- 407 Job Duration, Seniority and Earnings
by Katharine G. Abraham & Henry S. Farber - 405 Bertrand Competition for Inputs, Forward Contracts, and Walrasian Outcomes
by Dale Stahl
- 406 Dissolving a Partnership Efficiently
by Peter Cramton & Robert Gibbons & Paul Klemperer - 404 Consumer Differences and Prices in a Search Model
by Peter Diamond - 403 Auctioning Incentive Contracts
by Jean-Jaques Laffont & Jean Tirole - 402 Theories of Speculation
by Jean Tirole - 401 Monopolistic Competition, Aggregate Externalities and real Effects of Nominal Money
by Olivier J. Blanchard & Nobuhiro Kiyotaki - 400 The Wage Price Spiral
by Olivier J. Blanchard - 399 Steady State Unemployment Under Profit Sharing
by Martin Witzman - 398 Correlated Equilibria and Sunspots: A Note
by Eric Maskin & Jean Tirole - 397 The Dynamics of Incentive Contracts
by Jean-Jacques Laffont & Jean Tirole - 396 The Logic of Vertical Restraints
by Patrick Rey & Jean Tirole - 395 Vertical Restraints from a Principal-Agent Viewpoint
by Patrick Rey & Jean Tirole - 394 Equilibrium Without An Auctioneer
by Peter Diamond - 393 Economic Issues in Standardization
by Joseph Farrell & Garth Saloner - 392 The Japanese Bonus -- Profit Share or Disguised Wage?
by Martin L. Witzman - 391 Fiscal Policy, Interest Rates, and Exchange Rates: Some Simple Analytics
by Paul Krugman - 390 Were Russian Serfs Overcharged for their land in 1861? The History of One Historical Table
by Evsey D. Domar - 389 Search Theory
by Peter Diamond - 388 Price Leadership
by Julio Rotemberg & Garth Saloner - 387 Moral Hazard as an Entry Barrier
by Joseph Farrell - 386 Credible Neologisms in Games of Communication
by Joseph Farrell - 385 Installed Base and Compatibility With Implications for Product Preannouncements
by Joseph Farrell & Garth Saloner - 384 Production-Theoretic Input Price Indices and the Measurement of Real Aggregate Input Use
by Franklin M. Fischer - 383 Predation, Mergers and Incomplete Information
by Garth Saloner - 382 Communication Equilibrium in Games
by Joseph Farrell - 381 Allocating and Abrogating Rights: How Should Conflicts be Resolved Under Incomplete Information
by Joseph Farrell - 380 Owner-Consumers and Efficiency
by Joseph Farrell - 379 The Performance of Coal-Burning Electric Generating Units in the United States: 1960-1980
by Paul L. Joskow & Richard Schmalensee - 378 Public Policy Implications of Declining Old-Age Mortality
by James M. Poterba & Lawrence H. Summers - 377 Predation Without Reputation
by Drew Fudenberg & Jean Tirole - 376 A Tax-Based Test for Nominal Rigidities
by James M. Poterba & Julio J. Rotemberg & Lawrence H. Summers - 375 How Effective is Potential Competition?
