2019, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 312-315 The History Problem: The Politics of War Commemoration in East Asia
by Karl GUSTAFSSON - 315-317 Japan’s International Democracy Assistance as Soft Power: Neoclassical Realist Analysis
by Raymond YAMAMOTO - 317-320 Down and Out in Late Meiji Japan
by Christopher CRAIG - 320-323 The Life We Longed For: Danchi Housing and the Middle Class Dream in Postwar Japan
by David CHIAVACCI - 323-326 Being Young in Super-Aging Japan: Formative Events and Cultural Reactions
by Gordon MATHEWS - 326-329 Reluctant Intimacies: Japanese Eldercare in Indonesian Hands
by Reiko OGAWA - 329-332 Robo Sapiens Japanicus: Robots, Gender, Family, and the Japanese Nation
by Shawn BENDER - 333-335 Consuming Life in Post-Bubble Japan: A Transdisciplinary Perspective
by Merry I WHITE - 335-338 Atari to Zelda: Japan’s Videogames in Global Context
by Björn-Ole KAMM - 338-341 Cool Japan: Case Studies from Japan’s Cultural and Creative Industries
by Nancy SNOW
2019, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-1 Thanks to the outgoing team, welcome to the incoming team
by Gregory W NOBLE - 3-5 The Winner of the 2018 ISS–OUP Prize
by Gregory W NOBLE - 7-9 Introduction to the Special Issue
by Carola HOMMERICH - 11-24 Movement behind the Scenes: The Quiet Transformation of Status Identification in Japan
by Carola HOMMERICH & Toru KIKKAWA - 25-44 Why Do the Japanese Still See Themselves as Middle Class? The Impact of Socio-structural Changes on Status Identification
by Naoki SUDO - 45-63 The Changing Images of Japan’s Social Stratification: The Other Side of the ‘Quiet Transformation’
by Hiroshi KANBAYASHIProfessor - 65-84 The Vanishing ‘Mass Education Society’
by Ryoji MATSUOKA - 85-107 Designing Jobs to Make Employees Happy? Focus on Job Satisfaction First
by Remy MAGNIER-WATANABE & Caroline F BENTON & Toru UCHIDA & Philippe ORSINI - 109-125 Silent Exits: Risk and Post-3.11 Skilled Migration from Japan to Australia
by Nana OISHIAssociate Professor & Iori HAMADATutor - 127-149 Japan’s Central Eurasian Policy: A Focus on Turkic Muslim Minorities
by Sinan LEVENT - 151-154 Tōchi Kikō no Kenpō Kōsō (Constitutional Framework of the Government)
by Satoshi YOKODAIDO - 154-156 The Abe Administration and the Rise of the Prime Ministerial Executive
by Jun IIO - 157-159 Local Politics and National Policy: Multi-level Conflicts in Japan and Beyond
by Yosuke SUNAHARA - 160-161 Who Judges? Designing Jury Systems in Japan, East Asia and Europe
by Tom GINSBURG - 162-163 Seiji sanka to minshu seiji (Political Participation and Democratic Politics)
by Kenneth Mori MCELWAIN - 163-166 Seijikeizaigaku de yomitoku seifu no kōdō: Abenomikusu no riron bunseki (The Political Economy of Government’s Choices: Theoretical Analysis on Abenomics)
by Yasushi ASAKO - 166-169 Keynes’s General Theory Reconsidered in the Context of the Japanese Economy
by Jun-ichi NAKAMURA - 169-172 Accidental Activists: Victim Movements and Government Accountability in Japan and South Korea
by Patricia G Steinhoff - 172-176 Seiki no Sekai • Hiseiki no sekai: Gendai nihon rōdō keizaigaku no kihon mondai (The World of Regular Employees The World of Non-regular Employees: Fundamental Issues in Labor Economics in Japan Today)
by Ayako KONDO - 176-177 Japan’s Security and Economic Dependence on China and the United States: Cool Politics, Lukewarm Economics
by Saadia M PEKKANEN - 177-179 Chūgoku Seiji Kara Mita Nitchū Kankei (Japan-China Relations Through the Prism of Chinese Politics)
