april 1985, Volume 48
- 4 The open economy and competitive markets
by anonymous - 4 Abolition of compulsory ratio requirements
by anonymous - 4 Economic notes
by anonymous - 4 Economic update
by anonymous
october 1985, Volume 48
- 10 Quarterly review of the external economy
by anonymous - 10 Recent trends in New Zealand's international competitiveness
by anonymous - 10 The abolition of exchange controls
by anonymous - 10 Economic notes
by anonymous - 10 Economic update
by anonymous
febuary 1985, Volume 48
- 2 Address by the Governor
by anonymous - 2 Developments in the international economy
by anonymous - 2 Economic notes
by anonymous
march 1985, Volume 48
- 3 Quarterly review of monetary conditions
by anonymous - 3 Address by the Governor
by anonymous - 3 Overseas exchange transactions year ended December 1984
by anonymous - 3 Economic notes
by anonymous
november 1985, Volume 48
- 11 Quarterly review of the New Zealand economy
by anonymous - 11 Lags in the effect of monetary policy: foreign country experiences
by anonymous - 11 Monetary policy, some questions and answers
by anonymous - 11 Economic notes
by anonymous - 11 Economic update
by anonymous
june 1984, Volume 47
- 5 Quarterly review of monetary conditions and policy
by anonymous
april 1984, Volume 47
- 3 The developing countries of eastern Asia: 1
by anonymous - 3 1982/83 meat industry review
by anonymous
august 1984, Volume 47
- 7 Manufactured exports to Australia
by anonymous - 7 A quarterly money supply series constructed for New Zealand for the period 1934-59
by anonymous - 7 Reserve Bank Annual Report
by anonymous
september 1984, Volume 47
- 8 Quarterly review of monetary conditions
by anonymous - 8 Influences on trading bank reserve assets
by anonymous - 8 Overseas exchange transactions year ended June 1984
by anonymous
may 1984, Volume 47
- 4 New Zealand economy - six monthly review
by anonymous - 4 Reserve Bank share price index
by anonymous
january/february 1984, Volume 47
- 1 Developments and prospects for the international economy
by anonymous - 1 New Zealand economic chronology 1983
by anonymous - 1 Monetary policy measures
by anonymous
july 1984, Volume 47
- 6 Uses of savings in New Zealand
by anonymous - 6 Developments in the international economy
by anonymous
october 1984, Volume 47
- 9 Monetary policy since the change of Government
by anonymous - 9 1983/84 dairy season review
by anonymous - 9 Alternative approaches to monetary management
by anonymous - 9 Some notes about notes
by anonymous
march 1984, Volume 47
- 2 Overseas exchange transactions year ended December 1983
by anonymous - 2 Quarterly review of monetary conditions and policy
by anonymous
december 1984, Volume 47
- 11 Quarterly review of monetary conditions
by anonymous - 11 The 1984 budget
by anonymous
november 1984, Volume 47
- 10 The New Zealand economy: six monthly review
by anonymous - 10 Consolidated Government and Reserve Bank accounts
by anonymous - 10 1983/84 wool season review
by anonymous
may 1983, Volume 46
- 4 Recent developments in international indebtedness
by anonymous - 4 Six monthly review
by anonymous - 4 Quarterly review of monetary conditions and policy
by anonymous
july 1983, Volume 46
- 6 Review of finance statistics
by anonymous - 6 Developments in the international economy
by anonymous
september 1983, Volume 46
- 8 The budget and macro-economic policy
by anonymous - 8 Survey of overseas borrowing by private sector
by anonymous - 8 Overseas exchange transactions year ended June 1983
by anonymous
december 1983, Volume 46
- 11 Quarterly review of monetary conditions and policy
by anonymous - 11 Interest rate regulations
by anonymous - 11 Monetary policy announcement
by anonymous - 11 Deficit before borrowing
by anonymous - 11 Savings in New Zealand
by anonymous
october 1983, Volume 46
- 9 Influences on trading bank reserve assets
by anonymous - 9 1982/83 dairy season review
by anonymous
august 1983, Volume 46
- 7 Recent developments in the New Zealand foreign exchange market
by anonymous - 7 Quarterly review of monetary conditions and policy
by anonymous - 7 Reserve Bank annual report
by anonymous
november 1983, Volume 46
- 10 Six monthly review
by anonymous - 10 1982/83 wool season review
by anonymous
april 1983, Volume 46
- 3 1981/82 meat industry review
by anonymous - 3 Monetary policy measures
by anonymous
june 1983, Volume 46
- 5 Export market developments
by anonymous
march 1983, Volume 46
- 2 Overseas exchange transactions year ended December 1982
by anonymous - 2 New Zealand public debt
by anonymous
january/february 1983, Volume 46
- 1 International economic situation and outlook
by anonymous - 1 New Zealand economic chronology 1982
by anonymous
may 1982, Volume 45
- 4 Six monthly review
by anonymous - 4 A note on the supplementary minimum prices scheme
by anonymous
november 1982, Volume 45
- 10 Six monthly review
