1968, Volume 15
- 57-68 Factors to Determine the Relative Share: The Case of India
by Hikoji Katano - 69-76 Maintenance of Capital based on Earning Power
by Jiro Ono - 77-112 Recent Changes in Japan's Trade with Latin America and Brazil
by Yoshiaki Nishimukai - 113-140 Some Inbentory Accounting Problems
by Isao Nakano - 131-131 Organizational Slack and Adaptive Behaviour
by Hideki Yoshihara
1967, Volume 14
- 1-9 a Return on the Confirmed Settlement of Accounts
by Susumu Watanabe - 11-19 Problems of Regional Industrial Development Relating to National Planning in Japan
by Minoru Beika - 21-39 The Development of Japanese Trade with the British Commonwealth in Asia
by Fukuo Kawata - 41-48 On the Kihansen (Japanese Wooden Coastwise Vessels)
by Seiji Sasaki - 49-53 Approaches to Company History
by Tadakatsu Inoue - 55-72 Cumulated Cost Rations for the ECAFE Countries
by Nobuko Nosse - 73-86 International Liquidity Controversy in Japan (1)
by Masahiro Fujita - 87-92 Investment Criterion for Maximizing the Rate of Capital Accumultation
by Hikoji Katano - 93-106 Peculiarities of Maritime Labor -with special reference to the supply of maritime labor-
by Hiromasa Yamamoto - 107-117 Los Estudios Del Brasil En El Japón -Con Referencia a las Ciencias Sociales-
by Yoshiaki Nishimukai
1966, Volume 13
- 1-8 Annual Income under the Corporation income Tax Low
by Susumu Watanabe - 9-22 Trade Controls in Occupied Japan (1945~1949)
by Fukuo Kawata - 23-33 Patterns of Domestic Shipping Services -Characteristics of Japanese Coastwise Shipping-
by Seiji Sakaki - 35-40 Approaches to the History of Individual Business Units
by Tadakatsu Inoue - 41-50 Cumulated Cost Rations for the Japanese Economy in 1955: Abstract
by Nobuko Nosse - 51-62 Accelerated Growth of National Income
by Hikoji Katano - 63-71 Technological Development and Labour Relations in the Japanese Shipping Industry
by Hitomasa Yamamoto - 73-85 Brazilian Position in the Latin American Free Trade Association
by Yoshiaki Nishimukai - 87-99 Information Specification for business Management (‡T) -A Case Study-
by Jiro Ono - 101-106 Die Privatisierung der Preuβag
by Masaya Okada
1965, Volume 12
- 1-6 Special Depreciation and Reduced Entry
by Susumu Watanabe - 7-14 Electronic Data Processing System in Japan
by Minoru Beika - 15-37 A Chronological Table of Modern Japanese Shipping -No. 2, 1800 `1912
by Seiji Sasaki - 39-45 Overseas Operations of Japanese Business Enterprises in Brazil
by Tadakatsu Inoue - 47-56 A Note on Economic Accounting for Goverment Sector
by Nobuko Nosse - 57-71 International Liquidity and the Tokyo Meeting of the International Monetary Fund
by Masahiro Fujita - 73-86 Intersectoral Transaction Table with Endogenous Foreign Trade Sector in the Indian Economy: 1955/56
by Hikoji Katano - 87-95 The System of Reserved Members for Seamen before World War II -The Employment System of Seamen in Japan-
by Hiromasa Yamamoto - 97-110 On the Automation of Banking in Japan
by Jiro Ono - 111-120 A Presente Etapa do Desenvolvimento Econômico do Japão
by Yoshiaki Nishimukai - 121-130 Kostentheorie und dispositiver Faktor
by Tetsuo Kobayashi - 131-139 Grundprobleme der Privatisierung
by Masaya Okada
1964, Volume 11
- 1-8 Accounting Profit and Taxable Income
by Susumu Watanabe - 9-21 On Integration in Economic Accounting
by Nobuko Nosse - 23-36 Über ,,Cost Accouting Standards'' in Japan
by Tetsuo Kobayashi - 37-44 A Note on the Lohmann-Ruchti Effect
