April 2006, Volume 2006
- 1-10 Strong convergence and control condition of modified Halpern iterations in Banach spaces
by Yonghong Yao & Rudong Chen & Haiyun Zhou - 1-10 Effect of magnetic field on thermal instability of a rotating Rivlin-Ericksen viscoelastic fluid
by Pardeep Kumar & Hari Mohan & Roshan Lal - 1-11 On error formulas for approximation by sums of univariate functions
by Vugar E. Ismailov - 1-15 Invariant f -structures on the flag manifolds SO ( n ) / SO ( 2 ) × SO ( n − 3 )
by Vitaly V. Balashchenko & Anna Sakovich - 1-22 The probability of large deviations for the sum functions of spacings
by Sherzod Mira'zam Mirakhmedov
June 2006, Volume 2006
- 1-5 Approximation of bounded variation functions by a Bézier variant of the Bleimann, Butzer, and Hahn operators
by Vijay Gupta & Ogün Doğru - 1-6 Approximation of fixed points of strongly pseudocontractive mappings in uniformly smooth Banach spaces
by Xue Zhiqun - 1-6 Spacelike hypersurfaces in de Sitter space with constant higher-order mean curvature
by Kairen Cai & Huiqun Xu - 1-7 P -clean rings
by Weixing Chen - 1-7 Reduced p.p.-rings without identity
by Xiaojiang Guo & K. P. Shum - 1-7 Calderón's reproducing formula for Hankel convolution
by R. S. Pathak & Gireesh Pandey - 1-8 Summation identities for representation of certain real numbers
by George Grossman & Akalu Tefera & Aklilu Zeleke - 1-8 Convergence of p -series revisited with applications
by Elom K. Abalo & Kokou Y. Abalo - 1-8 Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability of generalized derivations
by Mohammad Sal Moslehian - 1-9 C 0 -semigroups of linear operators on some ultrametric Banach spaces
by Toka Diagana - 1-9 On the commutator lengths of certain classes of finitely presented groups
by H. Doostie & P. P. Campbell - 1-10 A density result in vector optimization
by Alexander J. Zaslavski - 1-11 General variational inclusions in L p spaces
by Muhammad Aslam Noor - 1-11 Vector bundles over three-dimensional spherical space forms
by Esdras Teixeira Costa & Oziride Manzoli Neto & Mauro Spreafico - 1-13 Minimal Bratteli diagrams and the dimension groups of AF C * -algebras
by Ryan J. Zerr - 1-13 Explicit isomorphisms of real Clifford algebras
by N. Değırmencı & Ş. Karapazar - 1-14 Existence of positive periodic solutions for delayed predator-prey patch systems with stocking
by Hui Fang & Zhicheng Wang - 1-15 Linearization coefficients for Sheffer polynomial sets via lowering operators
by Y. Ben Cheikh & H. Chaggara - 1-15 Common random fixed points of compatible random operators
by Ismat Beg & Mujahid Abbas - 1-15 Continuity of the maps f ↦ ∪ x ∈ I ω ( x , f ) and f ↦ { ω ( x , f ) : x ∈ I }
by T. H. Steele - 1-18 Three-dimensional fluctuating Couette flow through the porous plates with heat transfer
by M. Guria & R. N. Jana - 1-19 Generalized multidimensional Hilbert transforms in Clifford analysis
by Fred Brackx & Bram De Knock & Hennie De Schepper - 1-19 Convergence results for MHD system
by Ridha Selmi - 1-20 Dispersion properties of ergodic translations
by Stefano Isola - 1-20 Stability analysis of a ratio-dependent predator-prey system with diffusion and stage structure
by Xinyu Song & Zhihao Ge & Jingang Wu - 1-37 Dual Szegö pairs of sequences of rational matrix-valued functions
by Andreas Lasarow
August 2006, Volume 2006
- 1-1 Erratum to “Ultralogics and probability models”
by Robert A. Herrmann - 1-3 On the basis number of the corona of graphs
by Mohammad Shakhatreh & Ahmad Al-Rhayyel - 1-3 A new proof of a lemma by Phelps
by Antonia E. Cardwell - 1-4 On a characterization of the lattice of subsystems of a transition system
