July 1985, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 510-529 A Jevonian Seditionist: A Mutiny to Enhance the Economic Bounty?
by Sidney Weintraub - 530-532 A Student’s Appreciation of Sidney Weintraub
by Patrick Bond - 533-539 Sidney Weintraub—An Economist of the Real World
by Paul Davidson - 540-558 Sidney Weintraub’s Macrofoundations of Microeconomics and the Theory of Distribution
by J. A. Kregel - 559-574 Weintraub on the Price Level and Macroeconomics
by Paolo Sylos-Labini - 575-593 Some Notes on Weintraub’s Eclectic Theory of Income Shares
by Kurt Rothschild - 594-602 Employment and the Distribution of Earned Income
by Eileen Appelbaum - 603-606 The Personal and Professional Papers of Sidney Weintraub
by David J. Hoaas - 607-611 The Methodological Resolution of the Cambridge Controversies: A Comment
by Michael A. Bernstein - 612-615 Issues in the Cambridge Controversies
by Avi J. Cohen - 616-616 Editor’s Corner
by The Editors - 617-619 Author index to Volume VII
by The Editors
March 1985, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 287-302 Encapsulated Competition
by Amitai Etzioni - 303-310 Keynes, Population, and Equity Prices
by Vincent J. Tarascio - 311-323 An Empirical Note on the Foundations of Rational Expectations
by Andrew J. Buck - 324-331 Manufacturers’ Aggregate Inventory Accumulation and Unfilled Orders
by J. Neill Fortune - 332-341 Keynes’s Notion of Equilibrium in the
by Björn Hansson - 342-349 Sraffa’s , Returns to Scale, Relevance, and Other Matters: A Note
by A. L. Levine - 350-351 Introduction
by Paul Davidson - 352-362 The Foundations of Unemployment Theory: A Comment
by A. Asimakopulos - 363-372 On Involuntary Unemployment and Increasing Returns
by William Darity - 373-384 Liquidity and Not Increasing Returns is the Ultimate Source of Unemployment Equilibrium
by Paul Davidson - 385-394 Increasing Returns and the Foundation of Unemployment Theory
by David De Meza & Morris Perlman - 395-402 Increasing Returns and Involuntary Unemployment: Is There a Connection?
by Peter Skott - 403-409 Increasing Returns and The Foundations of Unemployment Theory: An Explanation
by Martin L. Weitzman - 410-421 A Twentieth-Century Eclectic: Richard Goodwin
by G. C. Harcourt - 422-425 Can Effective Demand and the Movement Toward Further Income Equality be Maintained in the Face of Robotics? An Introduction
by Paul Davidson - 426-434 Broadened Capital Ownership—The Solution to Major Domestic and International Problems
by Stuart M. Speiser - 435-439 Beyond Superstock: The Three-Tiered Plan for Universal Capital Ownership
by Ward Morehouse - 440-442 Superstock: A Conservative Alternative to the Welfare State
by Robert Lekachman
December 1984, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 139-152 Constraints on the Expansion of Output and Employment: Real or Monetary?
by J. A. Kregel - 153-167 New use of an Old Technology: The Growth of Worker Participation
by Robert Drago - 168-176 Executive Salaries and their Justification
by George P. Brockway - 177-192 Are Budget Deficits and Wage Costs Prime Determinants of Inflation? Another Look at the Evidence from the United States and the United Kingdom
by Ali F. Darrat - 193-206 On the Concept of Equilibrium
by M. H. I. Dore - 207-213 “Long-Period Employment” in
by A. Asimakopulos - 214-234 Alternative Analyses of Short and Long Run in Post Keynesian Economics
by Fernando Carvalho - 235-245 Involuntary Unemployment in the Long Run: Pasinetti’s Formulation of the Keynesian Argument—A Review Article
by Nina Shapiro - 246-248 The Difficulty, and Yet the Necessity, of Aiming at Full Employment: A Comment on Nina Shapiro’s Note
by Luigi L. Pasinetti - 249-262 Kalecki’s Pricing Theory
by Liliana Basile & Neri Salvadori - 263-268 Keynesianism and the Natural Rate of Unemployment: A Problem in Pedagogy
by Allin Cottrell - 269-281 An Epistemic Critique of Rational Expectations and the Neoclassical Macroeconomic Research Program
by James R. Wible - 282-282 Editor’s Corner
by The Editors
September 1984, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 3-6 Introduction
by E. Ray Canterbery - 7-17 The Political Galbraith
by Arthur Schlesinger - 18-29 Galbraith and Friedman: Two Versions of Economic Reality
by William Breit - 30-42 Galbraith and the Theory of Price Control
by David Colander - 43-60 Galbraith and the Theory of the Corporation
by James K. Galbraith - 61-76 Galbraith on Economics as a System of Professional Belief
by Warren J. Samuels - 77-90 Galbraith, Sraffa, Kalecki and Supra-Surplus Capitalism
by E. Ray Canterbery - 91-102 Galbraith on Economic Development
by John Adams - 103-113 Contemporaneous Reserve Accounting: Can Reserves be Quantity-Constrained?
