- 21 Regulatory governance of large-scale food fortification: A measurement framework
by Vaia Karapanou & Christiane Arndt-Bascle & Fatima Toktosunova
- 20 Regulatory policy 2.0: Viewpoints and beliefs about better regulation: A report from the “Q exercise”
by Claudio M. Radaelli & Lorenzo Allio & Karl O’Connor & Richard Alcorn & Daniel Trnka - 19 The governance of civil aviation authorities in Latin American countries: Evidence from ICAO’s North American, Central American and Caribbean and South American regions
by Alexis Durand & Anna Pietikäinen - 18 Case studies on agile regulatory governance to harness innovation: Civilian drones and bio-solutions
by Guillermo Hernández & Miguel Amaral - 17 Defining and contextualising regulatory oversight and co-ordination
by Andrea Renda & Rosa Castro & Guillermo Hernández
- 16 Behavioural insight and regulatory governance: Opportunities and challenges
by James Drummond & Daniel Shephard & Daniel Trnka - 15 How do laws and regulations affect competitiveness: The role for regulatory impact assessment
by Paul Davidson & Céline Kauffmann & Marie-Gabrielle de Liedekerke - 14 Good regulatory practices and co-operation in trade agreements: A historical perspective and stocktaking
by Céline Kauffmann & Camila Saffirio
- 13 The governance of regulators in Latin America: Evidence from the 2018 Indicators on the governance of sector regulators
by Alexis Durand & Anna Pietikäinen - 12 Study of International Regulatory Co-operation (IRC) arrangements for air quality: The cases of the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution, the Canada-United States Air Quality Agreement, and co-operation in North East Asia
by Céline Kauffmann & Camila Saffirio
- 11 One-In, X-Out: Regulatory offsetting in selected OECD countries
by Daniel Trnka & Yola Thuerer
- 10 The contribution of trans-governmental networks of regulators to international regulatory co-operation
by Kenneth W. Abbott & Céline Kauffmann & Jeong-Rim Lee
- 9 Business registration pillars: Good regulatory practice for ASEAN
by Zoe Dayan & Winona Rei Bolislis - 8 Regulatory policy in India: Moving towards regulatory governance
by Lalita Som & Faisal Naru - 7 Regulatory policy in Latin America: An analysis of the state of play
by Tobias Querbach & Christiane Arndt
- 6 Perceived Fairness and Regulatory Policy: A Behavioural Science Perspective on Government-Citizen Interactions
by E. Allan Lind & Christiane Arndt - 5 Building Regulatory Policy Systems in OECD Countries
by Christiane Arndt & Sarah Hermanutz & Céline Kauffmann & Rebecca Schultz - 4 International Trade and Good Regulatory Practices: Assessing The Trade Impacts of Regulation
by Robert Basedow & Céline Kauffmann - 3 Promoting inclusive growth through better regulation: The role of regulatory impact assessment
by Rex Deighton-Smith & Angelo Erbacci & Céline Kauffmann - 2 The contribution of mutual recognition to international regulatory co-operation
by Anabela Correia de Brito & Céline Kauffmann & Jacques Pelkmans
- 1 2015 Indicators of Regulatory Policy and Governance: Design, Methodology and Key Results
by Christiane Arndt & Antonia Custance Baker & Tobias Querbach & Rebecca Schultz