February 2011, Volume 1
- 1-25 Restorative Justice - an Alternative Concept of Reintegration of Child Offenders (English version)
by Assistant Ph.D. Ramona ACSINTE - 1-26 The Idiosyncrasies of an Irritable Philosopher – Camil Petrescu (English version)
by Prof. Ph.D. Anton ADAMUT - 1-27 Ethics in Supervision
by Research Assistant Elena ALEXA - 1-28 Ethical Extensions of Ideological Bipolarism: the American Way of Life and Homo Sovieticus
by Lecturer Ph.D. Candidate Ana-Maria AMBROSA - 1-29 Using Technology to Deliver Career Development Services
by Master student Diana ANGHEL - 1-30 Considerations Regarding the Absence of Impediments to the Contracting of Marriage According to the Stipulations in the Family Code and Civil Code
by Nadia Cerasela ANITEI - 1-31 The Great Orthodox Zone: Abandoning the Conflictual Paradigma for the Paradigma of Continuity (Iorga versus Huntington)
by Ph.D. Madalina Virginia ANTONESCU - 1-32 How can democracy to bear the truth? Problematization of Parrhêsia
by Ph.D. Student Cristiana ARGHIRE - 1-33 The Strike - a means of ensuring collective bargaining
by Lecturer Ph.D. Lucian-Mihail ARNAUTU - 1-34 Convergent Logos of Various Forms and Types of Mystics - Areopagitic Theognosy and Cusanian Coincidentia Oppositorum
by Ph.D. Bogdan BAGHIU - 1-35 Legal Language – A Multidimensional Approach
by Ph.D. Candidate Oana BARGAN - 1-36 Features of Legal Language. The Translator’s Perspective
by Ph.D. Candidate Oana BARGAN - 1-37 The Recurrence of Maltreatment of Children - an Indicator of the Effectiveness of Social Services?
by Lecturer Ph.D. Student Oana Lacramioara BADARAU - 1-38 EU-Africa Joint Action Plan 2011-2013 A win-win game?
by Ioana Raluca BALAS - 1-39 Improving the tax system in Romania
by Lecturer Ph.D. Mihaela BEBESELEA - 1-40 Contribution of Feminism to the Evolution of Deliberative Democracy Concept
by Ph.D. Student Alexandru BOBOC COJOCARU - 1-41 Ecological Security – Liaison of International Cooperation
by Ph.D. Student Alexandru BOBOC COJOCARU - 1-42 Political values – between contradiction and compatibility
by Prof. Ph.D. Cristian BOCANCEA - 1-43 P. P. Carp’s „Germanophilia”
by Lecturer Ph.D. Student Silvia BOCANCEA - 1-44 The European Culture or the Identity of Diversity
by Associate Professor Ph.D. Sorin BOCANCEA - 1-45 Legislative Evolution and Development of the Decentralization Concept
by Ph.D. Student Irina BOSIE - 1-46 Regional Television Characteristics
by Ph.D. Candidate Margareta BUTNARIU (ANDREESCU) - 1-47 Good practices in social economy – methods and indicators of evaluation
by Associate Professor Ph.D. Corina CACE & Senior Researcher Ph.D. Sorin CACE & Associate Lecturer Ph.D.Victor NICOLAESCU - 1-48 Economic competences in the Rural Entrepreneurship Area - Current approaches and perspectives
by Associate Professor Ph.D. Corina CACE & Senior Researcher Ph.D. Sorin CACE & Associate Lecturer Ph.D.Victor NICOLAESCU - 1-49 Mental modeling and mind-brain-reality relationship
by Ph.D. Felicia CEAUSU - 1-50 Cognitive mechanisms and individual strategies: inferences and heuristics
by Ph.D. Felicia CEAUSU - 1-51 Barbaria apriorica si intrinseca
by PH.D. Candidate Radu – Vasile CHIALDA - 1-52 The Role of the Interdisciplinary Team in Inclusive Education
by Ph.D. Candidate Mihaela CIOBANU GRASU - 1-53 An answer to our existence problems
by Aura CIOBOTARU - 1-54 Statistical Methods for Analysis of Correlation Between the Quality of Employment and Its Influence Factors
by Lecturer Ph.D. Carmen Mariana CODREANU - 1-55 Parenting education programs. What do we know about this domain in Romania?
