- 000445 Tuberculosis
by Nick Marchant - 000436 Economic Aspects of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
by Keith Tolley;Gareth Morgan;Ray Cartwright;Rhys Williams
- 000426 Prescribing, Budgets and Fundholding in General Practice
by Darrin Baines;Keith Tolley;David Whynes - 000422 Hospital Acquired Infection
by R. M. Plowman;N. Graves;J. A. Roberts
- 000416 Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism
by Jane Griffin
- 000408 Diseases of the Prostate
by Nick Marchant
- 000406 Obesity
by Richard West - 000403 Eating Disorders: Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa
by Richard West
- 000399 Born Too Soon
by Jane Griffin - 000398 Born Imperfect: The role of genetic disease
by Richard West
- 000396 Drug misuse
by Jane Griffin - 000393 Depression
by Richard West - 000392 Dementia
by Justin Keen - 000391 Chronic Venous Diseases of the Leg
by William Laing - 000390 Arthritis
by Mandy Wyles
- 000734 Migraine
by J. N. Blau;Michael F. Drummond - 000389 Patterns of Prescribing
by George Teeling Smith - 000388 Parkinson's Disease
by Richard West - 000387 Organ Transplantation
by Richard West - 000384 Epilepsy: Towards Tomorrow
by Jane Griffin;Mandy Wyles - 000382 Dying with Dignity
by Jane Griffin - 000381 Cholesterol and Coronary Heart Disease: Consensus or Controversy?
by Bernie O'Brien
- 000378 Osteoporosis and the risk of fracture
by Jane Griffin - 000375 Asthma
by Office of Health Economics
- 000372 Mental Health in the 1990s: from Custody to Care?
by Jean Taylor;David Taylor - 000371 Measurement and Management in the NHS
by George Teeling Smith - 000369 Diabetes: a Model for Health Care Management
by William Laing;Rhys Williams
- 000367 Stroke
by Sarah Dale - 000362 Health Care in China
by Yinong Shao
- 000360 Women's Health Today
by Nick Wells - 000359 Multiple Sclerosis
by Bernie O'Brien
- 000658 Health: the Politicians Dilemma
by George Teeling Smith - 000657 Health Expenditure in the UK
by Robert Chew - 000355 What Are My Chances Doctor? – a Review of Clinical Risks
by Bernie O'Brien - 000354 AIDS Virus: Forecasting Its Impact
by Nick Wells - 000353 Mental Handicap: Partnership in the Community?
by Office of Health Economics - 000349 Cystic Fibrosis
by Gillian Capewell - 000348 Crisis in Research
by Nick Wells
- 000650 Measurement of Health
by George Teeling Smith - 000649 Back Pain
by Nick Wells - 000345 Private Health Care
by William Laing
- 000648 Understanding the NHS in the 1980's
by David Taylor - 000343 Childhood Vaccination: Current Controversies
by Nick Wells
- 000337 Pharmaceutical Innovation: Recent Trends, Future Prospects
by Nick Wells
- 000331 Medicines, Health and the Poor World
by David Taylor - 000328 Hip Replacement in the NHS
by William Laing;David Taylor - 000327 Coronary Heart Disease: the Scope for Prevention
by Nick Wells
- 000324 Suicide and Deliberate Self Harm
by Nick Wells - 000317 Alcohol: Reducing the Harm
by David Taylor
- 000313 Leukaemia: Towards Control
by David Taylor - 000312 Huntington's Chorea
by Tina Scoones
- 000305 Schizophrenia
by David Taylor - 000303 Scarce Resources in Health Care
by Office of Health Economics - 000299 Dementia in Old Age
by Nick Wells
- 000284 Renal Failure a priority in health?
by William Laing - 000282 Mental Handicap: ways forward
by Office of Health Economics - 000280 Birth Impairments
by Nick Wells
- 000277 The Reorganised NHS
by David Taylor - 000275 Preventing Bronchitis
by Office of Health Economics - 000274 Physical Impairment: Social Handicap
by Office of Health Economics
- 000273 Rabies
by Office of Health Economics - 000259 Asthma
by Office of Health Economics - 000258 Anaesthesia
by Office of Health Economics
- 000257 Health Care Dilemma or 'Am I kranken, doctor?'
by Office of Health Economics - 000255 Multiple Sclerosis
by Office of Health Economics - 000254 Medicines Which Affect the Mind
by Office of Health Economics
- 000251 Vaccination
by Office of Health Economics - 000250 Work of Primary Medical Care
by Office of Health Economics
- 000226 Skin Disorders
by Office of Health Economics - 000225 Rheumatism and Arthritis in Britain
by Office of Health Economics - 000224 Mental Handicap
by Office of Health Economics
- 000222 Migraine
by Fraser Lewis - 000215 Medicine and Society: the Changing Demands for Medical Care
by Office of Health Economics - 000214 Medical Care in Developing Countries
by Office of Health Economics - 000213 Hospital Purchasing
by Office of Health Economics - 000209 Family Planning in Britain
by Office of Health Economics
- 000205 Prospects in Health
by Office of Health Economics - 000202 Off Sick
by Office of Health Economics - 000201 Hypertension: a Suitable Case for Treatment?
by Office of Health Economics - 000200 Epilepsy and Society
by Office of Health Economics
- 000199 Ophthalmic Service
by Office of Health Economics - 000186 Building for Health
by Office of Health Economics - 000185 Alcohol Abuse
by Office of Health Economics
- 000183 Dental Service
by Office of Health Economics - 000182 Age of Maturity
by Office of Health Economics - 000181 Obesity and disease
by Office of Health Economics - 000158 Antibiotics in Animal Husbandry
by Office of Health Economics
- 000157 Without Prescription: a Study of the Role of Self-Medication
by Office of Health Economics - 000149 Old Age
by Office of Health Economics - 000148 General Practice Today
by Office of Health Economics
- 000139 Pharmaceutical Research: the Case for Growth in Britain
by Office of Health Economics - 000138 Malnutrition in the 1960s?
by Office of Health Economics - 000136 Efficiency in the Hospital Service
by Office of Health Economics - 000134 Drug Addiction
by Office of Health Economics
- 000130 Common Illness of Our Time: a Study of the Problem of Ischemic Heart Disease
by Office of Health Economics - 000128 Progress in Mental Health
by Office of Health Economics - 000127 Medical Manpower
by Office of Health Economics - 000124 Disorders Which Shorten Life
by Office of Health Economics
- 000123 Work Lost through Sickness
by Office of Health Economics - 000121 Local Health Services
by Office of Health Economics - 000120 Costs of Mental Care
by Office of Health Economics - 000118 Factors Which May Affect Expenditure on Health
by Office of Health Economics
- 000117 Pharmacist in Society
by Office of Health Economics - 000116 Pattern of Diabetes
by Office of Health Economics - 000113 Finance of Medical Research
by Office of Health Economics - 000112 Costs of Medical Care
by Office of Health Economics - 000111 New Frontiers in Health
by Office of Health Economics - 000110 Infants at Risk
by Office of Health Economics
- 000109 Venereal Diseases
by Office of Health Economics - 000105 Price of Poliomyelitis
by Office of Health Economics - 000104 Personal Health Services: A Perspective of the General Medical & the Pharmaceutical Services
by Office of Health Economics - 000103 Pneumonia in Decline
by Office of Health Economics - 000102 Hospital Costs in Perspective
by Office of Health Economics
- 000100 Lives of Our Children: a Study in Childhood Mortality
by Office of Health Economics - 000099 Progress against Tuberculosis
by Office of Health Economics