by Giulio PUGLIESE - 179-182 Danger, Development and Legitimacy in East Asian Maritime Politics: Securing the Seas, Securing the State
by Ching-Chang Chen - 183-185 Transnational Japan in the Global Environmental Movement
by C Anne CLAUS - 185-189 Reimagining Nation and Nationalism in Multicultural East Asia
by Junichiro KOJI - 189-191 Okinawa-rashisa no shakaigaku: Tabunka sesshoku ryōiki no esunishiti (A Sociology of Okinawaness: Ethnicity in Encounters with Multiculturalism)
by Gabriele VOGT - 192-194 Cold War Encounters in US-Occupied Okinawa: Women, Militarized Domesticity and Transnationalism in East Asia
by Ryan Masaaki YOKOTA - 194-197 Kaigo shijō no keizai-gaku: Hyūman sābisu towa nanika (Managing the Human Service Market: The Case of Long-Term Care in Japan)
by Tadashi SAKAI - 197-200 Escaping Japan: Reflections on Estrangement and Exile in the Twenty-First Century
by Elizabeth MILES - 201-203 Danshi mondai no jidai?: Sakusō suru gender to kyōiku no politics (Period of Boys’ Problems?: Complicated Politics of Gender and Education)
by Masako ISHII-KUNTZ - 203-206 The Anime Boom in the United States: Lessons for Global Creative Industries
by Northrop DAVIS - 206-209 Staged Seduction: Selling Dreams in a Tokyo Host Club
by Mira MALICK
2018, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 175-192 The Nativist Backlash: Exploring the Roots of the Action Conservative Movement
by Tom GillProfessor - 193-217 Shot Through with Democracy: Japan’s Postwar Myths and the 1948 Hanshin Education Incident
by Amin GHADIMIPhD - 219-238 Revisionism, Ultranationalism, Sexism: Relations Between the Far Right and the Establishment Over the ‘Comfort Women’ Issue
by Tomomi Yamaguchi - 239-259 Responding to Hate in Contemporary Japan: Fragmenting Factors Obstructing Effective Ethnic Advocacy
by Youngmi Lim - 261-283 Fights on the Right: Social Citizenship, Ethnicity, and Postwar Cohorts of the Japanese Activist Right
by Nathaniel M Smith - 285-304 A Proper Prime Minister: Appointive Responsibility in Japanese Cabinet Scandals
by Jens SEJRUP - 305-328 On the Distributional Effect of Japan’s Equal Employment Opportunity Act on the Gender Wage Gap
by Juan Nelson MARTÍNEZ DAHBURA - 329-344 Labor Issues as International Affairs: Japan and the International Labour Organization from 1919 to 1938
by Bernard THOMANNProfesseur - 345-347 Rethinking Japanese Studies: Eurocentrism and the Asia-Pacific Region
by Gordon MATHEWS - 348-350 Kenpō to yoron: Sengo nihonjin wa kenpō to dō mukiatte kita no ka (The Constitution and Public Opinion: How Have Postwar Japanese Viewed the Constitution?)
by Christian G WINKLER - 351-354 Imin Ukeire no Kokusai Shakaigaku: Senbetsu Mekanizumu no Hikaku Bunseki (International Sociology of Immigration Acceptance: Comparative Analysis of Selection Mechanism)
by Jie ZHANG - 354-356 Hijōji taiō no shakai kagaku: Hōgaku to Keizaigaku no kyōdō no kokoromi (Social Science of Emergency Response: Joint Study in Jurisprudence and Economics)
by Hiroshi GUNJI - 357-359 Nihon ni kurasu roshia-jin josei no bunka jinruigaku: Ijū, kokusai kekkon, jinsei-zukuri (Russian Women in Japan: Migration, Marriage, and Life Crafting)
by Miloš DEBNÁR - 360-363 Idō wo ikiru: Firipin ijū josei to fukusū no mobiritī (Living in Motion: Filipino Migrant Women and their Multiple Mobilities)
by Megumi HARA - 363-365 Hitodebusoku nanoni naze chingin ga agaranainoka (Why Wages Do Not Increase Despite the Labor Shortage)
by Emiko USUI - 365-367 Political Survival and Yasukuni in Japan’s Relations with China
