- 2010-FIN-02 Assessment on Valuation of RMB – a triangular analysis approach
by Peijie Wang - 2010-ECO-02 Precautionary saving in the presence of other risks: further comment
by Eric Dor - 2010-FIN-01 A Triangular Analysis of Exchange Rate Determination and Adjustments - The case of RMB, the US dollar and the euro
by Peijie Wang - 2010-ECO-01 Comparing Efficiency Across Markets: An Extension and Critique of the Zhang and Bartels (1998) Methodology
by Ruben Chumpitaz & Kristiaan Kerstens & Nicholas Paparoidamis & Matthias Staat
- 2010-ECO-16 On Berge Equilibria
by Rabia Nessah & Moussa Larbani & Tarik Tazdait - 2010-ECO-15 Existence of Equilibria with Non-Ordered Preference Relations
by Rabia Nessah - 2010-ECO-08 Branch-and-bound method for minimizing the weighted completion time scheduling problem on a single machine with release dates
by Rabia Nessah & Imed Kacem - 2009-ECO-10 Interbank Offered Rate: Effects of the financial crisis on the information content of the fixing
by Vincent Brousseau & Alexandre Chailloux & Alain Durré - 2009-ECO-09 The Size and Service Offering Efficiencies of U.S. Hospitals
by Gary D. Ferrier & Hervé Leleu & James Moises & Vivian Valdmanis - 2009-ECO-08 Portfolio Selection in Multidimensional General and Partial Moment Space
by Walter Briec & Kristiaan Kerstens - 2009-ECO-07 Exact Relations between Four De?nitions of Productivity Indices and Indicators
by Walter Briec & Kristiaan Kerstens & Nicolas Peypoch - 2009-ECO-06 On the Existence of Strong Nash Equilibria
by Rabia Nessah & Guoqiang Tian - 2009-ECO-05 Tangency Capacity Notions Based upon the Pro?t and Cost Functions: A Non-Parametric Approach and a Comparison
by Walter Briec & Kristiaan Kerstens & Diego Prior - 2009-ECO-04 La situation des banques est encore périlleuse
by Eric Dor - 2009-ECO-03 Negative Data in DEA: A Simple Proportional Distance Function Approach
by Kristiaan Kerstens & Ignace Van de Woestyne - 2009-FIN-02 Reverse Shooting of Exchange Rates
by Peijie Wang - 2009-ECO-02 Measuring potential gains from specialization under non-convex technologies
by Stéphane Blancard & Jean-Philippe Boussemart & Hervé Leleu - 2009-FIN-01 A Financial Approach to the Balance of Payments
by Peijie Wang - 2009-ECO-01 Performance measures for hierarchical organizations: Frontier analysis as a decision support tool
by Aude Deville & Gary D. Ferrier & Hervé Leleu
- 2008-ECO-19 Optimal Capacity Utilization and Reallocation in a German Bank Branch Network: Exploring Some Strategic Scenarios
by Kristiaan Kerstens & Bouye Ahmed Moulaye Hachem & Ignace Van de Woestyne & Niels Vestergaard - 2008-ECO-18 Ecological Benchmarking to Explore Alternative Fishing Schemes to Protect Endangered Species by Substitution: The Danish Demersal Fishery in the North Sea
by Jens Kjærsgaard & Niels Vestergaard & Kristiaan Kerstens - 2008-ECO-17 Geometric Representation of the Mean-Variance-Skewness Portfolio Frontier Based upon the Shortage Function
by Kristiaan Kerstens & Amine Mounir & Ignace Van de Woestyne - 2008-ECO-16 A Lower Bound for the Weighted Completion Time Variance Problem
by Rabia Nessah & Chengbin Chu - 2008-ECO-15 Existence of Equilibrium in Minimax Inequalities, Saddle Points, Fixed Points, and Games without Convexity Sets
by Rabia Nessah & Guoqiang Tian - 2008-ECO-14 The Existence of Equilibria in Discontinuous and Nonconvex Games
by Rabia Nessah & Guoqiang Tian - 2008-ECO-13 Characterizations of the Existence of Nash Equilibria with Non-convex Strategy Sets
by Rabia Nessah & Kristiaan Kerstens - 2008-ECO-12 Portfolio Performance Gauging in Discrete Time Using a Luenberger Productivity Indicator
