June 1996, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 49-92 The Bulgarian Economy in Transition Regional Aftereffects (Possibilities for Structural and Regional Redevelopment)
by Garabed Minassian & Stoyan Totev
April 1996, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 3-10 Guest Editor's Introduction
by Marvin Jackson - 11-30 A General Overview of the Approach to Solving the Problems of Redevelopment of Regions from a Comparative Perspective
by Silvana Malle - 31-64 Small Enterprise Development and Regional Policy: Comparative Analysis and Implications for Central and East European Countries
by George C. Petrakos - 65-95 The Role of SMEs in the Regional Redevelopment of Romania
by Ion Anton & Doina Danciu & Constanta Mitu
February 1996, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 3-4 Editor's Introduction
by Josef C. Brada - 5-20 Transformation of the Polish Economy: Attractiveness and Risk of Investment in Poland
by Anna Krajewska - 21-40 Macroeconomic Stabilization and the Reform Process in Slovenia
by Štefan Bojnec - 41-59 Income Status of Farmers and Their Households
by Emil Divila & Kitty Druck - 60-74 Certain Specific Features of Monetary Policy in the Czech Republic
by Stanislava Janáčková & Katia Jacobs - 75-96 Economic Efficiency in the Period of Systemic Transformation (1989-93)
by Stefan Felbur & Piotr Ważniewski & Paweł Kotwica
December 1995, Volume 33, Issue 6
- 3-4 Editor's Introduction
by Josef C. Brada - 5-25 Recessionary Threats and Antirecessionary Programs during the Period of Systemic Transformation
by Mieczysław Nasiłowski & Paweł Kotwica - 26-64 Currency Convertibility and Exchange-Rate Policies in the Czech Republic
by Oldřich Dědek - 65-91 Debt Relief: The Need for International Coordination. Some Reflections with Respect to the Austrian Position in the Market for the East European Debt
by Stephan Koren
October 1995, Volume 33, Issue 5
- 3-4 Editor's Introduction
by Josef C. Brada - 5-32 Prospects for Debt-Equity Conversions in Poland
by Witold Małecki - 33-61 Transforming the Czech Economy: The Role of Convertibility and the Exchange-Rate Anchor
by Stanislava Janáčková - 62-74 Investment Subsidies during Transition
by Barbara Fakin - 75-96 The Labor Market in Poland: A Tentative Analysis of the First Years of Transition
by Marek Góra
August 1995, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 3-7 Editor's Introduction
by Josef C. Brada - 8-23 Liberalization versus Protection: The Case of Slovak Agriculture
by Lubica Bartová - 24-37 Privatization and Foreign Capital in the Hungarian Food Industry
by Judit Kiss - 38-54 Education in Poland
by Anna Krajewska - 55-78 The Real-Wage: Employment Relationship and Unemployment in Transition Economies: The Case of Slovenia and Hungary
by Alenka Kajzer - 79-96 Certain Empirical Data Gathered from the Current Course of Economic Reforms Taking Place in the Former Centrally Planned Economies
by Jiří Jonáš & Katia Jacobs
June 1995, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 3-4 Editor's IntroductionEconomies
by Josef C. Brada - 5-43 Economic Transformation and the EnvironmentEconomies
by Alena Černá & Eva Tošovská - 44-79 Czech Health Care in Economic TransformationEconomies
by Jaromír Vepřek & Zdeněk Papeš & Pavel Vepřek - 80-95 The Reform of the Czech Health-Care SystemEconomies
by Olga Výborná
April 1995, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 3-4 Editor's IntroductionEconomies
by Josef C. Brada - 5-37 Evolution and Efficiency of Concentration: Manufacturing Industries in the Czech Economy 1989-92Economies
by Alena Zemplínerová - 38-75 Small Businesses and Private Entrepreneurship during Transition: The Case of the Czech Republic
by Vladimír Benáček - 76-110 Household Sector in the Czech Republic in Transition
by Marie Vavrejnová
February 1995, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 3-4 Editor's Introduction
by Josef C. Brada - 5-53 Monetary Policy during Transformation
