November 1983, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 62-74 Tax shields on savings with life assurance companies and pension funds in the United Kingdom
by M Beenstock - 75-80 Stamp duty on housing: a modern tax
by John Hills
May 1983, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 1-8 Fiscal policy in 1983: retrospect
by John Kay - 9-18 Do we need another Bretton Woods?
by Sir Jeremy Morse - 19-28 Economic policy and prospects
by A J C Britton - 29-42 Budgetary arithmetic and the 1983 Budget
by Michael Devereux & Nick Morris - 43-54 Turning the clock back?
by H Neuberger - 55-64 The tax system and distribution 1978-1983
by Andrew Dilnot & Nick Morris - 65-74 The Budget of 1983
by Alan Budd - 75-79 Changes in the taxation of North Sea oil
by Michael Devereux
March 1983, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-13 A co-operative and constructive relationship? The Treasury response to its Select Committee 1979-82
by John Hills - 14-23 The pattern of revenue receipts from North Sea oil
by Michael Devereux & Nick Morris - 24-28 General anti-avoidance provisions
by J Tiley - 29-43 Maintaining the credibility of cash limits
by Andrew Likierman - 44-47 Tax rates and price levels in the European motor industry
by Andy Murfin - 48-65 The reform of housing benefits
by R Hemming & J Hills - 66-73 The IFS position on unemployment benefits
by David Davies & Patrick Minford & Alison Sprague - 74-79 The IFS position on unemployment benefits: a reply
by John Kay & C N Morris - 80-82 Capital transfer tax: an obituary: a comment
by Ken Richards
November 1982, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 162-172 Whitehall and Westminster: an outsider's view
by Sir John Hoskyns - 173-187 The taxation of husband and wife: a view of the debate in the Green Paper
by John Kay & C Sandler - 188-190 Relative living standards 1973-1981
by C N Morris - 191-198 The anti-competitive practice
by J A Kay & T A E Sharpe - 199-209 The incidence of grants-in-aid
by N Topham - 210-218 The structure of personal income taxation and income support
by C N Morris
July 1982, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 1-6 Introduction: symposium on local government finance
by J. A. Kay - 7-10 The GLC reports to its shareholders
by Maurice Stonefrost - 23-38 The incidence of domestic rates and alternative local taxes
by G. A. Hughes - 39-46 The economic behaviour of local authorities
by K Schott - 47-59 An inflation tax
by R. Jackman & R. Layard - 61-64 Comment on the article by Jackmann and Layard
by R.C. Matthews - 65-66 Book Review: Wage Fixing
by George Allen & Unwin LA - 68-81 The comparative performance of public and private enterprise
by Richard Pryke - 82-91 Indexation of capital gains - a critique of the Budget proposals
by John Kay & Colin Mayer - 92-101 The distribution effects of the Common Agricultural Policy
by Andrew Dilnot & Nick Morris - 102-113 The green paper on corporation tax: a review article
by Edwards, J - 114-120 The corporation tax Green Paper
by John Chown - 121-141 The structure of corporation tax in the UK
by Colin Mayer - 142-160 Marginal rates of corporation tax: a disaggregated analysis
by Colin Mayer & Nick Morris
November 1981, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 1-9 Incomes policy revisited
by Sir Henry Phelps Brown - 10-19 The Exchequer costs of unemployment
by Andrew Dilnot & Nick Morris - 20-28 Contracting out of the state earnings related pension scheme
by R. Hemming & J. A. Kay - 29-36 The age allowance
by C. N. Morris - 37-51 Capital transfer tax: an obituary
by Alister Sutherland
July 1981, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 1-8 On the switch to indirect taxation
by A. B. Atkinson - 9-17 Oil revenues and manufacturing output
by P. J. Forsyth & J. A. Kay - 18-32 The taxation of husband and wife: equity, efficiency and female labour supply
by Christine Greenhalgh - 33-46 The case for a tighter merger policy
by J. G. Tulip Meeks & G. Meeks - 47-49 The impact of the 1981 Budget
by Nick Morris - 50-60 The medium term financial strategy: an experiment in co-ordinating monetary and fiscal policy
by Marcus Miller - 61-62 Book Review: Costs and Benefits of VAT
by Cedric Sandford
March 1981, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-14 UK industry in the eighties
by Sir Arthur Knight - 26-46 Taxation of the family
by C N Morris & N A Warren - 58-73 What do we know about the black economy?
by Andrew Dilnot & C. N. Miller
November 1980, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 1-7 Convergence of tax systems in the European Community
by R Burke - 8-25 Tax, benefits and the incentive to seek work
by J. A. Kay & C. N. Morris & N A Warren - 26-43 Cash Limits
by R G Bevan - 44-48 What has Britain's growth rate really been?
by J A Kay & C N Morris - 49-55 Estimating the value of a civil servant's indexed pension
by R Hemming
July 1980, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 1-28 The economic implications of North Sea Oil Revenues
by P J Forsyth & J A Kay - 29-33 Change the Financial Year
by C Johnson - 34-43 The reduced rate band
by C N Morris & N A Warren - 44-46 The impact of the 1980 Budget
by Nick Morris - 47-59 The Meade Report After Two Years
by John Kay - 60-64 Wage indexation in Australia and the role of the gross earnings deflator
by N A Warren - 65-73 Are there Feasible Reforms for Corporation Taxes?
by J Alworth - 74-75 Book Review: Inheritance and wealth inequality in Britain
by C. D. Harbury & D. M. W. N. Hitchens
March 1980, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 1-12 Companies, inflation and taxation
by G Richardson - 13-16 Companies, inflation and taxation: comment
by J E Meade - 17-35 The Common Agricultural Policy
by C N Morris - 36-50 The New System of Petroleum Revenue Tax
by A G Kemp & D Cohen - 51-65 Capital Transfer Tax and Farming
by Alister Sutherland - 66-82 The Public Expenditure Cuts: Rationale and Consequences
by P M Jackson - 83-90 The Laffer curve
by Richard Hemming & John Kay - 91-92 Book Review - Poverty in the United Kingdom
by P Townsend
November 1979, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-10 Direct and Indirect Taxes; Some Effects of the 1979 Budget
by J A Kay & C N Morris - 11-19 Inflation Accounting and Company Taxation
by Martin Gibbs - 20-38 Housing Income and Subsidies
by G A Hughes - 39-50 The Improvement of the North Sea Tax System
by Christopher Johnson - 51-59 The Need for Budgetary Reform
by Melvyn Westlake - 60-64 Adjusting price indices for tax changes
by C N Morris