April 1985, Volume 18, Issue 3
January 1984, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 3-22 The Law of Supply and Demand and Its Role in a Socialist Economy
by Lin Wenyi & Jia Lurang - 23-38 The Basis for Socialist Production Price: A Reassessment
by Jiang Qiwei - 39-57 A Preliminary Inquiry into the Theory of Service Value
by He Xiaofeng - 58-72 A Further Discussion of the Objective Bases for the Principle of Setting Price according to Quality
by Jia Kecheng - 73-87 How Do We Interpret "Value Is the Relations of Production Cost and Utility"?
by Wang Weizhong & Hong Dalin
October 1984, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 3-13 On the Duality of Price Subsidy and the Path to Its Reform
by Deng Huansong - 14-33 The Profit in Planned Prices Should Be Formulated in Accordance with a Composite Profit Index
by Ji Zhengzhi - 34-43 Price Ratios Among Agricultural Products Must Be Well Adjusted
by Zuo Mu - 44-58 The Transformed Form of Value Under the Socialist System
by Gu Shutang & Yang Yuchuan - 59-76 A Further Inquiry into Value Determination and the Law of Value
by Gu Shutang & Yang Yuchuan - 77-95 An Investigation into the Current Compensation System for Mental and Manual Labor
by He Xiaopei
July 1984, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 3-9 Stress the Effect of Consumption on Production
by Yue Ping - 10-15 A Rational Economic Structure Is the Precondition for Healthy Development of the National Economy
by Peng Tian - 16-39 New Developments in the Contracting System of United Production and the Cooperative Economy in the Countryside
by Du Runsheng - 63-71 Current Status of China's Transport and Prospects in the Near Future
by Guo Hongtao - 72-80 Methods to Appraise Economic Efficiency
by Dai Yuanchen - 81-98 On Several Problems Involving Financial Work
by Wang Bingqian - 99-109 The Key Lies in Enhancing Economic Efficiency
by Yu Guangyuan
April 1984, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 3-17 Again on "Standard Output"
by Li Zili - 18-26 Bring out the Superiority of the System of Contracted Responsibilities on the Household Basis
by Feng Jixin - 27-32 Strengthen Planned Economy and Improve Planning Work
by Ma Hong - 53-60 Further Reform and Improve the Financial System
by Tian Yun & Jin Renxiong & Yuan Zhenyu - 61-67 Problems in the Reform of Statistical Work
by Huang Hai - 68-75 In Stressing Economic Results Attention Must Be Paid to the Law of Value
by Zhang Zhuoyuan - 76-83 Separation of Government Administration from Commune Management Is a Need of Rural Economic Development and of Building Political Power
by Zhang Chunsheng & Song Dahan
January 1984, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 3-30 An Inquiry into the Problems Concerning the Reform of the Economic System
by Xue Muqiao - 31-36 Earnings, Prices, and Lives
by Yang Shengming - 37-49 China's Utilization of Foreign Funds and Relevant Policies
by Ji Chongwei - 50-67 To Raise Production Four-Fold in two Decades is not Only Politically Probable but Technologically Feasible
by Sun Yefang - 68-77 Problems in the "Substitution of Taxes for Profits" in State -Run Enterprises
by Tian Jiyun - 78-87 A Scientific Study of China's Strategy of Economic and Social Development
by Yu Guangyuan - 88-92 Raise Economic Efficiency and Accelerate the Growth of National Income
by Li Xuezeng & Yang Shengming
October 1983, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 65-73 On the Theory of Reform of the Economic Management System
by Yu Guangyuan - 74-87 Economic Adjustment and the Rate of Growth
by Ma Hong - 88-95 Seriously Study the Strategy of our Economic Development from a Historical Viewpoint
by Zhou Shulian - 96-104 How to Transform Cyclical Economic Fluctuations into Smooth, Expanded Reproduction
by Liu Guoguang & Shen Liren
