- 324/2010 Interest Rate Policy and Supply-side Adjustment Dynamics
by Daniel Kienzler & Kai Daniel Schmid - 323/2010 Asset Prices, Inflation and Monetary Control - Re-inventing Money as a Policy Tool
by Peter Spahn - 322/2010 Medium-run macrodynamics and the consensus view of stabilization policy
by Kai D. Schmid - 321/2010 Leviathan Europa - Stärkung der Nationalstaaten und der EU durch konstitutionelle Schranken?
by Bodo Knoll & Andreas Koenig
- 320/2009 The Camp View of Inflation Forecasts
by Felix Geiger & Oliver Sauter & Kai D. Schmid - 317/2009 The New Keynesian Microfoundations of Macroeconomics
by Heinz-Peter Spahn - 316/2009 International Interest-Rate Risk Premia in Affine Term Structure Models
by Felix Geiger - 315/2009 Frauen als Stille Reserve im Ingenieurwesen
by Eva Schlenker - 313/2009 Government decentralization as a disincentive for transnational terror? An empirical analysis
by Axel Dreher & Justina A. V. Fischer - 312/2009 Deflationary vs. Inflationary Expectations - A New-Keynesian Perspective with Heterogeneous Agents and Monetary Believes
by Felix Geiger & Oliver Sauter - 311/2009 The Effect of Pension Generosity on Early Retirement: A Microdata Analysis for Europe from 1967 to 2004
by Justina A. V. Fischer & Alfonso Sousa-Poza - 310/2009 Trade and Unemployment: What do the data say?
by Gabriel J Felbermayr & Julien Prat & Hans-Jörg Schmerer - 309/2009 Trade Intermediation and the Organization of Exporters
by Gabriel J Felbermayr & Benjamin Jung - 308/2009 Endogenous Skill Formation and the Source Country Effects of Emigration
by Hartmut Egger & Gabriel J Felbermayr - 306/2009 Ethnic Networks, Information, and International Trade: Revisiting the Evidence
by Gabriel J Felbermayr & Benjamin Jung & Farid Toubal - 305/2009 Can International Migration Ever Be Made a Pareto Improvement?
by Gabriel J Felbermayr & Wilhelm Kohler - 304/2009 WTO Membership and the Extensive Margin of World Trade: New Evidence
by Gabriel J Felbermayr & Wilhelm Kohler
- 300/2008 Does Immigration Boost Per Capita Income?
by Gabriel J Felbermayr & Sanne Hiller & Davide Sala - 298/2008 Landslides in mountainous regions of Northern Vietnam: Causes, protection strategies and the assessment of economic losses
by Michael Ahlheim & Oliver Frör & Antonia Heinke & Alwin Keil & Nguyen Minh Duc & Pham Van Dinh & Camille Saint-Macary & Manfred Zeller - 297/2008 Better than their reputation - A case for mail surveys in contingent valuation
by Michael Ahlheim & Benchaphun Ekasingh & Oliver Frör & Jirawan Kitchaicharoen & Andreas Neef & Chapika Sangkapitux & Nopasom Sinphurmsukskul - 295/2008 Equity and Aggregation in Environmental Valuation
by Michael Ahlheim & Ulrike Lehr - 303 Standard-Setting and Knowledge Dynamics in Innovation Clusters
by Julian P. Christ & André P. Slowak
- 294/2007 To Bind or Not to Bind Collectively? Decomposition of Bargained Wage Differences Using Counterfactual Distributions
by Wolf Dieter Heinbach & Markus Spindler - 293/2007 What a Difference Trade Makes - Export Activity and the Flexibility of Collective Bargaining Agreements
by Wolf Dieter Heinbach & Stefanie Schröpfer - 292/2007 Real Interest Rates, Intertemporal Prices and Macroeconomic Stabilization A Journey Through the History of Economic Thought
by Peter Spahn - 291/2007 Perspectives of Workers with Low Qualifications in Germany under the Pressures of Globalization and Technical Progress