by Jan Hanousek & Vratislav Izák & Otakar Klokočník - 54-73 Money Demand and Seigniorage in Transition
by Nina Budina & Jan Hanousek & Zdeněk Tůma - 74-96 Performance of the Manufacturing Industry during Transformation
by Marie Bohatá
December 1994, Volume 32, Issue 6
- 3-5 Editor's Introduction
by Josef C. Brada - 6-28 Economic Integration of the Visegrád Countries: Facts and Scenarios
by András Inotai & Magdolna Sass - 29-55 Midway in the Transition
by George Kopits - 56-74 The Effects of Government Policy on Bulgarian Agriculture
by Eric P. Thor & Nedka Ivanova & Adelina Petrova - 75-99 Economic Developments in Slovenia
by Egon Žižmond
October 1994, Volume 32, Issue 5
- 3-4 Editor's Introduction
by Josef C. Brada - 5-22 Some Lessons of the Budgetary Reform in Czechoslovakia
by Věra Kameničková & Milena Horčicová & Drahomíra Vašková - 23-35 On the Statutory Autonomy of the Czech National Bank
by Bruno S. Sergi - 36-50 The Role of International Financial Institutions in Poland's Transition to a Market Economy
by Ryszard Wilczyński & Piotr Graff - 51-64 Transformation of the Agricultural Sector: Conceptual Questions of Forming New Entrepreneurial Entities in Czech Agriculture
by Emil Divila & Zdeněk Sokol & Martin Gregor - 65-71 Central European Free Trade Area
by Józef Biskup - 72-86 Selected Issues of Monetary Policy in the Czech Republic
by Stanislava Janáčková - 87-94 A Small Open Economy and Integration Processes: The Case of Slovenia
by Sebastjan Strašek
August 1994, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 3-4 Editor's Introduction
by Josef C. Brada - 5-54 Employment and the Labor Market in Hungary
by Erzsébet Viszt & Judit Ványai - 55-70 Unemployment and the Labor Market in Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic, 1990-1992
by Kamil Janáček - 71-80 Gross Domestic Product
by Zenon Rajewski - 81-95 Foreign Direct Investment in an Emerging Market Economy: The Case of Romania
by Stephen P. Ferris & G. Rodney Thompson & Calin Valsan
June 1994, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 3-5 Editor's Introduction
by Josef C. Brada - 6-31 Wage Regulation in Czechoslovakia
by Alena Buchtíková & Vladislav Flek - 32-51 Evidence of a New Shape of Income Distribution in Poland
by Brunon Gorecki - 52-75 Debt Management in Eastern Europe
by Judit Kiss - 76-96 Privatization, Structural Adjustment, and Exports: The Case of the Hungarian Engineering Industry
by Ádám Török
April 1994, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 3-5 Editor's Introduction
by Josef C. Brada - 6-22 Parting with the Common State and Currency: First Steps of the Czech Republic
by Stanislava Janáčková - 23-38 Some Theoretical Issues on Transformation
by Zdislav Šulc & Martin Gregor - 39-49 Democracy Is No Substitute for Capitalism
by Leszek Balcerowicz & Piotr Graff - 50-70 Evaluation of the Government Program
by Marek Gruchelski - 71-94 The Quest for Ownership: Why It Was so Easy to Break Communism, and Why It Is so Difficult to Find Social Consensus: A Response to the "Surprise Literature"
by S. Ryszard Domański
February 1994, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-104 Firms Afloat and Firms Adrift: Hungarian Industry and the Economic Transition
by Josef C. Brada & Inderjit Singh & Adám Török
December 1993, Volume 31, Issue 6
- 3-35 Country Overview Study: Czech and Slovak Republics: "Will the Manufacturing Heart Beat Again?"
by Jana Matešová - 36-51 Textile/Cloth: Veba Broumov: "The King of a Declining Industry"
by Jana Matešová - 52-65 Heavy Chemistry: Spolana
by Martin Sauer - 66-80 Hungarian Industry in 1992: An Assessment of Trends and Behaviors
by Adám Török - 81-92 Conduct and Performance in Hungarian Manufacturing
by João Confraria - 93-100 Engineering Industry: Dunántúli Kôolajipari Gépgyár (Transdanubian Petroleum Industry Equipment Works Ltd.): "Drang nach Osten?"
by Judit Zsarnay & Adám Török - 101-112 Electronics Industry: Radion Radio and Electrical Works: "The Whiz Kid Grown Old?"