by Ming WAN - 368-371 Sumātoguriddo ekonomikusu: Fīrudojikken, kōdōkeizaigaku, biggudēta ga hiraku ebidensu-seisaku (Smart Grid Economics: Evidence-based Policy Created through Field Experiments, Behavioral Economics, and Big Data)
by Toshifumi KURODA - 371-373 Kenkō seisaku no keizai bunseki: Reseputo deeta ni yoru hyōka to teigen (An Economic Analysis of Health and Long-term Care Policy in Japan: Evaluations and Policy Discussion Based on Medical and Long-term Care Claims Data)
by Yoko IBUKA - 374-376 Shūgyō kikai to hōshū kakusa no shakaigaku: Hiseiki koyō, shakai kaisō no nichi-kan hikaku (The Sociology of Employment Opportunity and Wage Gaps: Non-standard Employment and Social Hierarchy in Japan and Korea)
by Koji TAKAHASHI - 377-379 Nidai seitōsei no hōkai to seiken tantō nōryoku hyōka (The Breakdown of the Two-Party System and Voters’ Evaluation of Party Competence)
by Yukio MAEDA - 379-382 Mainasu-kinri seisaku: Sanjigen-kinyū-kanwa no kōka to genkai (Negative Interest Rate Policy: Effects of ‘Qualitative and Quantitative Easing with a Negative Interest Rate’ and its limitation)
by Kengo NUTAHARA - 382-385 Nihon no jinji o kagaku suru: Ingasuiron ni motozuku dēta katsuyō (The Science of Japanese Personnel Practices: Causal Inference from Personnel Data)
by Takao KATO - 385-388 Happiness and the Good Life in Japan
by Sonja Dale
2018, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-3 The Winner of the 2017 ISS–OUP Prize
by Gregory W NOBLEEditor-in-Chief - 5-7 Introduction: SSJJ Special Issue on Migration
by Jackie F STEELE - 9-25 No Time for Church: School, Family and Filipino-Japanese Children’s Acculturation
by Alec R LEMAY - 27-43 The Surprising Longevity of Kawasaki’s Representative Assembly for Foreign Residents: An Institutionalist Account
by Stephen DAYProfessor - 45-65 ‘Worklife Pathways’ to Singapore and Japan: Gender and Racial Dynamics in Europeans’ Mobility to Asia
by Helena HOF - 67-88 Brokers and the Organization of Recruitment of ‘Global Talent’ by Japanese Firms—A Migration Perspective
by Harald CONRADSasakawa Lecturer & Hendrik MEYER-OHLE - 89-102 An Immigration Policy by Any Other Name: Semantics of Immigration to Japan
by Glenda S ROBERTSProfessor - 103-115 Toward a Comprehensive Estimate of the Number of Foreign Workers in Japan
by Matthias HENNINGS & Scott MINTZ - 117-127 Immigrants in a Non-Immigrant Society: Recent PhD Dissertations on Migration in Japan
by Gracia LIU-FARRERProfessor - 129-132 New Policies for New Residents: Immigrants, Advocacy, and Governance in Japan and Beyond
by Joselito Ranara JIMENEZ - 132-136 Japan: The Precarious Future
by Yoichi FUNABASHI - 136-138 Social Inequality in Post-Growth Japan: Transformation During Economic and Demographic Stagnation
by Jun KOBAYASHI - 139-141 Better Must Come: Existing Homelessness in Two Global Cities
by Paul CHRISTENSEN - 141-144 Shimin o yatowanai kokka: Nihon ga kōmuin no sukunai kuni e to itatta michi (A State without Civil Servants: Japan’s Public Sector in Comparative Perspective)
by Yosuke SUNAHARA - 144-147 Songen to mibun: Kenpō teki shii to ‘nihon’ to iu mondai (Dignity and Status: Constitutional Thought and the “Japan Problem”)
by Yuichi NISHIMURA - 147-148 Second-Best Justice: The Virtues of Japanese Private Law
by Hironao KANEKO - 149-152 Popular Participation in Japanese Criminal Justice: From Jurors to Lay Judges
by Jonathan MARSHALL - 152-155 National Police Reserve: The Origin of Japan’s Self Defense Force
by Akihiro SADO - 155-158 Shakai kagaku to shite no nihon gaikō kenkyū: Riron to rekishi no tōgō wo mezashite (Research on Japanese Diplomacy as Social Science: Toward Integration of Theory and History)
