- 58 Addressing Competitiveness and Carbon Leakage Impacts Arising from Multiple Carbon Markets: A Modelling Assessment
by Elisa Lanzi & Damian Mullaly & Jean Château & Rob Dellink - 57 Effectiveness of Policies and Strategies to Increase the Capacity Utilisation of Intermittent Renewable Power Plants
by David Benatia & Nick Johnstone & Ivan Haščič - 56 Mobilising Private Investment in Sustainable Transport: The Case of Land-Based Passenger Transport Infrastructure
by Geraldine Ang & Virginie Marchal - 55 Lessons from 15 Years of Experience with the Dutch Tax Allowance for Energy Investments for Firms
by Arjan Ruijs & Herman R. J. Vollebergh - 54 National Adaptation Planning: Lessons from OECD Countries
by Michael Mullan & Nicholas Kingsmill & Arnoldo Matus Kramer & Shardul Agrawala
- 53 Environmental Innovation in Germany
by Ivan Haščič - 52 Towards Consistent and Effective Carbon Pricing in Germany?
by Ivana Capozza & Joseph Curtin - 51 Testing the Effect of Defaults on the Thermostat Settings of OECD Employees
by Zack Brown & Nick Johnstone & Ivan Haščič & Laura Vong & Francis Barascud - 50 Climate Mitigation and Adaptation in Africa: Evidence from Patent Data
by Ivan Haščič & Jérôme Silva & Nick Johnstone - 49 Behavioural Economics and Environmental Incentives
by Jason Shogren - 48 Towards a Green Investment Policy Framework: The Case of Low-Carbon, Climate-Resilient Infrastructure
by Jan Corfee-Morlot & Virginie Marchal & Céline Kauffmann & Christopher Kennedy & Fiona Stewart & Christopher Kaminker & Geraldine Ang - 47 Green Transformation of Small Businesses: Achieving and Going Beyond Environmental Requirements
by Eugene Mazur - 46 Mobilising Investment in Low Carbon, Climate Resilient Infrastructure
by Christopher Kennedy & Jan Corfee-Morlot - 45 The Determinants of Invention in Electricity Generation Technologies: A Patent Data Analysis
by Elisa Lanzi & Ivan Haščič & Nick Johnstone - 44 Environmental Quality and Life Satisfaction: Evidence Based on Micro-Data
by Jérôme Silva & Femke de Keulenaer & Nick Johnstone - 42 International Technology Agreements for Climate Change: Analysis Based on Co-Invention Data
by Ivan Haščič & Nick Johnstone & Nadja Kahrobaie - 40 Adaptation and Innovation: An Analysis of Crop Biotechnology Patent Data
by Shardul Agrawala & Cécile Bordier & Victoria Schreitter & Valerie Karplus - 38 Monitoring and Evaluation for Adaptation: Lessons from Development Co-operation Agencies
by Nicolina Lamhauge & Elisa Lanzi & Shardul Agrawala
- 41 An Economic Projection to 2050: The OECD "ENV-Linkages" Model Baseline
by Jean Château & Cuauhtemoc Rebolledo & Rob Dellink - 39 Private Sector Engagement in Adaptation to Climate Change: Approaches to Managing Climate Risks
by Shardul Agrawala & Maëlis Carraro & Nicholas Kingsmill & Elisa Lanzi & Michael Mullan & Guillaume Prudent-Richard - 37 Sources of Finance, Investment Policies and Plant Entry in the Renewable Energy Sector
by Margarita Kalamova & Christopher Kaminker & Nick Johnstone - 36 Harmonising Climate Risk Management: Adaptation Screening and Assessment Tools for Development Co-operation
by Anne Hammill & Thomas Tanner - 35 Policy Interventions to Address Health Impacts Associated with Air Pollution, Unsafe Water Supply and Sanitation, and Hazardous Chemicals
by Alistair Hunt - 34 Environmental Enforcement in Decentralised Governance Systems: Toward a Nationwide Level Playing Field
by Eugene Mazur - 33 Environmental Policy Stringency and Foreign Direct Investment
by Margarita Kalamova & Nick Johnstone - 32 Employment Impacts of Climate Change Mitigation Policies in OECD: A General-Equilibrium Perspective
by Jean Château & Anne Saint-Martin & Thomas Manfredi - 31 Medium-term Management of Green Budget: The Case of Ukraine
by Nelly Petkova & Rafal Stanek & Angela Bularga - 28 Greening Growth in Japan
by Ivana Capozza - 26 Capacity Development for Environmental Management in the Agricultural Sector in Developing Countries
by Constance L. Neely - 25 Capacity Development for Environmental Management and Governance in the Energy Sector in Developing Countries
by George Matheson & Laurie Giroux - 24 Incorporating Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation in Environmental Impact Assessments: Opportunities and Challenges
by Shardul Agrawala & Arnoldo Matus Kramer & Guillaume Prudent-Richard & Marcus Sainsbury