by Joseph Farrell - 374 Voluntary Disclosure: Robustness of the Unraveling Result, and Comments on Its Importance
by Joseph Farrell - 373 A Theory of Dynamic Oligopoly, II: Price Competition
by Eric Maskin & Jean Tirole - 372 The Costs and Benefits of Ownership: A Theory of Vertical and Lateral Integration
by Oliver Hart & Sanford Grossman - 371 Strategic Inventories and the Excess Volatility of Production
by Julio J. Rotemberg & Garth Saloner - 370 Pricing and the Distribution of Money Holdings in a Search Economy
by Peter Diamond & Joel Yellin - 369 Efficient Estimation and Identification of Simultaneous Equation Models with Covariance Restrictions
by Jerry A. Hausman & Whitney K. Newey & William E. Taylor - 368 Using Cost Observation to Regulate Firms
by Jean Tirole & Jean-Jaques Laffont - 367 Incomplete Contracts and Renegotiation
by Oliver Hart & John Moore - 366 Sequential Bargaining with Many Buyers
by Drew Fudenberg & David Levine & Jean Tirole - 365 Symmetrically Trimmed Least Squares Estimation For Tobit Models
by Jim Powell - 364 On the Misuse of the Profit-Sales Ratio to Infer Monopoly Power
by Franklin M. Fischer - 363 Hierarchies and Bureaucracies
by Jean Tirole - 362 Procurement and Renegotiation
by Jean Tirole
- 361 Vertical Integration and Long Term Contracts: The Case of Coal Burning Electric Generating Plants
by Paul Joskow - 360 Excess Capacity as a Policing Device
by Garth Saloner - 359 A Unified Theory of Consistent Estimation for Parametric Models
by Charles Bates & Halbert White - 358 Optimal Bayesian Mechanisms
by Eric S. Maskin - 357 The Simple Macroeconomics of Profit Sharing
by Martin L. Weitzman - 356 Distribution of Preferences and the 'Law of Demand'
by Jean-Michel Grandmont - 355 The Analysis of Union Behavior
by Henry S. Farber - 354 The General Basis of Arbitrator Behavior: An Empirical Analysis of Conventional and Final-Offer Arbitration
by Henry S. Farber & Max H. Bazerman - 353 The Persistence of Volatility and Stock Market Fluctuations
by James M. Poterba & Lawrence H. Summers - 352 The Benefits of Price Stability
by Stanley Fischer - 351 Adjusting the Gross Changes Data: Implications for Labor Market Dynamics
by James M. Poterba & Lawrence H. Summers - 350 Expected Future Tax Policy and Tax Exempt Bond Yields
by James M. Poterba - 349 A Supergame-Theoretic Model of Business Cycles and Price Wars During Booms
by Julio J. Rotemberg & Garth Saloner - 348 Intergenerational & International Trade
by R. Dornbusch - 347 External Debt, Budget Deficits and Disequilibrium Exchange Rates
by R. Dornbusch - 346 The Estimation of Complete Aggregate Structures
by J. Powell & T. Stoker - 345 Standardization, Compatibility and Innovation
by Joseph Farrell & Garth Saloner - 344 Moral Hazard....
by Joseph Farrell - 343 The Economic Effects of Dividend Taxation
by James M. Poterba & Lawrence H. Summers - 342 Dynamic Equilibrium Limit-Pricing in an Uncertain Environment
by Garth Saloner - 341 Duopoly with Time-Consuming Production
by Garth Saloner - 340 The Citizens Utilities Case: A Further Dividend Puzzle
by James M. Poterba - 338 New Evidence that Taxes Affect the Valuation of Dividends
by James M. Poterba & Lawrence A. Summers - 337 An Asymmetric Least Test of Heteroscedasticity
by J. Powell & W. Newey - 336 The Effects of Technical Change, Experience and Environmental Regulation on the Construction Cost of Coal-Burning Generating Units
