September 1997, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 6-34 Monetary Economy or Capitalist Economy?
by Claus M. Germer - 35-64 On Marx’s Dialectic of the Genesis of the Money Form
by Mario L. Robles-Báez - 65-91 Marx and Keynes on Money
by Martha Campbell
June 1997, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 3-20 Guest Editor’s Introduction
by Riccardo Bellofiore - 21-25 Let’s Rehabilitate the Theory of Value
by Augusto Graziani - 26-50 The Marxist Theory of Money
by Augusto Graziani - 51-96 The Theory of Value Without Commodity Money?
by Marcello Messori - 97-118 Finance and the Labor Theory of Value
by Riccardo Bellofiore & Riccardo Realfonzo
March 1997, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 3-6 Guest Editor’s Introduction
by Paolo Giussani - 7-42 Marxian Theories of Credit Money and Capital
by Trevor Evans - 43-72 Credit Money and the Functions of Money in Capitalism
by Claus M. Germer - 73-84 Interest Rate Changes in Marx’s Theory of the Industrial Cycle
by Francisco Paulo Cipolla - 85-106 Two Approaches to the Concept of Interest-Bearing Capital
by Costas Lapavitsas
December 1996, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 3-13 Latin American Experiences with Open Regionalism
by Alex E. Fernández Jilberto & Barbara Hogenboom - 14-36 Mexico
by Barbara Hogenboom - 37-55 The Revitalization of the Central American Common Market
by Oscar Catalán Aravena - 56-70 MERCOSUR, Argentina, and Regional Integration Processes
by Miguel Teubal - 71-95 Open Regionalism and Democratic Transition in Chile
by Alex E. Fernández Jilberto - 96-97 Author Index to , Volume 26 (Spring 1996—Winter 1996–97)
by The Editors
September 1996, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 3-14 Introduction
by Nicholas Levis - 15-38 Empirical Evidence for Trends Toward Globalization
by Paolo Giussani - 39-59 Globalization: Myths, Reality, and Ideology
by Robert Went - 60-68 “Globalization” as a Strategy of Capital
by Thomas Klein - 69-80 New Images of the Enemy
by Ulrich Menzel - 81-129 Globalization and Kulturkampf
by Nicholas Levis
June 1996, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 3-4 Editor’s Note
by Paul Mattick - 5-7 Introduction to Leonid Gordon’s Essays
by Bertram Silverman & Murray Yanowitch - 8-42 The Socioeconomic Position of the Population and the Exercise of Its Social Rights in Present-Day Russia
by Leonid A. Gordon - 43-57 Perestroika Time: The Beginning of the Free Labor Movement in the USSR
by Leonid A. Gordon - 58-73 After Perestroika: The Labor Movement in a Transitional Society
by Leonid A. Gordon - 74-93 Wage-Earners: Winners and Losers
by Bertram Silverman & Murray Yanowitch
March 1996, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 3-4 Preface
by The Editors - 5-30 Reasons and Actions
by The Editors - 31-59 Efficiency and Its Conditions
by The Editors - 60-90 Justice: Means and Needs
by The Editors - 91-94 References
by The Editors
December 1995, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 3-8 Introduction
by Brigitte Aulenbacher & Tilla Siegel - 9-37 Lean and Flexible into the Future?
by Tilla Siegel - 38-64 Rationalization and Workplace Interest Politics
by Isabel Rothe - 65-90 Industrial Rationalization as Gender Politics
by Monika Goldmann - 91-107 Rationalization and Social Differentiation at East German Industrial Workplaces
by Rudi Schmidt - 108-122 Selection in the Rationalization Process
by Brigitte Aulenbacher - 123-124 Author Index to , Volume 25 (Spring 1995–Winter 1995–96)
by The Editors
September 1995, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 3-19 Introduction
by Harald Wolf - 20-36 Trade Union Difficulties with Participation
by Ulrich Mückenberger - 37-49 The “Adhocracy” as Viewed by Modernization Theory
by Christoph Deutschmann - 50-60 Industrial Democracy
by Walther Müller-Jentsch - 61-87 The “Democracy Question” at Work
by Klaus Dörre - 88-88 Erratum
by The Editors
June 1995, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 3-8 The Romance of Art and Money
by Paul Mattick - 9-32 “Collecting Is the Noblest of All Passions!”
