November 2017, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 359-374 Basel II: an engine without brakes
by Lara Cathcart & Lina El-Jahel & Ravel Jabbour
July 2017, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 201-212 Designing macroprudential regulation and supervision outside the scope of the banking union: Lessons from the Netherlands and Ireland
by Arien Hof - 213-232 Top-down restructuring of markets and institutions: the Nordic banking crises
by David G. Mayes - 233-255 The emerging regulatory landscape: a new normal
by Giovanni Covi - 256-267 Impact of the Market in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) on the Italian financial market: Evidence from bank bonds
by Alfonso Giudice - 268-285 Regulatory ratios, CDS spreads, and credit ratings in a favorable economic environment
by William C. Handorf
April 2017, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 103-131 A jurisdictional comparison of the twin peaks model of financial regulation
by Andrew Godwin & Timothy Howse & Ian Ramsay - 132-148 Effects from the parent’s exposure to subsidiaries inside Bank Holding Companies (BHCs)
by Silvia Bressan - 149-162 Bail-in and asset encumbrance - Implications for banks’ asset liability management
by Joachim Erhardt & Johannes Lübbers & Peter N Posch - 163-179 How liquid are banks: Some evidence from the United Kingdom
by Meilan Yan & Dalu Zhang & Maximilian J B Hall & Paul Turner - 180-200 The regulation of credit rating agencies: A realistic view
by Imad A Moosa
November 2016, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 239-272 Opening discussion on banking sector risk exposures and vulnerabilities from Virtual currencies: An Operational Risk perspective
by Gareth W Peters & Ariane Chapelle & Efstathios Panayi - 273-287 CAMEL to CAMELS: The risk of sensitivity
by William C Handorf - 288-295 An intellectual property-based approach to the mandatory disclosure among lenders of credit data for small and medium enterprises
by Paolo Siciliani - 296-310 Behavioural finance and the macroprudential dimension
by Joanna Gray - 311-331 Overhauling the institutional structure of financial regulation in Nigeria: The unfinished reform
by Folarin Akinbami & Franklin N Ngwu - 332-337 A note on the adequacy of the EU scheme for bank recovery, resolution and deposit insurance in Spain
by Pilar Gómez-Fernández-Aguado & Antonio Partal-Ureña & Antonio Trujillo-Ponce
July 2016, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 149-158 Bank holding company dividend policy, regulatory guidance and the Great Recession
by William C Handorf - 159-175 Competition in the banking industry: Empirical evidence from Ghana
by Kofi Adjei-Frimpong & Christopher Gan & Baiding Hu - 176-187 Volcker rule, ring-fencing or separation of bank activities – Comparison of structural reform acts around the world
by Matthias Lehmann - 188-199 Systemic risk and financial regulations: A theoretical perspective
by Robert Prasch & Thierry Warin - 200-238 EU financial collateral arrangements and re-hypothecation in the shadow of ‘shadow banking’: To further regulate or not?
by Christina I Tarnanidou
March 2016, Volume 17, Issue 1-2
- 1-3 Dilemmas in post-crisis bank regulation: Supranationalization versus retrenchment
by Rachel A Epstein & Huw Macartney - 4-20 TTIP and the ‘finance exception’: Venue-shopping and the breakdown of financial regulatory coordination
by Erik Jones & Huw Macartney - 21-33 The ‘ebb and flow’ of transatlantic regulatory cooperation in banking
by David Howarth & Lucia Quaglia - 34-45 Locating authority: Resolution regimes, SIFIs and the enduring significance of financial great powers
by Randall Germain - 46-59 Tying hands and cutting ties: Explaining the divergence between the EU and the US in global banking reform since the crisis
by Kevin Young - 60-72 Financialization, bank business models and the limits of post-crisis bank regulation
by Ismail Ertürk - 73-89 A tale of two crises: Germany’s Landesbanken and the United States’ savings and loans
by Mark K Cassell - 90-103 States ceding control: Explaining the shift to centralized bank supervision in the Eurozone
by Rachel A Epstein & Martin Rhodes - 104-118 Expert advice and political choice in constructing European banking union
by Shawn Donnelly - 119-132 Governing the ins and outs of the EU’s banking union
by Zdenek Kudrna - 133-145 Too much, too fast? The sources of banks’ opposition to European banking structural reforms
by Aneta Spendzharova & Esther Versluis & Elissaveta Radulova & Linda Flöthe - 146-147 Banking regulation in China, the role of public and private sectors
by Tao Huang
November 2015, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 251-264 Basel III liquidity requirement ratios and Islamic banking
by Habib Ahmed - 265-288 The global financial crisis and banking sector resilience
by Sylvia Maxfield & Mariana Magaldi de Sousa - 289-305 Regulation and governance in the non-bank financial sector: Lessons from New Zealand
by David G Mayes - 306-325 Promoting formal financial inclusion in Africa: An institutional re-examination of the policies with a case study of Nigeria
by Franklin N Ngwu - 326-344 Statutory obligations for banks to comply with the anti-money laundering legislation in Malaysia: Lessons from the United Kingdom
by Norhashimah Mohd Yasin
July 2015, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 169-187 Ring-fencing cross-border banks: An effective supervisory response?