by Mayumi ITAYAMA - 158-160 Umi o wataru kikansha: Kindai nihon no tetsudō hatten to gurōbaruka (Trading Locomotives: The First Globalization and the Development of Japan’s Railways, 1869–1914)
by Masaki NAKABAYASHI - 161-163 Kōkōshūshokushidō no shakaigaku: ‘Nihongata’ ikō o saikō suru (Sociology of Senior High School Job Placement Guidance: Reconsideration of the ‘Japanese Type’ Transition)
by Vincent B LESCH - 163-166 Moral Education in Japan: Values in a Global Context
by Katherine TEGTMEYER PAK - 166-168 License to Play: The Ludic in Japanese Culture
by Joy HENDRY - 168-170 Unmarried Women in Japan: The Drift into Singlehood
by Lynne NAKANO - 170-173 Japanese Tree Burial: Ecology, Kinship and the Culture of Death
2017, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 163-181 Risk Communication and the Disposal of Radioactive Debris: Answering Questions Without Questioning Answers
by Miori NAGASHIMA & Piers R WILLIAMSON - 183-201 Neither a Monolith, nor a Parrot
by Claudia J KIM - 203-224 Right On? The LDP’s Drift to the Right and the Persistence of Particularism
by Christian G WINKLER - 225-242 Politics On-screen: Has NHK News Become Politician-Centered?
by Yue YIN - 243-260 Tracing the Local Origins of Farmland Policies in Japan—Local-National Policy Transfers and Endogenous Institutional Change
by Hanno JENTZSCH - 261-278 Why Does Japan’s Social Democratic Party Survive? An Organizational Perspective
by Fumi IKEDA - 279-285 Does Promoting Elderly Employment Hurt Young Japanese Workers?
[‘Koyō no ba ni okeru jakunen-sha to kōrei-sha’ (Young and old in places of employment)]
by Ayako KONDO - 287-290 Seiji-tetsugaku-teki kōsatsu: riberaru to sōsharu no aida (Papers on Political Philosophy: Between Liberal and Social)
by Hajime INUZUKA - 290-293 International Law and Japanese Sovereignty: The Emerging Global Order in the 19th Century
by Tomoko OKAGAKI - 293-296 Jūsōteki-chiiki to shite no ajia: Tairitsu to kyōzon no kōzu (Asia as a Multi-layered Region: In Search for Co-existence in Conflicts)
by Takashi TERADA - 296-299 Bridging Troubled Waters: China, Japan and Maritime Order in the East China Sea
by Christian WIRTH - 300-303 Ekkyōsha no seijishi (The Political History of Border Crossers: Japanese Emigration and Colonization in the Asia-Pacific)
by Nobuo HARUNA - 303-306 Electoral Reform and National Security in Japan: From Pork to Foreign Policy
by Kyohei YAMADA - 306-310 Zaimushō to Seiji: ‘Saikyō Kanchō’ no Kyozō to Jitsuzō (The Ministry of Finance and Japanese Politics: Virtual and Real Images of ‘The Most Powerful Ministry’)
by Ryūnoshin KAMIKAWA - 310-313 Kenpō Kaisei to wa nani ka: Amerika Kaiken-shi kara kangaeru (What Are Constitutional Changes: A History of Constitutional Amendments and Other Constitutional Changes in the United States)
by Noboru YANASE - 313-316 Kigyō tōchi no hō to keizaigaku: Hikakuseido bunseki no shiten de miru gabanansu (Law and Economics of Corporate Governance: A Comparative Institutional Analysis)
by Manabu MATSUNAKA - 317-319 Kakudai suru chokusetsu tōshi to nihon kigyō (Increases in Foreign Direct Investment and Japanese Firms)
by Toshiyuki MATSUURA - 319-323 Japan’s Development Assistance: Foreign Aid and the Post-2015 Agenda
by Izumi OHNO - 323-325 Jinzai no kokusai idō to inobēshon (International Migration of Highly Skilled Workers and Innovation)
by Kentaro NAKAJIMA - 325-328 Migration, Whiteness, and Cosmopolitanism: Europeans in Japan
by Helena HOF - 328-331 Embedded Racism: Japan’s Visible Minorities and Racial Discrimination