by Isao Nakano - 45-53 Management Approach to Redional Decelopment Problems in Japan
by Minoru Beika - 55-72 A Research Report on Office Automation of Middle-Scale Cities in Japan
by Jiro Ono - 73-82 Die Geschichte der Privatisierung
by Masaya Okada - 83-91 Recent Trends in the Balance of Payments of Japanese Shipping
by fukuo Kawata - 93-111 Long-Term Finance in Post-War japan (1)
by Masahiro Fujita - 113-124 A Chronological Table of Modern Japanese Shipping -No.1; 1600-1799
by Seiji Sasaki - 125-136 The Continuous Employment of Seamen in American Shipping Industry
by Hiromasa Yamamoto - 137-137 Some Problems of the Brazilian Economic Development Plan (1963-1965)
by Yoshiaki Nishimukai
1963, Volume 10
- 1-11 Revised Accounting Provisions of the Commercial Code of Japan -with Special Reference to the Corporation Income Tax Law-
by Susumu Watanabe - 13-23 Social Accounting as an Instrument of Policy
by Nobuko Nosse - 25-33 Industrial Estates for Small Businesses in Japan
by Minoru Beika - 35-39 Rise of the Mutual Financing Business in Japan
by Tadakatsu Inoue - 41-52 the Introduction of European-Style Vessels in Japan: A Historical Survey
by Seiji Sasaki - 53-64 On Industrial Relations in Japan's Shipping Industry -with Special Concern on Personnel Management-
by Hiromasa Yamamoto - 65-75 Regional Disparities in the Brazilian Economy: A Case Study on the Brazilian Northeast
by Yoshiaki Nishimukai - 77-88 The Basic Concepts of Going-Concern Valuation
by Jiro Ono - 89-102 A Study on the Current Cost Theory of Fritz Schmidt
by Isao Nakano - 103-114 Die Kostenbegriffe für die betriebliche Planung
by Tetsuo Kobayashi - 115-119 Introducing Prof. Shinjo's "History of the Yen"
by Zentaro Matsumura
1962, Volume 9
- 1-14 Problems in Port Administration and Finance in Japan
by Ginjiro Shibata - 15-29 Types of Early Modern Japanese Shipowners
by Seiji Sasaki - 31-42 On the Employment System of Seamen in Japan
by Hiromasa Yamamoto - 43-60 A Study on Japan's Invisible Trade
by Fukuo Kawata - 61-68 Problems of Industrial Location relating to Regional Development in Japan
by Minoru Beika - 69-78 The System of Inside Contracting
by Tadakatsu Inoue - 79-84 A Critique on Professor Mahalanobis Model of Economic Planning in India
by Hikoji Katano - 85-93 National Income Concepts: Reconcidered
by Nobuko Nosse - 95-103 Some Problems of the Installment Basis
by Susumu Watanabe - 105-116 On the Purposes of a Going-Concern Valuation and its Natures
by Jiro Ono - 117-128 Die Betrachtungsweise der neueren betriebswirtschaftlichen Kostentheorie -Auffassung des Ertragsgesetzes-
by Tetsuo Kobayashi
1961, Volume 8
- 1-8 The Industrial System and Industrial Education in Southeast Asia now on the Threshold of Reform; and Japan's position therein
by Kiyozo Miyata - 9-24 Industrial Structure and Educational System in India -Industrial Structure and Industrial Education in India (1)
by Tadao Miyashita - 25-37 Industrial Education in India -Industrial Structure and Industrial Education in India (2)
by Tadao Miyashita - 39-50 Technical Education in India -Industrial Structure and Industrial Education in India (3)
by Tadao Miyashita - 51-65 Industrial Structure and Vocational Education in Thailand
by Fukuo Kawata - 67-76 The Industrial Structure and Industrial Education in the Philippines
by Tei-ichi Yamasaki - 77-91 Industrial Structure and Vocational Education in Indonesia
by Hiromasa Yamamoto
1960, Volume 7
