July 1985, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 54-58 Viewpoint
by WM. Patrick Nichols - 58-60 Analysis
by Dwayne Wrightsman - 60-64 The Second Industrial Divide
by Hyman P. Minsky - 65-65 For Further Reading
by The Editors
May 1985, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 2-3 In This Issue
by Richard D. Bartel - 4-13 How Monetarism Failed
by Nicholas Kaldor - 14-21 The Second Debt Crisis Is Coming
by C. Fred Bergsten - 22-31 Hungary’s Reform: Halfway to the Market
by János Kornai - 32-38 Losing Ground
by Sheldon Danziger & Peter Gottschalk - 39-46 The Fairness Test for Student-Aid Cuts
by Sandra R. Baum & Saul Schwartz - 47-52 Exploding the Investment-Incentive Myth
by Robert S. McIntyre & Dean C. Tipps - 53-54 The Growlery
by Harold F. Breimyer - 55-57 Analysis
by Fred Moseley - 57-59 Reply
by Samuel Bowles & David M. Gordon & Thomas E. Weisskopf - 59-63 Perspective
by Charles H. Hession - 63-64 Letter
by Martin Bronfenbrenner - 65-65 For Further Reading
by The Editors
March 1985, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 2-3 In This Issue
by Richard D. Bartel - 4-11 Tax Reform at the Crossroads
by Joseph J. Minarik - 12-18 Money and the Lender of Last Resort
by Hyman P. Minsky - 19-26 Using the Presidency to Fight Inflation
by James K. Galbraith - 27-35 Why Economics Needs Input-Output Analysis
by Wassily Leontief - 36-41 The Bishops on the U.S. Economy
by James R. Crotty & James R. Stormes - 42-47 China Turns to Industry Reform
by Andrew G. Walder - 48-50 The Growlery
by John H. Hotson - 50-53 Viewpoint
by Julian L. Simon - 53-57 Perspective
by Peter A. Henderson & Thomas H. Bruggink - 57-62 The Spirit of Enterprise by George Gilder and Business Plan for America: An Entrepreneur’s Manifesto by Don Gevirtz
by Peter Bearse - 62-62 Letter
by Ivan K. Cohen - 63-63 For Further Reading
by The Editors
January 1985, Volume 27, Issue 6
- 2-3 In This Issue
by Richard D. Bartel - 4-11 Succumbing to Keynesianism
by Paul A. Samuelson - 12-16 The Fiscal Revolution: Disturbing Prospects
by James Tobin - 17-25 An Economist’s Perspective Over 60 Years
by Arthur F. Burns - 26-32 The Demise of “Free” Education
by Edwin G. West - 33-39 Lessons from Japan’s Incomes Policy
by Robert Evans - 40-47 What Have Auto-Import Quotas Wrought?
by Robert W. Crandall - 48-49 The Growlery
by Lawrence A. Kudlow - 50-52 Abroad
by Lester R. Brown & Edward C. Wolf - 52-55 Viewpoint
by Scott Thomas & Mathew Shane - 56-57 Washington
by Marvin Phaup - 58-62 Tax Incentives and Economic Growth
by Paul B. Manchester - 62-64 Letters
by The Editors - 65-65 For Further Reading
by The Editors
November 1984, Volume 27, Issue 5
- 2-3 In This Issue
by Richard D. Bartel - 4-11 Evaluating Reaganomics
by Paul A. Samuelson - 12-18 How Supply-Side Triumphed
by Alan Reynolds - 19-25 Why the Dollar Won’t Come Down
by Stephen Marris - 26-33 Inflation or Deflation: Which Is It?
by Eliot Janeway - 34-40 The Case for a Share Economy
by Martin L. Weitzman - 41-46 The Revolution in U. S. Banking
by William A. Lovett - 47-53 Incentives for Solving Social Problems
by William J. Baumol & Edwin S. Mills - 54-56 The Growlery
by Paul Davidson - 56-57 Washington
by Patricia Schroeder - 57-61 Analysis
by Edwin Mansfield - 61-64 Viewpoint
by Richard Pomfret - 65-65 For Further Reading
by The Editors
September 1984, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 2-3 In This Issue
by Richard D. Bartel - 4-9 Grassroots Development in Latin America
by Albert O. Hirschman - 10-17 Are We Better Off in 1984?
by Richard C. Michel & Frank S. Levy & Marilyn L. Moon & Isabel V. Sawhill - 18-24 Can We Salvage the 1980s?
by Isabel V. Sawhill - 25-31 Reaganomics and the Fairness Issue
by Robert Buchele - 32-36 Myths That Drive the Arms Race
by Franklyn D. Holzman - 37-42 French Socialists March to the Right
by R. Joseph Monsen - 43-48 The Mechanization of Work: Paradise or Purgatory?
