by Elie Appelbaum & Richard Harris - 201 A General Equilibrium Analysis of the Capital Asset Pricing Model
by Richard Harris - 200 General Equilibrium with Taxes
by James G. MacKinnon
- 199 A Technique for the Solution of Spatial Equilibrium Models
by James G. MacKinnon - 198 The Reduced Form Price Elasticity of Housing
by Richard Arnott - 197 A Note on Convex-Concave Demand Systems with an Application to the Theory of Optimal Taxation
by Richard Harris - 196 An Alternative Interpretation of Two-Stage Least Squares
by Charles M. Beach & David M. Prescott - 195 A Characterization of Piecemeal Second Best Policy
by Robin Boadway & Richard Harris - 194 The Consequences of Costly Default
by Richard Harris - 193 Capitalization into Land Values: A General Equilibrium Analysis
by Richard Arnott - 192 Aggregate Land Rents, Aggregate Transportation Costs and Expenditure on Public Goods
by Richard Arnott & Joseph Stiglitz - 191 Factor and Commodity Flows in the International Economy of 1870-1914, A Multi-Country View
by Alan G. Green & Malcolm C. Urquhart - 190 Weighted Mean Square Error Ridge Regression: Some Analytical Results
by David M. Prescott - 189 Inappropriate Technology or Inappropriate Demand? The Employment Problem of Developing Countries in a Many-Good Framework
by Oil Hawrylyshyn - 188 The Anatomy of Managed Exchange Rates
by S.F. Kaliski & M.F.J. Prachowny - 187 Biases Towards Capital-Intense Techniques and the Employment Problem in LDCs
by Oil Hawrylyshyn - 186 The IS-LM Model, Portfolio Theory and the Monetarist Controversy
by Neil Bruce - 185 The Effectiveness of Fiscal and Monetary Policies under Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rates: Empirical Evidence for Canada, 1950-1970
by Martin Prachowny - 184 An Algorithm for the Generalized Transportation Problem
by James G. MacKinnon - 183 Many Exhaustible Resources in a Dynamic Aggregate Model
by John Hartwick - 182 Exploitation of Many Deposits of an Exhaustible Resource
by John Hartwick - 181 The Problem of Equity
by Dan Usher - 180 The Vulnerability of the Canadian Economy, 1946-1966: Caves Revisited
by Michael Percy & Francois Vaillancourt - 179 The Evolution of the Actual and the Anticipated Rates of Inflation in an Uncertain Phelps-Friedman World
by Malcolm R. Gray & Richard G. Lipsey - 178 The Neoclassical Theory of the Firm: A Note on the Production and Investment Decisions
by Douglas D. Purvis - 177 Human Capital and the Financial Portfolio
by Douglas D. Purvis - 176 Computing the Effects of Tariffs in a Multi-Sector General Equilibrium Model with Interindustry Flows: An Application to Canada
by Robin Boadway & John Treddenick - 175 The Causes of Underemployment in Developing Economies: Some Micro-analytic Clarifications
by Oli Hawrylyshyn - 174 The Causes of Underemployment in Developing Economies: Towards Some Analytic Clarifications
by Oli Hawrylyshyn - 173 The Causes of Underemployment in Developing Economies: Towards an Analytic Clarification
by Oli Hawrylyshyn - 172 Papers Presented at the Mackintosh Symposium on the Occasion of the Opening of Mackintosh-Corry Hall
by Malcolm Urquhart & John Deutsch & R.B. Bryce & Louis Rasminsky - 171 The Effects of the U.S. Corporate Tax on Resource Allocation and Welfare
by Robin Boadway & John Treddenick - 170 The Market Adaptation of the Firm
by Cliff Lloyd & David Rapport & James E. Turner
- 169 Intermediate Goods and the Spatial Integration of Land Uses
by John Hartwick - 168 Trade in a Central Place System
by John Hartwick - 167 Geometrical Demonstration of Some Principal Propositions in Location Theory
by John Hartwick - 166 Trade Policies and Domestic Distortions under Uncertainty
by Gideon Fishelson & Frank Flatters - 165 The Social Opportunity Cost of Capital in a Neo-Classical Economy with Inter-Industry Flows
by Robin Boadway & J.M. Treddenick - 163 Integrating Equity and Efficiency in Applied Welfare Economics
by Robin Boadway - 162 Cyclical Sensitivity of Aggregate Income Inequality
by Charles M. Beach - 161 A Model of the Size of Income Distribution
by Charles M. Beach - 160 An Incomes Plan to Reduce Inflation Under A System of Flexible Exchange Rates
by Alex MacMillan - 159 Leon Walras and Money
by A. Morishima - 158 Marx from a Von Neumann Viewpoint
by A. Morishima - 157 Parables of Economic Growth
by Michio Morishima - 156 An International Comparison of the Accuracy of Canadian Short-Term Predictions of Gross National Product
by Mervin Daub - 155 The Effect of Unemployment Insurance on the Measured Unemployment Rate
by Thomas W. Wallace - 154 Best Linear Estimation and Two-Stage Least Squares
by Charles M. Beach & David M. Prescott - 153 The Political Economy of Economic Integration: The Case of the German Zollverein of 1834
by Rolf H. Dumke - 152 The Effect of Corporate Tax Change by Industry Employment in Canada, A Short-Run Analysis
by Robin Boadway & J.M. Treddenick - 151 A General Equilibrium Computation of the Effects of Commodity Taxes on Resource Allocation in the Canadian Economy
by Robin Boadway & J.M. Treddenick - 150 Benefit-Cost Shadow Pricing in Open Economies: An Alternative Approach
by Robin Boadway - 149 A Note on the Welfare Foundations of Cost-Benefit Analysis
by Robin Boadway - 148 Intertemporal Demand Theory
by Cliff Lloyd - 147 Is the Natural Rate of Unemployment Compatible with a Stable Rate of Inflation?