by Barbara Paul - 33-62 The Museum and the Marketplace
by Raymonde Moulin - 63-99 The Art of Evaluating Art
by Annie Verger - 100-128 The Art Market in the 1980s
by Paul Ardenne
March 1995, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 3-6 Editor’s Note
by Paul Mattick - 7-45 I. On the Establishment of a Modern Enterprise System
by Wu Jinglian - 46-108 II. The Condition of the Working Class in China
by Theory Group
December 1994, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 3-10 Introduction
by Tilla Siegel - 11-34 Rationalization of the Factory, Center of Industrial Society
by Sylvie Schweitzer - 35-70 It’s Only Rational
by Tilla Siegel - 71-94 The National Socialist Maternity Protection Law
by Carola Sachse - 95-96 Author Index to Volume 24 (Spring 1994—Winter 1994–95
by The Editors
September 1994, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 3-5 Introduction
by León Bendesky - 7-20 From the Restoration of Confidence to Restriction of Growth
by Väctor M. Godänez Zúñiga - 21-39 The Mexican Strategy of Opening to the External World
by Raul Conde - 41-70 Mexico: Modernity without Equality
by Jorge Alcocer - 71-85 The Heralded Revolution
by Emilio Zebadúa - 87-101 Mexico, 1994
by Alberto Aziz Nassif
June 1994, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 3-6 Introduction
by Melanie Tatur - 7-38 Trade Unions in the Transformation Process
by Rainer Deppe & Melanie Tatur - 39-72 Ex Oriente Risk
by Birgit Mahnkopf - 73-111 The Workers’ Movement and the State in Russia
by Melanie Tatur
March 1994, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 3-4 Introduction
by Richard B. Day - 5-18 Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union
by Howard J. Sherman - 19-33 Will There Be Large-Scale Privatization in Russia?
by Yuri Kochevrin - 34-51 Playing Political Economy
by Peter Murrell - 52-75 Social and Political Prerequisites and Consequences of Radical Economic Policies in Russia
by Vladimir A. Mau - 76-95 Economy and Society in Russian Reforms
by Dušan Pokorný - 96-120 “Systemic Transformation,” Market Culture, and Political Democracy
by Richard B. Day
December 1993, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 3-25 Have We Reached the Information Age Yet?
by Liora Salter - 27-47 Bringing the Market into the World
by George Warskett - 49-82 The Limits of National Governance
by Uschi Koebberling - 83-104 European Telecommunication, Multinational Enterprises, and the Implication of “Globalization”
by Robin Mansell - 105-133 The Housework of Capitalism
by Liora Salter - 134-135 Author Index to , Volume 23 (Spring 1993–Winter 1993–94)
by The Editors
September 1993, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 3-12 Unemployment in Western Europe
by Martin Kronauer - 13-36 The Europe of the Unemployed
by Enrico Pugliese - 37-69 The Heterogeneity of Unemployment
by Godfried Engbersen & Jaap Timmer - 70-94 Experiences with Unemployment Today
by Martin Kronauer & Berthold Vogel - 95-120 Coping with Unemployment
by David Fryer & Rose Fagan
June 1993, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 3-3 Preface
by Jerzy Hausner & Bob Jessop & Stanislaw Owsiak - 5-8 Introduction
by Jerzy Hausner - 9-34 Reflections on the Financial Crisis of the Postsocialist State
by Bob Jessop - 35-73 The Financial Crisis of the Postsocialist State
by Stanislaw Owsiak - 75-119 The Financial Crisis of the Postsocialist State
by Jerzy Hausner
March 1993, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 3-12 The Political Economy of Global Neo-Liberalism
by Alex E. Fernández Jilberto & André Mommen - 13-34 Transition to Democracy in a Neoliberal Economy
by Alex E. Fernández Jilberto - 35-63 Toward Peripheral Capitalism
by André Mommen - 65-85 Transition of a Developing Socialist Economy to a Developing Mixed Economy
by Carolyn L. Gates & David H.D. Truong - 87-107 Dilemmas of Development and Democratization in the Arab World
by Michiel Beker & Paul Aarts - 109-125 The Temptation of Predatory Capitalism
by Benoit Verhaegen
December 1992, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 3-16 Introduction
by Chris Howell & Anthony Daley - 17-35 Family or Just Good Friends?