by Joel Novek - 49-51 The Growlery
by Robert Piron - 51-55 Analysis
by Barry R. Chiswick & Carmel U. Chiswick - 55-57 Perspective
by Daniel S. Hamermesh - 57-61 At Home
by Dave M. O’Neill - 61-64 The Troubled Crusade: American Education, 1945-1980 by Diane Ravitch and Horace’s Compromise: The Dilemma of the American High School by Theodore R. Sizer
by Michael S. McPherson - 65-65 For Further Reading
by The Editors
July 1984, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 2-3 In This Issue
by Richard D. Bartel - 4-11 The Latin American Dimension
by Rudiger Dornbusch - 12-20 The Issue Is Illiquidity, Not Insolvency
by William R. Cline - 21-26 Needed: Commitment to Structural Adjustment
by Gustav Ranis - 27-30 From Crisis to Renewed Growth
by Martin Feldstein - 31-37 M-Form: Making Decisions and Building Consensus
by William Ouchi - 38-45 The Demise of Nuclear Power: What Comes Next?
by Christopher Flavin - 46-49 The Growlery
by Barbara R. Bergmann - 49-52 At Home
by Eugene Epstein - 52-55 Perspective
by Bernard L. Weinstein & Harold T. Gross - 55-64 Energy Future: Revisited—Adjustment or Restructuring?
by Stephen C. Stamos - 65-65 For Further Reading
by The Editors
May 1984, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 2-3 In This Issue
by Richard D. Bartel - 4-10 The Failure of Soviet Leadership
by Marshall I. Goldman - 11-17 Markets for Pollution Control
by Wallace E. Oates - 18-25 The Roots of Central American Rebellion
by Gary W. Wynia - 26-34 The Keynesian Restoration
by Alan S. Blinder - 35-41 The Wage Deceleration of 1982-83
by Wayne Vroman - 42-46 Joan Robinson’s Legacy
by Alfred S. Eichner - 47-51 The Growlery
by Walter Adams & James W. Brock - 51-55 At Home
by Bradley R. Schiller - 55-59 Perspective
by Ethan B. Kapstein - 59-61 Analysis
by James Annable - 61-63 The Barbaric Counter-Revolution: Cause and Cure by W. W. Rostow and Presidential Economics: The Making of Economic Policy from Roosevelt to Reagan and beyond by Herbert Stein
by Charles P. Kindleberger - 63-63 Letter
by Robert Killingsworth - 64-64 For Further Reading
by The Editors
March 1984, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 2-3 In This Issue
by Richard D. Bartel - 4-9 Facing up to the Twin Deficits
by Paul A. Volcker - 10-14 The Case for Rapid Growth
by James K. Galbraith - 15-23 Why Nations Rise and Fall
by Mancur Olson - 24-29 A Needed Dose of Competition …
by Alfred E. Kahn - 30-33 … Or a Free Ride for AT&T?
by John D. Dingell & Timothy E. Nulty & Mark McCarthy - 34-40 The Abdication of Big Steel
by Louis Schorsch - 41-48 A Social Model for U. S. Productivity Growth
by Samuel Bowles & David M. Gordon & Thomas E. Weisskopf - 49-52 A Symposium: Incomes Policy
by Thomas Mayer - 52-54 A Symposium: Incomes Policy
by James Tobin - 55-57 A Symposium: Incomes Policy
by Allen Sinai - 57-60 Abroad
by Rodrigo K. Briones - 60-63 Economic Development: Theory, Policy, and International Relations
by Henry J. Bruton - 63-63 For Further Reading
by The Editors
January 1984, Volume 26, Issue 6
- 2-3 In This Issue
by Richard D. Bartel - 4-8 Keynes, Roosevelt, and the Complementary Revolutions
by John Kenneth Galbraith - 9-20 Budgeting for Peace and Growth
by Alfred S. Eichner - 21-28 Congress Can’t Face It Alone
by Alice M. Rivlin - 29-36 The Budget Cuts: The Day After
by Richard P. Nathan & Fred C. Doolittle - 37-41 Why the Dollar Is Strong
by Martin Feldstein - 42-50 Reviewing Reagan’s Economic Program
by Sheldon Danziger & Robert Haveman & Donald Nichols & Barbara Wolfe - 51-53 The Growlery
by David M. Roderick - 54-58 Analysis
by Michael C. Munger - 58-61 Washington
by Jacques S. Gansler - 61-64 The World’s Money
by Charles P. Kindleberger - 64-64 Letter
by Stephen L. Mangum - 65-65 For Further Reading
by The Editors
November 1983, Volume 26, Issue 5
- 2-4 In This Issue
by Richard D. Bartel - 5-11 Keynes’ Policies in Theory and Practice
by James Tobin - 12-21 The Myth of U. S. Deindustrialization
by Robert Z. Lawrence - 22-28 Sidney Weintraub, the Man and His Ideas
by Laurence S. Seidman - 29-37 The Zero-Sum Illusion
by Samuel Bowles - 38-45 Business against the Welfare State
by Richard E. Foglesong - 46-50 How Far Is Mitterrand from Barre?