by Basil J. Moore - 114-127 Friedman versus Keynes on the Theory of Employment
by Charles B. Garrison - 128-133 Flexible Exchange Rates, Tight Money Effects, and Macroeconomic Policy
by Ching-Chong Lai & Chau-Nan Chen - 134-136 A Metaphysical Notion: The Symmetry between Consumer and Producer Demand
by Phillip E. Giffin & E. Bruce Hutchinson
July 1984, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 489-499 Prices, Employment, and Profits
by Hyman P. Minsky & Piero Ferri - 500-508 Both Anticipated and Unanticipated Inflation Determine Relative Price Variability
by Willy Sellekaerts & Brigitte Sellekaerts - 509-522 A Keynesian Fiscal Policy and the New Classical Macroeconomics
by Sheetal K. Chand - 523-531 Meltzer on Keynes’s Labor Market Theory: A Review of the ’s Second Chapter
by Thomas Tuchscherer - 532-539 Keynes’s Labor Market: A Reply
by Allan H. Meltzer - 540-550 Involuntary Unemployment and the Respecified labor Supply Curve
by Ingrid H. Rima - 551-560 Adaptive Preferences and the Theory of Demand
by Sergio Parrinello - 561-575 Reviving Keynes’s Revolution
by Paul Davidson - 576-589 Absence of Gross Substitution in Portfolios and Demand for Finance: Some Macroeconomic Implications
by Girol Karacaoglu - 590-604 Employment in a Capitalist Economy
by Heinrich Bortis - 605-613 On the Commodity Power of Less Developed Countries
by John Spraos - 614-629 The Methodological Resolution of the Cambridge Controversies
by Avi J. Cohen - 630-633 Balogh’s Assessment of Conventional Economics
by Ingrid H. Rima - 634-636 Production and Contingent Contracts: Comment
by Sherrill Shaffer - 637-639 Contingent Contracts and Uncertain Economies
by Roy J. Rotheim - 640-640 Editors’ Corner
by The Editors - 641-641 Corrections
by The Editors - 642-644 Author Index to Volume VI
by The Editors
March 1984, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 337-354 Buŕeaucracy, the Corporation, and Economic Policy
by Leonard A. Rapping - 354-360 Armentano’s : A Review Article
by Lucile Keyes - 360-377 Toward a Historically Dynamic Economics: Examples and Illustrations
by Randall Bausor - 377-388 Rational Expectations and Keynesian Uncertainty: A Critique
by Malcolm Rutherford - 388-394 Comment on the Papers by Randall Bausor and Malcolm Rutherford
by G. L. S. Shackle - 394-411 On Scientific Method
by B. J. Loasby - 411-421 Tobin on Keynes: A Suggested Interpretation
by Dennis L. Weisman - 421-433 Keynes and Marx: A Centennial Appraisal
by Dudley Dillard - 433-449 Spot and Futures Prices in Copper: The Speculative Link
by Shernaz Choksi - 446-470 The End of an Era: Joan Robinson (1903-83) and Piero Sraffa (1898-1983)
by G. C. Harcourt - 449-458 Frank Hahn’s : A Review Article
by Hyman P. Minsky - 458-466 Some Ties of Kalecki to the 1926 “Sraffian Manifesto”
by Claudio Sardoni - 470-479 Comment on Stein and Weintraub: “The Acceleration of Inflation”
by Edward J. McKenna & Zannoni Diane C. - 479-481 Reply to McKenna and Zannoni
by Jerome L. Stein - 481-483 Kaldor’s “best” choice
by George P. Brockway - 483-485 Getting Back to the Real World
by Leonard Silk
December 1983, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 161-179 Factors Affecting Changes in Productivity
by Paolo Sylos-Labini - 180-197 Countervailing or Coalescing Power? The Problem of Labor/Management Coalitions
by Walter Adams & James W. Brock - 198-213 The Theory of Price-Changing and Monopoly Power
by Julian L. Simon & Edward M. Rice - 214-229 On Equilibrium
by John F. Henry - 230-240 D. H. Robertson: Some Restoration
by J. R. Presley - 241-251 The Romantic Mountain and the Classic Lake: Alan Coddington’s
by G. L. S. Shackle - 252-264 Knowledge, Maximizing, and Conjecture: A Critical Analysis of Search Theory
by Jack High - 265-280 On the Concept of Time in Shacklean and Sraffian Economics
by Fernando Carvalho - 281-294 Some Implications of the Efficient Capital Market Hypothesis
by Torben M. Andersen - 295-302 Economic Stabilization as a Public Good: What Does it Mean?