by J. P. Mavoungou & C. Nkuimi-Jugnia - 1-5 A class of principal ideal rings arising from the converse of the Chinese remainder theorem
by David E. Dobbs - 1-5 A note on stable iterated function systems
by Roy A. Mimna & Thomas Smotzer - 1-6 Neighborhoods of certain classes of analytic functions with negative coefficients
by M. K. Aouf - 1-6 Time-dependent vector stabilization
by Sergey Nikitin - 1-7 The convergence of an implicit mean value iteration
by B. E. Rhoades & Ştefan M. Şoltuz - 1-7 On weighted inequalities for certain fractional integral operators
by R. K. Raina - 1-7 Laguerre-type Bell polynomials
by P. Natalini & P. E. Ricci - 1-8 Dimension theory and fuzzy topological spaces
by S. S. Benchalli & B. M. Ittanagi & P. G. Patil - 1-8 A note on almost contra-precontinuous functions
by C. W. Baker & Erdal Ekici - 1-8 Leray-Schauder results for multivalued nonlinear contractions defined on closed subsets of a Fréchet space
by Ravi P. Agarwal & Donal O'Regan - 1-10 An extension and a refinement of van der Corput's inequality
by Jian Cao & Da-Wei Niu & Feng Qi - 1-10 The truncated exponential polynomials, the associated Hermite forms and applications
by G. Dattoli & M. Migliorati - 1-10 On transformation semigroups which are ℬ 𝒬 -semigroups
by S. Nenthein & Y. Kemprasit - 1-11 Weakly induced modifications of I -fuzzy topologies
by Yueli Yue & Jinming Fang - 1-11 Explicit decomposition of a rational prime in a cubic field
by Saban Alaca & Blair K. Spearman & Kenneth S. Williams - 1-11 Auxiliary principle for generalized nonlinear variational-like inequalities
by Zeqing Liu & Haiyan Gao & Shin Min Kang & Soo Hak Shim - 1-11 Universal approximation theorem for Dirichlet series
by O. Demanze & A. Mouze - 1-12 On sensible fuzzy ideals of BCK-algebras with respect to a t -conorm
by M. Akram & Jianming Zhan - 1-12 On a singular integral equation with log kernel and its application
by Sudeshna Banerjea & Chiranjib Sarkar - 1-12 Riesz potential operators and inverses via fractional centred derivatives
by Manuel Duarte Ortigueira - 1-12 Weak Grothendieck's theorem
by Lahcène Mezrag - 1-13 Finding linking sets
by Martin Schechter & Kyril Tintarev - 1-13 Classical orthogonal polynomials and Leverrier-Faddeev algorithm for the matrix pencils s E − A
by Javier Hernández & Francisco Marcellán - 1-13 Standing wave solutions of Schrödinger systems with discontinuous nonlinearity in anisotropic media
by Teodora-Liliana Dinu - 1-13 Angle distortion theorems for starlike and spirallike functions with respect to a boundary point
by Mark Elin & David Shoikhet - 1-14 Beta Bessel distributions
by Arjun K. Gupta & Saralees Nadarajah - 1-15 Modular relations and explicit values of Ramanujan-Selberg continued fractions
by Nayandeep Deka Baruah & Nipen Saikia - 1-15 A generalized thermoelastic diffusion problem for an infinitely long solid cylinder
by Moncef Aouadi - 1-15 Perturbed three-step approximation process with errors for a generalized implicit nonlinear quasivariational inclusions
by M. K. Ahmad & Salahuddin - 1-16 Irreducible morphisms, the Gabriel-valued quiver and colocalizations for coalgebras
by Daniel Simson - 1-16 Finite symmetric trilinear integral transform of distributions. Part II
by G. L. Waghmare & S. V. More - 1-16 Timelike trajectories with fixed energy under a potential in static spacetimes
by Anna Germinario - 1-18 Variational inequality problems in H -spaces
by Akrur Behera & Prasanta Kumar Das - 1-18 On empirical Bayes estimation of multivariate regression coefficient
by R. J. Karunamuni & L. Wei - 1-18 Coincidence and invariant approximation theorems for generalized f -nonexpansive multivalued mappings
