- 92 Clarifying Trade Costs: Maritime Transport and its Effect on Agricultural Trade
by Jane Korinek & Patricia Sourdin - 91 South Africa's Trade and Growth
by Przemyslaw Kowalski & Ralph Lattimore & Novella Bottini - 90 Economic Impacts of the Phase-Out in 2005 of Quantitative Restrictions under the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing
by Przemyslaw Kowalski & Margit Molnar - 89 Vertical Trade, Trade Costs and FDI
by Sébastien Miroudot & Alexandros Ragoussis - 88 India's Trade Integration, Realising the Potential
by Przemyslaw Kowalski & Nora Dihel - 87 Trade Impacts of Selected Regional Trade Agreements in Agriculture
by Jane Korinek & Mark Melatos - 86 Informal Cross-Border Trade and Trade Facilitation Reform in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Caroline Lesser & Evdokia Moisé-Leeman - 85 Quantifying Regulatory Barriers to Services Trade
by Hildegunn Kyvik Nordås & Henk Kox - 84 Assessing Barriers to Trade in Services in the MENA Region
by Mohamed Ali Marouani & Laura Munro
- 83 Enhancing Market Openness through Regulatory Reform in the People's Republic of China
by Malory Greene & Charles Tsai - 82 Recovery and Beyond: Enhancing Competitiveness to Realise Indonesia's Trade Potential
by Margit Molnar & Molly Lesher - 81 The Impact of Services Trade Liberalisation on Trade in Non-Agricultural Products
by Hildegunn Kyvik Nordås - 80 FDI Spillovers and their Interrelationships with Trade
by Molly Lesher & Sébastien Miroudot - 79 A Review of Methods for Quantifying the Trade Effects of Standards in the Agri-Food Sector
by Jane Korinek & Mark Melatos & Marie-Luise Rau - 78 Technical Barriers to Trade: Evaluating the Trade Effects of Supplier's Declaration of Conformity
by Barbara Fliess & Frédéric Gonzales & Raymond Schonfeld - 77 Trade and Innovation in the Korean Information and Communication Technology Sector: Trade and Innovation Project - Case Study No. 5
by Osamu Onodera & Hann Earl Kim - 76 Deregulation, Trade Reform and Innovation in the South African Agriculture Sector: Trade and Innovation Project - Case Study No. 4
by Ron Sandrey & Nick Vink - 75 The Ending of the Multi-Fibre Agreement and Innovation in Sri Lankan Textile and Clothing Industry: Trade and Innovation Project - Case Study No. 3
by Janaka Wijayasiri & Jagath Dissanayake - 74 Domestic Reform, Trade, Innovation and Growth in New Zealand's Agriculture Sector: Trade and Innovation Project - Case Study No. 2
by Vangelis Vitalis - 73 Market Openness, Trade Liberalisation and Innovation Capacity in the Finnish Telecom Equipment Industry: Trade and Innovation Project - Case Study No. 1
by Caroline Lesser - 72 Trade and Innovation Project: A Synthesis Paper
by Osamu Onodera - 71 Brazil: Selected Trade Issues
by Ralph Lattimore & Przemyslaw Kowalski - 70 Trade Liberalisation and Economic Performance: Latin America versus East Asia 1970-2006
by Jose Duran & Nanno Mulder & Osamu Onodera - 69 Facilitating Trade and Structural Adjustment: Experiences in Non-Member Countries
by Osamu Onodera - 68 Market Structure in the Distribution Sector and Merchandise Trade
by Hildegunn Kyvik Nordås & Massimo Geloso Grosso & Enrico Pinali - 67 Facilitating Trade and Structural Adjustment Ecuador: Experiences in Non-Member Countries
by Jose Duran & Nanno Mulder & Miguel Ruiz - 66 Analysis of Subsidies for Services: The Case of Export Subsidies
by Massimo Geloso Grosso - 65 Outsourcing in East Asia and its impact on the Japanese and Korean Labour Markets
by Sanghoon Ahn & Kyoji Fukao & Keiko Ito - 64 Trade and Labour Market Adjustments
by Samuel Hill & Molly Lesher & Hildegunn Kyvik Nordås - 63 Facilitating Trade and Structural Adjustment Thailand: Experiences in Non-Member Economies
by Somkiat Tangkitvanich & Osamu Onodera - 62 Technology Transfer and the Economic Implications of the Strengthening of Intellectual Property Rights in Developing Countries
by Walter G. Park & Douglas C. Lippoldt - 61 International Production Networks in the Nordic/Baltic Region
by Karolina Ekholm & Katarina Hakkala - 60 The Interaction amongst Trade, Investment and Competition Policies
by Csilla Bartók & Sébastien Miroudot
- 59 Facilitating Trade and Structural Adjustment the Philippines: Experience in Non-Member Economies
by Emilio Antonio & Osamu Onodera - 58 Do Bilateral and Regional Approaches for Reducing Technical Barriers to Trade Converge Towards the Multilateral Trading System?