by Harald Hagemann & Ralf Rukwid - 288/2007 Exchange Rate Regimes and the Transition Process in the Western Balkans
by Ansgar Belke & Albina Zenkic - 287/2007 Service Offshoring and the Demand for Less-Skilled Labor: Evidence from Germany
by Deborah Schöller - 286/2007 Typisierung der Tarifvertragslandschaft. Eine Clusteranalyse der tarifvertraglichen Öffnungsklauseln (Identifying Types of Flexible Bargaining Agreements Using Cluster Analysis)
by Wolf Dieter Heinbach & Stefanie Schröpfer - 285/2007 The Bazaar Economy Hypothesis Revisited
by Ansgar Belke & Anselm Mattes & Lars Wang - 284/2007 Money and Inflation
by Ansgar Belke & Thorsten Polleit - 283/2007 Using Citizen Expert Groups in Environmental Valuation - Lessons from a CVM study in Northern Thailand
by Michael Ahlheim & Benchaphun Ekasingh & Oliver Frör & Jirawan Kitchaincharoen & Andreas Neef & Chapika Sangkapitux & Nopasom Sinphurmsukskul - 282/2007 Two-Pillar Monetary Policy and Bootstrap Expectations
by Heinz-Peter Spahn - 280/2007 Die Aussenhandelspolitik der EU gegenüber China - "China-Bashing" ist keine rationale Basis für Politik
by Ansgar Belke & Julia Spies
- 279/2006 Money matters for inflation in the euro area
by Ansgar Belke & Thorsten Polleit & Wim Kösters & Martin Leschke - 278/2005 Nobelpreis für Wirtschaftswissenschaften 2006 an Edmund S. Phelps
by Ansgar Belke & Thorsten Polleit & Kai Geisslreither - 277/2006 Neue Anforderungen an eine gesamtwirtschaftliche Stabilisierung
by Thomas Beissinger - 276/2005 Bargained Wages in Decentralized Wage-Setting Regimes
by Wolf Dieter Heinbach - 275/2006 Downward Nominal Wage Rigidity in Europe: An Analysis of European Micro Data from the ECHP 1994-2001
by Thomas Beissinger & Christoph Knoppik - 274/2006 Trade Effects of the Europe Agreements
by Julia Spies & Helena Marques - 273/2006 Auswirkungen von Steueränderungen im Bereich Entfernungspauschale und Werbungskosten: Ein Mikrosimulationsmodell
by Gerhard Wagenhals & Jürgen Buck - 272/2006 Competition between airports with an application to the state of Baden-Württemberg
by Daniel Strobach - 271/2006 Instability of the Eurozone? On Monetary Policy, House Prices and Structural Reforms
by Ansgar Belke & Daniel Gros - 270/2006 Money and Swedish Inflation Reconsidered
by Ansgar Belke & Thorsten Polleit - 269/2006 How the ECB and the US Fed Set Interest Rates
by Ansgar Belke & Thorsten Polleit
- 268/2005 Back to the rules
by Ansgar Belke & Wim Kösters & Martin Leschke & Thorsten Polleit - 266/2005 Is A Unified Macroeconomic Policy Necessarily Better for a Common Currency Area?
by Ansgar Belke & Daniel Gros - 265/2005 The Political Economy of Fixed Exchange Rates: A Survival Analysis
by Ralph Setzer - 264/2005 The Different Extent of Privatisation Proceeds in EU Countries: A Preliminary Explanation Using a Public Choice Approach
by Ansgar Belke & Frank Baumgärtner & Friedrich Schneider & Ralph Setzer - 263/2005 Structural Reforms and the Exchange Rate Regime A Panel Analysis for the World versus OECD Countries
by Ansgar Belke & Bernhard Herz & Lukas Vogel - 262/2005 The Costs and Benefits of Monetary Integration Reconsidered: How to Measure Economic Openness
by Ansgar Belke & Lars Wang - 261/2005 Chance Osteuropa – Herausforderung für die Finanzdienstleistung
by Ansgar Belke & Andreas Schaal - 260/2005 Boom or Bubble in the US Real Estate Market?