by Gábor Hoványi & Adám Török
October 1993, Volume 31, Issue 5
- 3-18 Enterprises in Transition: Issues and Methods of Analysis
by Saul Estrin & Alan Gelb & Inderjit Singh - 19-62 Country Overview Study Poland
by Marek Belka & Anna Krajewska & Stefan Krajewski & Antbal Santos - 63-78 Food-Processing Industry: Chocolate and Confectionery. Przedsiȩbiorstwo Przemysłu Cukierniczego "Drops" (Bydgoszcz)
by Marek Belka - 79-97 Glass Industry: Huta Szkła "Hortensja" (Piotrków)
by Marek Belka
July 1993, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 3-5 Editor's Introduction
by Josef C. Brada - 6-18 Foreign Investment in Czechoslovakia: Proposals for Fine-Tuning Measures of Policy Reform
by Zdeněk Drábek - 19-50 Difficulties in Establishing Joint Ventures in Eastern Europe
by Hubert Gabrisch & Michel Vale - 51-81 East-West Corporate Joint Ventures: Promises and Disappointments
by György Csáki - 82-96 The Comparative Economics of Bankruptcy: Dealing with Loss-Making Firms in Capitalist, Socialist, and Transitional Economies
by Josef C. Brada
April 1993, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 1-3 Editor's Introduction
by Josef C. Brada - 4-77 Recession, Stagnation, and Ways Out
by Paweł Glikman - 78-94 The General Recession and the Structural Adaptation Crisis
by Ruzena Vintrova
January 1993, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 3-4 Editor's Introduction
by Josef C. Brada - 5-64 Property Rights and Privatization: The Three-Agent Model (A Case Study on Hungary)
by Péter Mihályi - 65-93 Ukraine on the Way toward Economic Stabilization and Independence
by Károly Kiss & Volodimir R. Sidenko
October 1992, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 3-4 Editor's Introduction
by Josef C. Brada - 5-24 Insolvency in the Transformation Period of the Czechoslovak Economy
by Mllena Horčicová & Drahomíra Vašková & Ronald Radzai - 25-46 Transformation of Ownership in Czechoslovakia
by Martin Kupka & Ronald Radzai - 47-64 Variants of Bankruptcy
by István Ábel & András Boros-Kazai - 65-96 Trade Patterns and Currency Conversion in Hungarian Foreign Trade
by Adam Török
July 1992, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 3-4 Editor's Introduction
by Josef C. Brada - 5-38 Coupon Privatization: An Information Handbook
by Federal Ministry of Finance & Ronald Radzai - 39-56 "Creditor" Managers: Experiences from MBO Deals in Hungary and Abroad
by Judit Karsai & Ronald Radzai - 57-67 Toward an Autonomy Preference Theory of the East European Firm
by Peter Akos Bod & John B. Hall - 68-91 Industrial Crisis Zones in Hungary
by József Papp & József Tóth & Ronald Radzai
April 1992, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 3-5 Editor's Introduction
by Josef C. Brada - 6-20 The Characteristic Traits of Privatization in the Economies of Eastern Europe
by Jan Winiecki & András Boros-Kazai - 21-33 The Mathematics of Home Mortgages in 1991
by András Simonovits & András Boros-Kazai - 34-41 Transition to a Market Economy: Introduction
by Jiří Kameníček & Karel Pulpan & Ronald Radzai - 42-50 The Myths of the Programs for Transition to a Market in the USSR
by Vsevolod Kulikov - 51-55 Privatization and Employee Rights in Hungary
by Tamás Réti - 56-64 Results and Prospects of the Polish Stabilization Program
by Marek Dabrowski - 65-72 Features of the Transformation in Eastern Germany
by Volkhardt Vincentz - 73-90 Chief Executive Officers and Participation in Decision Making in the Enterprise Sphere
by Emil Divila & Vladislav Flek & Ivanka Roberts
January 1992, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 3-8 Editor's Introduction
by Josef C. Brada - 9-43 The Transformation of a State Enterprise into a Joint-Stock Company
by Václav Klusoň & Ivanka Roberts - 44-75 "Is There Plenty of Time?": Internal Enterprise Cutbacks
by Judit Karsai & András Boros-Kazai - 76-92 Cost, Price, and Earnings Parameters in Large and Small Agricultural Enterprises
by István Kapronczai & József Tomka & András Boros-Kazai
October 1991, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 3-21 Promoting Efficient Privatization: The Benefits of Small Enterprises versus Large Ones
by Marvin Jackson - 22-27 Privatization: Czechoslovakia
by Dušan Triska - 28-40 Privatization: East Germany
by André Leysen - 41-48 Privatization: Poland
by Jacek Kwasniewski - 49-56 Privatization: Hungary
by György Matolcsy - 57-91 Ownership Reforms or Privatization?
