- 002287 How Should the World Pay for a COVID-19 Vaccine?
by Adrian Towse - 002255 The Evolution of US Policy Responses to the Opioid Epidemic
by Richard G. Frank
- 002090 Can a Strong Economic Case Be Made for Investing in the NHS?
by Peter Smith
- 001860 Ten Years of the NIHR: Achievements and Challenges for the Next Decade
by Dame Sally C. Davies
- 001664 Cost-per-QALY in the US and Britain: Damned if You Do and Damned if You Don’t
by Milton Weinstein - 001571 Universal Health Coverage: The Holy Grail?
by Anne Mills
- 000036 What constitutes credible evidence of effectiveness
by Michael Rawlins - 000035 The challenges and economics of drug development in 2022
by Nancy Mattison - 000003 OHE Guide to UK Health and Health Care Statistics
by Emma Hawe;Lesley Cockcroft
- 000135 The R&D Cost of a New Medicine
by Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz;Jon Sussex;Adrian Towse
- 000189 Incorporating Multiple Criteria in HTA: Methods and Processes
by Nancy Devlin;Jon Sussex - 000184 New Drugs to Tackle Antimicrobial Resistance: Analysis of EU Policy Options
by Priya Sharma;Adrian Towse - 000179 Achieving World Class Outcomes in Cancer Treatment
by Sir Mike Richards - 000176 Using Happiness to Value Health
by Paul Dolan
- 000221 Measuring Health Output, Productivity and Equity: Future Challenges
by Anthony Atkinson - 000220 Getting the Most out of PROMs: Putting Health Outcomes at the Heart of NHS Decision-Making
by Nancy Devlin;John Appleby - 000218 US Healthcare Reform: Monumental Health System Transformation or Fatally Flawed Compromise?
by Alan M. Garber - 000204 Shedding the Pounds: Obesity Management, NICE Guidance and Bariatric Surgery in England
by Phill O’Neill - 000195 Biosimilars: How Much Entry and Price Competition Will Result?
by Adrian Towse;Nancy Mattison;Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz
- 000244 NHS Outcomes, Performance and Productivity
by Deven Chauhan - 000243 QALYs versus Experience: A Perspective from Experimental Economics
by Daniel Kahneman
- 000264 The New Global Economics of Vaccines: Will the Scientific Potential Be Realised?
by Jean Stephenne
- 000270 Health Systems Performance Assessment
by Christopher Murray - 000268 Economic Post-Launch Studies: Matching the Desirable with the Feasible
by Anne R. Mason;Michael F. Drummond;Adrian Towse - 000266 Saving Lives, Buying Time: Economics of Malaria Drugs in an Age of Resistance
by Kenneth Arrow;Richard Peto
- 000272 Childhood and Adolescent Mental Health: Understanding the Lifetime Impacts
by Tara St. John;Lucy Leon;Andrew McCulloch
- 000493 To Publish or Not: Experience and Evidence About Publishing Hospital Outcomes Data
by Anne R. Mason;Andrew Street - 000491 The Economics of Dental Care
by Ray Robinson;Darshan Patel;Rowena Pennycate - 000490 How Much Should We Spend on the NHS?
by John Appleby;Nancy Devlin;Diane Dawson - 000489 What Could be Nicer than NICE?
by Alan Williams - 000488 The Impact of Ageing on Health Care Expenditures: Impending Crisis, or Misguided Concern?
by Meena Seshamani - 000487 Activity Based Funding for Hospitals: English Policy, International Experience
by Andrew Street
- 000486 To Heal and Harm: An Economic View of Drug Safety
by Jonathan Silcock;Clive Pritchard - 000485 Statistical Methods for Cost-Effectiveness Research: A Guide to Current Issues and Future Developments
by Andrew Briggs - 000483 Quality in Primary Care: Economic Approaches to Analysing Quality-Related Physician Behaviour
by Michael Kuhn - 000481 Institutions for Industrial Competitiveness in the International Pharmaceutical Industry
by Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz;Jon Sussex
- 000480 The Life Cycle of Pharmaceuticals: A Cross-National Perspective
by Patricia Danzon;Jeong Kim - 000479 Public Private Partnerships for Research and Development: Medicines and Vaccines for Diseases of Poverty
by Hannah Kettler;Adrian Towse - 000477 Interpreting and Addressing Inequalities in Health: From Black to Acheson to Blair to . . . ?
by Robert Evans - 000476 Influencing Prescribing in a Primary Care Led NHS
by Anne R. Mason;Michael F. Drummond;Jonathan Cooke;Adrian Towse - 000475 Health Economics: An Introduction to Economic Evaluation
by Gisela Kobelt - 000474 Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) for Decision-Making?