by anonymous
january/february 1982, Volume 45
- 1 International economic situation and outlook
by anonymous - 1 New Zealand economic chronology 1981
by anonymous
august 1982, Volume 45
- 7 International economic situation and developments
by anonymous
april 1982, Volume 45
- 3 Monetary targets: some New Zealand evidence
by anonymous
september 1982, Volume 45
- 8 The tourist industry
by anonymous - 8 Influences on trading bank reserve assets
by anonymous - 8 Overseas exchange transactions year ended June 1982
by anonymous
july 1982, Volume 45
- 6 Demand and supply for wool
by anonymous - 6 Economic policy measures
by anonymous - 6 Adjusting the taxation and financial systems for the effects of inflation
by anonymous
march 1982, Volume 45
- 2 Overseas exchange transactions
by anonymous - 2 Recent economic developments in New Zealand - IMF article
by anonymous
december 1982, Volume 45
- 11 Amendments to interest rate regulations
by anonymous - 11 Reserve Bank weekly statement of assets and liabilities
by anonymous
october 1982, Volume 45
- 9 Government expenditure and revenue
by anonymous - 9 1981/82 dairy season review
by anonymous
june 1982, Volume 45
- 5 Unemployment: causes and policy options
by anonymous - 5 1980/81 meat industry review
by anonymous - 5 Eligibility for social welfare benefits
by anonymous
april 1981, Volume 44
- 3 Non-tariff trade restrictions
by anonymous - 3 The buying and selling of foreign exchange
by anonymous - 3 Research papers
by anonymous
September 1981, Volume 44
- 8 Overseas exchange transactions year ended June 1981
by anonymous - 8 Influences on trading bank reserve assets
by anonymous - 8 Export credit financing: the OECD arrangement and New Zealand participation
by anonymous
march 1981, Volume 44
- 2 Overseas exchange transactions year ended December 1980
by anonymous - 2 Import licensing in New Zealand
by anonymous
may 1981, Volume 44
- 4 Cost of living wage order hearing
by anonymous - 4 Non pastoral exports
by anonymous - 4 The New Zealand economy- six monthly review
by anonymous
August 1981, Volume 44
- 7 International economic situation and developments
by anonymous - 7 Government expenditure and revenue
by anonymous - 7 Trends in manufactured exports
by anonymous - 7 Fish exports
by anonymous
january/february 1981, Volume 44
- 1 Tax indexation
by anonymous - 1 Dairy industry review
by anonymous - 1 New Zealand economic chronology 1980
by anonymous - 1 International economic situation and outlook
by anonymous
july 1981, Volume 44
- 6 Monetary policy, 1976 and beyond
by anonymous
november 1981, Volume 44
- 10 Reserve asset ratio system
by anonymous - 10 The New Zealand economy six monthly review
by anonymous - 10 Monetary policy measures
by anonymous
october 1981, Volume 44
- 9 Reserve asset ratio system
by anonymous - 9 The compensatory deposits scheme
by anonymous - 9 Meat industry review
by anonymous
june 1981, Volume 44
- 5 Wool industry review
by anonymous - 5 The International Monetary Fund
by anonymous - 5 Inflation adjusted savings bonds
by anonymous
december 1981, Volume 44
- 11 Interest rate regulations
by anonymous
may 1980, Volume 43
- 4 The use of a constant value unit of account in business accounts
by anonymous - 4 Monetary policy measures
by anonymous - 4 The New Zealand economy - six monthly review
by anonymous
june 1980, Volume 43
july 1980, Volume 43
- 6 The customs tariff in New Zealand
by anonymous
march 1980, Volume 43
- 2 1978/79 meat industry review
by anonymous
october 1980, Volume 43
- 9 On the effects of inflation
by anonymous - 9 Farm income, production and exports (part 2)
by anonymous - 9 Reserve assets ratio system
by anonymous
september 1980, Volume 43
- 8 An overview of balance of payments policy
by anonymous - 8 Overseas exchange transactions year ended June 1980
by anonymous - 8 Influences on trading bank reserve assets
by anonymous
december 1980, Volume 43
- 11 Reserve Bank annual report
by anonymous
april 1980, Volume 43
- 3 Overseas exchange transactions year ended December 1979
by anonymous
january/february 1980, Volume 43
- 1 Public debt policy and open market operations
by anonymous - 1 International situation and events - six monthly review
by anonymous - 1 Monetary policy measures
by anonymous - 1 New Zealand economic chronology 1979
by anonymous
november 1980, Volume 43
- 10 The principles and practice of fiscal policy
by Anonymous - 10 The effect of overseas exchange transactions on domestic monetary conditions
by anonymous - 10 The New Zealand economy six monthly review
by anonymous
august 1980, Volume 43
- 7 International situation and events six-monthly review
by anonymous - 7 The public accounts 1979/80
by anonymous - 7 New Zealand public debt and debt servicing costs
by anonymous
0000, Volume 80
- 8 An international comparison of inflation-targeting frameworks
by Amber Wadsworth