July 1983, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 3-16 On the Development of China's Foreign Trade
by Xu Shiwei - 17-26 Reform Blazes a New Path for Foreign Trade
by Zhang Li - 27-36 Strengthen our Economic and Trade Relations with Oil-Producing Countries in the Middle East
by Fu Zhengluo & An Baojun - 37-50 Exploit the Role of Foreign Trade and Accelerate the Rate of China's Economic Development
by He Xinhao - 51-62 Thirty Years Of Sino-Japanese Trade
by Lin Liande - 63-69 Current Status and Prospects of Sino-Japanesf Economic and Trade Relations
by Ma Junlei - 70-77 Tie Industry with Trade: An Important Way to Develop Foreign Trade
by Wang Kaike - 78-96 On Adjustment of Foreign Trade Deficits
by Han Kexin
April 1983, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 3-5 Preface
by G. C. W. - 6-9 Editor's Introduction
by George C. Wang - 10-23 The Problem of Export Strategy
by Zou Siyi - 24-39 We Must Review and Reevaluate the Role of Foreign Trade in the Development of the National Economy
by Yuan Wenqi & Wang Jianmin - 40-47 Utilization of Foreign Capital to Renovate Enterprises Produces Good Results
by Yu Xiaosong & Lin Zhongshu - 48-65 On the Role of Foreign Trade Under Socialism
by Wang Linsheng - 66-75 On Export-Import Procedure
by Zhao Yushen - 76-84 On Estimation of the Gain and Loss of Foreign Trade
by Zhao Yushen - 85-92 Conventional Practice in Setting Export-Import Prices
by Cai Tianzhang
January 1982, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 3-19 Production, Distribution, and Allocation of the National Economy
by Yue Wei - 20-28 A Preliminary Discussion of Comprehensive Public Finance
by Xu Riqing - 29-50 An Analysis of the Development of China's Planned Economy and the Tortuous Course it has Trudged
by Luo Gengmo - 51-66 A Comprehensive Balance Should Mean Overall Balance in the Process of Social Reproduction
by Wang Da'an - 67-84 Readjust the National Economy and Strike an Overall Balance
by Xue Muqiao - 85-106 Some Issues Concerning the National Economic Overall Balance
by Liu Guoguang - 107-123 On the Issue of Balancing the State Budget
by Ge Zhida
October 1982, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 3-18 On Balance and Readjustment
by Zhu Chuan - 19-29 Opening Speech at the Symposium on the Theory of Overall Balance of the National Economy
by Xu Dixin - 30-40 Forecasts, Management, and Long-Range Considerations
by Yu Guangyuan - 41-52 A Discussion of Some Prerequisites to the Overall Balance of the National Economy
by Sun Yefang - 53-68 Utilization of Foreign Investment and the Codification of Business Law
by Ji Chongwei
April 1982, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 9-9 Acknowledgments
by N. R. L. & K. L. - 11-43 Introduction
by Nicholas R. Lardy & Kenneth Lieberthal
January 1981, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 4-36 Introduction
by Benedict Stavis & Mitch Meisner - 37-44 Three Times Three Equals Nine is not as Good as two Times five Equals ten
by Mu Jiajun & Ji Jincheng - 45-57 Viewpoints and Suggestions on the Southern Jiangsu Cropping System
by Xiong Yi - 58-63 We Must Reform the Cropping System to Suit Local Conditions
by Lin Jiyang & Liu Peiti - 64-71 Further Discussions on Viewpoints and Suggestions on the Southern Jiangsu Cropping System
by Huang Pinfu - 72-76 A View of the Two-Three Cropping System in Suzhou Prefecture
by Zhou Zhengdu - 82-89 Decisions should be Taken on the Mainstream Reforms in Cropping Systems
by Liu Sunhao & Wang Zaide - 90-92 Overcome the Harmful Influences of "Leftist" Thinking, Develop Socialist Modern Construction in a Stable Way
by Xu Dixin - 93-98 Can't Suzhou Prefecture's Two-Three System Increase Yield?
by Li Erhuang - 99-101 The Two-Three System Made us Peasants Lose Out
by Wang Yongnian - 102-104 Does Criticizing the Two-Three System Amount to Ignoring the Broader Picture?
