December 2020, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 17-31 Teenagers` Perception about Discrimination
by Luminița Mihaela Drăghicescu & Ioana Stăncescu & Ana-Maria Sudu - 32-37 The Effects of Mass-Media on Social Behavior, Emotions and Cognitions
by Antonio Sandu & Polixenia Nistor - 38-46 Pilot Judgments Delivered by the European Court of Human Rights against Romania
by Crina Mihaela Verga - 47-61 Supranationalism vs. Intergovernmentalism in the Actual Organization of EU
by Virginia Zaharia & Veronica Pozneacova - 62-64 Review of the Volume “Asistenta sociala si religiozitatea la persoanele cu handicap†[Social Work and Religiosity for People with Disabilities], Author: Carmen Gabriela Mandrilă-Lazareanu, Lumen Publishing House, 2020
by Iulian Apostu - 65-70 Review of the Book †Catre o nouă expertiza etica. Deconstruind valorile etice†[Towards a New Ethical Expertise. Deconstructing Ethical Values], Author: Ana Frunza, Lumen Publishing
by Octavian Razvan Ciortea - 71-76 Review of the Volume †Povestile hartilor. Istorie si geopolitica in tari ale uniunii europene†[The Stories of the Maps. History and Geopolitics in European Union Countries], Author: Cristian Sandache, Lumen Publishing House, 2016
by Mihai-Octavian Groza
December 2020, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 01-16 Public Participation in the Decisional Process in Bucharest
by Andreea Acasandre - 17-30 SARS-COV2 as Trigger for Reviewing Strategic and Operational Public Administration Frameworks
by Laura-Mariana Cismas & Cornelia Dumitru - 31-40 Challenges for the Entrepreneurial Environment and the European Union During the Pandemic
by Irina Geanina Harja - 41-50 The Use of Mass Media in the Social Welfare Area
by Alina-Maria Breaz - 51-58 Insights into Lexico-Semantic Fields of Romanian Editorial-Polygraphic Terms
by Svetlana CalaraÅŸ - 59-71 Investigating Age and Gender Stereotypes
by Andreea Acasandre & Diana Bancov - 72-75 Considerations on the doctoral thesis „Mitul Salvatorului în strategiile de comunicare în campaniile pentru alegeri prezidențiale în România postdecembristă†[...]
by Antonio Sandu
December 2019, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-25 Presidential Elections in Post-December Romania - Bivalent Influences on Democratization
by Roxana Mosor - 26-35 The Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and the Ottoman Empire in First War World
by Zoltan Robert Bolek - 36-45 The Role of European Personalities in Building Cooperation in the Field of Education
by Cristina Iulia Gila - 46-58 Analysis of the Formation and Allocation of Resources Directed at Funding Environmental Projects and Programmes (EPP)
by Ionel Bostan & Cristina Mihaela Lazar & Ioan Hurjui & Nicoleta Asalos - 59-61 Review on “Costuri sociale ale migratiei externe din Romania†, authored by Daniela Petronela FERARU, LUMEN Publishing House
by Ana Frunza - 62-65 Review to the Volume Ipostaze ale simbolului in lumea traditionala, Author Daniel Cojanu, LUMEN Publishing House
by Antonio Sandu - 66-69 Review on Dezvoltarea regionala. De la teorie la practica authored by Daniela ANTONESCU, LUMEN Publishing House
by Elena Gafton
December 2017, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 15-23 The Principle "Pacta Sunt Servanda" in the Relationship of the Russian Federation - Republic of Moldova
by Svetlana CEBOTARI & Sergiu PLOP - 25-32 Political Marketing Campaign
by Catalina-Gabriela BELGIU (CUREA) & Iuliana CONSTANTIN - 34-36 From democracy and chaos
by Elena UNGURU
June 2017, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 7-25 East- European Space in the Context of the New Geopolitical Architecture Configuration
by Svetlana CEBOTARI & Ion SERJANT - 27-43 Historical and Conceptual Approaches of Sovereignty
