- 2069 Contribution à un ordre monétaire international tripolaire
by Mohammed Germouni - 2068 Le ciblage des pauvres et des vulnérables au Maroc : Quelles leçons pour l’après-Covid-19
by Larabi Jaidi - 2067 Le Ghana, le bon élève du FMI, face à la pandémie économique de 2020
by Henri-Louis Vedie - 2066 L’autonomisation économique des femmes marocaines au temps de la Covid-19 et d’avant : comprendre pour agir
by Aomar Ibourk & Karim El Aynaoui & Tayeb Ghazi - 2065 What Can Trade Tell Us About Economic Transformation? Composition of Trade and Structural Transformation in African Countries
by Mina Baliamoune & Abdoul‘ Ganiou Mijiyawa - 2063 Le transport aérien et le tourisme frappés de plein fouet par la crise de la Covid-19
by Oumnia Boutaleb - 2062 L’aide au développement américaine dans le domaine de la santé en Afrique : Analyse à la lumière de la Déclaration de Paris
by Souha Majidi - 2061 استراتيجية المغرب في مواجهة كوفيد 19
by Abdelaaziz Ait Ali & Abdelhak Bassou & M’hammed Dryef & Karim El Aynaoui & Rachid El Houdaigui & Youssef El Jai & Faiçal Hossaini & Larabi Jaidi & Mohamed Loulichki & El Mostafa Rezrazi & Abdallah Saaf - 2060 Une école en ligne d'avenir, d'équité et de qualité pour tous : Réflexions autour d'un modèle bien conçu
by Aomar Ibourk & Ghazi Tayeb - 2058 La Stratégie Du Maroc Face Au Covid-19
by Abdelaaziz Ait Ali & Abdelhak Bassou & M’hammed Dryef & Karim El Aynaoui & Rachid El Houdaigui & Youssef El Jai & Faiçal Hossaini & Larabi Jaidi & Mohamed Loulichki & El Mostafa Rezrazi & Abdallah Saaf - 2056 Le Maroc a-t-il bénéficié de l’accord de libre-échange conclu avec l'Union européenne ?
by Rim Berahab & Uri Dadush - 2054 Un Indice de Compétitivité Structurelle des pays en développement
by Moubarack Lo & Amaye Sy - 2048 Trade and Women’s Wage Employment
by Mina Baliamoune - 2047 Commerce et emploi salarial des femmes
by Mina Baliamoune - 2045 Brazil at a Post-Pandemic Macroeconomic Crossroads
by Otaviano Canuto & Márcio Issao Nakane - 2044 Les relations politiques entre la Chine et l’Australie, un élément- clé de la géopolitique mondiale des ressources
by Yves Jégourel - 2042 Africa’s Infrastructure Finance
by Mahmoud Arbouch & Otaviano Canuto & Miguel Vazquez - 2041 L'or : l'actif refuge des temps difficiles
by Henri-Louis Vedie - 2040 Intégration monétaire en Afrique de l'Ouest : histoire, théorie, politique
by Youssef El Jai - 2038 Brazil, South Korea: Two Tales of Climbing an Income Ladder
by Otaviano Canuto - 2037 The national automotive industry faced with the Covid-19: Should we be worried about the impact on the current account?
by Abdelaaziz Ait Ali - 2036 Will ECOWAS Benefit from Being Transformed into a « Confederation of States »?
by Alioune Sall & Moubarack Lo - 2035 Industrie automobile nationale face à la Covid-19 : faut-il se préoccuper de l’impact sur le compte courant ?
by Abdelaaziz Ait Ali - 2034 Un regard prudent sur les perspectives économiques au-delà catastrophe provoquée par la Covid-19
by Uri Dadush - 2033 Would Helicopter money have any say in the Covid-19 crisis?
by Karim EL Mokri - 2032 La CEDEAO gagnerait-elle à être transformée en « Confédération d’États » ?
by Alioune Sall & Moubarack Lo - 2031 Monetary Integration in West Africa: History, Theory, Policy
by Youssef El Jai - 2030 Capitaliser sur les « bonnes réputations »
by Fathallah Oualalou - 2029 The Impact of Coronavirus on the Global Economy
by Otaviano Canuto - 2028 Effet coupe du monde : une nouvelle piste de réflexion à la quête d'une stratégie de déconfinement efficace
by Aomar Ibourk & Karim El Aynaoui - 2027 The World Cup Effect: A New Avenue of Thought in Search of an Effective De-confinement Strategy
by Aomar Ibourk & Karim El Aynaoui - 2026 La monnaie hélicoptère aurait-elle son mot à dire dans la crise de la Covid-19 ?
