2024, Issue 3
- 351-368 Some Thoughts on the Coordination Between «MICAR» and the Existing Financial Regulatory Frameworks (with a Focus on Investment Services and Payment services Legislations)
by Andrea Minto & Alberto Urbani - 369-414 The Evolution of Golden Power in Italian Law Framework and from a European Perspective
by Andrea Pericu - 415-445 The Silicon Valley Bank Crisis and the Management of Bank Liquidity Risk: An Analysis of the Liquidity Coverage Ratio and Modern Deposit Guarantee Systems
by Niccolò Giuseppe Cirillo - 447-458 Popular Banks and Transformation into Joint Stock Companies under the Capital Laws: Between European Influences and Thematic Resonances
by Maria Lucia Passador - 459-497 Institutional Investors’ Fiduciary Duties towards the Investee Company
by Sara Pietra Rossi - 499-531 Dark Patterns and Retail Investors Protection: Regulatory Perspectives
by Maria Bianca Armiento - 533-558 Suitability versus Sustainability in the Regulation of Investment Services
by Riccardo Ghetti
2024, Issue 2
- 221-243 Crowdfunding of the Sustainable Innovative Enterprise (SME’s and s.r.l.): Types and Novelties
by Elena Fregonara - 243-322 Cybersecurity and ICT risk Management: The Impact on Corporate Governance
by Nicoletta Michieli - 281-322 Automatism or Flexibility? What Model for the Revision of banking Crisis Regulation in Europe (CMDI Framework)
by Giuseppe Boccuzzi - 323-346 Internal Dealing, Transparency Escalation, and Incentive Plans: Need for Rationalization?
by Marco Sacchetti
2024, Issue 1
- 3-5 Ricordo di Marco Palmieri
by Banca Impresa Società - 5-28 Sustainable Banks?
by Francesco Vella - 29-50 Verification of the Effectiveness of Non-Financial Information: The Limits of Regulating Behavior Through Information
by Pierre-Henri Conac - 51-80 The Four Ages of Banking Regulation: What to Do Today?
by Riccardo De Bonis & Maurizio Trapanese - 81-132 Banking Authorisation, Composite Procedures and Judicial Review
by Sandra Antoniazzi - 133-178 The Physiological Conflict of Interest of Rating Agencies: Effectiveness of Current Regulatory Requirementsand Feasibility of Alternative Solutions
by Federico Parmeggiani - 179-214 The Early Identification of The Crisis in the (Multi-Fund) Sicaf: Between Common Law and Special Rules
by Edoardo Compagnoni
2023, Issue 3
- 503-508 Sustainability, and Company’s Purpose
by Renzo Costi - 509-522 Investments and Emotions
by Gianfranco Liace - 523-554 Sustainable SMEs and Access to Alternative Sources of Financing: Green DLT-based Finance and Recent EU Law
by Eugenia Macchiavello - 555-580 The Voluntary Market for Carbon Offsets: A Legal Overview
by Diletta Lenzi - 581-614 Digital Euro between Innovation and Social Inclusion
by Federico Riganti - 615-651 Dematerialization and Tokenization of s.r.l. Quotas: Which Developments for a Secondary Market of Quotas?
by Giulia Serafin
2023, Issue 2
- 235-276 Risks and the Cost of Bank Debt: What We Know and What We Don’t Know
by Concetta Carnevale & Danilo Drago - 277-314 Open Finance. Regulatory Perspectives for an EU Consumer Protection Strategy in Digital Finance
by Federico Ferretti - 315-354 Bank Crisis Management: Towards a (Desirable) Enhancement of Proportionality?