by Zhang Danan & Sun Lingen & Sun Yousheng - 105-106 In Reforming the Cropping System, We must Seek Truth from Facts
by Lu Shijian - 107-112 Looking at the Two-Three System from the Points of View of a Survey of Agricultural Production Costs and of the Records of Food Grain Distribution
by Yang Ruichun & Zheng Lizhi - 113-116 We must Adjust and Reform the Cropping System when the Gains cannot Offset the Losses
by Zhang Liufang - 117-117 It is Necessary to Emphasize and Strengthen Scientific Research on Agricultural Mechanization
by Zhang Huiwen & Zhu Peiwei
October 1981, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 3-19 The Application of Input-Output Analysis to Steel and Iron Combined Enterprises
by Li Bingquan - 20-30 Exploit the Potential of Enterprises and Speed up the Circulation of Materiel
by Wan Jing - 31-37 Does the Key to the Overextension of the Basic Construction Front Lie in Uncompensated Allocation of Funds?
by Cai Yanchu - 38-46 Instituting an Intrafactory Economic Contract System is a Good Device to Strengthen Business Management
by Dong Yusheng - 47-61 Some Questions of Right and Wrong in Statistics Work must be Clarified
by Wang Zheng - 62-71 On the Question of Adjusting the Proportional Relationship between the Means of Production and the Means of Livelihood
by Song Jiwen - 72-86 Why did the Four Hundred Pilot Experiment Enterprises in Sichuan Achieve Swift Results?
by Ren Tao - 87-94 Give Full Play to the Active Role of Loans for Minor Technological Innovation
by Luo Rucheng & Shu Jinzhong
July 1981, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 3-16 Review of Thirty Years of Management of Commercial Undertakings and Suggestions for its Future Reform
by Ye Yinsong - 17-29 The Administrative System of the Economy should be Separated from the Administrative System of State Power
by Luo Jingfen - 30-37 A Discussion on the Starting Point and Main Basis for the Reform of Economic Structure
by Song Yangyan - 38-47 The Management System of Materiel must be Reformed
by Li Yinglu - 48-89 Take the Road of Agricultural Modernization the Chinese Way
by Zhan Wu
January 1980, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 3-4 The Profit Category and Socialist Business Management
by Zhou Shulian & Wu Jinglian & Wang Haibo - 139-168 Tentative Study on The Reform of The Economic System
by Xue Muqiao
October 1980, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 3-5 Editor's Introduction
by George C. Wang - 6-18 Prospects for China's Economy in The 1980s
by Xu Dixin - 19-37 China's Economy Undergoes a Sharp Change
by Dong Furen - 38-53 On Reforming China's Economic Management System
by Liu Kuoguang - 54-67 China's Current Effort to Import Technology and Its Prospects
by Gu Nianliang - 68-78 The Conception and Prospects of the Special Economic Zones in Guangdong
by Sun Ru - 79-93 Shanghai's Foreign Trade and its Prospects
by Cai Beihua - 94-98 Speakers at the Seminar
by Xu Dixin
July 1980, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 3-31 On the Relations Between Planning and the Market in the Socialist Economy
by Liu Guoguang & Zhao Renwei - 32-62 Problems Involving the System of Planned Management of the Economy of Ownership by the Whole People in Our Country and the Direction of its Reform
by He Jianzhang - 63-83 Some Theoretical Issues Regarding the Law of Value
by Ma Jiaju - 84-93 Is Not the Law of Value a Law of Commodity Economy?
by Dong Dasheng - 94-97 Is the Utilization of the Law of Value Optional?