by Karim EL Mokri - 2025 A Cautious Look at Economic Prospects Beyond the Covid-19 Disaster
by Uri Dadush - 2024 Coronavirus: a new disaster to be expected for the oil-producing countries of the Gulf of Guinea
by Benjamin Augé - 2023 Morocco and Covid-19: Agility, cohesion, innovation
by Hynd Bouhia - 2022 Covid-19 : entre urgence et long terme
by Mohammed Germouni - 2021 Covid-19: Between urgency and long term
by Mohammed Germouni - 2020 The World of Work in the Time of Coronavirus: a Haemorrhage of Jobs and Changes in View
by Ibourk Aomar & Ghazi Tayeb & Mandri Badr - 2019 Le Covid-19 : un Accélérateur de Crise, un Révélateur d'insuffisance
by Henri-Louis Vedie - 2018 Les Pays Pétroliers Africains sous la Menace du Covid-19 : Enjeux Economiques et Pistes pour Sortir de L'impasse
by Rim Berahab - 2017 Coronavirus et climat : Tirer les leçons du cas français
by Oumayma Bourhriba & Uri Dadush - 2016 Globalization and the Covid-19 Pandemic: How is Africa’s Economy Impacted?
by Seleman Yusuph Kitenge - 2015 Covid-19 : Soumis à un choc violent et durable, les pays pétroliers africains improvisent le sauvetage de leur économie
by Benjamin Augé - 2014 Le monde du travail à l’heure du Coronavirus : une hémorragie des emplois et des mutations en perspective
by Ibourk Aomar & Ghazi Tayeb & Mandri Badr - 2013 Un budget pour soutenir l'ambition mondiale de l'Europe dans les sept prochaines années
by Iván Martín - 2010 Coronavirus and Temperature
by Mahmoud Arbouch & Uri Dadush - 2009 The Global Challenges of Illicit Financial Flows
by Seleman Kitenge - 2007 A Budget to Underpin European Global Ambition in the Next Seven Years
by Iván Martín - 2006 Coronavirus : un nouveau désastre à prévoir pour les pays pétroliers du golfe de Guinée
by Benjamin Augé - 2005 Four Big Misconceptions About The Services Trade in Africa
by Oumayma Bourhriba & Uri Dadush - 2004 The Moroccan Diaspora and Public Policy
by Mahmoud Arbouch & Uri Dadush - 2003 Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo et Michael Kremer L'Economie du développement gagne ses lettres de noblesse
by Henri-Louis Vedie - 2002 Bridging the Digital Divide with upskilling strategies which unlock an expert IoT workforce: A way forward for AUDA-NEPAD
by Seleman Yusuph Kitenge - 2001 Brazil is in dire need of more and better infrastructure investments
by Otaviano Canuto
- 1947 Diagnostic Stratégique de l’émergence économique du Maroc
by Moubarack Lo - 1942 The Concept of Developing Country from International Legal Perspectives in Post NIEO/UNCTAD World
by Matsumoto Shoji - 1941 Natural Wealth and Economic Growth: The Case of Sub-Saharan Africa
by Otaviano Canuto & Christos Daoulas - 1939 Middle Income Countries and Multilateral Development Banks Traps on the Way to Graduation
by Otaviano Canuto & Matheus Cavallari & Tiago Ribeiro dos Santos - 1937 Current Account Adjustments and Exchange Rate Arrangements: What Regime for African Countries?