by Myles S. Wallace - 303-304 The Social Cost of Economic Decline: Some Earlier Evidence
by Dennis A. Ahlburg & Morton Owen Schapiro - 305-312 Erwin Rothbarth’s Life and Work
by Ludo Cuyvers - 313-323 A Graphical Exposition of a Post Keynesian Model
by Theodore P. Lianos - 324-325 Memorial Note: Arthur I. Grant
by Alan Plotnick - 326-327 Editor’s Corner
by The Editors - 328-328 Corrections
by The Editors
September 1983, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 3-19 Abba Petachya Lerner, 1903-1982: Six Decades of Achievement
by Irvin Sobel - 20-38 Capital Stock and Management Decisions
by Peter L. Bernstein - 39-46 Keynesian Stimulus Without Inflation
by Laurence S. Seidman - 47-53 Policy “Credibility” and Economic Behavior
by John McCallum - 53-64 Non-Positive Market-Clearing Real Rates of Interest
by Beckerman Paul - 65-72 The Wage Share in an Open Economy
by Peter Brosnan - 73-82 Distribution Theory Revisited: An Empirical Examination of the Weintraub Synthesis
by Jeffrey D. Hedlund - 82-88 Entropy, Scarcity, and Neo-Ricardianism
by Jeffrey T. Young - 89-96 Are We All Monetarists Now? An Empirical Inquiry
by Bruno S. Frey & Werner W. Pommerehne & Friedrich Schneider - 97-101 Wages and Employment: A Reply
by Geoffrey Maynard & Harold B. Rose - 101-104 Wages and Employment: A Reply to Maynard and Rose
by John F. Brothwell - 105-117 The Marginal Product Curve Is Not the Demand Curve for Labor and Lucas’s Labor Supply Function Is Not the Supply Curve for Labor in the Real World
by Paul Davidson - 118-121 A Monument to Monetarism
by Basil J. Moore - 122-124 The Major-General Theory
by Andrew John - 125-132 Profit and Paper Profit: Some Kaleckian Evolution: A Comment
by A. Asimakopulos - 133-139 An Answer to Asimakopulos’s Comment
by Peter Erdös & Molnár Ferenc - 140-143 Neoclassical and Post Keynesian Environmental Economics: An Addendum
by William S. Brown & W. Doug Shaw - 143-154 A Man for All Systems: Talking with Kenneth Boulding
by Harcourt G. C. - 155-158 Editor’s Corner
by The Editors
July 1983, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 515-522 On Speculation: A Footnote to Keynes
by George P. Brockway - 523-536 A Post Keynesian View of Liquidity Preference and the Demand for Money
by Paul Wells - 537-556 Unpacking the Post Keynesian Black Box: Bank Lending and the Money Supply
by Basil J. Moore - 557-578 The Price of Oil: Main Interpretations and their Theoretical Background
by Alessandro Roncaglia - 579-589 The Consumption-Wage Gap
by Pierro Ferri - 590-602 Income Conflicts, Inflation, and Controls
by James J. Rakowski - 603-607 Income Conflicts, Inflation, and Controls: A Response
by Alfred S. Eichner - 608-617 The Rate of Return in General Equilibrium—A Critique
by Tyler Cowen - 618-624 The Supply Price in the Marginal Efficiency of Capital
by Sidney Weintraub - 625-634 Analyzing the World’s Money
by Edward E. Williams - 635-647 Economic Policy and Endogenous Cycles
by John M. Blatt - 648-663 The Decentralized Labor Market and the Nonmarket Consideration of Wage Inflation
by Anisuzzaman Chowdhury - 664-666 A Comment on “Marshall and the Classical Tradition”
by Lance W. Walker - 667-668 Marshall: A Reply
by A. L. Levine - 669-672 Equal Pay for Women: A Reply
by William F. Mitchell - 673-675 Reply
by R. G. Gregory & R. C. Duncan - 676-678 Biological Analogies in Economics: A Comment
by John M. Gowdy - 678-678 Reply
by Bruno Foa - 679-682 Social Security and Economists
by A. Asimakopulos - 683-686 Author Index to Volume V
by The Editors
March 1983, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 331-340 Nicholas Kaldor: A Few Personal Notes
by Luigi L. Pasinetti - 341-344 Introduction
by A. P. Thirlwall - 345-358 A Plain Man’s Guide to Kaldor’s Growth Laws
by A. P. Thirlwall - 359-372 Allyn Young on Increasing Returns
by Charles P. Blitch - 373-387 Increasing Returns, Productivity, and Output Growth: The Case of the United States
by John S. L. McCombie & John R. de Ridder - 388-396 Industrialization and the Rate of Growth: Eastern Europe 1955-75
by Stanislaw Gomulka - 397-413 Verdoorn’s Law and Kaldor’s Law: A Revisionist Interpretation?