by Meng Lian - 98-103 A Suggestion that the Term "Net Output Value" be Used to Replace "Gross Output Value" as the Major Economic Index
by Wan Dianwu
April 1980, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 3-19 Economic Effect and the Quality of Products
by Yu Guangyuan - 20-45 Strengthen Research on the Problem of the Economics of Agricultural Technology
by Yu Guangyuan - 46-57 The Concept of Returns on Investment and the Method for Computation when Products have been Stripped of Their Special Forms
by Yu Guangyuan - 58-68 Socialist Ownership by the Whole People and Commodity Production
by Zhang Chaozun & Xiang Qiyuan & Huang Zhenqi - 69-82 On the Economic form of Socialist Economy
by Liu Mingfu - 83-95 Energetically Organize the Exchange between Industrial and Agricultural Products
by Zhu Weiwen - 96-115 Problems Regarding the Formation of Socialist Planned Price
by Ji Zhengzhi
October 1979, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 3-4 Editor's Introduction
by George C. Wang - 5-11 Profit and Accumulation are two Categories
by Liang Wensen - 12-21 A Few Issues Concerning Socialist Accumulation
by Hong Yuanpeng - 22-39 Implement the "Four Unifications" and Bring into Full Play the Role of Farm Machinery
by Ma Chuandong & Tian Jiasen - 58-73 Investigative Report: A Few Problems Involved in the Effort to Speed up Agricultural Mechanization as Seen from the Experience at Wuming
by Shi Qian & Cao Dichen & Yi Hongren & Shao Xiuyun & Li Chunxia - 74-85 A Trial Exposition on the Question of "Increasing Production and Income" in the Rural People's Communes
by Zhou Cheng - 86-104 A Few Problems Concerning How to Accelerate the Development of our Country's Agriculture
by He Jianzhang & Wu Kaitai - 105-151 Offshore: The Petroleum Industry in The People's Republic of China 1969-1978
by John B. Leach
July 1979, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 3-5 Editor's Introduction
by George C. Wang - 6-55 The Concept of Economic Effects in the Production of Material Values Under the Condition of Socialism
by Yu Guangyuan - 56-68 Economic Accounting in Yantai [Chefoo] District Highway Transport Company
by Fan Peihua - 69-94 On the Question of Increasing Enterprise Earnings and Accelerating Capital Accumulation
by Ji Chongwei & Wang Zhenzhi - 95-106 Socialist Accumulation and Enterprise Profits
by Sun Ru
April 1979, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 3-5 Editor's Introduction
by George C. Wang - 7-17 Economic Science Must Serve the Purpose of Developing the National Economy at High Speed
by Jingji yanjiu - 18-36 A Rebuttal of the "Gang of Four's" Fabrication â The "Duality in Socialist Production Relations"
by Hu Ruiliang - 37-44 Would Money in a Socialist Economy Inevitably Breed a Bourgeoisie?
by Zhang Wenxiao - 45-55 Expose and Criticize the "Gang of Four" on the Economic Theory Front â Carry The Struggle to the End
by Jingji yanjiu - 56-86 Chairman Mao's Contribution to the Development of Marxism on the Questions of Transforming Production Relations and Developing the Productive Forces
by Xu Dixin - 87-108 On the Relations Between Politics and Economics
by Lin Zili & You Lin - 109-113 Why Did the "Gang of Four" Limit Chairman Mao's Directives on Theoretical Questions to the Restriction of Bourgeois Rights?
by Zuo Xu - 114-133 Distribution According to Labor is not an Economic Base for the Emergence of the Bourgeoisie
by Wang Haibo & Zhou Shulian & Wu Jinglian
October 1978, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 3-5 u>Editor's Introduction>/u
by George C. Wang - 6-10 We Must Run State Farms Well
by Jen-min jih-pao - 21-36 Treat Farmland Capital Construction as a Great Socialist Task
by Ch'en Yung-kuei - 37-40 Accelerate the Pace of China's Agricultural Mechanization
by Jen-min jih-pao - 50-82 Mobilize The Whole Party. Fight a Decisive Battle for Three Years. Strive Hard to Basically Realize Agricultural Méchanization
by Yü Ch'iu-li - 83-97 Distinguish the Correct Line From the Incorrect Ones; Actively Develop Socialist Foreign Trade
by Li Ch'iang - 98-103 March Toward the Modernization of National Defense Science and Technology
by Jen-min jih-pao - 104-109 Push Technical Innovation and Technology Revolution in a Big Way; Develop Industrial Production at High Speed
by Jen-min jih-pao - 110-123 Modern Science and Technology