by Chris Howell - 36-52 The Forward Retreat
by Stephen J. Silvia - 53-71 Remembrance of Things Past
by Anthony Daley - 73-90 The Dissolution of Party–Union Relations in Spain
by Lynne Wozniak - 91-92 Author Index to , Volume 22 (Spring 1992–Winter 1992–93)
by The Editors
September 1992, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 3-6 Introduction
by Paul Mattick - 7-28 Value of Labor Power and the Wage
by Paolo Giussani - 29-45 The Income of Wage Earners Is Declining
by Peter Bartelheimer & Harald Wolf - 46-71 Labor, Capital, and State Redistribution
by Diego Guerrero - 72-103 On the Use of National Accounts in Value Analysis
by G. Carchedi
June 1992, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 3-4 Introduction
by Paul Mattick - 5-19 1. Utopia in Everyday Life—Problems and Background
by Yvonne Hirdman - 20-26 2. Utopian Ideas on Everyday Life in the Early Swedish Labor Movement
by The Editors - 27-49 3. The Social Engineers, the Rationalist Utopia, and the New Home of the 1930s
by The Editors - 50-69 4. The Population Commission and the Transformation of Everyday Life
by The Editors - 70-87 5. The Democratic Engineer’s Art of the 1940s, from the General Plan to the Family
by The Editors - 88-99 6. The Power Aspect in the Intellectual History of Reform
by The Editors
March 1992, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 3-22 Introduction
by Otto Holman - 23-40 Liberalization and Cohesion
by Heinz-Jürgen Axt - 41-62 Between Political Regionalization and Economic Globalization
by Klaus-Peter Weiner - 63-82 The Future of the European Community
by Frank Deppe - 83-83 Erratum
by The Editors
December 1991, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 3-7 Understanding the Transformation Process on the Relation between Values and Prices in Marxian Theory
by G. Carchedi - 9-66 Some Aspects of the Value–Price Problem
by Paul Mattick - 67-86 The Determination of Prices of Production
by Paolo Giussani - 87-88 Author Index to , Volume 21 (Spring 1991–Winter 1991–92)
by The Editors
September 1991, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 3-7 Introduction
by Koji Morioka - 8-31 Structural Changes in Japanese Capitalism
by Koji Morioka - 32-48 Taylorism and Fordism in Japan
by Tatsuo Naruse - 49-69 Flexible Work Organization and Management Control in Japanese-style Management
by Keisuke Aoki - 70-89 High-Technology Strategies and Regional Restructuring
by Kentaro Hayashi
June 1991, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 3-6 Introduction
by León Bendesky - 7-25 The United States and the Promotion of Democracy in Latin America
by Marcelo García Silva - 26-46 Paradoxes in the Relations between the United States and Perú
by Laura Madalengoitia - 47-66 The Financial Power of the United States in the 1980s
by Antonio Gutiérrez Pérez - 67-80 México in United States Military Literature, 1949–1988
by Sergio Aguayo Quezada
March 1991, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 3-9 Introduction
by A. E. Fernández Jilberto - 10-31 The Political Economy of Land Degradation in Costa Rica
by Jean Carrière - 32-65 New Social Movements and Old Political Questions
by David Slater - 66-90 Social Democracy in Latin America
by A. E. Fernández Jilberto
December 1990, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 3-13 The Metamorphosis of Industrial Labor in Contemporary Capitalism
by Fred Manske & Harald Wolf - 14-41 The Spread of the New Model of Production—A Halting Transformation of the Structures of Work
by Michael Schumann & Volker Baethge-Kinsky & Uwe Neumann & Roland Springer - 42-60 The “New Rationalization”—New Demands on Industrial Sociology
by Norbert Altmann & Manfred Deiss & Volker Döhl & Dieter Sauer - 61-78 The End of Taylorism—Or Its Transformation?
by Fred Manske - 79-95 Is Mass Production Really Coming to an End?