by Abdelaaziz AIT ALI & Mohamed OBAIDY - 1936 Reform and Opening-up: Chinese Lessons to the World
by Marcus Vinicius de Freitas - 1935 African Valleys and the Geopolitics of Innovation: Reality, Potential and Challenges
by Bouchra Rahmouni - 1930 CEDEAO, la voie difficile vers l’Eco, la monnaie unique
by Pierre Jacquemot - 1929 L’énergie solaire en Inde : priorité au photovoltaïque
by Henri-Louis Vedie - 1928 Le Cyberespace africain : un champ aux contradictions manifestes
by Mourad El Manir - 1927 Les crypto-monnaies, unités de compte cryptées ou monnaie cryptée : le cas du Bitcoin et de la Libra
by Henri-Louis Vedie - 1926 Morocco’s excessive geographic export concentration
by Uri Dadush & Hamza Saoudi - 1925 State Failure and Rebel Governance in Africa
by Hisham Aidi - 1923 الفوارق في المغرب من منظور دولي
by Uri Dadush & Hamza Saoudi - 1922 Taux de Change Fixe / Taux de Change Flottant Le cas du Maroc
by Henri-Louis Vedie - 1921 Inequality in Morocco: An International Perspective
by Uri Dadush & Hamza Saoudi - 1920 Can African countries learn from the Chinese Development Model?
by Ihssane Guennoun - 1919 Vers une stratégie économique basée sur l’amélioration de la productivité
by Elhadj EZZAHID - 1918 The Entrepreneurial South African State: An analysis of current government action to stimulate innovation and recommendations for future policy and initiatives
by Sandiso Sibisi - 1917 The Global Outlook, Trade Conflicts and Africa
by Uri Dadush - 1916 China’s FDI in Brazil: recent trends and policy debate
by Pedro da Motta Veiga & Sandra Polónia Rios - 1915 The Geopolitics of the Renminbi Evolution
by Marcus Vinicius de Freitas - 1914 Bretton Woods system: did we throw the baby out with the bathwater ? Lessons for developing economies
by Mouhamadou Moustapha LY - 1913 The UK’s policy towards Africa post-Brexit
by Juliana Suess & Project Officer & Research Analyst & RUSI - 1912 The escalating China-US trade dispute: economic and geopolitical implications for Sub-Saharan Africa
by Uri Dadush - 1911 The Crisis in World Trade
by Akman & S. & Armstrong & S. & Braga & C. & Dadush & U. & Gonzalez & A. & Kimura & F. & Nagakawa & J. & Rashish & P. & Tamura & A. - 1910 Traps on the Road to High Income
by Otaviano Canuto - 1909 Seven Predictions About the World Without the WTO
by Uri Dadush - 1908 South Africa’s Economic Slowdown and Its Policy Options
by Mouhamadou Moustapha LY - 1904 Le Maroc à l’épreuve de son premier litige commercial devant l’OMC: Affaire Maroc-Acier laminé à chaud (plainte de Turquie)
by Jamal Machrouh - 1903 Morocco Faces its First Commercial Dispute before the WTO
by Jamal Machrouh - 1902 The Role of a Flexible Foreign Exchange System in Macroeconomic Adjustment: The Case of Morocco
by Abdelaaziz Ait Ali - 1901 Rôle du régime de change flexible dans l’ajustement macroéconomique : cas du Maroc
by Abdelaaziz Ait Ali
- 1819 Youth Unemployment in the Middle East & North Africa, and the Moroccan case
by Uri Dadush - 1818 Assessing the EU-North Africa trade agreements
by Uri Dadush & Yana Myachenkova - 1817 Overview of Key Livelihood Activities in Northern Niger
by Rida Lyammouri - 1815 Water Content in Trade: A Regional Analysis for Morocco
by Eduardo Amaral Haddad & Fatima Ezzahra Mengoub & Vinicius A. Vale - 1813 Policy proposal to Reduce Skilled Unemployment in Morocco using Public- Private Partnerships (PPPs): 3R-PPP – Retrain-Rebalance-Reduce-PPP
by Thomas Pereira da Silva - 1812 ٢٠١٨ ملامح منعرج للإقتصاد العالمي : أوربا تستيقظ و اسيا ترسخ موقعها
by Fathallah Oualalou - 1811 Different Dimensions of Brazil and Morocco Trade Flows: A Quantitative Assessment
by Eduardo A. HADDAD & Fernando S. PEROBELLI & Flãvio V. VIEIRA & Vinicius A. VALE - 1810 It’s evolution, baby – how institutions can improve without critical junctures
by Otaviano Canuto & Tiago Ribeiro dos Santos - 1809 Will the Emerging Market Turmoil be Contained
by Uri Dadush & Hamza Saoudi - 1807 The Role of Fundamentals in Global Imbalances
by Uri Dadush - 1806 Le Partenariat Afrique-Europe en quête de sens Principales conclusions
by Larabi Jaidi & Iván Martín - 1805 The Global Context: Major Forces Shaping Our World
by Isabelle Tsakok - 1804 Our Trade Tensions Will Persist Beyond Trump
by Uri Dadush - 1803 Destination-Based Business Cash Flow Taxes
by Will Martin - 1802 Will the African Free Trade Agreement Succeed?