by Ch'ien Hsueh-sen - 124-138 Abstract of a Report on the State of Science and Education Delivered by Comrade Fang i at the Seventh Enlarged Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Fourth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference
by I. Fang - 139-141 The Output of Crude Oil in the First Half of This Year Reaches the Highest Level in History
by Jen-min jih-pao - 153-168 Fully Utilize and Actively Develop Shanghai's Industry and Make Even Greater Contributions Toward the Realization of the Four Modernizations
by P'eng Ch'ung
January 1977, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 3-3 Guest Editor
by Nicholas R. Lardy - 4-18 Lecture 16: Financial Planning
by Feng Li-t'ien - 19-34 Lecture 17: The National Economic Balance Table
by Chu Ch'eng-p'ing - 35-50 Lecture 1: Industrial Production Planning Tables
by Fang Fa - 51-65 Lecture 2: Commercial Planning Tables
by Sun Chih-fang - 66-80 Lecture 3: Transport Planning Tables
by Ch'en T'ieh-cheng - 81-91 Lecture 4: Agricultural Production Planning Tables
by Liu Hsien-kao - 92-107 Lecture 5: Capital Construction Planning Tables
by P'eng Jung-ch'üan - 108-122 Lecture 10: Labor And Wage Planning Tables
by Cheng K'ang-ning & Hsia Wu - 123-141 Lecture 11: Cadre Planning Tables
by Ch'en Chi-ch'eng & Ch'en Chih-chang - 142-157 Lecture 13: Material-Technical Supply Planning Tables
by Sun Hui-ch'ing - 158-169 Lecture 14: Cultural, Educational, and Health Services Planning Tables
by Huang Chih-yin
October 1977, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 3-5 Editor's Introduction
by George C. Wang - 6-15 Expose the Conspiracy of "the Gang of Four" in Attacking Foreign Trade Policy
by Kuo Mao-yen - 52-63 A Critique of Teng Hsiao-P'ing's Comprador-Bourgeois Economic Thought
by Kao Lu & Ch'ang Ko
July 1977, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 3-8 Translator's Introduction
by James E. Nickum - 92-117 Recent Condition of Rural People's Communes
by Ronald Y. L. Cheng
April 1977, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 3-5 Introduction
by Nicholas R. Lardy - 6-14 Lecture 3: Methods in Formulating National Economic Plans
by Chung Ch'i-fu - 15-26 Lecture 5: Industrial Production Planning
by Ma Chi-k'ung & Tsung Shih - 27-40 Lecture 6: Agricultural Production Planning
by Yen Shao-ch'un - 41-52 Lecture 7: Transport Planning
by Kuo Tzu-ch'eng - 53-64 Lecture 9: The Material-Technical Supply Plan
by Chou Shu-chün - 65-80 Lecture 10: Labor Planning
by Li Yu-heng - 81-92 Lecture 11: Wage Planning
by Wu Ching-ch'ao - 93-103 Lecture 15: Price Planning
by Ch'en Hsi-jun
July 1976, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 3-5 Editor's Introduction
by George C. Wang - 28-38 Implement The Policy of Taking Agriculture as the Foundation and Industry as the Leading Factor
by Hua Yün - 39-49 To Develop Industry We Must Initiate Technical Innovation
by Rung Hsiao-wen - 68-78 Striking Contrast Between two Different Economic Systems
by Hsia Li-chih - 82-97 The Chinese Monetary System
by Pierre-Henri Cassou
January 1975, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 3-5 Editor's Introduction
by George C. Wang
October 1975, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 3-3 On The Management of Socialist Enterprises
by Kung Hsiao-wen - 4-11 Workers are the Masters of Socialist Enterprises
by Kung Hsiao-wen - 12-17 Enterprise Management Has A Class Character
by Chiang Yang-nan - 18-24 Management is also Socialist Education
by I Miao-chang - 25-29 The System Must Beneficially Stimulate Mass Initiative
by Yang Ying-shun - 30-35 Take a Correct View of the Elimination And Establishment of Rules and Regulations
by Huang Lai-chi - 36-41 Discipline Must Be Established on the Basis of the Masses' Consciousness
by Wu Yüeh-hua - 42-47 The Big-Character Poster is a Weapon for Mass Participation in Management
by Ts'ao Pao-mei - 48-53 Adhere to the Socialist Principle of Economic Accounting
by Tan Hsi - 54-60 Set Up an Administrative Structure Which Forges Close Ties with the Masses
by Kung Ching - 61-67 Bring Into Play the Role of the Revolutionary Committees Under the Leadership of the Party
by Fu P'ei-tzu - 77-82 Running A Plant By Proletarian Revolutionary Spirit
by Chi Chih
April 1975, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 3-7 Editor's Introduction
by George C. Wang