by Katia D'Hulster & Inci Otker-Robe - 188-200 Rethinking deposit insurance on brokered deposits
by David Howden - 201-219 EU guarantee schemes: Status quo and policy implications
by Malgorzata Iwanicz-Drozdowska & Jakub Kerlin & Paweł Smaga & Marta Tomasik - 220-249 Regulating the governing law clauses in Sukuk transactions
by Umar A Oseni & M Kabir Hassan
April 2015, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 89-105 The corporate credit union crisis: Does it call for reform or re-engineering?
by Keldon Bauer - 106-129 Greed, recklessness and/or dishonesty? An investigation into the culture of five UK banks between 2004 and 2009
by Alison Lui - 130-145 Threshold accepting for credit risk assessment and validation
by Marianna Lyra & Akwum Onwunta & Peter Winker - 146-167 Financial crisis, liquidity infusion and risk-taking: The case of Canadian banks
by Sana Mohsni & Isaac Otchere
January 2015, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-21 An empirical analysis of China’s Big four state-owned banks’ performance: A data envelopment analysis
by Jiyun Xu (Janet) & Christopher Gan & Baiding Hu - 22-38 Macroprudential regulation and bank performance: Does ownership matter?
by Saibal Ghosh - 39-50 Bank risk management, regulation and CEO compensation after the Panic of 2008
by William C Handorf - 51-63 Deposit protection system’s design and effectiveness
by Nikoletta Kleftouri - 64-71 Regulation and contagion of banks
by Yvan Lengwiler & Dietmar Maringer - 72-88 The regulation of high-frequency trading: A pragmatic view
by Imad Moosa
September 2014, Volume 15, Issue 3-4
- 197-199 Introduction
by John Raymond LaBrosse & Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal & Dalvinder Singh - 200-204 Improving governance to promote financial stability
by Paul Jenkins - 205-217 Applying contingent capital in Canada
by Neville Arjani & Walter Engert & Anthony Haddad & Liane Orsi - 218-226 The EU bank recovery and resolution directive – Some observations on the financing arrangements
by John Raymond LaBrosse & Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal & Dalvinder Singh - 227-234 A law professor’s perspective on ‘too big to fail’
by Roberta S Karmel - 235-265 Citigroup’s unfortunate history of managerial and regulatory failures
by Arthur E Wilmarth - 266-276 The adoption of stress testing: Why the Basel capital measures were not enough
by Larry D Wall - 277-287 Strengths and weaknesses of Canadian financial regulation before and after the global financial crisis
by David Longworth - 288-298 The logic of a banking union for Europe
by Patrick Leblond - 299-312 Antitrust, competition policy and ‘too big to … ’
by Albert A Foer & Don Allen Resnikoff - 313-324 Merging banks in time of crisis
by Ioannis Kokkoris - 325-336 Corporate governance in banks – A view through the LIBOR lens
by P M Vasudev & Diriana Rodriguez Guerrero
April 2014, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 105-116 Regulations and bank risk taking in dual banking countries
by Nafis Alam - 117-128 Telecom KYC and mobile banking regulation: An exploratory study
by Shriram P Ketkar & Ravi Shankar & Devinder K Banwet - 129-143 The minimal confidence levels of Basel capital regulation
by Alexander Zimper - 144-163 The impact of corporate governance attributes on intellectual capital disclosure: A longitudinal investigation of Nigerian banking sector
by Sanni Mubaraq & Abdifatah Ahmed Haji - 164-179 Soft law, self-regulation and cultural sensitivity: The case of regulating Islamic banking in the UK
by Abdul Karim Aldohni - 180-183 Bull by the horns: Fighting to save Main Street from Wall Street and Wall Street from itself
by Andrew Cornford - 184-195 An opportunity for a stakeholder's corporation? A review of Corporate Governance after the Financial Crisis
by Lorraine Talbot
January 2014, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-13 The cost of bank liquidity
by William C Handorf - 14-40 Steering sovereign debt restructurings through the CDS quicksand
by Michael Waibel - 41-55 Financial derivatives between Western legal tradition and Islamic finance: A comparative approach
by Bashar H Malkawi - 56-74 Credit derivatives and the Dodd–Frank Act: Is the regulatory response appropriate?
