- 56 Asymmetries in Bank Lending Behaviour. - Austria During the 1990s
by Sylvia Kaufmann
- 55 The Effectiveness of Central Bank Intervention in the EMS: The Post 1993 Experience
by Peter Brandner & Harald Grech & Helmut Stix - 54 New International Monetary Arrangements and the Exchange Rate
by Tommaso Monacelli - 53 Why Is the Business-Cycle Behavior of Fundamentals Alike Across Exchange-Rate Regimes?
by Luca Dedola & Sylvain Leduc - 52 Beyond Bipolar: A Three-Dimensional Assessment of Monetary Frameworks
by Kenneth N. Kuttner - 51 Assessing Inflation Targeting after a Decade of World Experience
by Vittorio Corbo & Oscar Landerretche & Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel - 50 Macroeconomic Fundamentals and the DM/$ Exchange Rate: Temporal Instability and the Monetary Model
by Roman Frydman & Michael D. Goldberg - 49 Arbitrage and Optimal Portfolio Choice with Financial Constraints
by Helmut Elsinger & Martin Summer - 48 A regulatory regime for financial stability
by David T. Llewellyn - 47 The ECB monetary policy strategy and the money market
by VĂtor Gaspar & Gabriel Perez-Quiros & Jorge Sicilia - 46 Exchange Rates, Prices and Money. A Long Run Perspective
by Paul De Grauwe & Marianna Grimaldi - 45 Is there an asymmetric effect on monetary policy over time? A bayesian analysis using Austrian data
by Sylvia Kaufmann - 44 The EURO Area and the single monetary policy
by Otmar Issing - 43 The Bank, the States, and the Market: An Austro-Hungarian Tale for Euroland, 1867-1914
by Marc Flandreau
- 42 Integration, Disintegration and Trade in Europe: Evolution of Trade Relations During the 1990s
by Jarko Fidrmuc & Jan Fidrmuc - 41 Is there a Credit Channel in Austria? The Impact of Monetary Policy on Firms' Investment Decisions
by Katrin Wesche - 40 Central Banks in European Emerging Market Economies in the 1990s
by Eduard Hochreiter & Tadeusz Kowalski
- 39 Democracy and Markets: The Case of Exchange Rates
by John R. Freeman & Jude C. Hays & Helmut Stix - 38 On the real effects of the monetary policy: A central banker's view
by Javier Valles & Jose Vinals - 37 Estimation of the term structure of interest rates - A parametric approach
by Alois Geyer & Richard Mader
- 36 Heterogeneities within industries and structure-performance models
by Dennis Mueller & Burkhard Raunig - 35 Room for manoeuvre of economic policy in EU countries are there costs of joining EMU?
by Helene Schuberth - 34 The impact of EMU on European unemployment
by Juan F. Jimeno & Jose Vinals - 33 Core Inflation in Selected European Union Countries
by Christine Gartner & Gert Wehinger - 32 Price Level Convergence Among United States Cities: Lessons for the European Central Bank
by Stephen Cecchetti & Nelson C. Mark & Robert Sonora - 31 The Usual Suspects? Productivity and Demand Shocks and Asia-Pacific Real Exchange Rates
by Menzie David Chinn - 30 The Great Appreciation, the Great Depreciation, and the Purchasing Power Parity Hypothesis
by David Papell - 29 Goods Arbitrage and Real Exchange Rate Stationarity
by Jose Campa & Holger Wolf - 28 What Do We Really Know About Real Exchange Rates?
by Ronald Mac Donald - 27 Trends in European Productivity: Implications for Real Exchange Rates, Real Interest Rates and Inflation Differentials
by Matthew Canzoneri & Robert Cumby & Behzad Diba & Gwen Eudey - 26 Structural Budget Deficits and Sustainability of Fiscal Positions in the European Union
by Peter Brandner & Leopold Diebalek & Helene Schuberth - 25 Sources of Currency Crises: An Empirical Analysis
by Axel A. Weber
- 23 Will Asymmetric Shocks Pose a Serious Problem in EMU?
by Franz Pauer - 22 Recovery in Eastern Europe: Pessimism Confounded?
by Rutger Wissels
- 20 Monetary Spill-over Effects in the ERM: The Case of Austria, a Former Shadow Member
by Hans Groeneveld - 19 Austrian Exchange Rate Policy and European Monetary Integration - Selected Issues
by Eduard Hochreiter