by Iacopo Donati - 355-388 Hedge Funds Systemic Risk: Supervisory Perspectives
by Emanuele Peggi - 388-452 The Revision of the Regulatory Framework on Shareholdings in Banks and Other Supervised Entities: Notes on the New Provisions on Indirect Holdings and Persons Acting in Concert
by Vito De Giorgio & Carlo Di Marzio - 453-499 Reconstructing the Framework of Institutional Investor Stewardship
by Michele Corgatelli
2023, Issue 1
- 3-20 Banking Crisis and Public Interest in the Resolution
by Marcello Clarich - 21-40 Compensation and Demolition Protection in the European Banking Regultation: The Jurisprudence of the European Courts
by Vittorio Santoro - 41-70 Banks and the Negotiated Settlement of the Crisis
by Gaetano Presti - 71-112 Changes in Ownership Structures in the Banking Sector. The Difficult Combination of Sector Regulations, Takeover Bid Regulations and Golden Powers
by Luigi Scipione - 113-134 Credit Protection Between Banking Activity and Competition Law: Omnibus Sureties Issued Following a Prohibited Agreement
by Fabrizio Di Girolamo - 135-182 On the Usefulness of Esg Disclosure and the Role of Board Committees
by Maria Lucia Passador - 183-228 Too Small to Care? The Identification of Systemic Risk Generated by FinTech
by Vito Bevivino - 229-231 Bilancio 2022
by Banca Impresa Società
2022, Issue 3
- 327-353 Monitoring Asset Encumbrance: The Case of Major Italian Banks
by Danilo Drago - 355-389 Dualistic System and Generational Handover: Insights into Opportunities, Problems and Perspectives
by Paolo Valensise - 391-432 The Environmental and Social Sustainability of Companies in the Proposal of Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (from the «Unsustainable Lightness » of the Corporate Purpose to the «Mandatory Sustainability» of Due Diligence)
by Ciro G. Corvese - 433-487 The Financial and Regulatory Taxonomy of Sustainable Financial Products and Instruments and the Sustainable Corporate Governance
by Monica Cossu - 489-518 Obstacles Are the Way: Progress and Regulatory Challenges to Improve Banks’ Resolvability
by Concetta Brescia Morra & Claudia Giustolisi & Federico Pistelli & Alberto Franco Pozzolo & Andrea Zoppini - 519-551 The Legal Requalification of UK Limited Companies in Germany after Brexit. The Case of Air Berlin PLC
by Marco Migaldi - 553-592 Social Media Marketing and Communication in the Banking Industry: A Review
by Giulia Nevi & Enrico Bonetti & Luca Dezi - 593-635 The Bank Government after the Integration of ESG Factors in European Prudential Regulation
by Vito Bevivino
2022, Issue 2
- 157-180 The Regulation of Moratoria and Public Guarantees of Bank Financing between COVID and Post-COVID
by Alberto Urbani - 181-218 Set-aside and Incentives to Support SMEs in Procurement
by Biancamaria Raganelli - 219-250 Digital Euro and Legal Surroundings
by Giacomo Bosi - 251-268 Stewardship Codes or Trusteeship Codes?
by Maria Lucia Passador - 269-293 Benchmark Manipulation and Strategies to Counteract: Some Considerations on the Links between the Benchmark Regulation and MAR
by Emanuele Peggi - 295-322 Anti-Money Laundering Legislation and Customer Due Diligence: Regulatory Challenges Concerning the Outsourcing to External Service Providers
by Andrea Minto
2022, Issue 1
- 3-25 Suitability Requirements and Criteria of Bank Directors: The Board as Its Own Judge
by Gaetano Presti - 27-47 Notes on Lending-based Crowdfunding in the Regulation (EU) 2020/1503
by Michele Perrino - 49-60 Raffaele Mattioli Teaching and the Eclipse of Proximity Banks. Hypothesis for a Compromise
by Dino Crivellari - 61-103 The Creation of a Network of National Asset Management Companies. Towards an Integrated and Systemic Approach to the Problem of NPLs in the European Dimension
by Luigi Scipione - 105-124 FDI and Banking Sector: a Dangerous Relation?
by Federico Riganti - 125-152 The Financial Services between Liberalisation and Prudential Regulation in the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
by Ludovica Mulas
2021, Issue 3
- 359-396 Notes on the Notion of the Marketing of SICAF’s Shares and Capital Raising
by Chiara Mosca - 397-440 Prevention and Going-Concern Protection: Special Rules in Bank Crisis
by Giorgio Meo - 441-468 Company-bank Relationship Complexity. A Lesson from the Past: «Titan» Amedeo P. Giannini
by Patrizia Riva & Roberta Provasi - 469-520 Foreign Investment screening beyond the COVID-19 challenge
by Biancamaria Raganelli & Federica Marconi - 521-550 Purchase of superbonus tax credits and reserve of financial activity pursuant to article 106 of the Consolidated Law on Banking: an implicit and fixed-term «liberalization»?