by Caroline Lesser - 57 Services Trade Liberalisation and Tourism Development
by Massimo Geloso Grosso & Molly Lesher & Enrico Pinali - 56 Facilitating Trade and Structural Adjustment Chile: Experiences in Non-Member Economies
by Csilla Bartók & Osamu Onodera - 55 The Interaction between Investment and Services Chapters in Selected Regional trade Agreements
by Marie-France Houde & Akshay Kolse-Patil & Sébastien Miroudot - 54 The Impact of Pro-Competitive Reforms on Trade in Developing Countries
by Sébastien Miroudot & Enrico Pinali & Nicolas Sauter - 53 Export Processing Zones: Past and Future Role in Trade and Development
by Michael Engman & Osamu Onodera & Enrico Pinali - 52 Expanding International Supply Chains: The Role of Emerging Economies in Providing it and Business Process Services
by Michael Engman - 51 Modal Estimates of Services Barriers
by Nora Dihel & Ben Shepherd - 50 Linkage Between foreign Direct Investment, Trade and Trade Policy: An Economic Analysis with Application to the Food Sector in OECD Countries and Case Studies in Ghana, Mozambique, Tunisia and Uganda
by Norbert Wilson & Joyce Cacho - 49 Services Trade and Domestic Regulation
by Henk Kox & Hildegunn Kyvik Nordås - 48 Regulatory Reform and Market Openness: Processes to Assess Effectively the Trade and Investment Impact of Regulation
by David Shortall - 47 CSR and Trade: Informing Consumers about Social and Environmental Conditions of Globalised Production: Part I
by Barbara Fliess & Hyung-Jong Lee & Olivia L. Dubreuil & Osvaldo R. Agatiello - 42 Examining the Trade Effect of Certain Customs and Administrative Procedures
by Norbert Wilson
- 46 Business Services, Trade and Costs
by Molly Lesher & Hildegunn Kyvik Nordås - 45 The Role of Trade Barriers in SME Internationalisation
by Barbara Fliess & Carlos Busquets - 44 China's Trade and Growth: Impact on Selected OECD Countries
by Malory Greene & Nora Dihel & Przemyslaw Kowalski & Douglas C. Lippoldt - 43 Dynamic Gains from Trade
by Hildegunn Kyvik Nordås & Sébastien Miroudot & Przemyslaw Kowalski - 41 Facilitating Adjustment: Sector Experiences from Agriculture, Telecommunications and Chemicals
by Michael Engman & Osamu Onodera & Norbert Wilson - 40 South-South Trade In Goods
by Przemyslaw Kowalski & Ben Shepherd - 39 South-South Services Trade
by Nora Dihel & Felix Eschenbach & Ben Shepherd - 37 Trends in Conformity Assessment Practices and Barriers to Trade: Final Report on Survey of Cabs and Exporters
by Barbara Fliess & Raymond Schonfeld - 36 Analysis of the Economic Impact of Investment Provisions in Regional Trade Agreements
by Molly Lesher & Sébastien Miroudot - 35 Logistics and Time as a Trade Barrier
by Hildegunn Kyvik Nordås & Enrico Pinali & Massimo Geloso Grosso - 34 Liberalising Network Infrastructure Services and the GATS
by Massimo Geloso Grosso - 33 The Australian Preferential Tariff Regime
by Douglas C. Lippoldt - 32 Special and Differential Treatment in the Area of Trade Facilitation
by Evdokia Moïsé - 31 Competition Provisions in Regional Trade Agreements
by Oliver Solano & Andreas Sennekamp - 30 Inter-modal Linkages in Services Trade
by Rupa Chanda - 29 The Linkages between Open Services Markets and Technology Transfer
by Oecd - 28 Quantifying the Trade and Economic Effects of Non-Tariff Measures
by Michael J. Ferrantino - 27 After the WTO Hong Kong Ministerial Meeting: What is at Stake?
