2011, Issue 8
- 395-402 The Pathology of Communication, from Sign to Symptom
by Doina Mihaela POPA - 403-410 The Reconstruction of Discourse in the Context of Communication in the International Institutions
by Angelica VALCU - 411-425 The Role of Anachronism in the Updating of the Mythical Archetype in the French Theater of the XX Century
by Roxana-Monica HAIDBERG - 427-460 D.H. Lawrence’s Poetic Prose and Translation
by Oana Ruxandra HRITCU - 461-473 Kings and Fools in Three Shakespearean Tragedies
by Iulia MILICA - 475-485 Temporality and Discourse: Orphic Time Figures at Novalis
by Mioara MOCANU - 487-498 A Poet Among Critics: Algernon Charles Swinburne and the “Mandarins” of the Victorian Criticism:
by Roxana PATRAS - 499-511 Media Culture and Social Representations
by Florentina POPA - 513-527 Ethnocentrism and Otherness: The Translations of Hugo's Poems and the Establishment of a Romanian Linguistic and Cultural Identity
by Elena PETREA - 529-538 New Trends and Concepts in the Study of Neology in Specialised Translation
by Sorina POSTOLEA - 539-550 Problem of Proper Names in Orthodox Religious Literature Translated into French
by Felicia DUMAS - 551-557 Barriers to Intercultural Communication with Regard to Translations and Promotion of Romanian Literature Abroad
by Dan LUNGU - 551-557 Barriers to Intercultural Communication with Regard to Translations and Promotion of Romanian Literature Abroad
by Dan LUNGU
Decembrie 2010, Volume 1, Issue 5
- 11-25 Conditii de Fond ale Actului Juridic in Dreptul International Privat. Comparatie intre Reglementarea din Republica Moldova si cea din Romania - Material Conditions of the Juridical Act in the International Private Law. Comparison between the Moldavian and Romanian Legislation (Romanian version)
by Lecturer Ph.D. Candidate Raluca-Oana ANDONE - 26-38 Morala Crestina si Coruptia in Statul de Drept - Christian Morale and Corruption in State of Law (Romanian version)
by Ph.D. Candidate Roxana-Elena LAZAR - 39-48 Arbitrajul ad-hoc si arbitrajul institutionalizat in Romania. Istoric, prezent si perspective - Ad-Hoc Arbitration and Institutionalized Arbitration in Romania. History, Present and Perspectives (Romanian version)
by Ph.D. Candidate Kinga Anetta TRUFAN - 49-60 Cecul - The Cheque (Romanian version)
by Ana-Maria TIRON - 63-71 Dimensiunea Materiala a Dreptului la un Mediu Sanatos in Jurisprudenta Curtii Europene a Drepturior Omului (C.E.D.O.) - Material Dimension of the Human Right to a Healthy Environment in the Jurisprudence of European Court for Human Right (E.C.H.R.) (Romanian version)
by Associate Professor Ph.D. Alexandru CONSTANTINESCU & Ph.D. Candidate Ileana MORARIU & Ph.D. Candidate Gilbert CORDUNEANU - 72-76 Modul de Reglementare a Infractiunilor contra Integritatii Corporale sau Sanatatii Persoanei in Noul Cod Penal- Regulation of Violations against Body or Health Integrity of the Person in the New Penal Code (Romanian version)
by Monica NAUM - 77-91 Consideratii asupra Dilemei: Profesionalism sau Patronaj Politic in Cariera Functionarului Public din Romania - Reflections on the Dilemma: Professionalism or Political Patronage in the Career of the Civil Servant in Romania (Romanian version)
by Lecturer Ph. D. Niculae NEAGU - 92-96 Monocameralism versus Bicameralism în Sistemul Constitutional Romanesc - Unicameralism versus Bicameralism in the Romanian Constitutional System (Romanian version)
by Magda-Ioana IACOB - 99-108 Impactul Crizei Economico-Financiare asupra Capacitatii de Economisire si Investire - The Impact of Economic Crisis on the Economical and Investments Capacity (Romanian version)
by Associate Professor Ph.D. Cristina DIONISIE - 109-120 Romania's International Exposure in the Context of the Crisis (Enghish version)
by Associate Professor Ph.D. Alexandru TRIFU & Lecturer Ph.D. Diana-Viorica LUPU - 121-129 Manifestarea fenomenelor de evaziune si frauda fiscala in contextul actualei crize economico- financiare - The Display of Evasion and Tax Fraud Phenomena in the Context of Current Economic and Financial Crisis (Romanian version)
