November 2009, Volume 2009
- 1-10 From the General Affine Transform Family to a Pareto Type IV Model
by Werner Hürlimann - 1-18 Computational Procedures for a Class of GI/D/ k Systems in Discrete Time
by Md. Mostafizur Rahman & Attahiru Sule Alfa
March 2009, Volume 2009
- 1-13 RMT Assessments of the Market Latent Information Embedded in the Stocks' Raw, Normalized, and Partial Correlations
by Dror Y. Kenett & Yoash Shapira & Eshel Ben-Jacob - 1-27 A Statistical Variance Components Framework for Mapping Imprinted Quantitative Trait Locus in Experimental Crosses
by Gengxin Li & Yuehua Cui
October 2009, Volume 2009
- 1-4 On the Moments of Hitting Times for Random Walks on Trees
by José Luis Palacios - 1-11 A Note on the Properties of Generalised Separable Spatial Autoregressive Process
by Mahendran Shitan & Shelton Peiris
December 2009, Volume 2009
- 1-7 A Note on Strong Convergence of Sums of Dependent Random Variables
by Tien-Chung Hu & Neville C. Weber - 1-9 Data Depth Trimming Counterpart of the Classical (or ) Procedure
by Yijun Zuo - 1-18 The Rise of Markov Chain Monte Carlo Estimation for Psychometric Modeling
by Roy Levy - 1-24 Investigating Determinants of Multiple Sclerosis in Longitunal Studies: A Bayesian Approach
by Clelia Di Serio & Claudia Lamina - 1-24 On a Model for the Storage of Files on a Hardware: Statistics at a Fixed Time and Asymptotic Regimes
by Vincent Bansaye
July 2009, Volume 2009
- 1-10 When Inflation Causes No Increase in Claim Amounts
by Vytaras Brazauskas & Bruce L. Jones & Ričardas Zitikis - 1-23 Some Results on Bellman Equations of Optimal Production Control in a Stochastic Manufacturing System
by Azizul Baten & Anton Abdulbasah Kamil