by Malcolm R. Gray & Richard G. Lipsey - 146 Consumer Surplus, Real Income and Cardinal Utility
by Dan Usher
- 145 The Measurement of Economic Growth
by Dan Usher - 144 Dree and Entry
by Klaus Stegemann - 143 The Impact of Canadian Hospitalization Plans on Hospital Use and Costs
by R.D. Fraser - 142 Are there Limits to Growth?
by Oli Hawrylyshyn & Shlomo Maital - 141 Peak Load Pricing under Rate of Return Regulation and Price Uniformity
by Jean-Thomas Bernard - 140 Autocorrelation and Dynamics in Wage Determination Models
by L.R. Kenward - 139 Changes in Money Wage Rates, Inflation and Productivity: A Market Model of Price Formation
by A. MacMillan - 138 Recursive Estimation: Its Use in Economic Research
by Craig Riddell - 137 Cost-Benefit Rules in General Equilibrium
by Robin Boadway - 136 Immigrants in the City: Kingston as Revealed in the Census Manuscripts of 1871
by Alan G. Green - 135 Devaluation in a Small Open Economy
by Henryk Kierzkowski - 134 A Note on the Demand for Capital and the Supply of Investment
by Douglas D. Purvis - 133 The Cost of Communication in Economic Organization
by Hajime Oniki - 132 Kingston in the Canadian Economy of the Late Nineteenth Century
by Marvin McInnis - 130 Cyclical Impacts on the Distribution of Income
by Charles M. Beach - 129 Exact Small-Sample Tests for Heteroscedasticity
by Charles M. Beach - 128 A Bayesian Estimation of Macro and Micro CES Production Functions
by Hiroki Tsurumi & Yoshi Tsurumi - 127 Bayesian Estimation and Comparison of Gamma and Poisson Distributed Lag Models
by Hiroki Tsurumi - 126 Dissonance, Dissent and Discovery
by Shlomo Maital - 125 An Analysis of "Learning" in First Year Economics
by Ronald W. Crowley & David A. Wilton - 124 Preferences, Tax Structure and Tax Reform, Theory and Evidence
by Shlomo Maital - 123 The (Non) Response of Public Goods Supply to Demand: Evidence and Implications
by Shlomo Maital - 122 Is Redistributive Taxation a Myth?
by Shlomo Maital - 121 Model-Building as Intellectual Mischief: Mathematical Proofs of Crises in Capitalism, 1893-1972
by Shlomo Maital - 120 Optimal Tariffs, Optimal Taxes and Public Goods
by Robin Boadway & Shlomo Maital & Martin Prachowny - 119 Some On-Line Estimates for a Model of Wage Determination
by W.C. Riddell & J.C.R. Rowley & D.A. Wilton - 117 Empirical Foundations for the Canadian Phillips Curve
by J.C.R. Rowley & D.A. Wilton - 116 The Response of Labour Supply to Demand in Canadian Regions
by N.M. Swan - 115 The Stock and Flow of Hospital Services
by R.D. Fraser - 114 Asymptotic Distribution of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator of a Distributed Lag Model with k-th Order Autoregressive Disturbances
by Hiroki Tsurumi - 113 Equilibrium, Stability and Imperfect Information
by G. Warskett - 112 Price Sustainabilty of Location Assignments
by John M. Hartwick - 111 Durable Structures and Efficiency in the Development of an Urban Area
by John M. Hartwick & Philip G. Hartwick - 110 The Spatially Defined Price Discriminating Monopolist
by John M. Hartwick - 109 The Suitability of the Divisia Index for the Measurement of Economic Aggregates
by Dan Usher - 72 Recent Developments in the Theory of Foreign Exchange: Some Implications for Exchange Rate Policy
by Douglas D. Purvis
- 108 The Economics of Health Research, Part IV: The Allocation of Resources to and within the Health Research Sector
by R.D. Fraser - 107 The Economics of Health Research, Part V: Allocative Criteria for Health Research
by R.D. Fraser - 106 The Economics of Health Research, Part IV: Institutions in the Funding and Performance of Health Research
by R.D. Fraser - 105 The Economics of Health Research, Part III: The Nature of Health Research
by R.D. Fraser - 104 The Economics of Health Research, Part II: The Size and Structure of the Health Research Sector
by R.D. Fraser - 103 The Economics of Health Research, Part I: Introduction and Conclusions
by R.D. Fraser - 101 Public Goods and Income Distribution Some Further Results
by Shlomo Maital - 100 A Gradient Model of Dynamic Consumer Behaviour
by Y. Comay & Shlomo Maital & A. Rutenberg - 99 The Concept of Real Income
by Dan Usher - 98 A Comparison of Econometric Macro Models in the United States, Canada and Japan
by Hiroki Tsurumi