by Olivier Brandouy & Walter Briec & Kristiaan Kerstens & Ignace Van de Woestyne - 2008-ECO-11 Infeasibility and Directional Distance Functions with Application to the Determinateness of the Luenberger Productivity Indicator
by Walter Briec & Kristiaan Kerstens - 2008-ECO-10 The Hicks-Moorsteen Productivity Index Satisfies the Determinateness Axiom
by Walter Briec & Kristiaan Kerstens - 2008-ECO-09 The Luenberger Productivity Indicator: An Economic Specifcation Leading to Infeasibilities
by Walter Briec & Kristiaan Kerstens - 2008-ECO-08 Transit Costs and Cost Efficiency: Bootstrapping Nonparametric Frontiers
by Bruno De Borger & Kristiaan Kerstens & Matthias Staat - 2008-ECO-07 Impact du passage à la T2A: une modélisation pour l’hôpital public
by David Crainich & Hervé Leleu & Ana Mauleon - 2008-ECO-06 Linear programming solutions and distance functions under a constant returns to scale technology
by Jean-Philippe Boussemart & Walter Briec & Hervé Leleu - 2008-ECO-05 Technical and economic efficiency measures under short run profit maximizing behavior
by Laurens Cherchye & Timo Kuosmanen & Hervé Leleu - 2008-ECO-04 Lorsque mesurer la performance s’envisage comme un outil d’aide à la décision: le cas de la performance des agences bancaires
by Aude Deville & Hervé Leleu - 2008-ECO-03 Directional distance function for FDH technologies with an application to Tunisian public hospitals
by Arfa Chokri & Hervé Leleu & Ben Romdhane Habiba - 2008-FIN-02 A Spectral Analysis of Business Cycle Patterns in UK Sectoral Output
by Peijie Wang - 2008-ECO-02 How can allocative inefficiency reveal risk preference? An empirical investigation on French wheat farms
by Stéphane Blancard & Jean-Philippe Boussemart & David Crainich & Hervé Leleu - 2008-FIN-01 International Business Cycle Coherence and Phases- A spectral analysis of output fluctuations of G7 economies
by Peijie Wang - 2008-ECO-01 Comparing TFP Catching-up and Capital Deepening in US and European Growths: A Directional Distance Function Approach
by Jean-Philippe Boussemart & Hervé Leleu
- 2007-ECO-02 More evidence on technological catching-up in the manufacturing sector
by Jean-Philippe Boussemart & Walter Briec & Christophe Tavera - 2007-ECO-01 Incentive Regulation and the Role of Convexity in Benchmarking Electricity Distribution: Economists versus Engineers
by Emili Grifell-Tatjé & Kristiaan Kerstens
- 2005-ECO-05 Mean-Variance-Skewness Portfolio Performance Gauging: A General Shortage Function and Dual Approach
by Walter Briec & Kristiaan Kerstens & Octave Jokung - 2005-ECO-04 Input, Output and Graph Technical Efficiency Measures on Non-Convex FDH Models with Various Scaling Laws: An Integrated Approach Based upon Implicit Enumeration Algorithms
by Walter Briec & Kristiaan Kerstens - 2005-ECO-03 Identifier les «préférences sociales»: une étude expérimentale en jeu d’ultimatum
by Ingrid Bierla & Sebastien Richard - 2005-ECO-02 Short- and Long-Run Credit Constraints in French Agriculture: A Directional Distance Function Framework Using Expenditure-Constrained Profit Functions
by Stéphane Blancard & Jean-Philippe Boussemart & Walter Briec & Kristiaan Kerstens - 2005-ECO-01 Temporal Technical and Profit Efficiency Measurement: Definitions, Duality and Aggregation Results
by Walter Briec & Christine Comes & Kristiaan Kerstens
- 2004-FIN-02 Does trading volume really explain stock returns volatility?
by Thierry Ané & Loredana Ureche-Rangau
- 2003-ECO-01 The net effect of unemployment benefits, sanctions and training on regular employment
by Bruno Van der Linden & Eric Dor