- 1-13 JApanese Emigration and Its Effect on International Payments
by Ginjiro Shibata - 15-20 One-to-One Correspondence Between Goods and Factoe Prices
by Hikoji Katano - 21-37 The Gold Standard and Banking Capital in Japan
by Masahiro Fujita - 39-46 World Trade and Economic Growth -On Professor Nurkse's View-
by Fukuo Kawata - 47-58 Singularity in the Structure of the Seamen's Union of Japan -In Comparison with Enterprise Union-
by Hiromasa Yamamoto - 59-71 Some Reflections on Inter-Comparability of Social Accounting
by Nobuko Nosse - 73-81 the Meaning of Inventories
by Susumu Watanabe - 83-94 Structure of Income Determination on the Balance Sheet
by Ryuji Takeda - 95-106 On the Value of Stock Rights and Its Significance in Corporate Finance
by Jiro Ono - 107-123 Business Features and Management Policies of Industrial Enterprises in Local Districts of Japan
by Minoru Beika
1959, Volume 6
- 1-18 History of Yen -Its Developments in the Japanese Economy (2)
by Hiroshi Shinjo - 19-28 the Central Banking Policy in the Meiji Era
by Masahiro Fujita - 29-39 Economic Growth, Balance of Payment and Capital Movement
by Hikoji Katano - 41-48 World Trade and Japan's Export - 1953-1957.-
by Fukuo Kawata - 49-59 Alguns Aspectos da Mobilidade de Japoneses no Brasil
by Hiroshi Saito - 61-73 Problems of Emigrant-Transportation in Japan
by Hiromasa Yamamoto - 75-90 Port Labor Conditions in Japan -Particularly in Kobe Port-
by Ginjiro Shibata - 91-101 The Development of the Concept "Operator" in Japan
by Seiji Sasaki - 103-110 Single Industry Towns in Japan
by Minoru Beika - 111-118 On the Application of the Social Accounting Principle to Business Accounting
by Nobuko Nosse - 119-127 Valuation of Work in Process
by Susumu Watanabe - 129-135 Developmental Stages Relating to Theories of Stock-Equity Accounting
by Ryuji Takeda - 137-147 On the Rate of Interest in Business Administration
by Jiro Ono - 149-155 Various Classes of Data Processing by Means of Electronic Computer
by Hideo Kitani - 157-188 Company Histories in Japan -Materials for Business History-
by Tadakatsu Inoue & Yoshiro Ikushima
1958, Volume 5
- 1-22 History of Yen-Its Developments in the Japanese Economy (1)
by Hiroshi Shinjo - 23-41 Fundamental Features of the Accumulation of Capital in the Late Meiji Era
by Masahiro Fujita - 43-51 Some Aspects of Japan's Trade with South and South-East Asia, 1950-1957
by Fukuo Kawata - 53-66 Curves of Diminishing Values of Japanese Merchant Ships in Proportion to Their Age
by Ginjiro Shibata - 67-76 The Modernization of Japanese Shipping Based on the Transportation of Hokkaido Marine Products
by Seiji Sasaki - 77-88 Development of the Marine Insurance Industry in Japan in the Meiji Period
by Hiromasa Yamamoto - 89-101 A Assimilação do Imigrante Japonês no Brasil
by Hiroshi Katano - 103-119 Rate of Profit and International Specialization of Production
by Hikoji Katano - 121-127 Replacement Cost and Lifo Cost
by Susumu Watanabe - 129-137 Spatial Problems of Business Activities
by Minoru Beika - 138-146 The Nature of the Morgan Control
by Tadakatsu Inoue - 147-154 On the Effect of Accelerated Amortization for Tax Purpose
by Nobuko Nosse
1957, Volume 4
- 1-58 The Impact of Exchange Policy on the International Economy of Japan During the Piriod 1930-1940
by LAurence P. Dowd - 59-68 A Note on the Recent Trends of Japan's Foreign Trade
by Fukuo Kawata - 69-90 The Development of Overseas Banking System in Japan in the Meiji Era
