- ab200002 Quantity versus quality: the growth accounting in Ireland
by Miguel Lebre de Freitas - ab200003 Inflation differencial and real convergence in Portugal
by Paulo Brito - ab200004 Inflation differential between Portugal and Germany
by Sónia Costa - ab200005 Using the asymmetric trimmed mean as a core inflation indicator
by João Machado Mota - ab200006 Monetary conditions index
by Sónia Costa - ab200007 Information on inflation expectations contained in the prices of financial assets
by Maria de Fátima Silva - ab200008 Is self-employment a response to labour market rigidity?
by Mário Centeno
- ab199901 Optimal inflaction
by Pedro Teles - ab199902 Some reflections on the liquidity trap and conduct of monetary policy under low inflation
by Isabel Gameiro & Maximiano Pinheiro - ab199903 The demand for money by firms
by Bernardino Adão & José Mata - ab199904 The impact of the euro on long-term growth in Portugal
by Alfredo Marvão Pereira - ab199905 Outlet substitution bias
by Francisco Covas - ab199906 The relationships between firms and banks: choosing between single and multiple bank relationship
by Luisa Farinha - ab199907 Evaluating core inflation indicators
by Pedro Duarte Neves - ab199908 Employment volatility, employment protection and unemployment
by Pedro Portugal
- ab199801 The wage distribution in Portugal: 1982-1994
by José Mata - ab199802 Debt relief in developing countries - the HICP iniciative
by Fernando Martins & Luís Saramago - ab199803 Fiscal policy after 1999
by António Pinto Barbosa - ab199804 Social security and economic performance in Portugal
by Alfredo Marvão Pereira - ab199805 Determination of the equilibrium real exchange rate for the Portuguese economy using the FEER
by Sónia Costa - ab199806 Information on expectations about the escudo convergence from the volatility implied in currency options
by Bernardino Adão & Jorge Barros Luís - ab199807 Quantifying data from qualitative surveys
by Rui Esteves - ab199808 Estimation of potencial output for the Portuguese economy
by Pedro Duarte Neves - ab199809 Estimation of the output gap: univariate approach
by Maximiano Pinheiro - ab199810 Eleventh general review of IMF quotas - background and application
by Fernando Martins
- ab199701 Trend inflation indicators
by Pedro Duarte Neves - ab199702 Testing the expectations theory for the Portuguese yield curve
by Bernardino Adão & Jorge Barros Luís - ab199703 The enlargement of the european union and portuguese foreign trade
by Sílvia Luz - ab199704 Transitions in the labour market
by Mónica Dias - ab199705 The impact of precipitation and calendar effects on cement sales
by Maria Helena Nunes - ab199706 The substitution bias of the consumer price index
by Pedro Duarte Neves - ab199707 The treasury bill market in Portugal profit margins of financial institutions
by Bernardino Adão & Jorge Barros Luís - ab199708 Testing an intemporal approach model of the portuguese current account
by Cristina Manteu - ab199709 Analisys of the cyclical behaviour of the portuguese economy from 1953 to 1993
by Mónica Dias - ab199710 Exchange rate pass-through: the case of the Portuguese imports and exports
by Cláudia Costa - ab199711 Mobility and unemployment in the Portuguese labour market
by Pedro Portugal & Mónica Dias - ab199712 Unemployment and wages in Portugal
by Sílvia Luz - ab199713 Extracting information from options premia: the case of the return of the Italian lira to the ERM of the EMS
by Bernardino Adão & Jorge Barros Luís