by P M Vasudev - 75-86 To suspect or not to suspect: Analysing the pressure on banks to be ‘Policemen’
by Gauri Sinha - 87-104 The DOs and DON’Ts of credit default swaps (CDS) in the context of the EU sovereign debt crisis
by Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal & Kiriakos E Papadakis & Olga Galazoula & Ioannis Kokkoris
July 2013, Volume 14, Issue 3-4
- 185-194 The future of central bank data
by David M Bholat - 195-208 Leveraging data for financial stability monitoring
by T Dessa Glasser - 209-220 Judgement-led regulation: Reflections on data and discretion
by Andromachi Georgosouli - 221-227 Defining forward looking, judgement-based supervision
by Rosa M Lastra - 228-240 Defining and delivering judgement-based supervision: The interface with the legal system
by Joanna Gray & Peter Christian Metzing - 241-254 The rise and success of the barcode: Some lessons for financial services
by Alistair Milne - 255-268 The financial industry business ontology: Best practice for big data
by Mike Bennett - 269-284 Recent developments in restructuring the Austrian banking reporting system
by Erich Hille - 285-305 Systemic risk analytics: A data-driven multi-agent financial network (MAFN) approach
by Sheri M Markose - 306-317 The Great Financial Crisis: Setting priorities for new statistics
by Claudio Borio
April 2013, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 91-106 Modelling the liquidity ratio as macroprudential instrument
by Jan Willem van den End & Mark Kruidhof - 107-133 An overview on the inconsistencies of approach in regulating the capital position of banks: Will the United Kingdom step out of line with Europe?
by Nigel Clayton - 134-163 The impact of Shari’ah governance practices on Shari’ah compliance in contemporary Islamic finance
by Ahmad Alkhamees - 164-182 Macroprudential regulation: A contradiction in its own terms
by George Mészáros - 183-184 Money laundering: An endless cycle? A comparative analysis of anti-money laundering policies in the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada
by M M Gallant
January 2013, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-15 Financial and regulatory failure: The case of Ireland
by Kenneth Patrick Vincent O'Sullivan & Stephen Kinsella - 16-32 Is meta-regulation all it's cracked up to be? The case of UK financial regulation
by Folarin Akinbami - 33-60 A critical evaluation of the European credit default swap reform: Its challenges and adverse effects as a result of insufficient assumptions
by Frederik Dømler - 61-79 The reason for the regulation of contracts for difference and its impact on hedge fund activism
by Christian Alexander Mecklenburg-Guzmán - 80-90 Regulatory capture in China's banking sector
by He Wei Ping
November 2012, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 265-299 Just how big is the too-big-to-fail problem?
by James R Barth & Apanard (Penny) Prabha & Phillip Swagel - 300-319 Cross-border banking supervision: Incentive conflicts in supervisory information sharing between home and host supervisors
by Katia D'Hulster - 320-335 Basel 2.5: A lot of sizzle but little nutritional value
by Imad Moosa - 336-348 Retail ring-fencing of banks and its implications
by Alison Lui
December 2009, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-5 US regulatory reform
by G A Walker - 6-30 Supervisory approaches and financial market development: Some correlation-based evidence
by Peik Granlund - 31-75 The reform of UK financial regulation
by Maximilian J B Hall - 76-86 The Credit Crunch – Are credit unions able to ride out the storm?
by Nicholas Ryder & Clare Chambers - 87-90 The match king Ivar Kreuger and the financial scandal of the century
by Andrew Cornford