by Ansgar Belke & Marcel Wiedmann - 259/2005 Bonferroni-Index und De Vergottini-Index. Zum 75. und 65. Geburtstag zweier fast vergessener Ungleichheitsmaße
by Walter Piesch - 258/2005 Wie der Monetarismus nach Deutschland kam. Zum Paradigmenwechsel der Geldpolitik in den frühen 1970er Jahren
by Heinz-Peter Spahn - 257/2005 The Degree of Openness to Intra-Regional Trade - Towards Value-Added Based Openness Measures
by Ansgar Belke & Lars Wang - 256/2005 Folgt die Steuerpolitik in der EU der Logik des Steuerwettbewerbs
by Hans Pitlik - 255/2005 Are Less Constrained Governments Really More Successful in Executing Market-oriented Policy Changes
by Hans Pitlik - 254/2005 Legislative Malapportionment and the Politicization of Germany's Intergovernmental Transfer System
by Hans Pitlik & Friedrich Schneider & Harald Strotmann - 253/2005 (How) Do Stock Market Returns React to Monetary Policy? - An ARDL Cointegration Analysis for Germany
by Ansgar Belke & Thorsten Polleit - 252/2005 Experts Playing the Traveler's Dilemma
by Tilman Becker & Michael Carter & Jörg Naeve - 251/2005 Constructing a Preference-oriented Index of Environmental Quality - A welfare theoretical generalization on the concept of environmental indices -
by Michael Ahlheim & Oliver Frör - 250/2005 Monetary Policy and Dividend Growth in Germany: Long-Run Structural Modelling versus Bounds Testing Approach
by Ansgar Belke & Thorsten Polleit
- 249/2004 Struktur und Entwicklung der Ehescheidungen in Baden-Württemberg und Bayern
by Gerhard Gröner - 248/2004 Nobelpreis für Wirtschaftswissenschaften 2004 an Finn E. Kydland and Edward C. Prescott
by Ansgar Belke & Ralph Setzer - 247/2004 Turkey and the EU: On the Costs and Benefits of Integrating a Small but Dynamic Economy
by Ansgar Belke - 246/2004 A Model for Forecasting Swedish Inflation
by Ansgar Belke & Thorsten Polleit - 245/2004 Contingent Valuation of Mining Land Reclamation in East Germany
by Michael Ahlheim & Oliver Frör & Ulrike Lehr & Gerhard Wagenhals & Ursula Wolf - 244/2004 Dividend Yields for Forecasting Stock Market Returns - An ARDL Cointegration Analysis for Germany
by Ansgar Belke & Thorsten Polleit - 243/2004 Einige Anwendungen von erweiterten Gini-Indices P und M
by Walter Piesch - 242/2004 The Allocation of Power in the Enlarged ECB Governing Council: An Assessment of the ECB Rotation Model
by Ansgar Belke & Barbara Styczynska - 240/2004 Institutionelle Voraussetzungen marktorientierter Reformen der Wirtschaftspolitik
by Hans Pitlik - 239/2004 Zur Politischen Rationalitaet der Finanzausgleichsreform in Deutschland
by Hans Pitlik - 237/2004 Liquidity on the Rise - Too Much Money Chasing Too Few Goods
by Ansgar Belke & Wim Kösters & Martin Leschke & Thorsten Polleit - 236/2004 Learning in Macroeconomics and Monetary Policy: The Case of an Open Economy
by Heinz-Peter Spahn - 235/2004 Tax-benefit microsimulation models for Germany: A Survey
by Gerhard Wagenhals - 234/2004 Contagion, Herding and Exchange Rate Instability - A Survey
by Ansgar Belke & Ralph Setzer - 232/2004 On the Relationship Between Exchange Rates and Interest Rates: Evidence from the Southern Cone
by Ansgar Belke & Kai Geisslreither & Daniel Gros
- 231/2003 10 Argumente gegen eine Euro-US-Dollar-Wechselkursmanipulation
by Ansgar Belke & Thorsten Polleit - 230/2003 Die Integrationsbemühungen der Türkei aus ökonomischer Sicht
by Ansgar Belke & Nilgün Terzibas - 229/2003 Privatization in Austria: Some Theoretical Reasons and First Results About the Privatization Proceeds
by Ansgar Belke & Friedrich Schneider - 228/2003 Institutional Uncertainty and European Social Union: Impacts on Job Creation and Destruction in the CEECs