- 30 Climate Policy and Technological Innovation and Transfer: An Overview of Trends and Recent Empirical Results
by Ivan Haščič & Nick Johnstone & Fleur Watson & Christopher Kaminker - 29 Cities and Carbon Market Finance: Taking Stock of Cities' Experience With Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Joint Implementation (JI)
by Christa Clapp & Alexia Leseur & Oliver Sartor & Gregory Briner & Jan Corfee-Morlot - 27 Flood Risks, Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Benefits in Mumbai: An Initial Assessment of Socio-Economic Consequences of Present and Climate Change Induced Flood Risks and of Possible Adaptation Options
by Stéphane Hallegatte & Nicola Ranger & Sumana Bhattacharya & Murthy Bachu & Satya Priya & K. Dhore & Farhat Rafique & P. Mathur & Nicolas Naville & Fanny Henriet & Anand Patwardhan & K. Narayanan & Subimal Ghosh & Subhankar Karmakar & Unmesh Patnaik & Abhijat Abhayankar & Sanjib Pohit & Jan Corfee-Morlot & Celine Herweijer - 23 Plan or React? Analysis of Adaptation Costs and Benefits Using Integrated Assessment Models
by Shardul Agrawala & Francesco Bosello & Carlo Carraro & Kelly de Bruin & Enrica De Cian & Rob Dellink & Elisa Lanzi - 22 Costs, Revenues, and Effectiveness of the Copenhagen Accord Emission Pledges for 2020
by Rob Dellink & Gregory Briner & Christa Clapp - 21 Buying and Cancelling Allowances as an Alternative to Offsets for the Voluntary Market: A Preliminary Review of Issues and Options
by Anja Kollmuss & Michael Lazarus - 20 Towards Global Carbon Pricing: Direct and Indirect Linking of Carbon Markets
by Rob Dellink & Stéphanie Jamet & Jean Château & Romain Duval - 19 Voluntary Carbon Markets: How can they Serve Climate Policies?
by Pierre Guigon - 18 Outcome Performance Measures of Environmental Compliance Assurance: Current Practices, Constraints and Ways Forward
by Eugene Mazur - 17 Differentiated Intellectual Property Regimes for Environmental and Climate Technologies
by Keith Maskus - 16 Environmental Policy Design Characteristics and Technological Innovation: Evidence from Patent Data
by Nick Johnstone & Ivan Haščič & Margarita Kalamova - 15 Assessing the Role of Microfinance in Fostering Adaptation to Climate Change
by Shardul Agrawala & Maëlis Carraro - 13 Linkages between Environmental Policy and Competitiveness
by Oecd - 12 Enhancing Developing Country Access to Eco-Innovation: The Case of Technology Transfer and Climate Change in a Post-2012 Policy Framework
by David Ockwell & Jim Watson & Alexandra Mallett & Ruediger Haum & Gordon MacKerron & Anne-Marie Verbeken
- 14 Cities, Climate Change and Multilevel Governance
by Jan Corfee-Morlot & Lamia Kamal-Chaoui & Michael G. Donovan & Ian Cochran & Alexis Robert & Pierre-Jonathan Teasdale - 11 Promoting Biodiversity Co-Benefits in REDD
by Katia Karousakis - 10 Policies for the Development and Transfer of Eco-Innovations: Lessons from the Literature
by David Popp - 9 Literature Review of Recent Trends and Future Prospects for Innovation in Climate Change Mitigation
by Richard G. Newell - 8 Assessing Environmental Management Capacity: Towards a Common Reference Framework
by Oecd - 7 Integrating Public Environmental Expenditure within Multi-year Budgetary Frameworks
by Nelly Petkova - 6 Economic Aspects of Adaptation to Climate Change: Integrated Assessment Modelling of Adaptation Costs and Benefits
by Kelly de Bruin & Rob Dellink & Shardul Agrawala - 5 Greening Development Planning: A Review of Country Case Studies for Making the Economic Case for Improved Management of Environment and Natural Resources
by Olof Drakenberg & Sandra Paulsen & Jessica Andersson & Emelie Dahlberg & Kristoffer Darin Mattsson & Elisabeth Wikstrom
- 4 The Economics of Climate Change Impacts and Policy Benefits at City Scale: A Conceptual Framework
by Stéphane Hallegatte & Fanny Henriet & Jan Corfee-Morlot - 3 Assessing Climate Change Impacts, Sea Level Rise and Storm Surge Risk in Port Cities: A Case Study on Copenhagen
by Stéphane Hallegatte & Nicola Patmore & Olivier Mestre & Patrice Dumas & Jan Corfee-Morlot & Celine Herweijer & Robert Muir-Wood - 2 The Health Costs of Inaction with Respect to Air Pollution
by Pascale Scapecchi - 1 Ranking Port Cities with High Exposure and Vulnerability to Climate Extremes: Exposure Estimates
by R. J. Nicholls & S. Hanson & Celine Herweijer & Nicola Patmore & Stéphane Hallegatte & Jan Corfee-Morlot & Jean Château & Robert Muir-Wood