by Rim Berahab & Uri Dadush
- 1737 Diversité de l’agriculture africaine et commerce intracontinental : quelles opportunités pour l’intégration
by Mohammed Rachid Doukkali & Onasis Tharcisse Adétumi GUEDEGBE & Fatima Ezzahra Mengoub - 1736 The Protectionist’s Progress: Year 1
by Uri Dadush - 1735 The Economic Effects of Refugee Return and Policy Implications
by Uri Dadush - 1734 La complexité de la remontée des Chaînes de valeur Mondiales : Cas des industries automobile et aéronautique au Maroc et en Tunisie
by Larabi Jaidi & Yassine Msadfa - 1733 Manufacturing Employment Elasticity and Its Drivers in Developing and Emerging Countries : Focus on Sub-Saharan Africa
by Abdelaaziz Aït Ali & Tayeb Ghazi & Yassine Msadfa - 1731 Brazil – Morocco : a Roadmap Ahead
by Marcus Vinicius de Freitas - 1730 Emissions de Dioxyde de Carbone et Croissance Economique au Maroc : Une Analyse de la Courbe Environnementale de Kuznets
by Rim Berahab - 1728 MOROCCO-BRAZIL ECONOMIC RELATIONS: Current situation and strategies for a deeper relationship
by Sandra Polónia Rios & Pedro da Motta Veiga & Eduardo Augusto Guimarães - 1727 Agricultural Trade and Food Security
by Will Martin - 1726 Jobs in the Middle East North Africa, and the Moroccan case
by Uri Dadush - 1725 الوظائف في الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا، ودراسة الحالة المغربية
by Uri Dadush - 1724 Overlapping Globalizations
by Otaviano Canuto - 1723 الوظائف والتصنيع والعولمة
by Hinh T. Dinh - 1722 China - Morocco - Africa: An Innovative Agribusiness Partnership
by Fathallah Oualalou - 1721 Linkages and Interdependence in Moroccan Regions
by Eduardo Amaral Haddad - 1720 Wage stagnation in the United States: some international implications
by Uri Dadush - 1719 Les fonds souverains africains
by Henri-Louis VEDIE - 1718 Union Africaine : Quelles options d’autonomie stratégique possibles ?
by Abdelkhalek El Bikam & Afang Ndong Zita & Kourouma Oumar - 1717 African Union: What are the Possible Options for Strategic Autonomy ?
by Abdelkhalek El Bikam & Afang Ndong Zita & Kourouma Oumar - 1716 Accumulation du capital et gains de productivité au Maroc
by Taoufik Abbad - 1715 Capital accumulation and productivity gains in Morocco
by Taoufik Abbad - 1714 Matchmaking Finance and Infrastructure
by Otaviano Canuto & Aleksandra Liaplina - 1713 Africa and global commodity markets: from cyclical realities to structural
by Yves Jégourel - 1712 Long-term finance and BNDES tapering in Brazil
by Otaviano Canuto & Matheus Cavallari - 1711 The Future of Globalization
by Uri Dadush - 1709 The Global Outlook and Morocco
by Uri Dadush - 1708 Les investissements miniers chinois en Afrique
by Henri-Louis Vedie - 1707 Road map for enhancing Morocco – Brazil economic relations
by Sandra Polónia Rios & Pedro da Motta Veiga - 1706 Rethinking development finance: towards a new “possible trinity” for growth?
by Luiz A Pereira da Silva - 1705 The Mist of Central Bank Balance Sheets
by Matheus Cavallari & Otaviano Canuto - 1704 Will America Trigger a Global Trade War?
by Uri Dadush - 1703 Relations entre le Maroc et l’Afrique subsaharienne : Quels potentiels pour le commerce et les investissements directs étrangers ?
by Rim Berahab - 1702 Relations between Morocco and sub-Saharan Africa: What is the potential for trade and foreign direct investment?
by Rim Berahab - 1701 Multilateralism: what is the political (geo) resonance for steel?