by Robert W ASPINALL - 331-334 Nippon kaigi no kenkyū (A Study of the Japan Conference)
2017, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-4 Introduction: SSJJ Special Issue on Non-Regular Employment
by Gregory W. NOBLE - 5-6 SSJJ in the World: A Warm Welcome to Our New Regional Champions
by Jackie F. STEELE - 7-8 The Winner of the 2016 ISS–OUP Prize
by Gregory W. NOBLE - 9-36 New and Enduring Dual Structures of Employment in Japan: The Rise of Non-Regular Labor, 1980s–2010s
by Andrew GORDON - 37-57 Explaining the Increase in Female Mayors: Gender-Segregated Employment and Pathways to Local Political Leadership
by Yuki TSUJI - 59-72 Reforming the Regular Employment System: Toward a New Norm of Job-Specific Employment Contracts
by Kotaru TSURU - 73-93 Declining Self-Employment in Japan Revisited: A Short Survey
by Ryo KAMBAYASHI - 95-105 Womenomics, ‘Equality’ and Abe’s Neo-liberal Strategy to Make Japanese Women Shine
by Emma DALTON - 107-117 Enter the Workers: Japan’s Changing Childcare Controversy
by Charles WEATHERS - 119-122 The Politics of Work-Family Policies: Comparing Japan, France, Germany and the United States
by Mary C. BRINTON - 122-125 Capturing Contemporary Japan: Differentiation and Uncertainty
by Tomomi YAMAGUCHI - 125-127 Voice, Silence, and Self: Negotiations of Buraku Identity in Contemporary Japan
by David CHAPMAN - 127-130 Making We the People: Democratic Constitutional Founding in Postwar Japan and South Korea
by Christian G. WINKLER - 131-133 Tōchi no jōken: Minshutō ni miru seiken unei to tōnai tōchi (Party Government and Party Governance: The Case of the Democratic Party of Japan)
by Daniel M. SMITH - 133-137 Nihon no rōkaru demokurashī
by Kyohei YAMADA - 137-139 Kiki to koyō: Saigai no rōdō keizaigaku
by Tomohiko INUI - 140-144 Taika Nijūikkajō to wa nan datta no ka: Daiichiji sekai taisen to nicchū tairitsu no genten (What is the Historical Meaning of the 21 Demands? WWI and the Origin of Sino-Japanese Conflict)
by Shin KAWASHIMA - 144-147 Japan’s Civil-Military Diplomacy: The Banks of the Rubicon
by Matake KAMIYA - 147-150 Sensō ni Kōsuru: Kea no rinri to heiwa no kōsō (Against War: The Ethics of Care and a Vision for Peace)
by Midori HAYASHI - 150-153 Nihon no TPP to kōshō sanka no shinjitsu: Sono seisaku katei no kaimei (The True Dynamics of Japan’s Participation in the TPP Negotiation: Analysis of its Policymaking Process)
by Saori N. KATADA - 153-156 Sengo kasen gyō sei to damu kaihatsu: Tonegawa suikei ni okeru chisui, risui no kōzō tenkan
by Norimasa MIYOSHI - 156-160 Schooling Selves: Autonomy, Interdependence, and Reform in Japanese Junior High Education
by Yuko NONOYAMA-TARUMI - 160-162 Marathon Japan: Distance Racing and Civic Culture
2016, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 153-172 An International Comparison of Hope and Happiness in Japan, the UK, and the US
by Yuji Genda - 173-192 From Lahures to Global Cooks: Network Migration from the Western Hills of Nepal to Japan
by Dipesh KHAREL - 193-202 Debates Over Constitutionalism in Recent Japanese Constitutional Scholarship
by Noboru YANASE - 203-207 Rebuilding Representative Democracy
by Reiko OYAMA - 209-211 The Great Transformation of Japanese Capitalism
by César CASTELLVI - 211-215 Zenin keiei: Jiritsu bunsan inobeshon kigyo, seiko no honshitsu (The Management by Everyone: The Essence for the Success of Autonomous Distributed Innovation)
by Masahiro KOTOSAKA - 215-218 Keizaigaku no Uchu (Universe of Economics)
by Dai ZUSAI - 218-221 The Limits of Okinawa: Japanese Capitalism, Living Labor, and Theorizations of Community