by Paul Joskow & N. Rose - 310 The Folk Theorem and Repeated Games with Discount and with Incomplete Information
by E. Maskin & D. Fudenberg
- 339 Tax Subsidies to Owner-occupied Housing: An Asset Market Approach
by James M. Poterba - 335 The Multiproduct Firm: Horizontal and Vertical Integration
by E. Helpman - 334 Communication in Game I: Mechanism Design without a Mediator
by J. Farrell - 333 The Theory of Implementation in Nash Equilibrium: A Survey
by E. Maskin - 332 Profitability and Market Share
by B. Stangle & M. A. Adelman - 331 Efficient Estimation and Identification of Simultaneous Equation Models with Covariance Restrictions
by J. Hausman & W. Newey & W. Taylor - 330 The Distribution of Inventory Holdings in a Pure Exchange Barter Search Economy
by J. Yellin & P. Diamond - 321 A General Equilibrium Appraisal of Energy Policy in Mexico
by T. J. Kehoe & J. Serra-Puche - 317 Early Impacts of Proposition 2-1/2 on the Massachusetts State-Local Public Sector
by J. Rothenberg & P. Smoke - 314 Regularity in Overlapping Generations Exchange Economies
by T. J. Kehoe & D. K. Levine - 313 Indeterminacy of Relative Prices in Overlapping Generations Models
by T. J. Kehoe & D. K. Levine
- 320 A Theory of Dynamic Oligopoly, I: Overview and Quantity Competition with Large-Fixed Costs
by J. Tirole & E. Maskin - 315 Intertemporal Separability in Overlapping Generations Models
by D. K. Levine & T. J. Kehoe - 312 Comparative Statics and Perfect Foresight in Infinite Horizon Economies
by T. J. Kehoe & D. K. Levine - 309 Equilibrium and Disequilibrium Exchange Rates
by R. Dornbusch - 308 A Model of the Managerial Revolution
by P. Temin - 307 On the Profitability of Russian Serfdom
by M. Machina & E. D. Domar - 304 Product Safety, Liability Rules and Retailer Bankruptcy
by M. J. Simon & R. G. Wolf & J. M. Perloff - 303 Incentives and the Allocation of Legal Costs: Products Liability
by M. J. Simon - 302 A General Equilibrium of Domestic Commerce in Mexico
by T. J. Kehoe & J. Serra-Puche & L. Solis - 301 Some Macroeconomic Implications of Alternative Wage Systems
by M. L. Weitzman - 299 The Determination of the Union Status of Workers
by H. S. Farber - 297 Money in Search Equilibrium
by P. A. Diamond - 296 Social Insurance with Variable Retirement and Private Saving
by J. A. Mirrlees & P. Diamond - 295 The Demand for Union Representation
by H. S. Farber - 294 Costs, Technology and Productivity in the U. S. Automobile Industry
by A. F. Friedlaender & C. Winston & D. K. Wang - 293 Expectations and Monetary Policy in an Open Economy: Should Canada Follow U. S. Interest Rates?
by G. S. Sparks
- 311 Optimal Auctions with Risk Averse Buyers
by J. Riley & E. Maskin - 292 Specification Tests for the Multinominal Logit Model
by D. McFadden & J. Hausman - 291 Increasing Returns and Unemployment Equilibrium
by M. L. Weitzman - 290 Worker Preferences for Union Representation
by H. S. Farber - 289 Mergers, Competition and Monopoly in the Regulated Trucking
by J. S. W. Chaing & A. F. Friedlaender - 288 Italian Small Business Development Lessons for U. S. Industrial Policy
by M. J. Piore & C. F. Sabel - 286 Convergence in Industrial Relations?
by M. J. Piore - 286-A Macro-Experiments Versus Micro-Experiments for Health Policy
by J. E. Harris - 285 The Theory of Macro-Economic Regulation and The Current Economic Crisis in the U. S
by M. J. Piore - 284 Aggregate Production Functions: Does Fixed Capital Matter?