by Gerhard Brandt - 96-98 Index to
by The Editors
September 1990, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 3-4 Introduction
by John W. Soule - 5-33 The Political Economy of the 1990 Nicaraguan Elections
by Michael E. Conroy - 34-45 The Economic Austerity Packages of 1988 and Their Impact on Public Opinion
by John W. Soule - 46-68 The Sandinista Agrarian Reform: 1979–1990?
by Michael Zalkin - 69-80 : Workers, Peasants, and Democracy on a Nicaraguan State Farm
by James Pfeiffer - 81-96 Restructuring the Nicaraguan Economy
by Bill Gibson
June 1990, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 3-7 Introduction
by Peter A. Hall & Víctor Pérez-Díaz - 8-27 The Political Transition of the Francoist Cortes
by Angel José Sánchez-Navarro - 28-44 The Legalization of the Spanish Communist Party
by Helena Varela-Guinot - 45-61 Organizations versus Policy Makers
by Josu Mezo-Aranzibia - 62-81 State Structure and Industrial Relations
by Pedro Luis Iriso - 82-96 The Emergence of the Spanish Welfare State
by Ana Guillén
March 1990, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 3-9 Introduction
by Martin Kronauer - 10-34 The Foundations of Life (Nature) and the Maintenance of Life (Work)
by Elmar Altvater - 35-50 How Industrial Workers See the Environment Problem
by Hartwig Heine & Rüdiger Maulz - 51-69 On the Way toward an Industrial Society of Risk?
by Ulrich Beck - 70-98 Nuclear Power and the French Economy
by Daniel Saint-James
December 1989, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 2-2 Publisher’s Note
by The Editors - 3-5 Introduction
by Paul Mattick - 6-31 The “Depoliticization of the Economy” or the “Democratization of Politics”?
by Leo Panitch - 32-55 The Socialist Experience in Greece
by Louis Lefeber - 56-77 Toward a Mixed Socialist Economy
by Tadeusz Kowalik - 78-90 The “March into Socialism”—
by Włodzimierz Brus - 91-92 Index to
by The Editors
September 1989, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 3-6 Introduction
by Kees Van Der Pijl - 7-35 Ruling Classes, Hegemony, and the State System
by Kees Van Der Pijl - 36-75 British Capitalism at the Crossroads
by Henk Overbeek - 76-101 In Search of Hegemony
by Otta Holman
June 1989, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 3-12 Introduction
by Richard B. Day - 13-44 Neoconservative Economics: Theory and International Practice
by L. I. Piiasheva & B. S. Pinsker - 44-97 Reaganomics
by The Editors
March 1989, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 3-9 Introduction
by Fred Moseley - 10-32 The Rate of Profit and the Organic Composition of Capital in the Post-War Long Wave
by Angelo Reati - 33-47 Research on the Marxist Theory of Rate of Surplus Value and the Wage-earning Class (1896–1980)
by Jean-Claude Delaunay - 48-66 The Decline of the Rate of Profit in the Postwar U.S. Economy
by Fred Moseley - 67-96 Economic Growth, Profit, and Forms of Wage Incentives
by Irina Peaucelle & Pascal Petit
December 1988, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 3-8 Introduction
by León Bendesky - 9-36 A Methodological Approach to Political-Economic Conflicts
by Martin Puchet Anyul - 37-55 The Conflict of the Latin American Foreign Debt
by León Bendesky - 56-79 Mexico’s Foreign Debt: Managing a Conflict (1973–1987)
by Victor M. Godínez - 80-112 North–South Relations in the 1980s: The Return of Imperialism?
by Carlos Ominami - 113-115 Index to Volume 18, (Spring 1988—Winter 1988-89)
by The Editors
September 1988, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 3-5 Editor’s Note
by Paul Mattick - 6-13 1. Introduction
by Guglielmo Carchedi - 14-49 2. Marxian Price Theory in the National Context
by The Editors - 50-52 3. Marx on International Market Values
by The Editors - 53-56 4. Emmanuel’s “Narrow” Unequal Exchange
by The Editors - 57-58 5. The Sraffa-Based Model of Unequal Exchange
by The Editors - 59-73 6. The Modern Context of Marxian Price Theory
by The Editors - 74-88 7. International Production Prices
by The Editors