by Masahiro Fujita - 91-124 More on the Structure of National Income Distribution in Japan
by Nobuko Nosse - 125-148 Reconstruction of the Theory of Purchasing Power Parity
by Hikoji Katano - 149-164 Tramp Shipping Freights and International Trade
by Ginjiro Shibata - 165-176 A Little Study on the Transition from the Sailing Vessel to Steamer in Japan
by Seiji Sasaki - 177-194 On the Regulating Policy of Japan Against the Shipping Confarence-Especially in Relation to the Refusal of the Entry to New Comers
by Hiromasa Yamamoto - 195-204 The Price Fluctuation Reserve System in Japan
by Susumu Watanabe - 205-214 Locational Problem in the New Major Branches of Japanese Industries from 1954 to 1956
by Minoru Beika - 215-222 Business Problems in an International Situtation
by Tadakatsu Inoue
1956, Volume 3
- 1-8 Industrialization and International Trade
by Fukuo Kawata - 9-25 Econometric Determination of Foreign Exchange Rate of Japan for 1926-1953
by Hikoji Katano - 27-43 Present Status of Japan's Shipping
by Ginjiro Shibata - 45-54 The Distinction between "Shasen" and "Shagaisen" as Historical Concepts in Japansese Shipping
by Seiji Sasaki - 55-85 The Banking System in the Middle Meiji Era (1870-1910)
by Masahiro Fujita - 87-95 Disposition of Cost Variances in Japanese Tax Law
by Susumu Watanabe - 97-124 Structure of Industrial Districts in Japan -The Cases of Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya-
by Minoru Beika - 125-133 Note on the ZAIBATSU Combines
by Tadakatsu Inoue - 135-147 On the Midel-Building for Social Accounting Design
by Nobuko Nosse
1954, Volume 2
- 3-20 Movements for the Establishment of Free Ports in Japan -A Historical Survey-
by Ginjiro Shibata - 21-35 Japan's Trade with Latin America in the Post-War Years
by Fukuo Kawata - 37-51 The Maritime Competitions in the Early Meiji Era -In Relation to the Development of "Common Carrier" Type-
by Seiji Sasaki - 53-76 Two Deflations in the Showa Era
by Masahiro Fujita - 77-88 Estimation of the Effectiveness of Devalution on Balance of Payment Deficit in Japan
by Hikoji Katano - 89-106 The Recovery Method of the Japanese Shipping Industry in Post-War Period
by Hiromasa Yamamoto - 109-117 Business Accounting and Tax Accounting
by Susumu Watanabe - 119-136 Spatial Characteristics of Industries Relative to Their Business Features -Comparative Study between Japanese and British, American Industries
by Minoru Beika - 137-142 Stages in Factory Organization
by Tadakatsu Inoue - 143-157 Accounting for Fixed Assets Revaluation; Recent Views in Japan
by Munehiro Masuzaki - 159-174 On the Structure of the National Income Distribution in Japan
by Nobuko Nosse
1953, Volume 1
- 1-15 Present Day Significance of Free Ports
by Ginjiro Shibata - 17-36 Development of Devaluation-Problem in Post-War Japan
by Kiyozo Miyata - 37-64 Japan's Trade with South and South-East Asian Countries -A Statistical Analysis-
by Fukuo Kawata - 65-91 The Exchange Control Policy in Post-War Japan
by Masahiro Fujita - 93-117 On the Official Statistics of Foreign Trade in the Post-War Japan
by Hikoji Katano - 119-125 On Business History
by Tadakatsu Inoue - 127-138 Problems of Regional Industrialization in Japan
by Minoru Beika - 139-156 A Research of Wage Income in Post-War Japan
by Nobuko Nosse - 157-169 Revaluation in Japan
by Susumu Watanabe - 171-183 Last-In, First-Out Inventory Method under the Japanese Tax Law
by Munehiro Masuzaki