by F. M. Fisher - 283 A Dual Approach to Regularity in Production Economies
by T. J. Kehoe - 282 On the Simultaneous Existence of Full and Partial Capital Aggregate
by F. M. Fisher - 280 Identification in Linear Simultaneous Equations Models with Covariance Restrictions: An Instrumental Variables Interpretation
by J. Hausman & W. E. Taylor - 279 Price Distortions, Financing Constraints and Second Best Investments Rules in the Transportation Industries
by A. Friedlaender & S. C. Mathur - 278 Union Wages and the Minimum Wage
by H. S. Farber - 277 Bayes and Empirical Bayes Methods for Combining Experiments in Man and Other Species
by W. DuMochel & J. Harris
- 276 Pictures of Egypt's Future
by R. S. Eckaus & Y. Boutros-Ghali & A. M. Eldin & R. Feenstra - 275 An Exact Small Test of Non-Nested Hypothesis
by M. L. Weitzman - 271 Uniqueness of Equilibrium in Production Economics
by T. Kehoe - 268 Aggregate Demand Management in Search Equilibrium
by P. Diamond - 267 Prenatal Medical Care and Infant Mortality
by J. Harris - 266 Comparing Specification Tests and Classical Tests
by J. A. Hausman & W. E. Taylor - 265 Consequences of Changes in Subsidy Policy in Egypt
by R. S. Eckaus & A. M. Eldin - 265-A Labor Force Macroeconomics in Egypt: Structure of a General Equilibrium Model
by Y. Boutros-Ghali & L. Taylor - 264 Cigarette Smoking Among Women and Men in the United States
by J. Harris - 263 On a General Approach to Search and Information Gathering
by M. Weitzman & K. W. S. Roberts - 262 Exchange Risk and Macroeconomics of Exchange Rate
by R. Dornbusch - 258 On the Efficiency of Keynesian Equilibrium
by E. Maskin & J. Tirole - 257 Mobility Costs, Frictional Unemployment and Efficiency
by P. Diamond - 256 Inflation, Unemployment and Public Opinion
by S. Fischer & J. Huizinga - 255 Panel Data and Unobservable Individual Effects
by J. A. Hausman & W. E. Taylor - 254 The Effect of Taxes on Labor Supply
by J. A. Hausman
- 249 Foreign Ownership and the Theory of Trade and Welfare
by J. N. Bhagwati & R. A. Brecher - 248 Dynamic Inconsistency, Co-operation and the Benevolent Dissembling Government
by S. Fischer - 247 Relative Prices, Employment and the Trade Balance in a Model With International Goods
by R. Dornbusch - 246 Effects of Construction Migration on the Egyptian Economy
by R. S. Eckaus - 245 Siting Nuclear Power Plants
by Y. Joskow & J. Yellin - 244 The Effects of Competition and Regulation on Hospital Bed Supply and the Reservation Quality of the Hospital
by Y. Joskow - 243 Revenue-Seeking: A Generalization of the Theory of Tariffs
by J. Bhagwati & T. N. Srinivasan - 242 An Analysis and Evaluation of Final Offer Arbitration
by H. S. Farber - 241 Imperfect Information, Costly Litigation and Product Quality
by M. Simon - 240 Reflections on Fiscal Policy
by E. C. Brown - 239 The 'Ratchet Principle' and Performance Incentives
by M. Weitzman - 238 The Effect of Wages, Taxes and Fixed Costs on Women's Labor Force Participation
by J. Hausman - 237 An Equilibrium Analysis of Search and Breach of Contract, II: A Non-Steady State Example
by P. Diamond & E. Makin - 236 An Overview of Real Economic Development in the Middle East Since 1973
by R. S. Eckaus - 235 Modes of Economic Behavior: Variations on Themes of J. R. Hicks and Herbert Simon
by P. Temin - 234 Funding Criteria for Research, Development and Exploration Projects
by M. L. Weitzman & K. Roberts - 233 Multisector General Equilibrium Policy Models for Egypt
by R. S. Eckaus et al. - 232 Neighborhood Deterioration and the Urban Housing Market Complex
by J. Rothenberg - 231 Stability, Disequilibrium Awareness, and the Perception of New Opportunities
by F. Fisher - 230 Sterling and the External Exchange
by R. Dornbusch - 229 Voting Schemes for Public Alternatives: Some Notes on Majority Rule
by E. Maskin - 228 Monetary Policy Under Exchange Rate Flexibility
by R. Dornbusch
- 227 Rational Expectations With Market Power: The Paradox of the Disadvantageous Tariff