by Michele Rossi
2021, Issue 2
- 189-240 Administrative and Judicial Review on Decisions of the European Banking Regulatory and Supervisory Authorities
by Sandra Antoniazzi - 241-270 Cryptoassets: Proposals for Legal Qualification and First Regulatory Approaches
by Daniele Masi - 271-290 Market Reaction To Bank Resolution Events
by Giulia Scardozzi - 291-354 Freedom of Contract and Limits to Conform the Distribution Privileges Attributable to common Equity Tier 1 Instruments of European Banks
by Vito Bevivino
2021, Issue 1
- 1-58 Constitutional Roots of Savings and its Legal Safeguards
by Carola Pagliarin - 3-28 The Italian Constitutional Protection of Savings and the «New» European Paradigm
by Simone Alvaro & Diego Valiante - 59-75 Towards the End of the Bail-in? A Critique of the European Banking Crisis Management Regime
by Matteo Arrigoni - 77-114 The Role of the Bank in the Timely Detec- tion of Crisis of Companies Subject to Early Warning Tools
by Luigi Ardizzone & Antonio Principato - 115-156 Impact Investing within the Italian Legal Framework. From Special Rules to General Principles: The Case of Green and Social Bonds
by Diletta Lenzi - 157-185 Bitcoin, between Currency and Investment
by Giovanni Maria Nori
2020, Issue 3
- 359-414 The Adequate Organizational Structures Functional to the Timely Detection and Management of the Crisis: Between General Principles and Business Science
by Paolo Bastia & Edgardo Ricciardiello - 415-460 The Human-Centred Business Model and Hybrid Business Forms: A Primer and a Roadmap
by Diletta Lenzi & Andrea Zorzi - 461-520 The Crypto-asset Phenomenon in a Corporate Law Perspective
by Paolo Carriere - 521-548 Consulting: The New Frontiers of Investment Services
by Nicoletta Michieli - 549-594 «Acting in Concert» Within a Credit Institution: Some Thoughts on the Legal Notion and the Burden of Proof
by Giovanni Carletti
2020, Issue 2
- 175-189 Banking Jubilee
by Dino Crivellari - 191-215 Banking crisis management and State aid: looking for a difficult balancing act
by Concetta Brescia Morra - 217-248 The governance of Deposit Guarantee Schemes and its impact on the use of alternative interventions in banking crises
by Irene Mecatti - 249-288 The cooperative banking group
by Raffaele Felicetti - 289-316 Statutory auditors’ liability without end(s): risk of «a defensive control activity»?
by Fabrizio Sudiero - 317-353 The sanctions of the Banca d’Italia in the context of administrative sanctions between «myth» and «reality»
by Cecilia Sereni Lucarelli
2020, Issue 1
- 3-45 The Integration of Sustainability in the European Framework of Investor Protection
by Michele Siri & Shanshan Zhu - 47-66 Climate Change and the Organization of Corporations in the Light of the New Text of Article 2086 of the Civil Code
by Sabrina Bruno - 67-92 Taking CBDC Seriously
by Giacomo Bosi - 93-130 Soft Law and the Regulation of Financial Markets
by Matteo Ortino - 131-171 An Overview on Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs)
by Filippo Garramone
2019, Issue 3
- 429-440 Bank Transparency and Customers’ Transactions in Banking, Investment, Financial and Insurance Services: An Overview
by Giuseppe Di Chio - 441-460 The New Rules on Multilateral Interchange Fees. What Effects on the Consumers?
by Francesco Ciraolo - 461-496 Legal Solutions of Global Governance to the Enforcement Issues of International Financial Law
by Maria Elena Salerno - 497-534 FinTech Regulation Balancing Innovation, Client Protection Needs and Level-Playing Field: The Uncharted Area of Invoice Trading
by Eugenia Macchiavello - 535-558 Some Reflections on the «Non-Possessory» Pledge of Company Shares
by Emiliano Marchisio - 559-594 Is It Only an Allocation of Jurisdiction for the Sanctions Applied by the Bank of Italy and the Consob?