by A. R. Khan & F. Akbar & N. Sultana & N. Hussain - 1-19 Equivalence class in the set of fuzzy numbers and its application in decision-making problems
by Geetanjali Panda & Motilal Panigrahi & Sudarsan Nanda - 1-20 Least squares approximations of power series
by James Guyker - 1-22 Modeling nonlinearities with mixtures-of-experts of time series models
by Alexandre X. Carvalho & Martin A. Tanner - 1-24 Existence and uniform decay of solutions for a class of generalized plate-membrane-like systems
by Haihong Liu & Ning Su - 1-28 Transfers for ramified covering maps in homology and cohomology
by Marcelo A. Aguilar & Carlos Prieto - 1-29 The decomposition method for linear, one-dimensional, time-dependent partial differential equations
by D. Lesnic - 1-30 The dynamical U ( n ) quantum group
by Erik Koelink & Yvette Van Norden - 1-31 Quantum curve in q -oscillator model
by S. Sergeev - 1-55 Combinatorial integers ( m , n j ) and Schubert calculus in the integral cohomology ring of infinite smooth flag manifolds
by Cenap Özel & Erol Yilmaz
September 2006, Volume 2006
- 1-5 On the set of distances between two sets over finite fields
by Igor E. Shparlinski - 1-5 On weak-open compact images of metric spaces
by Zhiyun Yin - 1-6 Generalized affine transformation monoids on Galois rings
by Yonglin Cao - 1-6 Structure of rings with certain conditions on zero divisors
by Hazar Abu-Khuzam & Adil Yaqub - 1-7 The distribution of nonprincipal eigenvalues of singular second-order linear ordinary differential equations
by Juan Pablo Pinasco - 1-7 Mappings which preserve regular dodecahedrons
by Byungbae Kim - 1-9 More on rc-Lindelöf sets and almost rc-Lindelöf sets
by Mohammad S. Sarsak - 1-9 On some exponential means. Part II
by József Sándor & Gheorghe Toader - 1-10 Tauberian-type theorems with application to the Stieltjes transformation
by S. B. Gaikwad & M. S. Chaudhary - 1-12 Inégalité de Markov en plusieurs variables
by Wiesław Pleśniak - 1-12 Asymptotic analysis of powers of matrices
by Diego Dominici - 1-12 On the stability of generalized d'Alembert and Jensen functional equations
by Gwang Hui Kim & Sever S. Dragomir - 1-13 Upper and lower bounds for a reactive-diffuse system with Arrhenius kinetics
by Mohammed Al-Refai & Qutaibeh Katatbeh - 1-13 Lower bounds for some factorable matrices
by B. E. Rhoades & Pali Sen - 1-16 Analytic solution of certain second-order functional differential equation
by Theeradach Kaewong & Piyapong Niamsup - 1-17 Transformation groups on real plane and their differential invariants
by Maryna O. Nesterenko - 1-18 On hyper BCC -algebras
by R. A. Borzooei & W. A. Dudek & N. Koohestani - 1-22 Invariant triple products
by Anton Deitmar - 1-24 Fuzzy T L -uniform spaces
by Khaled A. Hashem & Nehad N. Morsi
January 2006, Volume 2006
- 1-11 Veronese curves and webs: interpolation
by T. B. Bouetou & J. P. Dufour - 1-17 On Eulerian equilibria in K -order approximation of the gyrostat in the three-body problem
by J. A. Vera & A. Vigueras
October 2006, Volume 2006
- 1-4 Convergence theorems for I -nonexpansive mapping
by B. E. Rhoades & Seyit Temir - 1-5 A note on comprehensive backward biorthogonalization
by David K. Ruch - 1-6 An identity related to Jordan's inequality
by Jian-Lin Li - 1-6 On n -flat modules and n -Von Neumann regular rings
by Najib Mahdou - 1-7 The Armendariz module and its application to the Ikeda-Nakayama module
by M. Tamer Koşan - 1-8 Internal Lifshitz tails for discrete Schrödinger operators
by Hatem Najar - 1-8 Dimensions of subsets of cantor-type sets
by Fang-Xiong Zhen - 1-8 Minimal closed sets and maximal closed sets