by Ken Heydon - 26 Special and Differential Treatment Under the GATS
by Oecd
- 25 Intertwined: FDI in Manufacturing and Trade in Services
by Jonathan Gage & Molly Lesher - 24 Trade and Gender: Issues and Interactions
by Jane Korinek - 23 Trade Interests of the Tsunami Affected Countries
by Hyung-Jong Lee & Karinne Logez - 22 The Role of Automation in Trade Facilitation
by Oecd - 21 The Economic Impact of Trade Facilitation
by Michael Engman - 20 Trade Preference Erosion: Expanded Assessment of Countries at Risk of Welfare Losses
by Douglas C. Lippoldt & Przemyslaw Kowalski - 19 Trade Policy: Promoting Investment for Development
by Oecd - 18 Impact of Changes in Tariffs on Developing Countries' Government Revenue
by Przemyslaw Kowalski - 17 Trade Preference Erosion: Potential Economic Impacts
by Douglas C. Lippoldt & Przemyslaw Kowalski - 16 Analysis of Non-Tariff Barriers of Concern to Developing Countries
by Oecd - 15 Regional Trading Arrangements and the Multilateral Trading System: Agriculture
by Oecd - 14 Analysis of Non-Tariff Measures: Customs Fees and Charges on Imports
by Oecd - 13 Regulatory Reform in the Russian Federation: Enhancing Trade Openness through Regulatory Reform
by Blanka Kalinova - 12 Trade Facilitation Reforms in the Service of Development: Country Case Studies
by Evdokia Moïsé - 11 Managing Request-Offer Negotiations under the GATS: The Case of Environmental Services
by Massimo Geloso Grosso
- 10 International Licensing and the Strengthening of Intellectual Property Rights in Developing Countries
by Walter G. Park & Douglas C. Lippoldt - 9 Regulatory Reform and Market Openness: Understanding the Links to Enhance Economic Performance
by Peter Czaga - 8 The Cost of Introducing and Implementing Trade Facilitation Measures: Interim Report
by Evdokia Moïsé - 7 Services Barriers and their Economic Impact: Examples of Banking and Telecommunications Services in Selected Transition Economies
by Nora Dihel & Blanka Kalinova - 6 Analysis of Non-Tariff Measures: The Case of Prohibitions and Quotas
by Peter Czaga - 5 Addressing Market-Access Concerns of Developing Countries arising from Environmental and Health Requirements: Lessons from National Experiences
by Dale Andrew & Karim Dahou & Ronald Steenblik - 4 Structural Adjustment in Textiles and Clothing in the Post-ATC Trading Environment
by Denis Audet - 2 Managing Request-Offer Negotiations Under the GATS: The Case of Legal Services
by Massimo Geloso Grosso - 1 Services Trade Liberalisation: Identifying Opportunities and Gains
by Julia Nielson & Daria Taglioni