by E. Maskin & D. Newbery - 226 Diagnosing Monopoly
by F. M. Fisher - 225 Uncertainty and Optimal Social Security Systems
by E. Sheshinski & Y. Wiess - 224 National Welfare in an Open Economy in the Presence of Foreign Owned Factors of Production
by J. Bhagwati & R. Brecher - 223 The Evolution of the Modern Pharmaceutical Industry
by P. Temin - 222 The Origin of Compulsory Drug Prescriptions
by P. Temin - 221 An Equilibrium Analysis of Search and Breach of Contract, I
by P. Diamond & E. Maskin - 220 Inventories, Rational Expectations, and the Business Cycle
by A. S. Blinder & S. Fischer - 219 On Inferring Resource-Allocational Implications Feom DRC Calculations in Trade-Distorted Open Economics
by J. N. Bhagwati & T. N. Srinivasan - 218 Regulation in Theory and Practice: An Overview
by P. L. Joskow & R. G. Noll - 217 Optimal Taxation in a Stochastic Economy: A Cobb-Douglas Example
by P. Diamond & J. Helms & J. Mirrlees - 216 Implementation and Strong Nash Equilibrium
by E. Maskin - 215 On the Relations Between Econometric Sectoral And Macro Models
by F. M. Fisher - 214 Optimal Search for the Best Alternative
by M. L. Weitzman
- 213 Taxing Tar and Nicotine
by J. E. Harris - 212 Interest Arbitration, Outcomes and the Incentive to Bargain: The Role of Risk Preference
by H. S. Farber & H. C. Katz - 211 The Effect of Taxation on Labor Supply: Evaluating the Gary Negative Income Tax Experiment
by G. Burtless & J. A. Hausman - 210 A Model of Social Insurance With Variable Retirement
by P. A. Diamond & J. A. Mirrlees - 209 The Effects of Learning by Doing on Nuclear Plant Operating Reliability
by P. L. Joskow & G. A. Rozanski - 208 Pricing Rules for Hospitals
by J. E. Harris - 207 Anticipation and the Non-Neutrality of Money II
by S. Fischer - 206 Call Option Pricing When the Exercise Price Is Uncertain and the Valuation of Index Bonds
by S. Fischer - 205 Shadow Prices in Project Evaluation With and Without Distortions, and With Many Goods and Factors
by J. N. Bhagwati & H. Wang, Jr. - 204 Value Subtracted, Negative Shadow Prices of Factors in Project Evaluation and Immiserizing Growth: Three Paradoxes in the Presence of Trade Distortions
by J. N. Bhagwati & T. N. Srinivasan & H. Wan, Jr. - 203 Hedonic Cost Functions for the Trucking Industry
by R. H. Spady & A. F. Friedlander - 202 A Regional Economic Policy Simulation Model
by G. Treys & A. Friedlander & B. H. Stevens - 201 Explaining the Relative Efficiency of Slave Agriculture in the Antebellum South: Comment
by P. A. Diamond & P. Temin - 200 Non-Random Missing Data
by J. A. Hausman & A. M. Spence - 199 Capital Taxation in a Dynamic General Equilibrium Setting
by A. F. Friedlaender & A. F. Vandendorpe - 198 Quality and Quantity Competition
by A. Dixit - 197 Resource Extraction and Recycling With Environmental Costs
by M. Hoel - 196 Resource Extraction When a Future Substitute Has an Uncertain Cost
by M. Hoel - 195 Tax Incidence in a Two Good Model
by P. Diamond - 194 The Effect of Simple Specification Error on the Coefficients of 'Unaffected' Variables
by F. M. Fisher
- 193 Optimal Revenue Functions for Economic Regulation
by M. L. Weitzman - 192 Welfare Analysis of Imperfect Information Equilibria
by P. Diamond - 191 Contractionary Effects of Devaluations
by P. Krugman & L. Taylor - 190 Endogenous City-Suburb Governmental Rivalry Trough Household Location
by J. Rothenberg - 189 On the Microeconomics of Internal Migration
by J. Rothenberg - 188 Keynesian Models of Unemployment
by H. R. Varian - 187 A Remark on Boundary Restrictions in the Global Newton Method
by H. R. Varian - 186 Commercial Impossibility, the Uranium Market, and the Westinghouse Case
by P. L. Joskow - 185 Specification Tests in Econometrics
by J. A. Hausman - 184 Organizational Failure in Hospitals: An Analysis and a Proposal
by J. E. Harris - 183 The Theory of Effective Protection and the Stolper-Samuelson Theorem
by Y. Uekawa