by Enrico Guarnieri - 595-597 Saggi ricevuti, tasso di non accettazione ed elenco dei «referees» (2019)
by Banca Impresa Società
2019, Issue 2
- 175-182 A Decade of Anti-crisis Financial Regulation and Their Impact on Bank Activity
by Andrea Landi - 183-194 The Transformation of Banking Regulations
by Renzo Costi - 195-210 Financial Regulation after the Crisis
by Marco Onado - 211-228 Capital Adequacy Rules and Supervisory Actions: Impacts on Banks’ Strategic Choices
by Elisabetta Gualandri & Valeria Venturelli - 229-250 The Board of Directors between the Devil and the Deep Sea: Bank Regulation and Value Creation
by Cesare Bisoni & Riccardo Ferretti - 251-258 Board of Directors in Banks: Evolution and Current Trends
by Gian Enrico Venturini - 259-268 Business Functions Involved In Complaints Management
by Carlo Appetiti - 269-306 Regulation and Alternative Resolution System: Which Effects on Consumer Credit Market
by Stefano Cosma & Francesco Pattarin & Paola Vezzani - 307-318 The ABF and the Protection of the Banking Customer
by Simonetta Cotterli - 319-338 Crises and Financial Regulation: Current and Future Developments
by Carmelo Barbagallo - 339-366 Determining the Refund of a Payment Protection Insurance when Consumers Pay off the Loan Early
by Stefania Corsaro & Zelda Marino & Gabriele Sampagnaro - 367-378 Consob and Banca d’Italia Sanctions and Guaranties towards the Accused: Never Ending Story?
by Eva R. Desana - 379-424 Bridge Bank (and Bail-in) in the Banco Espírito Santo Decisum of the UK Supreme Court: From the Bonus Argentarius to the Coactus Argentarius
by Pierre de Gioia Carabellese
2019, Issue 1
- 3-12 The Defense of the Penalised: An Impossible Mission
by Renzo Costi - 13-26 From the «Eurosim Decree» to the «Draghi Law». The Construction of a Unitarian Securities Market Law and the Principles that Inspired It
by Gaetano Presti - 27-48 The Impact of the Regulations on the Governance of the Banks
by Vincenzo Calandra Buonaura - 49-78 Non-Performing Loans in the European Union. State of the Art and Possible Policy Tools
by Andrea Resti - 79-112 The Determinants of IPO Withdrawals in the Italian Stock Exchange
by Valentina Cioli & Ruben Fargion & Alessandro Giannozzi & Oliviero Roggi - 113-150 The Shareholders' New Suitability and the Corporate Governance of Banks in Italy
by Alessandra Rosa - 151-171 The Stock Connect Programs and the Opening Up of Chinese Stock Markets
by Antonio Caggia & Andrea Piredda
2018, Issue 3
- 393-402 Protection of Savings and Constitution: History and Relevance of Art. 47
by Renzo Costi - 403-420 Some Notes on the Uncertain Path towards a Reform of the European Financial Supervisory Authorities' Architectures
by Vittorio Conti - 421-444 Bank Crises: Continuing the Business, Protecting Investors
by Lorenzo Stanghellini - 445-462 The Investor between Information Deficit and Behavioural Bias
by Gianfranco Liace - 463-488 Determinants of the Efficiency of Banking Groups in the Main Countries of the Euro Area and Managerial and Policy Indications
by Francesca Pampurini & Anna Grazia Quaranta - 489-512 Impairment Test of Goodwill and Economic Performance on Italian Manufacturing Companies. Is there Really a Relationship?
by Francesco Paolone & Matteo Pozzoli & Marco Venuti - 513-551 Artworks in the Light of the Italian Legal and Regulatory System
by Paolo Carrière - 553-554 Saggi ricevuti, tasso di non accettazione ed elenco dei «referees» (2018)
by Banca Impresa Società
2018, Issue 2
- 193-206 A New European Architecture of Financial Supervision?
by Vittorio Santoro - 207-238 Private Equity Funds and Qualifying Holdings in Banks: A Possible Hybridisation?