by M. Chatterji & Michael R. Wickens - 414-430 Kaldor’s Laws in Retrospect
by John S. L. McCombie - 430-439 Tax Reform and Incomes Policy: A VATIP Proposal
by E. Ray Canterbery - 440-453 A “Phillipsoid” Wage-Push Flation: “In-,” “Stag-,” or “Slump-”
by Francis Seton - 454-473 A Neo-Cambridge Model of Income Distribution and Unemployment
by Kumaraswamy Velupillai - 474-482 A Doubtful Post Keynesian Unemployment Model
by Jonathan B. Ratner - 483-488 An Economic Theory of Business Strategy: A Review Article
by Nina Shapiro - 489-492 A Note: Presidential Elections and Federal Reserve Policy
by Myles S. Wallace & John T. Warner - 493-503 Kalecki’s Degree of Monopoly
by Peter J. Reynolds - 504-505 Editor’s Corner
by The Editors
December 1982, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 163-179 Time and the Structure of Economic Analysis
by Randall Bausor - 180-181 Comment
by G. L. S. Shackle - 182-198 Rational Expectations: A Fallacious Foundation for Studying Crucial Decision-Making Processes
by Paul Davidson - 199-207 The Rational Expectations Tautologies
by James R. Wible - 208-227 The Life-Cycle Hypothesis and the Consumption Behavior of the Elderly
by Sheldon Danziger & Jacques Van Der Gaag & Eugene Smolensky & Michael K. Taussig - 228-245 An Adaptation of Weintraub’s Model
by Ken-Ichi Watanabe - 245-256 The Falling Share of Corporate Taxation
by Philip Mirowski & Arthur R. Schwartz - 257-265 Productivity-Reducing Supply-Side Policies
by Gordon C. Winston - 266-275 Worker Participation and Macroeconomic Efficiency
by Geoffrey M. Hodgson - 276-280 Suicide: The Ultimate Cost of Unemployment
by Morton Owen Schapiro & Dennis A. Ahlburg - 281-288 The “Reswitching” of Consumption Bundles: A Parallel to the Capital Controversies?
by Martin J. Watts & Noel G. Gaston - 289-294 On the New Cambridge School
by Robert Dixon - 295-303 Substantive Mountains and Methodological Molehills
by E. Roy Weintraub - 304-308 Substantive Mountains and Methodological Molehills: A Rejoinder
by Sheila Dow - 309-313 Comment on “Hollander’s Ricardo”
by Jeffrey T. Young - 314-317 Comment: Ideology in the Ricardo Debate
by John F. Henry - 318-322 Gains from Foreign Investment: A Comment
by Polly Reynolds Alien - 323-326 Foreign Investment: A Rejoinder
by David R. Richardson - 327-327 Editors’ Corner
by The Editors - 328-328 Corrections
by The Editors
September 1982, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 97-103 Monopoly and Prices: A New Explanation
by Dimitris Dogas - 104-113 Growth, Distribution, and Inflation
by Edward J. Nell - 114-116 Return to the “Gold Standard”: Recipe for Depression
by Steven E. Plaut - 117-119 Ibn Khaldun and “Supply-Side Economics”: A Note
by K. V. Nagarajan - 120-124 Relative Shares: A Comment
by Robert Dixon - 125-127 A Midnight Summer’s Dream
by Greg Davidson - 128-131 Neoclassical Tautologies and the Cambridge Controversies
by Andrea Salanti - 132-134 Neoclassical Tautologies and the Cambridge Controversies—Reply
by Sheila Dow - 135-139 Inflation and Deficit Spending Revisited
by Myles S. Wallace & John T. Warner - 140-141 An Empirical Examination of Current Inflation and Deficit Spending: A Comment
by Neil T. Skaggs - 142-146 Deficits, Monetization, and Inflation: Comment
by Peter L. Bernstein - 147-152 A Reply to Skaggs, Wallace-Warner, and Bernstein on Current Inflation and Deficit Spending
by Phillip E. Giffin & James H. Macomber & Robert E. Berry - 153-156 The Saving-Leakage Effect of Financial Intermediation
by Jacob Cohen - 157-157 Editors’ Corner
by P. D. S. W.
July 1982, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 483-496 Corporate Bureaucracy, Productivity Gain, and Distribution of Revenue in U.S. Manufacturing, 1947-77
by Myron J. Gordon - 497-515 Reproduction Crisis
by Arthur Grant - 516-530 Mrs. Thatcher's Economic Strategy in Practice
by Terry Ward - 531-545 Raw Material Prices and Kalecki's Wage Share Theory
by Martin Riese