by Éva Voszka & András Boros-Kazai
June 1991, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 3-4 Editor’s Introduction
by Josef C. Brada - 5-33 Reorganization and Liquidation Proceedings since 1986
by Anna Kúti & Mária Móra - 34-85 The Automobile Industry in the East
by Čedomir Nestorović - 86-91 Shadows on the Soviet Automobile Stock
by Hervé Gicquiau - 92-93 Author Index to Eastern European Economics Volume 29 (Fall 1990–Summer 1991)
by The Editors
March 1991, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 3-4 Editor’s Introduction
by Josef C. Brada - 5-38 1990 Macroeconomic Analysis
by J. Klacek - 39-54 Earnings-Regulation and Inflation
by István Ábel & John P. Bonin - 55-67 Proposal for a Cooperative Financial Institute
by Domenico Mario Nuti - 68-80 The Shadow Economy in the GDR
by Günther Manz
January 1991, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 29-63 Transportation in the East: The Key to Trade between the Two Europes
by Jaroslav Blaha & Michel Vale & Michèle Kahn - 64-66 The Point of View of a French Forwarding Agent on Freight Practices in East-West Transportation
by Stanislas Bernard & Michel Vale - 67-100 The Competition among Countries, 1937-1986
by Éva Ehrlich & András Boros-Kazai
December 1990, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 3-4 Editor’s Introduction
by Josef C. Brada - 5-28 A Framework for the Economic Transformation of Czechoslovakia
by Jan švejnar - 29-63 Transportation in the East: The Key to Trade between the Two Europes
by Jaroslav Blaha & Michéle Kahn - 64-66 The Point of View of a French Forwarding Agent on Freight Practices in East–West Transportation
by Stanislas Bernard - 67-100 The Competition among Countries, 1937–1986
by Ěva Ehrlich
September 1990, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 3-4 Introduction
by Marvin R. Jackson - 5-29 GDR Economic Policy during the Honecker Era
by Irwin L. Collier - 30-40 Economic Reform in the GDR
by Jürgen Jüunger & Werner Maiwald & Siegfried Stötzer - 41-54 Economic Reform in the GDR—Concerns and Focal Points
by Christa Luft - 55-77 The October Revolution in the GDR—System, History, and Causes
by Fred S. Oldenburg
June 1990, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 3-6 Introduction
by Josef C. Brada - 7-23 Treatise: Prognostic Self-Analysis of Czechoslovak Society
by Valtr Komárek - 24-38 Growth, Structural Changes, and Openness of the Economy
by Karel Dyba - 39-52 The Imperatives of Long-Term Prognosis and the Dominant Characteristics of the Present Economy
by Václav Klaus - 53-70 Privatization, Dogma-Free Self-Management, and Ownership Reform
by Károly Attila Soós - 71-87 Ownership Reform and Profit Rate
by Tibor Erdős
April 1990, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 1-3 Editor's Introduction
by Zbigniew M. Fallenbuchl
March 1990, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 3-3 Editor’s Introduction
by Zbigniew M. Fallenbuchl - 4-29 Property Ownership
by Márton Tardos - 30-38 Market is the Only Escape
by Wojciech Pruss - 39-47 The Decay of Economic Stalinism
by Andrzej Matysiak - 48-69 Inflation and Equilibrium (Methodological Aspects)
by Piotr Boguszewski - 70-85 The Relationship between Wages and Inflation in Economies of Shortages
by Szilvia Szegő - 86-102 The Tasks of Trade in Socialist Means of Production Within the Context of Further Economic Growth
by Hans-Christoph Steudtner
January 1990, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 95-125 Estimates of the Output Loss from Allocative Inefficiency: A Comparison of Hungary and West Germany
by Robert S. Whitesell - 126-152 Changes in the Structure of Industrial Production and Foreign Trade in the Period of Restrictions, 1978-1986
by János Gács - 153-171 Market Strategy of the Hungarian Enterprise: Sources of Inadequate Response to Environmental Challenges
by Péter Ákos Bod - 172-187 The Defense of Worktime in Hungary: Worktime and the Economic Reform
by János Timár
December 1989, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 1-1 Publisher’s Note
by The Editors - 95-125 A Comparison of Hungary and West Germany
by Robert S. Whitesell - 126-152 Changes in the Structure of Industrial Production and Foreign Trade in the Period of Restrictions, 1978-1986
by János Gács - 153-171 Sources of Inadequate Response to Environmental Challenges
by Péter Ákos Bod - 172-187 Worktime and the Economic Reform
by János Timár
September 1989, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-1 Publisher’s Note
by The Editors - 3-13 An Overview and Assessment
by Josef C. Brada & István Dobozi - 17-33 Economic Control and the Structural Interdependence of Organizations in Hungary at the End of the Second Reform Decade
by Aladár Sipos & Márton Tardos - 34-52 Next Steps in the Hungarian Economic Reform
by Béla Balassa - 53-63 Hungarian Financial and Labor Market Reforms
by Catherine M. Sokil - 64-78 Can Hungary’s Monetary Policy Succeed?
by Márton Tardos - 79-92 The Reorganization of the Banking System in Hungary
by Tamás Bácskai