by Filippo Annunziata - 239-262 Effectiveness of the Board of Directors of Insurance Companies and Role of Prudential Supervision in Assessing Risk Governance
by Michele Siri - 263-292 The Duties of Non-Executive Directors of Banks to Act in an Informed Manner
by Mariasofia Houben - 293-332 SDR: From Bretton Woods to a World Currency
by Elena Flor - 333-388 The Tools for Preventing the Crisis of Groups between General Principles and Special Disciplines
by Edgardo Ricciardiello
2018, Issue 1
- 3-12 Banking as a Service of General Economic Interest
by Marco Dugato - 13-26 Problematic Aspects of the New EU Regulation on Banking Crisis
by Raffaele Lener - 27-78 Management and Costs of Banking Crises After BRRD
by Rossella Locatelli & Cristiana Schena & Elisa Coletti & Fabrizio Dabbene - 79-104 The European Banking Crisis Regulation. From the Regulatory Model to the Impact on the Italian Banking System
by Luigi Donato & Zeno Rotondi & Alessandro Scognamiglio - 105-156 Thoughts on Regulation of Tender Offers, Going Through the Reasons behind the Mandatory Bid Rule
by Alessandro Triscornia - 157-188 Rating Liability: Analysis of Article 35-bis of the Regulation (EC) 1060/2009
by Elio Maciariello
2017, Issue 3
- 319-330 The Concept of Mutuality in the Reform of Credito Cooperativo
by Renzo Costi - 331-347 Information to and from Directors
by Mario Stella Richter Jr. - 347-368 The Banking Crises: Responsibility of the Issuer and the Intermediary
by Michele Guernelli - 369-382 The Evolution in Banks' Reporting
by Andrea Scapeccia - 383-430 The European Banking Regulation Reform: From Discretionary Choices to System Flexibility
by Fabio Bassan - 431-470 Some Notes on the Role of Non-executive Directors of Banks
by Federico Riganti - 471-520 Preliminary Notes on Who Should Be the Optimal Owner of an (Universal) Bank
by Pierluigi De Biasi - 521-556 Islamic Finance and Conventional Finance: Ethics versus Speculation?
by Laura Maria Franciosi - 557-557 Saggi ricevuti, tasso di non accettazione ed elenco dei «referees» (2017)
by Banca Impresa Società
2017, Issue 2
- 183-200 Social Enterprise and Enterprise Values
by Giorgio Meo - 201-238 The Interest of the Company: From Shareholder Value to Benefit Corporations
by Marco Palmieri - 239-254 The Financing Granted to Enterprises Guaranteed the Transfer of the Secured Asset Subject to a Condition Precedent
by Gianfranco Liace - 255-282 A Survey on Italian Banks' Financial Statements: Impairment Test for Intangible Assets and Disclosure
by Nico Di Gabriele & Anna Grazia Quaranta & Ermanno Zigiotti - 283-314 The Value-relevance of Fair Value Losses and Gains in the Banking Industry
by Emanuela Giacomini
2017, Issue 1
- 3-14 Corporate Governance Role in the Global Economy
by Raffaele Lener - 15-22 The Role of Italian Companies' Boards in the Age of Disruptive Innovation
by Luca Enriques - 23-32 Bail in: A Wrong Answer to Bank Failures
by Matteo Mattei Gentili - 33-80 Bank Governance Regulation between Special and General Law
by Aurelio Mirone - 81-122 Management Compensation in Banks: A Corporate Law Approach
by Andrea Chiloiro - 123-140 Usury in Banks: The Risks of Applying the Law in a Misleading and Paradoxical Way
by Giovanni Petrella & Andrea Resti - 141-178 The Commercialization of Precious Stones by Banks: The Italian Regulatory Framework
by Simone Alvaro
2016, Issue 3
- 367-370 Editoriale
by Banca Impresa Società - 371-402 Banks and long term financing; Rules for stability and rules for economic development
by Francesco Vella - 403-416 Business Firm financing in Italy: From bank credit to equity
by Francesco Cesarini & Giorgio Gobbi - 417-444 «High-frequency trading»: Notes for a discussion
by Simone Alvaro & Marco Ventoruzzo - 445-468 Regulation in times of crisis between safeguard Europe's single market and flexible application of state aid rules
by Allegra Canepa - 469-500 Credit and debit after the economic crisis: Policies for families and micro-businesses
by Simonetta Cotterli
2016, Issue 2
- 203-236 The reform of Italian cooperative credit banks from a comparative perspective
by Eleonora Pagani - 237-282 Merger among Italian mutual banks
by Domenico Piatti & Peter Cincinelli - 283-354 The review of Consob regulation on equity crowdfunding in the light of the developments in European financial law and of recent trends in regulating investment-based crowdfunding in Europe
by Eugenia Macchiavello - 355-363 Compound Interest: Latest Developments
by Gianluca Mucciarone
2016, Issue 1
- 3-8 The european regulatory framework on banks' governance arrangements: from Directive 2013/36/EU to the EBA Guidelines
by Djamel Bouzemarene - 9-20 A preliminary evaluation of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) after its first year
by Elisabetta Gualandri - 21-38 Bank subordinated debt: a source of capital for lenders or a source of concern for retail investors?