by Fumie Nakaoka & Nobuyuki Oda - 1-8 Closed conformal vector fields on pseudo-Riemannian manifolds
by D. A. Catalano - 1-8 One-pile misère Nim for three or more players
by Annela R. Kelly - 1-9 On the convergence of a Newton-like method in ℝ n and the use of Berinde's exit criterion
by Rabindranath Sen & Sulekha Mukherjee & Rajesh Patra - 1-9 A simplification functor for coalgebras
by Maurice Kianpi & Celestin Nkuimi Jugnia - 1-11 Generalized Baer rings
by Tai Keun Kwak - 1-11 Interaction between coefficient conditions and solution conditions of differential equations in the unit disk
by K. E. Fowler & L. R. Sons - 1-12 Strong convergence of approximation fixed points for nonexpansive nonself-mapping
by Rudong Chen & Zhichuan Zhu - 1-13 On sandwich theorems for some classes of analytic functions
by T. N. Shanmugam & S. Sivasubramanian & H. Silverman - 1-13 A radical for right near-rings: The right Jacobson radical of type-0
by Ravi Srinivasa Rao & K. Siva Prasad - 1-16 Existence of positive periodic solution of a periodic cooperative model with delays and impulses
by Yongkun Li & Wenya Xing - 1-16 Some relations between variational-like inequalities and efficient solutions of certain nonsmooth optimization problems
by Lucelina Batista Santos & Marko A. Rojas-Medar & Antonio Rufián-Lizana - 1-17 Riemann-Stieltjes operators between Bergman-type spaces and α -Bloch spaces
by Songxiao Li - 1-18 Parabolic inequalities in L 1 as limits of renormalized equations
by K. Azelmat & M. Kbiri Alaoui & D. Meskine & A. Souissi - 1-19 Unsolid and fluid strong varieties of partial algebras
by S. Busaman & K. Denecke - 1-20 Simple and subdirectly irreducibles bounded distributive lattices with unary operators
by Sergio Arturo Celani - 1-20 Biweights and * -homomorphisms of partial * -algebras
by Jean-Pierre Antoine & Camillo Trapani & Francesco Tschinke - 1-26 Existence and bifurcation for some elliptic problems on exterior strip domains
by Tsing-San Hsu - 1-28 Effect of time delay on a detritus-based ecosystem
by Nurul Huda Gazi & Malay Bandyopadhyay - 1-34 Unbounded C * -seminorms, biweights, and * -representations of partial * -algebras: A review
by Camillo Trapani
December 2006, Volume 2006
- 1-2 A counterexample to the article “On the fixed points of affine nonexpansive mappings”
by Shahram Saeidi - 1-6 Subordination by convex functions
by Rosihan M. Ali & V. Ravichandran & N. Seenivasagan - 1-10 Combinatorial identities by way of Wilf's multigraph model
by Theresa L. Friedman & Paul Klingsberg - 1-12 Residual quotient fuzzy subset in near-rings
by P. Dheena & S. Coumaressane - 1-13 Universal series by trigonometric system in weighted L μ 1 spaces
by S. A. Episkoposian - 1-14 Uniform limit power-type function spaces
by Chuanyi Zhang & Weiguo Liu - 1-17 The compactificability classes of certain spaces
by Martin Maria Kovár - 1-20 Null controllability of a nonlinear population dynamics problem
by Oumar Traore
March 2006, Volume 2006
- 1-7 Explicit inverse of the Pascal matrix plus one
by Sheng-liang Yang & Zhong-kui Liu - 1-10 Remarks on weak solutions for a nonlocal parabolic problem
by S. B. de Menezes - 1-12 Subclasses of α -spirallike functions associated with Ruscheweyh derivatives
by Neng Xu & Dinggong Yang - 1-26 Inversion formulas for Riemann-Liouville transform and its dual associated with singular partial differential operators
by C. Baccar & N. B. Hamadi & L. T. Rachdi
January 2005, Volume 2005
- 1-3 Annihilators of nilpotent elements
by Abraham A. Klein - 1-4 Expansion of α -open sets and decomposition of α -continuous mappings
by M. Rajamani & K. Bagyalakshmi - 1-4 A note on the strong law of large numbers for associated sequences