by James E. ROBERSON - 221-224 Chiho shometsu: Tokyo ikkyoku shūchū ga maneku jino kyūgen (The Disappearance of the Region: The Rapid Population Decline brought on by Mono-Polar Concentration in Tokyo)
by Young-Jun LEE - 224-228 Jūkūkan no keizaishi: Senzenki Tokyo no toshi keisei to shakuya, shakuma shijo (Economic History of Dwelling Space: City Formation and the Rented House/Rented Room Market in Tokyo during the Pre-war Period)
by Kuniaki SAITO - 229-230 Nihon no Jutaku Shijo to Kakei Kodo (Housing Markets and Household Behavior in Japan)
by Keiichi SATO - 231-233 Yokohama Street Life: The Precarious Career of a Japanese Life Laborer
by Anne ALLISON - 233-235 The Changing Role of Law in Japan: Empirical Studies in Culture, Society and Policy Making
by Takashi IIDA - 236-238 Who Rules Japan? Popular Participation in the Japanese Legal Process
by Ichiro OZAKI - 238-240 Bengoshi no waku raifu baransu: Jendasa kara mita kyaria keisei to kaji ikuji buntan (Lawyers’ Work–Life Balance: Career Formation and Division of Housework and Childcare From the Perspective of Gender Difference)
by Kyoko ISHIDA - 240-243 Yasumaru Yoshio Shū Zen-Rokkan (Selected Writings of Yasumaru Yoshio, Six-Volume Collection)
by Tsuneo YASUDA - 244-247 Kaiko no seijishi (A Political History of Seaports)
by Shunsuke NAKAZAWA - 247-250 Transnational Faiths: Latin-American Immigrants and Their Religions in Japan
by Robert MOOREHEAD - 250-254 Religion and Psychotherapy in Modern Japan (Routledge Contemporary Japan Series)
by Isaac GAGNÉ - 254-258 Kendo: Culture of the Sword
2016, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-3 Commemorating 20 Years since the Founding of SSJJ: Creation and EvolutionThe Winner of the 2015 ISS-OUP Prize
by Gregory W. NOBLE - 5-11 Looking Backward and Looking Forward
by Hiroshi ISHIDA - 13-17 Research on Modern Japanese Society and Social Science Japan Journal
by Akira SUEHIRO - 19-20 Launching a New Kind of Journal in Japan
by Walter HATCH - 21-22 A Tribute to Our Founding Editor-in-Chief
by Glenda ROBERTS - 23-24 What Makes SSJJ the Leading Journal of Japanese Studies?
by Miki MATOBA & Toyoshi ONJI - 25-32 Helping to Build a Peace-Loving, Democratic Nation, Leading the Way in Social Science Research on Japan—The Institute of Social Science and Social Science Japan Journal
by Mari OSAWA - 33-58 The Failure of the Democratic Party of Japan: The Negative Effects of the Predominant Party System
by Ryūnoshin KAMIKAWA - 59-69 Option-Splitting Effects in Poll Regarding Japan’s Right to Exercise Collective Self-Defense
by Ayumi YAMADA & Ji Young KIM - 71-83 The Struggle Against Hate Groups in Japan: The Invisible Civil Society, Leftist Elites and Anti-Racism Groups
by Daiki SHIBUICHI - 85-97 Toward a Responsive Two-Party System? A Review of ‘Series: Japanese Politics’
by Gregory W. NOBLE - 99-101 Failed Democratization in Prewar Japan: Breakdown of a Hybrid Regime
by Kazuhiro TAKII - 102-104 Shusho Seiji no Seido Bunseki: Gendai Nihon Seiji no Kenryoku Kiban Keisei (The Japanese Premiership: An Institutional Analysis of the Power Relations)
by Yoshikuni ONO - 104-107 Growing Democracy in Japan: The Parliamentary Cabinet System Since 1868
by Ian NEARY - 107-109 Gender, Nation and State in Modern Japan
by Emma DALTON - 110-112 Jenda Kuota: Sekai no Josei Giin wa Naze Fuetanoka (Gender Quotas in Comparative Perspectives: Understanding the Increase in Women Representatives)
by Yuki TSUJI - 113-115 Neighborhood Associations and Local Governance in Japan
by Yosuke SUNAHARA - 116-119 Juries in the Japanese Legal System: The Continuing Struggle for Citizen Participation and Democracy