by Ph. D. Lecturer Daniela COJOCARU - 1-56 Appreciative Approach in Social Work. Exceeding the Limits Constructed by Deficiency Paradigm
by Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Stefan COJOCARU - 1-57 Straight - Evaluation Style Versus Self-Evaluation Leadership in Organization - A Qualitative Approach
by Senior Lecturer Ph.D. Georgiana CORCACI - 1-59 On the Regenerative Tendencies of Grammatical Structures:The Romanian Present Presumptive
by Ph.D. Student Cristina CORCHES & Ph.D. Student Diana ROMAN - 1-60 Business Ethics and Game Theory
by Prof. Ph.D. Dan CRACIUN - 1-61 The Model of the Philosopher in The Hieroglyphic History: the Cynical Wolf
by Ph.D. Lecturer Bogdan CRETU - 1-62 Economic Aspects of the Rosia Montana Project
by Prof.Ph.D. Lidia CRISTEA - 1-63 Women in / and Academia
by Ph.D. PostDoc Scholar Cristina-Emanuela DASCALU - 1-66 Gender Segregation, Gender Inequity in the Romanian School System
by Mariana-Gabriela DASCALU - 1-67 New Forms of Management and Governance in the School System in England and Wales
by Ph.D. Arthur DAVIES - 1-68 The System of Local Management of Schools in the UK -- Achieving an Optimal Balance of Centralization and Decentralization in Education
by Ph.D. Arthur DAVIES - 1-69 History of the Hungarian Philosophy of Law
by Ph.D. Candidate Beatrice DÉRER - 1-70 Architecture and the Protection of Historical Monuments in the Hungarian Legislation
by Ph.D. Candidate Beatrice DÉRER - 1-71 Sources of Funding of Central and Eastern European Business: Comparative Aspects and Impact Factors
by Lecturer Ph.D. Mihaela DIACONU - 1-72 Good faith in contracts and the consequences of non-compliance from the point of view of fraud in conventions
by Ph.D. Student Mirela Carmen DOBRILA - 1-75 The “Continuous Creation” Theme in Leibniz’s Philosophy
by Prof. Ph.D. Marius DUMITRESCU - 1-77 Axiological Dimensions in the Educational Process
by PhD Lecturer Marius-Costel ESI - 1-78 Epistemological Investigations on Linguistic Identity
by PhD Lecturer Marius-Costel ESI - 1-79 Symbolic Violence in Television
by Ph.D. Student Maria FLOREA NICUTA - 1-82 Altruism vs. Financial Incentives in Transplantation Ethics
by Lecturer Ph.D. Mihaela FRUNZA & Associate Prof. Ph.D. Cristina GAVRILUTA - 1-83 Elements for a profile of ethical expert adapted to the Romanian context
by Lecturer Ph.D. Mihaela FRUNZA & Associate Prof. Ph.D. Sandu FRUNZA & Ph.D. Iulia GRAD & Ph.D. Student Ovidiu GRAD & PH.D. Catalin BOBB - 1-84 An ethical analysis of the terminology of living donors proposed by ELPAT
by Lecturer Ph.D. Mihaela FRUNZA & Associate Prof. Ph.D. Sandu FRUNZA - 1-88 Ethnicity and Interetnicity, Approach Methods
by Associate Prof. Ph.D. Mictat GARLAN - 1-89 The Validity Conditions of the Will in the Romanian New Civil Code and in French Law
by Lecturer Ph.D. Ilioara GENOIU - 1-90 Issues on International State Liability
by Assistant Ph.D. Student Cristina Mihaela GHEGHES - 1-91 The Symbol of the Serpent in Peter Stoica's Poetry
by Florentina GHITA-NICA - 1-92 Decision making – Impact Factor in Project Management
by Ph.D. Ecaterina GICA & Ph.D. Nicoleta DUMITRACHE - 1-93 The Impact of Educational Reforms on Teaching Resource of Kindergartens that Function with Prolonged Program in Iasi
by Ph.D. Octavia GRAMATICU (AMARITEI) - 1-94 Virtual Communities – A Study of a Protean Identity
by Post-doctoral Researcher Camelia GRADINARU - 1-95 Existential options: microsuicide versus authenticity
by Ph.D. Aurora HRITULEAC - 1-96 Gender and Grief Patterns
by Ph.D. Aurora HRITULEAC - 1-97 Integration of Gender Equality in Public Policy - Theoretical, Methodological and Social Dimensions
by Lecturer Ph.D. Alina HURUBEAN - 64-65 Postcoloniality, Multiculturalism and Exile: The Reification of the Human Being in Contemporary Literature
by Ph.D. PostDoc Scholar Cristina-Emanuela DASCALU - 73-74 Some Considerations about the Subrogation in the Rights of the Buyer, the Right Recognized in Tenants Favour in Case of Violation of Pre-emption Right Provided by G.O. n. 40/1999
by Lecturer Ph.D. Dan DRUGA & Assistant Ph.D. Student Larisa DEMETER - 80-81 The Athenian Political Thinking and the Empire of Alexander the Great
by Ph.D. Irina FRASIN - 85-87 Bassarabia, Disputed Land Between East and West
by Ludmila GAMURARI - 98-99 Philosophy of Science Within Lucian Blaga’s Metaphysics – Contemporary Views
by Ph.D. Senior Researcher Ionut ISAC - 100-100 Why Do Ece Teachers Need to be Mentored By Ece Administrators?