by A. Nezakati - 1-4 Quasicoincidence for intuitionistic fuzzy points
by Francisco Gallego Lupiáñez - 1-4 A note on derivations in semiprime rings
by Joso Vukman & Irena Kosi-Ulbl - 1-4 On the L P -convergence for multidimensional arrays of random variables
by Le Van Thanh - 1-4 On the power-commutative kernel of locally nilpotent groups
by Costantino Delizia & Chiara Nicotera - 1-4 Another version of “exotic characterization of a commutative H ∗ -algebra”
by Parfeny P. Saworotnow - 1-4 On variants of a theorem of Schur
by Peter Hilton - 1-4 A note on Diophantine approximation
by J. M. Almira & N. Del Toro & A. J. López-Moreno - 1-5 Complemented subalgebras of the Baire- 1 functions defined on the interval [ 0 , 1 ]
by H. R. Shatery - 1-5 A weak periodicity condition for rings
by Hazar Abu-Khuzam & Howard E. Bell & Adil Yaqub - 1-5 Baire spaces, k -spaces, and some properly hereditary properties
by Adnan Al-Bsoul - 1-5 M r -factors and Q r -factors for near quasinorm on certain sequence spaces
by Piyapong Niamsup & Yongwimon Lenbury - 1-5 On the maximum modulus of a polynomial and its derivatives
by K. K. Dewan & Abdullah Mir - 1-5 A note involving p -valently Bazilević functions
by Hüseyin Irmak & Krzysztof Piejko & Jan Stankiewicz - 1-5 The complete product of annihilatingly unique digraphs
by C. S. Gan - 1-5 Dual series equations involving generalized Laguerre polynomials
by B. M. Singh & J. Rokne & R. S. Dhaliwal - 1-5 On a problem on explicit embeddings of the group ℚ
by Vahagn H. Mikaelian - 1-5 Mappings preserving regular hexahedrons
by Soon-Mo Jung & Byungbae Kim - 1-5 Another simple proof of the quintuple product identity
by Hei-Chi Chan - 1-5 Groups with the same orders of Sylow normalizers as the Mathieu groups
by Behrooz Khosravi & Behnam Khosravi - 1-6 Searching for Kaprekar's constants: algorithms and results
by Byron L. Walden - 1-6 Generalizations of the standard Artin representation are unitary
by Mohammad N. Abdulrahim - 1-6 Generalizations of Hopfian and co-Hopfian modules
by Yongduo Wang - 1-6 The existence of positive solutions for an elliptic boundary value problem
by G. A. Afrouzi - 1-6 A fixed point theorem for a pair of maps satisfying a general contractive condition of integral type
by P. Vijayaraju & B. E. Rhoades & R. Mohanraj - 1-6 On Semiabelian Groups
by N. F. Kuzennyi & I. Ya. Subbotin - 1-6 A q -analog of Euler's decomposition formula for the double zeta function
by David M. Bradley - 1-6 On an inequality of Diananda. Part II
by Peng Gao - 1-6 On the Fourier transform and the exchange property
by Dragu Atanasiu & Piotr Mikusiński - 1-6 Fixed point theorems for the class Q ( X , Y )
by Chi-Ming Chen & Chi-Lin Yen - 1-6 Asymptotic behaviour of solutions of nonlinear delay difference equations in Banach spaces
by Anna Kisiolek & Ireneusz Kubiaczyk - 1-6 A note on self-extremal sets in L p (Ω) spaces
by Viet Nguyen-Khac & Khiem Nguyen-Van - 1-6 On absolute matrix summability methods
by H. S. Özarslan & H. N. Öğdük - 1-6 Canonical equivariant extensions using classical Hodge theory
by Christopher Allday - 1-6 Fully fuzzy prime semigroups
by M. Shabir - 1-6 On solvability of general nonlinear variational-like inequalities in reflexive Banach spaces
by Zeqing Liu & Juhe Sun & Soo Hak Shim & Shin Min Kang - 1-6 On a theorem of W. Meyer-König and H. Tietz
by İBrahım Çanak & Mehmet Dık & Fılız Dık - 1-6 A generalized logistic distribution
by Saralees Nadarajah & Samuel Kotz - 1-6 On a subclass of n -starlike functions
by Mugur Acu & Shigeyoshi Owa - 1-6 Fibrations and contact structures
by Hamidou Dathe & Philippe Rukimbira