by Lecturer Ph.D. Corneliu DURDUREANU & Ph.D. Candidate Mircea SOROCEANU - 130-134 Incidenta Impozitelor Indirecte si a Subventiilor asupra Preturilor - The Incidence of Indirect Taxes and Subsidies on Prices (Romanian version)
by Lecturer PH.D. Viorica STAN - 135-152 A Multi-Agent Computational Model of Trade (Enghish version)
by Romulus-Catalin DAMACEANU - 153-159 Analiza Riscului de Tara - Country Risk Analysis (Romanian version)
by Carmen CODREANU & Iustinian COJOCARIU - 160-171 Implicatiile Crizei Economico-Financiare asupra Publicitatii - Implications of the Economical Crisis on Advertising (Romanian version)
by Lecturer Ph.D. Florentina POPAU - 172-182 Aspecte Contabile Privind Constituirea Provizioanelor in Sistemul Bancar - Accounting Aspects Regarding The Provisioning Constitution In The Banking System (Romanian version)
by Gabriela LAZAR - 183-194 Tendinte Pe Piata De Training Din Romania - Trends in the Training Domain in Romania (Romanian version)
by Lecturer Ph.D. Anca BUJOR - 195-203 Unele Aspecte Privind Obiectivele si Utilitatea Situatiilor Financiare in Cadrul Entitatilor Publice - Some Aspects Regarding the Objectives and Usefulness of Financial Statements of Public Entities (Romanian version)
by Gheorghe FLOREA - 204-209 The Benefits of Teaching Joomla to Students (Enghish version)
by Ph.D. Assistant Paul ZAHARIA - 210-223 Elemente de Diferentiere prin Pret in Mediul Concurential - Distinguishing Elements through Price in the Competitive Environment (Romanian version)
by Corina MATEI-GHERMAN - 227-235 Migratia si Managementul Resurselor Umane: Aspecte Actuale si Implicatii - Migration and Human Resources Management: Current Aspects and Implications (Romanian version)
by Professor Ph.D. Cristina Maria STOICA - 236-242 Capacitatea Monedei Unice Europene de a Pregati Statele Membre pentru Fenomenul Globalizarii - The Ability of the European Single Currency to prepare Member States for Globalization Phenomenon (Romanian version)
by Iuliana Marina CINDEA - 243-253 Comunicarea crizei vs criza comunicarii. Strategii de comunicare a crizei - Communication of the Crisis vs. Crisis of Communication. Strategies of crisis communication (Romanian version)
by Associate Professor Ph.D. Doina Mihaela POPA - 254-260 Remodelarea Arhitecturii Financiare – Marea Provocare a Crizei - Reshaping Financial Architecture – The Great Challenge of the Crisis (Romanian version)
by Roxana Angela CALISTRU - 261-269 Planul European de Redresare Economica si Calitatea Finantelor Publice – Instrumente de Monitorizare si imbunatatire a Sistemelor Fiscale si Economice - The European Recovery Economic Plan and Quality of Public Finances - Instruments for Monitoring and Improving Fiscal and Economic Systems (Romanian version)
by Lecturer Ph.D. Candidate Mircea SOROCEANU - 270-277 Repere ale Reformei Sectorului Public în Romania - Reference Points of Public Sector Reform Process in Romania (Romanian version)
by Irina Ionela BULGARIU & Catalin BULGARIU - 278-284 Impactul Monedei Unice Asupra Integrarii Financiare din Zona Euro - The Impact of the Single Currency on the Financial Integration from Eurozone (Romanian version)
by Moise CÎNDEA - 285-291 Securitatea Energetica a Rusiei - Energy Security of Russia (Romanian version)
by Ph.D. Candidate Alexandra Mihaela CONSTANTIN - 295-305 Structuri de Clan în Romania Postcomunista - Clan Structures in Post-Communist Romania (Romanian version)
by Cristian BOCANCEA - 306-317 P. P. Carp, un Model de Diplomat - P. P. Carp a Diplomat Model (Romanian version)
by Silvia BOCANCEA - 318-339 Minorités Identitaires Et Dialogue Interculturel Dans La Dynamique De La Mondialisation. Participation Africaine - Cultural Minorities and Intercultural Dialogue in the Dynamics of Globalization. African Participation (French version)
by Anton CARPINSCHI & Bilakani TONYEME - 340-353 Responsabilitatea Parlamentarilor si Sistemele Electorale - The Responsibility of Mps and the Voting Systems (Romanian version)
by Cosmin AMBROSA