- 01-2008 The political economy debate on ‘financialisation’ – a macroeconomic perspective
by Till van Treeck
- 10-2007 A Post-Keynesian macroeconomic policy mix as an alternative to the New Consensus approach
by Eckhard Hein & Engelbert Stockhammer - 09-2007 Gradual Wage-Price Adjustments, Labour Market Frictions and Monetary Policy Rules
by Christian Proaño Acosta - 08-2007 A re-assessment of German import demand
by Sabine Stephan - 07-2007 'Financialisation' in Kaleckian/Post-Kaleckian models of distribution and growth
by Eckhard Hein & Till van Treeck - 06-2007 A Synthetic, Stock-Flow Consistent Macroeconomic Model of Financialisation
by Till van Treeck - 05-2007 Inflation Differentials and Business Cycle Fluctuations in the European Monetary Union
by Christian Proaño Acosta - 04-2007 Distribution and growth in France and Germany - single equation estimations and model simulations based on the Bhaduri/Marglin-model
by Eckhard Hein & Lena Vogel - 03-2007 Distribution and growth reconsidered - empirical results for Austria, France, Germany, the Netherlands, the UK and the USA
by Eckhard Hein & Lena Vogel - 02-2007 Estimating Germany's Potential Output
by Gustav Horn & Camille Logeay & Silke Tober - 01-2007 Reconsidering the Investment-Profit Nexus in Finance-Led Economies: an ARDL-Based Approach
by Till van Treeck
- 07-2006 Fiscal Policy and Macroeconomic Performance in the Euro area - Lessons for the Future
by Eckhard Hein & Achim Truger - 06-2006 Monetary policy, macroeconomic policy mix and economic performance in the Euro area
by Eckhard Hein & Achim Truger - 05-2006 Currency Crises and Monetary Policy in Economies with Partial Dollarisation of Liabilities
by Peter Flaschel & Christian Proano & Willi Semmler - 04-2006 Disequilibrium Macroeconomic Dynamics, Income Distribution and Wage-Price Phillips Curves
by Ekkehard Ernst & Peter Flaschel & Christian Proano & Willi Semmler - 03-2006 Germany's post-2000 stagnation in the European context - a lesson in macroeconomic mismanagement
by Eckhard Hein & Achim Truger - 02-2006 On the (in-)stability and the endogeneity of the "normal" rate of capacity utilisation in a post-Keynesian/Kaleckian "monetary" distribution and growth model
by Eckhard Hein - 01-2006 Forecasting Employment for Germany
by Darius Hinz & Camille Logeay
- 08-2005 Wage bargaining and monetary policy in a Kaleckian monetary distribution and growth model: trying to make sense of the NAIRU
by Eckhard Hein - 07-2005 Pricing-to-Market Effects in Foreign Trade Prices. Evidence from a Cointegration Approach for Germany
by Sabine Stephan - 06-2005 German Exports to the Euro Area - A Cointegration Approach
by Sabine Stephan - 05-2005 Interest, debt and capital accumulation - a Kaleckian approach
by Eckhard Hein - 04-2005 Hysteresis and Nairu in the Euro Area
by Camille Logeay & Silke Tober - 03-2005 Testing the effectiveness of the French work-sharing reform: a forecasting approach
by Camille Logeay & Sven Schreiber - 02-2005 Guidelines for sustained growth in the EU ? The concept and consequences of the Broad Economic Policy Guidelines
by Eckhard Hein & Thorsten Niechoj - 01-2005 Macroeconomic policies, wage developments, and Germany's stagnation
by Eckhard Hein & Achim Truger