by Ph.D. Peter P. KIRIAKIDIS - 101-101 The Impact of Information and Communication Technologies in the Transformation of Organizations from the Service Sector
by Associate Prof. Ph.D. Catalina LACHE - 102-102 Comparative Aspects Regarding the Territorial Sovereignty
by Ph.D. Student C.J. Daniela LAMES - 103-103 Considerantions for Territorial Division and Achievement of the Internal Functions of the Romanian Unitary State
by Ph.D. Student C.J. Daniela LAMES - 104-104 The Chronological Evolution of the European Politicy in the Filed of Research, Development, Innovation
by Ph.D. Student Roxana Elena LAZAR - 107-107 The Slum’s Characters in Early Romanian Novels
by Ph.D. Candidate Daniel LUCA - 108-108 Propaganda and Manipulation, Seduction or Conviction?
by Ph.D. Nicolae LUPASCU - 109-109 Human Resources from Front Office Secrvices
by Ph.D. Candidate Alina MINEA (cas.TROCIN) - 110-110 Leadership and Soldier's Motivation
by Ph.D. Candidate Ioan MITREA - 111-111 The Identitary References. The Language and the New Face of the Other
by Ph.D. Simona MITROIU & Ph.D. Anca-Diana BIBIRI - 112-112 The Identitary Landmarks. Intellectuals and Their Role in the Construction of the European Identity
by Ph.D. Simona MITROIU - 113-113 Representative Idea as Divine Gift. A Theological Ambiguity of Malebranche’s Theory of Knowledge
by Ph.D. Cristian MOISUC - 114-114 European Court on Human Rights in the Course of Justice Interference
by Prof. Ph.D. Victor MORARU - 115-115 Lege Ferenda Suggestions in Case of Diverted Offense
by Lecturer Ph.D. Calina Andreea MUNTEANU - 116-116 Perspectives and Policies Concerning the Child Integrated Approach within the Early Education
by Ph.D. Student Neculai Eusebiu MUNTEANU - 117-117 Implications of Constructivist and Socio-Constructivist Theories in the Early Education
by Ph.D. Student Neculai Eusebiu MUNTEANU - 118-118 The Quagmire of Philosophical Standpoints (Paradigms) in Management Research
by Mohammed Kamil NAAIL - 119-119 Youth’s values and social aspirations
by Lecturer Ph.D. Sebastian NASTUTA - 120-120 The Absorbtion of Structural Funds by the Universities of Romania. Institutional Problems
by Ph.D. Candidate Geta NEPOTU - 121-121 Certain issues on legal community order
by Ph.D. Assistant Mara-Cleopatra OCHIROS - 122-122 Critic Theories: Henry James seen by Northrop Frye and David Lodge
by Ph.D. Candidate Paula-Andreea ONOFREI - 123-123 The Right to Petition of the Detainees. Limitation of the Abuse of Law
by Associate Prof.Ph.D. Mihaela Laura PAMFIL - 124-124 Reading the City: Paul Auster’s The New York Trilogy
by Ph. D. Student Lucia-Hedviga PASCARIU - 125-125 Preventive diplomacy and the role of the High Commissioner on National Minorities
by Lecturer Ph.D. Alina PETRARU - 126-126 Teachers’ training for the early childhood education - a paradigm shift in terms of professionalisations
by Ph. D. Student Anca PETRESCU & Ph. D. Student Mirela ROSU - 127-127 The Concept of Intelligence as a Multidimensional Attributes
by Ph.D. Lecturer Mihaela Amalia PETROVICI (ANDRONIC) - 128-128 New Approaches in Personal Development Field- Appreciative Socialization Goup
by Researcher Assistant Simona PONEA & Ph.D. Antonio SANDU