by Yves Jégourel
- 1624 Le défi de la transformation économique structurelle : une analyse par la complexité économique
by Karim EL Mokri - 1623 Climbing the Global Digital Ladder: Latin America’s Inescapable Trial
by Alfredo Da Gama e Abreu Valladão - 1622 Performances en lecture au Maroc: approche par genre
by Aomar Ibourk - 1621 The Unmet Challenge of Interdependence in the EU-MENA Space: A View from the South
by Uri Dadush & Karim El Mokri & Rim Berahab & Karim El Aynaoui - 1620 Analyse comparative des déterminants de la croissance des pays de l’UEMOA et des pays à forte croissance
by Dedewanou Finagnon Antoine - 1619 Fluctuations in Emerging Economies: Regional and Global Factors
by Zouhair Aït Benhamou - 1618 L'intégration économique en Afrique: un processus en cours
by Vera Songwe - 1617 Faciliter les échanges alimentaires au sein de la CEDEAO
by Onasis Tharcisse A. Guedegbe - 1615 Facilitating food trade within ECOWAS
by Onasis Tharcisse A. Guedegbe - 1614 Argentina’s Shifting Politics: New Prospects for Collaboration with Africa?
by Rafael Benke - 1613 The importance of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in the implementation of The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
by Rabi H. Mohtar - 1612 The Global Outlook, Secular Stagnation, and the MENA region
by Uri Dadush - 1611 La stratégie industrielle 2014- 2020 du Maroc et ses implications potentielles sur le processus de transformation structurelle
by Karim EL Mokri - 1610 Morocco’s 2014- 2020 Industrial Strategy and its potential implications for the structural transformation process
by Karim EL Mokri - 1609 How to Implement DRM Successfully for Effective Delivery of SDGs in Africa: Part 2 – Illustrative Actionable Solutions for Policy Leaders
by Landry Signé - 1607 Housing Policies in Africa & Brazil: The role of PPPs for low-income housing
by Marcus Vinicius de Freitas - 1606 Africa-Atlantic Integration: Can the Economy Unite What Geology has Divided?
by Karim El Mokri & Tayeb Ghazi - 1605 L’intégration Afrique-Atlantique : L’économie peut-elle réunir ce qui a été séparé par la géologie?
by Karim El Mokri & Tayeb Ghazi - 1604 Learning Achievement in Morocco: a Status Assessment
by Aomar Ibourk - 1603 Potash: a typical price war
by Yves Jégourel - 1601 Industrial Policy: A Guide for the Perplexed
by Uri Dadush
- 1520 Diaspora, Development and Morocco
by Uri Dadush - 1518 MOBILIZING RESOURCES FOR AFRICA: Financing and Capacity-Building Strategies for Effective Delivery of the Sustainable Development Goals
by Landry Signé - 1517 Règles budgétaires et soutenabilité des finances publiques
by Pierre-Richard Agénor - 1516 L’intégration financière internationale : Théories, évidences, et leçons des expériences récentes
by Pierre-Richard Agénor - 1515 Is Manufacturing Still a Key to Growth ?
by Uri Dadush - 1513 Commodities: a new era
by Yves Jégourel - 1512 Rethinking the Mediterranean Strategic Agenda in an Evolving Environment
by Karim EL Aynaoui & Karim El Mokri & Sara Mokaddem & Abdelaaziz Ait Ali - 1511 Trade, Inequality, and Morocco
by Uri Dadush - 1510 Does Growth Create Jobs in the G-20 Economies?
by Saurabh Mishra & Prakash Loungani - 1509 Should we worry about the Great Trade Slowdown?
by Uri Dadush - 1507 The roller-coaster ride of Chinese commodity markets
by Yves Jégourel - 1506 Marchés libres vs système de prix producteurs: pourquoi les marchés de matières premières se financiarisent-ils?
by Yves Jégourel - 1505 Economic integration in the time of turmoil
by Uri Dadush - 1504 The Securitization Technique: a Relevant Tool for Financing the Mining Sector?
by Yves Jégourel - 1503 Brazil after the 2014 Elections: A Bumpy Road Ahead
by Sergio Fausto - 1502 Gagnant et perdant: effects macroéconomiques de la chute des prix de l’énergie
by Yves Jégourel - 1501 Winners and Losers: The Macroeconomic Effects of Falling Energy Prices
by Yves Jégourel