by Julia Fox-Rushby - 000473 Cost-Effectiveness Thresholds: Economic and ethical issues
by Clive Pritchard;Nancy Devlin;Adrian Towse
- 000472 Why Care About Health Inequality?
by Adam Oliver - 000471 The Links of Public Health and Economic Development
by Jeffrey Sachs - 000470 The Economics of the Private Finance Initiative in the NHS
by Office of Health Economics - 000469 Don’t Look Back? Voluntary and Charitable Finance of Hospitals
by John Mohan;Martin Gorsky - 000468 Consolidation and Competition in the Pharmaceutical Industry
by Hannah Kettler - 000467 Capturing the Unexpected Benefits of Medical Research
by Clive Pritchard
- 000466 The Road to Sustainability in the UK and German Biotechnology Industries
by Steven Casper;Hannah Kettler - 000465 Surgical Research and Development in the NHS - Promotion, Management and Evaluation
by Katharine Johnston - 000464 Productivity Costs: Principles and Practice in Economic Evaluation
by Clive Pritchard;Martin Sculpher - 000463 Primary Care and the NHS Reforms: A Manager’s View
by Robert Royce - 000462 Prices, Competition and Regulation in Pharmaceuticals: A Cross-National Comparison
by Patricia Danzon;Li-Wei Chao - 000461 Narrowing the Gap between provision and need for medicines in developing countries
by Hannah Kettler - 000460 Managing to do Better: General Practice in the 21st Century
by Gordon Moore - 000459 Improving Population Health in Industrialised Nations
by Office of Health Economics - 000458 Health Care without Frontiers?
by Lyndsay Mountford - 000457 Benchmarking and Incentives in the NHS
by Paul Grout;Andrew Jenkins;Carol Propper
- 000456 Updating the Cost of a New Chemical Entity
by Hannah Kettler - 000455 Trade Mark Legislation and the Pharmaceutical Industry
by Shelley Lane;Jeremy Phillips - 000453 Risk and Return in the Pharmaceutical Industry
by Nick Marchant - 000452 Risk Adjusting Health Care Resource Allocations
by Adam Oliver - 000450 Organisational Costs in the New NHS
by Bronwyn Croxson - 000448 Genomics, Healthcare and Public Policy
by Paul Williams;Sarah Clow - 000447 Doctors, Economics and Clinical Practice Guidelines: Can they be brought together?
by David M. Eddy - 000446 Disease Management, the NHS and the Pharmaceutical Industry
by Anne R. Mason;Michael F. Drummond;Adrian Towse
- 000443 Our Certain Fate: Rationing in Health Care
by Alan Maynard;Karen Bloor - 000442 National Health Service Reorganisation: Learning from History?
by Charles Webster - 000441 Managed Care - An Option for the German Health Care System?
by Robert Seitz;Hans-Helmut Konig;Eleni Jelastopulu - 000440 Managed Care - A Model for the UK?
by Peter West - 000437 Effective Commissioning: Lessons from purchasing in American managed care
by Donald W. Light - 000435 Controlling NHS Expenditure: The Impact of Labour’s NHS White Papers
by Office of Health Economics - 000434 Competition through Innovation, Innovation through Competition
by Hannah Kettler - 000433 Competition and contestability between acute hospitals
by Office of Health Economics - 000432 Biotechnology and the Economics of Discovery in the Pharmaceutical Industry
by Helen Simpson - 000431 Accountable Health Care: Is it compatible with social solidarity?
by Uwe Reinhardt
- 000430 Trade and Price Differentials for Pharmaceuticals: Policy Options
by Patricia Danzon - 000429 Theory and Evidence on Cost Sharing in Health Care: An Economic Perspective
by Martin Chalkley;Ray Robinson - 000425 NHS Waiting Lists: Towards the Elusive Solution
by Rhiannon Tudor Edwards - 000423 Guidelines for the Economic Evaluation of Pharmaceuticals: Can the UK learn from Australia and Canada?
by Adrian Towse - 000421 Drivers of the Growth in Medicines Expenditure
by Nick Marchant
- 000420 Using Consumer Preferences in Health Care Decision Making: The Application of Conjoint Analysis
by Mandy Ryan - 000419 Uses of Models in Economic Evaluations of Medicines and Other Health Technologies
by Brian Rittenhouse - 000418 The Future of Primary Care
by Jane Griffin - 000417 The Doctor's (Ethical and Economic) Dilemma
by David L. Sackett
- 000415 Value of the Pharmaceutical Industry to the UK Economy
by David Hale;Adrian Towse - 000414 Industrial Policy and the Pharmaceutical Industry
by Adrian Towse - 000413 Hypothecated Health Taxes: An evaluation of recent proposals
by Andrew Jones;Alan Duncan - 000412 Health Information and the Consumer
by Jane Griffin - 000411 Health Care as a Handicraft Industry
by William J. Baumol - 000409 Financing Health Care in the UK: A Discussion of NERA’s Prototype Model to Replace the NHS
by Adrian Towse
- 000405 Managing the NHS: past, present and agenda for the future
by William Laing - 000402 A Doctor Looks at Health Economics
by Sir Douglas Black
- 000400 Science in Medicine: How Far Has It Advanced?