by Maria STOIAN-MUSTEATA - 45-48 Social Role of NGOs in Ukraine
by Vladlen MAKOUKH - 49-51 Contemporary Bilateral Relations between Ukraine and Hungary: Main Features and Hot Issues
by Vladlen MAKOUKH - 55-63 Business Communication – British and German Perspectives
by Elena CIORTESCU - 67-72 Review for the volume “Criticism of ethical and philosophical grounds of national-socialism”, authored by Antoniu Alexandru Flandorfer, Eikon Publishing House, 2016
by Antonio SANDU
December 2015, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 13-33 The Republic of Moldova and Ukraine in the Context of Russian Federation’s Sphere of Influence
by Svetlana CEBOTARI & Carolina BUDURINA-GOREACII - 35-47 EEAS at the Beginning of XXIst Century: Some Institutional Innovations in EU Diplomacy
by Madalina Virginia ANTONESCU - 49-65 Gender Violence within the Inter-American System of Human Rights Protection. The Resurgence of Gender Cultural Construct
by Maria Beatrice BERNA - 67-74 The Role of Romanian - France Relations in France's Eastern Policy (16th century)/Rolul relatiilor româno-franceze în politica orientala a Frantei (sec. al XVI-lea)
by Daniela HADÎRCA-NASTAS - 75-90 Managing “Mega- Daguos” in the Global Society of XXIst Century
by Madalina Virginia ANTONESCU - 93-96 The Elitism. Theoretical and Ideological Contribution to the Study of Political Elites
December 2015, Volume 3
- 7-10 Approaches in the Political Science Today
by Ciprian Iftimoaei
February 2011, Volume 1
- 11-22 Cultura europeana sau identitatea diversitatii - The European Culture or the Identity of Diversity (Romanian version)
by Associate Professor Ph.D. Sorin BOCANCEA - 23-41 Litispendenta Comunitara - Community Litispendance (Romanian version)
by Associate Professor Ph.D. Gabriela RADUCAN - 43-53 Extensii etice ale bipolarismului ideologic: American Way of Life si Homo Sovieticus - Ethical Extensions of Ideological Bipolarism: the American Way of Life and Homo Sovieticus (Romanian version)
by Lecturer Ph.D. Candidate Ana-Maria AMBROSA - 55-71 Integrarea Egalitatii de Gen in Politicile Publice - dimensiuni teoretice, metodologice si sociale - Integration Of Gender Equality In Public Policy - theoretical, methodological and social dimensions - (Romanian version)
by Lecturer Ph.D. Alina HURUBEAN - 73-100 Marele Spatiu Ortodox: depasirea paradigmei conflictului prin paradigma continuitatii (Iorga versus Huntington) - The Great Orthodox Zone: Abandoning the Conflictual Paradigma for the Paradigma of Continuity (Iorga versus Huntington) (Romanian version)
by Ph.D. Madalina Virginia ANTONESCU - 101-117 Propaganda si manipulare, seductie sau convingere? - Propaganda and Manipulation, Seduction or Conviction? (Romanian version)
by Ph.D. Candidate Nicolae LUPASCU - 119-128 Locurile memoriei. Intelectualii si rolul lor in definirea identitatii europene - The Identitary Landmarks. Intellectuals and Their Role in the Construction of the European Identity (Romanian version)
by Postdoctoral Researcher Ph.D. Simona MITROIU - 129-136 Perspective si politici privind abordarea integrata a copilului in educatia timpurie - Perspectives and Policies Concerning the Child Integrated Approach within Early Education (Romanian version)
by Ph.D. Candidate Eusebiu Neculai MUNTEANU - 137-147 Valori in procesul politicilor publice - Values in Public Policy Process (Romanian version)
by Ph.D. Candidate Dorina TICU - 149-159 Conturarea identitatii europene prin prisma raportului dintre Turcia si Uniunea Europeana - Shaping the European Identity Through the Relationship Between Turkey and the European Union (Romanian version)
by Ph.D. Candidate Cristina ZETU - 161-179 EU Africa Joint Action Plan 2011-2013. A Win-Win game? (English version)
by Senior Student Ioana Raluca BALAS