by Saul Estrin & Peter Holmes - 51-53 The Growlery
by Michael Moffitt - 53-54 At Home
by Joseph Scherer - 54-56 Analysis
by John E. Schwarz - 57-58 Viewpoint
by Sidney C. Sufrin - 58-60 Washington
by Larry C. Ledebur & David W. Rasmussen - 60-64 Utilitarianism and beyond ; Spheres of Justice: A Defense of Pluralism and Equality
by Michael S. McPherson - 65-65 For Further Reading
by The Editors
September 1983, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 2-3 In This Issue
by Richard Bartel - 4-11 Re-Entering Paradise: The Mechanization of Work
by Gerard Piel - 12-17 The Energy Crisis Is Over … Again
by John P. Weyant - 18-24 Japan and the U.S.: Trading Shots Over Beef and Oranges
by C. Peter Timmer & Michael R. Reich - 25-33 We Can Learn from the Past
by Herbert Stein - 34-43 A Look at Reagan’s Revolution in Development Policy
by Richard Newfarmer - 44-48 A “Third Way” for Feldstein: Tip
by Laurence S. Seidman - 49-51 The Growlery
by Carolyn Shaw Bell - 51-52 DeGrasse Responds
by Robert W. DeGrasse - 52-55 At Home
by Eileen Appelbaum - 56-57 Analysis
by George E. Hoffer & Robert J. Reilly - 57-60 Viewpoint
by Bradley R. Schiller - 61-61 For Further Reading
by The Editors - 63-64 Reader Survey
by The Editors
July 1983, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 2-3 In This Issue
by Richard D. Bartel - 4-15 Military Spending and Jobs
by Robert W. DeGrasse - 16-21 Now Is the Time for a National Industrial Strategy
by Stan N. Lundine - 22-25 Industrial Policy Is Not the Answer
by Murray L. Weidenbaum - 26-33 The Anatomy of Power
by John Kenneth Galbraith - 34-41 Which Way for France?
by Robert Eisner - 42-50 No Golden Age for College Graduates
by Samuel M. Ehrenhalt - 51-53 The Growlery
by Harold F. Breimyer - 54-56 Viewpoint
by Bernard M. S. Van Praag & Peter A. B. Konijn - 57-59 Washington
by Martin Freedman & A. J. Stagliano - 59-63 At Home
by Kevin F. McCarthy - 64-64 For Further Reading
by The Editors
May 1983, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 2-3 In This Issue
by Richard D. Bartel - 4-10 The Secret of Japan’s Success
by Eleanor M. Hadley - 11-19 How Serious Is U.S. Bank Exposure?
by Paul A. Volcker - 20-25 Financial Institutions in Ferment
by Henry Kaufman - 26-33 Shifting Sands of Recovery
by Martin S. Feldstein - 34-39 “Staying the Course” Won’t Help the Budget
by Michael E. Levy - 40-45 The Gatt Ministerial: A Postmortem
by Jeffrey J. Schott - 46-48 The Growlery
by Marvin E. Rozen - 48-49 At Home
by Timothy Bates - 50-57 Abroad
by Mark Danser Hibbs - 57-63 Viewpoint
by Donald Tomaskovic-Devey & S. M. Miller - 63-64 Letter
by Verne W. Loose - 64-64 For Further Reading
by The Editors
March 1983, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 3-5 Reflections and Speculations
by Richard D. Bartel - 6-17 Technology and Unemployment in the Western World
by W. W. Rostow - 18-22 The Bitter Fruits of Labor
by Sar A. Levitan & Robert Taggart - 22-26 Women’s Plight: Bad and Getting Worse
by Barbara R. Bergmann - 26-32 The Once and Future Fed
by Henry S. Reuss - 32-35 Monetary Policy and Inflationary Expectations
by Andrew F. Brimmer - 36-39 An International Keynesian Yank
by Lester C. Thurow - 39-42 The Need for Militant Moderatism
by George W. McKinney - 42-44 Remedies Available, Good Sense Lacking
by Robert Lekachman - 44-47 The Drift to Protectionism
by Murray L. Weidenbaum - 48-50 The Erosion of Federal Statistics
by Carolyn Shaw Bell - 50-54 Starting Over: A New Bipartisan Economic Policy
by Herbert Stein - 54-57 The Gap between Trade Theory and Capital Flows
by Robert V. Roosa - 58-61 1929: Ten Lessons for Today
by Charles P. Kindleberger - 62-65 Minding America’s Business: The Decline and Rise of the American Economy , and The Deindustrialization of America: Plant Closings, Community Abandonment, and the Dismantling of Basic Industry
by Mark Hibbs
January 1983, Volume 25, Issue 6
- 2-3 In This Issue
by Richard D. Bartel - 4-13 Can We Prevent a World Economic Crisis?
by C. Fred Bergsten - 14-19 International Banking Is out of Control
by Richard S. Dale - 20-29 Why the Music Stopped
by Pedro-Pablo Kuczynski - 30-39 What Is Industrial Democracy?
by Herbert A. Simon - 40-49 The US.-Soviet Food Connection
by Lester R. Brown