by David T. JOHNSON - 119-122 Japan’s Household Registration System and Citizenship: Koseki, Identification and Documentation
by Emiko SAITO - 122-125 Japan’s Aid: Lessons for Economic Growth, Development and Political economy
by Marie SÖDERBERG - 125-128 Labour Market Deregulation in Japan and Italy: Worker Protection under Neoliberal Globalization
by Yuji GENDA - 128-131 Jizoku kanona shakai hoshoe (Towards Sustainable Social Security)
by Kensuke MIYAZAWA - 131-133 Arbitraging Japan: Dreams of Capitalism at the End of Finance
by Naoki KASUGA - 133-139 Capital in the Twenty-First Century
by Susumu CATO - 139-142 Japan, Alcoholism, and Masculinity: Suffering and Sobriety in Daily Life
by Gordon MATHEWS - 142-145 Career Women in Contemporary Japan: Pursuing Identities, Fashioning Lives
by Glenda S. ROBERTS - 145-149 Shoshika-ron:Naze mada kekkon, shussan shiyasui kuni ni naranai no ka. (Why is it still hard to marry and have children in Japan? A critique of declining birthrate policies)
by Reiko ARAMI - 149-152 Working Skin: Making Leather, Making a Multicultural Japan
by Tom GILL
2015, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 146-161 Ontological Security and Japan’s Ideological Debate over Compensating Wartime ‘Comfort Women’
by Naoko KUMAGAI - 163-192 Could Predatory Pricing Rules Substitute for Antidumping Laws in the Proposed China–Japan–Korea Free Trade Agreement?
by Ying BI & Steven VAN UYTSEL - 193-216 The Decision for Shadow Education in Japan: Students’ Choice or Parents’ Pressure?
by Steve R. ENTRICH - 217-232 Neighborhood and Individual Factors Associated with Survey Response Behavior: A Multilevel Multinomial Regression Analysis of a Nationwide Survey in Japan
by Ryoji MATSUOKA & Tadahiko MAEDA - 233-240 Guilt, Persecution, and Resurrection in Nagasaki: Atomic Memories and the Urakami Catholic Community
by Gwyn MCCLELLAND - 241-244 Japan’s Maritime Security Strategy: The Japan Coast Guard and Maritime Outlaws
by Tetsuo KOTANI - 244-246 Nichibei dōmei no seidoka: Hatten to shinka no rekishi katei (Institutionalization of the Japan–US Alliance: A History of Its Development and Evolution)
by Takuma NAKASHIMA - 246-249 Sengo Ryūkyū no Kōmuin Seidoshi: Beigun Tōchika ni okeru ‘Nihonka’ no Shosō (A History of the Civil Service System in the Postwar Ryukyus: Its ‘Japanization’ under US Military Rule)
by Akiko IZUMO - 250-253 Nihongata haigaishugi: Zaitokukai, gaikokujin sansēken, higashi ajia chisēgaku (The Japanese-Model of Xenophobic Exclusionism: Zaitokukai, Resident Foreigner Enfranchisement and East Asian Geopolitics)
by Youngmi LIM - 254-256 International Education Policy in Japan in an Age of Globalization and Risk
by Izumi MORI - 257-260 Japanese Religions and Globalization (Routledge Studies in Asian Religion and Philosophy)
by Isaac GAGNÉ - 260-263 A History of Economic Science in Japan: The Internationalization of Economics in the Twentieth Century
by Laura HEIN - 263-266 Keizaigaku wa hitobito o kōfuku ni dekiruka (Can Economics Contribute to Well-Being?)
by Masayuki OTAKI - 266-269 Senzenki Hokubei no Nihon Shōsha: zaibei sesshū shiryō ni yoru kenkyū (Japanese Trading Companies in Prewar North America: Research Based on Documents at U.S. National Archives and Records Administration)
by Takeshi ABE - 270-273 Mazā mashin no yume: Nippon kōsaku kikai kōgyōshi (The Dream of Mother Machines: The History of the Japanese Machine Tool Industry)
by Jun SUZUKI - 273-276 Jimintō seiji no hen’yō (The Transformation of LDP Politics)
by Brian WOODALL