by George Teeling Smith;Cynthia Roberts
- 000397 Innovative Competition in Medicine
by George Teeling Smith
- 000394 AIDS: Worldwide Policies and Problems
by Mildred Blaxter
- 000377 Measuring the Benefits of Medicines: The Future Agenda
by George Teeling Smith
- 000373 People as Patients and Patients as People
by Office of Health Economics - 000370 Holes in Therapy
by Christopher C. Booth
- 000366 Measuring Health: a Practical Approach
by George Teeling Smith - 000365 Innovative Chemical Extensions: The Economic Basis of Pharmaceutical Progress
by Nick Wells - 000361 Economic Evaluation and Develop Medicines in the Development of Medicines
by Michael F. Drummond;George Teeling Smith;Nick Wells
- 000358 Health Economics: Prospects for the Future
by George Teeling Smith - 000357 Cost and Benefits of Pharmaceutical Research
by George Teeling Smith
- 000351 Health, Education and General Practice
by George Teeling Smith
- 000652 Pharmaceuticals in seven nations
by Robert Chew;George Teeling Smith;Nick Wells - 000346 Techniques of Health Status Measurement Using a Health Index
by Gillian Holland
- 000647 Pharmaceuticals in Developing Countries 1981-82
by Office of Health Economics - 000646 Pharmaceuticals Among the Sunrise Industries
by Nick Wells - 000344 Patterns of European Diagnoses and Prescribing
by Bernie O'Brien - 000342 New NHS Act for 1996?
by George Teeling Smith
- 000341 Second Pharmacological Revolution
by Office of Health Economics - 000340 Future for Pharmaceuticals: the Potential; the Pattern and the Problems
by George Teeling Smith - 000339 Consumer Movement, Health, and the Pharmaceutical Industry
by David Taylor - 000338 Pharmaceuticals in Developing Countries
by Arnold Worlock - 000336 Measuring the Social Benefits of Medicine
by George Teeling Smith - 000334 Issues in Development: a Guide
by Klaus M. Leisinger - 000333 Needs of the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers from Their Medical Departments in the 1980s
by George Teeling Smith
- 000326 Adverse Reactions and the Community
by George Teeling Smith
- 000321 Health Research in England: Topic for Debate
by David Taylor - 000320 Economic Aspects of the Development of New Medicines
by George Teeling Smith
- 000314 Medicines: 50 Years of Progress 1930-1980
by Nick Wells - 000309 Question of Balance: the Benefits and Risks of Pharmaceutical Innovation
by George Teeling Smith
- 000301 Medicines for the year 2000
by George Teeling Smith;Nick Wells
- 000283 Pharmaceutical Prices: A continental view
by Klaus von Grebmer
- 000276 Sources of Information for Prescribing Doctors in Britain
by Office of Health Economics
- 000260 Brand Names in Prescribing
by Office of Health Economics
- 000256 Canberra Hypothesis: the Economics of the Prescription Medicine Market
by Office of Health Economics
- 000223 Pharmaceutical Industry and Society: a Study of the Changing Environment and Economics of the International Industry
by George Teeling Smith - 000207 Evaluation in the Health Services
by Office of Health Economics
- 000170 Medicines in the 1990s: a Technological Forecast
by Office of Health Economics - 000164 Innovation in Industry: a Factor for Growth
by Office of Health Economics - 000163 Human Relations in General Practice
by John McKenzie - 000161 Economics and Innovation the Pharmaceutical Industry
by George Teeling Smith
- 000150 Consumer and the Health Service
by John McKenzie
- 000147 Provision of General Medical Care in New Towns
by Dr John Fry;John McKenzie - 000137 Innovation Balance of Payments: the Experience of the Pharmaceutical Industry
by George Teeling Smith - 000133 Alive to Forty-Five
by George Teeling Smith
- 000131 Women in Medicine: The Results of an Inquiry Conducted by the Medical Practitioners' Union in 1962 – 63
by Margot Jefferys;Patricia M. Elliott - 000129 Surveillance and Early Diagnosis and General Practice
by George Teeling Smith
- 000122 Residue of Poliomyelitis
by Michael Lee - 000119 Science, Industry in the State
by George Teeling Smith
- 000101 Health Services in Western Europe
by Office of Health Economics