by Ansgar Belke & Matthias Göcke & Martin Hebler - 227/2003 Money as a Social Bookkeeping Device: From Mercantilism to General Equilibrium Theory
by Heinz-Peter Spahn - 225/2003 Challenges to ECB Credibility
by Ansgar Belke & Wim Kösters & Martin Leschke & Thorsten Polleit - 224/2003 Ein Vorschlag zur Kombination von P- und M-Indices in der Disparitaetsmessung
by Walter Piesch - 223/2003 Monetary Policy (In-) Effectiveness under Uncertainty - Some Normative Implications for European Monetary Policy
by Ansgar Belke & Matthias Göcke - 222/2003 Does the ECB Follow the FED? Part II - September 11th and the Option Value of Waiting
by Ansgar Belke & Daniel Gros - 221/2003 Hysteresis Models and Policy Consulting
by Ansgar Belke - 220/2003 Ein Ueberblick ueber einige erweiterte Gini-Indices
by Walter Piesch - 219/2003 Poverty Alleviation and the Degree of Centralisation in European Schemes of Social Assistance
by Katja Hoelsch & Margit Kraus - 218/2003 Erweiterung der EU und Reform des EZB-Rats: Rotation versus Delegation
by Ansgar Belke & Dirk Kruwinnus - 217/2003 Using Stated Preference Methods for Biodiversity Valuation. A critical analysis
by Oliver Froer - 216/2003 Does Venture Capital Investment Spur Employment Growth? - Further Evidence
by Ansgar Belke & Rainer Fehn & Neil Foster - 214/2003 International Coordination of Monetary Policy - An Analysis of the Monetary Policy of the European Systems of Central Banks
by Ansgar Belke & Wim Kösters & Martin Leschke & Thorsten Polleit
- 213/2002 EU Enlargement, Exchange Rate Variability and Labor Market Performance
by Ansgar Belke - 211/2002 Does the ECB Follow the FED?
by Ansgar Belke - 210/2002 Specialisation Patterns and the Synchronicity of Regional Employment Cycles in Europe
by Ansgar Belke & Jens Michael Heine - 209/2002 Fiskalische Transfermechanismen und asymmetrische Schocks in Euroland
by Ansgar Belke & Frank Baumgärtner - 206/2002 Euroisierung der mittel- und osteuropäischen EU-Beitrittskandidaten - ein alternativer Weg in die Währungsunion?
by Ansgar Belke & Martin Hebler - 204/2002 Monetary Integration in the Southern Cone: Mercosur Is Not Like the EU
by Ansgar Belke & Daniel Gros - 201/2002 The Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on Labor Markets: Europe versus United States
by Ansgar Belke & Leo Kaas - 200/2002 Zur Bedeutung unterschiedlicher Finanzmarktstrukturen für den geldpolitischen Transmissionsmechanismus in der EWU
by Ansgar Belke & Carsten Eppendorfer & Jens Michael Heine
- 198/2001 Towards a European Social Union: Impacts on Labor Markets in the Acceding CEECs
by Ansgar Belke & Martin Hebler - 197/2001 Venture Capital Investment and Labor Market Performance: A Panel Data Analysis
by Ansgar Belke & Rainer Fehn & Neil Foster - 195/2001 Designing EU-US Atlantic Monetary Relations: Exchange Rate Variability and Labor Markets
by Ansgar Belke & Daniel Gros - 194/2001 Incentive and Redistribution Effects of the "Karlsruher Entwurf zur Reform des Einkommenssteuergesetzes"
by Gerhard Wagenhals - 192/2001 Too Big to Fail: Bankenkonkurs, "Bailout" und Wählerstimmenkalkül
by Ansgar Belke
- 191/2000 Implementation of Social Choice Functions via Demanding Equilibria
by Vincent Merlin & Jörg Naeve - 190/2000 Institutions and Structural Unemployment: Do Capital Market Imperfections Matter?
by Ansgar Belke & Rainer Fehn - 188/2000 Incentive and Redistribution Effects of the German Tax Reform 2000
by Gerhard Wagenhals - 182/2000 Arbeitsangebotseffekte des Steuerentlastungsgesetzes 1999/2000/2001
by Gerhard Wagenhals