by Andrea Resti - 21-38 The management body removal powers into the Single Supervisory Mechanism environment
by Antonella Antonucci - 51-76 The Bank of Italy and the power to remove the corporate officers between prudential supervision and crisis discipline
by Francesco Ciraolo - 77-110 Creditor safeguard after the new regulatory framework for bank resolution
by Gian Luca Greco - 111-140 Bitcoin: risks and regulatory problems
by Novella Mancini - 141-162 The reform of popular banks pursuant to the Decree Law January 24, 2015 n. 3, between capitalism and uniform regulatory requirements
by Edgardo Ricciardello - 163-198 Andrea Carosi e Stefano Mengoli, IPO waves: time clusters or local clusters?
by Giulia Baschieri & Andrea Carosi & Stefano Mengoli
2015, Issue 3
- 339-362 The bail-in tool
by Gaetano Presti - 363-391 Banking union: the quasi-judicial review of supervisory and resolution decisions
by Giuseppe Sciascia - 391-442 Crisis management in the Banking Union
by Alessandra de Aldisio - 443-473 Value and equality of multiple voting shares
by Carlo Emanuele Pupo
2015, Issue 2
- 173-198 The criterion of legality of the ECB's non-conventional measures
by Fabio Bassan - 199-232 Incentive fees and mutual funds: opportunistic behaviour and aligning interests between managers and investors
by Paolo A. Cucurachi & Concetta Carnevale & Danilo Drago - 233-268 Transparency, right of withdrawal and contract voidability in the Italian law on door-to-door sales of financial products
by Riccardo Ghetti - 269-286 Basel 3 capital requirements and the cost of credit: an investigative exercise into the major Italian banks
by Pasquale di Biase & Elisabetta D'Apolito - 287-332 Crowdfunding: among Suitability and Appropriateness Rules and its Applicability to Capital Increase Operations
by Maria Lucia Passador
2015, Issue 1
- 3-6 Editoriale
by Maria Luisa Di Battista - 7-18 The new rules on corporate governance and internal controls and their impact on banking management
by Paola Schwizer - 19-38 The function of the supervisory body and of the management body under the rules of the Italian banking authority on corporate governance and on internal control system of the banks
by Vincenzo Calandra Buonaura - 39-52 The role of the monitoring body after the new regulation on corporate governance and on internal control framework
by Paolo Flavio Mondini - 53-66 Natura e funzione del «capitale» delle banche nella nuova regolamentazione
by Claudio Frigeni - 67-72 Loan supply and capital of Italian banks
by Angelo Baglioni - 73-90 The new banking supervisory structure in Europe
by Concetta Brescia Morra - 91-102 Single supervisory mechanism and macroprudential policies in the European Union
by Elisabetta Gualandri - 103-112 The market valuation of the Comprehensive Assessment results
by Luigi Tramontana - 113-130 Trust and financial literacy: An experimental investigation
by Caterina Cruciani & Gloria Gardenal & Anna Moretti - 131-164 Gender differences in financial literacy among college students
by Elisa Bocchialini & Beatrice Ronchini
2014, Issue 3
- 409-422 Foreign exchange exposure and hedging strategies of Italian listed industrial compagnie
by Alfonso Del Giudice - 423-454 The functions of anti-money laundering legislation in relation to the efficiency and stability of the financial system and the lowering of systemic risk
by Santa D'Innocenzo - 455-488 Predicting corporate failures and market efficiency: Evidence from Italian stock market
by Luca Di Simone