- 2007-012 The Unbalanced Matching in a Director Market
by Changmin Lee - 2007-011 Strategic Information Spillover to be Imitated: Incentive to Make Use of Relative Performance Evaluation
by Young-Ro Yoon - 2007-010 Effects of Asymmetric Payoffs and Information Cost in Sequential Information Revelation Games
by Young-Ro Yoon - 2007-009 Joint and Marginal Diagnostic Tests for Conditional Mean and Variance Specifications
by Juan Carlos Escanciano - 2007-008 Decentralization, Corruption, and the Unofficial Economy
by Michael Alexeev & Luba Habodaszova - 2007-007 What's Happened over the Past 10 Years to the Selection of Retired CEOs as Board Members?
by Changmin Lee - 2007-006 Where do the Talented People Work as Outside Directors?
by Changmin Lee - 2007-005 Backtesting Parametric Value-at-Risk with Estimation Risk
by Juan Carlos Escanciano & Jose Olmo - 2007-004 Solving Endogeneity in Assessing the Efficacy of Foreign Exchange Market Interventions
by Seok Gil Park - 2007-003 Public Budget Composition, Fiscal(De)Centralization, and Welfare
by Calin Arcalean & Gerhard Glomm & Ioana Schiopu & Jens Suedekum - 2007-002 Growth Effects of Spatial Redistribution Policies
by Calin Arcalean & Gerhard Glomm & Ioana Schiopu - 2007-001 Dependence on External Finance by Manufacturing Sector: Examining the Measure and its Properties
by George von Furstenberg & Ulf von Kalckreuth
- 2006-022 Dynamic Scoring: Alternative Financing Schemes
by Eric M. Leeper & Shu-Chun Susan Yang - 2006-021 India's Missing Women: Disentangling Cultural, Political and Economic Variables
by Rubiana Chamarbagwala & Martin Ranger - 2006-020 The Connection Between Maternal Employment and Childhood Obesity: Inspecting the Mechanisms
by Angela Fertig & Gerhard Glomm & Rusty Tchernis - 2006-019 New Evidence on Product Quality and Trade
by Hasan Faruq - 2006-018 Why do budgets received by state prosecutors vary across districts in the United States?
by Manu Raghav - 2006-017 Green Taxes and Double Dividends in a Dynamic Economy
by Gerhard Glomm & Daiji Kawaguchi & Facundo Sepulveda - 2006-016 The Role of Social Norms in Child Labor and Schooling in India
by Rubiana Chamarbagwala & Rusty Tchernis - 2006-015 A Competing Risk Analysis of Executions and Cancellations in a Limit Order Market
by Bidisha Chakrabarty & Zhaohui Han & Konstantin Tyurin & Xiaoyong Zheng - 2006-014 Entry and Exit in International Markets: Evidence from Chilean Data
by Roberto Alvarez & Ricardo Lopez - 2006-013 On the Specification of Propensity Scores: with Applications to the Analysis of Trade Policies
by Daniel Millimet & Rusty Tchernis - 2006-012 Is Exporting a Source of Productivity Spillovers?
by Roberto Alvarez & Ricardo Lopez - 2006-011 How Equilibrium Prices Reveal Information in Time Series Models with Disparately Informed, Competitive Traders
by Todd B. Walker - 2006-010 Asset Prices in a Time Series Model with Perpetually Disparately Informed, Competitive Traders
by Kenneth Kasa & Todd B. Walker & Charles H. Whiteman - 2006-009 Budget Processes: Theory and Experimental Evidence
by Karl-Martin Ehrhart & Roy Gardner & Juergen von Hagen & Claudia Keser - 2006-008 Macroeconomic Implications of Early Retirement in the Public Sector: The Case of Brazil
by Gerhard Glomm & Juergen Jung & Chung Tran - 2006-007 Matching Contributions and the Voluntary Provision of a Pure Public Good: Experimental Evidence
by Ronald J. Baker II & James M. Walker & Arlington W. Williams - 2006-006 Risk Preference Differentials of Small Groups and Individuals
by Robert S. Shupp & Arlington W. Williams - 2006-005 The Effect of Rewards and Sanctions in Provision of Public Goods
by Martin Sefton & Robert Shupp & James M. Walker - 2006-002 Endogenous Monetary Policy Regime Change
by Troy Davig & Eric M. Leeper - 2006-001 Generalizing the Taylor Principle
by Troy Davig & Eric M. Leeper
- 2006-004 Resource Allocation Contests: Experimental Evidence
by David Schmidt & Robert Shupp & James M. Walker - 2006-003 Asymmetric Payoffs in Simultaneous and Sequential Prisoner's Dilemma Games
by T.K. Ahn & Myungsuk Lee & Lore Ruttan & James M. Walker