2024, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 195-222 Revocation or Recovery? The Change of Bank Default Indicators over Time
by Olga Bekirova - 223-247 Impact of Environmental Initiative Disclosures on Share Prices of Russian Public Companies
by Elena Fedorova & Polina Salnikova - 248-275 The Impact of Uncertainty in the Text of S-1 Forms on IPO Underpricing
by Anastasia Galich & Ashot Mirzoyan - 276-301 An Evolutionary Model of Financial Market Efficiency with Costly Information
by Aleksei Pastushkov - 302-328 The Role of Small Business in the Implementation of the Import Substituting Strategy for the Development of the Russian Economy
by Natalia Egorova & Sergey Bushansky - 329-351 Prospects for Solar Energy in Central Asia in the Context of Energy Transition
by Dmitrii Kritskii & Ivan Shchedrov
2024, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 44-80 Simulation Analysis of an OLG Model with Heterogeneous Preferences and Learning Abilities
by Angelina Shpilevaya & Andrey Polbin & Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev
2023, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 481-505 The Impact of Government Support on Firms’ Productivity during COVID-19
by Aleksandra Zhemkova - 506-526 Comparing Forecasting Accuracy between BVAR and VAR Models for the Russian Economy
by Yan Rudakouski - 527-549 The Links of Russia with EU, USA, China and ASEAN in International Supply Chains
by Andrey Gnidchenko - 550-573 National Debt in Central Asia: Risks and Management Approaches
by Ivan Nikonov & Stanislav Radionov & Oscar Mukhametov - 574-593 Securitisation of Leasing Assets in Solar Energy
by Viktor Gazman - 594-610 University Admissions Mechanism: Theoretical Analysis with Application to Russian Universities
by Alexei Roudnitski
2023, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 317-363 Macrofinance: The Sigmoidal Dynamics of Money, Debt and Wealth
by Alexander Smirnov - 390-411 Influence of Specialization of Banking Business on its Efficiency
by Konstantin Polyakov & Marina Polyakova - 412-434 Is There a Weekend Effect? Russian Stock Market Research Based on Fuzzy Systems
by Vladimir Sviyazov - 435-448 Cournot Equilibrium under Fuzzy Random Yield
by Alexey Shvedov - 449-469 Developing an OLG Model with Heterogeneous Preferences and Learning Abilities for Higher Education Policy Analysis
by Angelina Shpilevaya & Andrey Polbin & Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev
2023, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 159-195 Financial Frictions in a DSGE Model of Russian Economy
by Mariia Elkina - 196-219 Comparison of Central Counterparty Risk Assessment Approaches
by Artem Potapov & Marat Kurbangaleev - 220-247 Income Inequality and Natural Resource Endowment in the Russia's Regions
by Tatiana Ivakhnenko - 248-269 RCEP Impact on Economic Links between PRC and Japan
by Vladimir Zuev & Elena Ostrovskaya & Mikhail Kuznetsov - 270-289 Factors Affecting the Intention to Use Digital Banking Services: A Case Study on Elderly Customers in Vietnam
by Tran Thi Thanh Nga - 290-305 About Scientometric Rankings and Journal BACchanalia
by Alexander Rubinstein
2023, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 9-32 Building a GVAR Model for the Russian Economy
by Andrey Zubarev & Maria Kirillova - 33-48 On the Stochastic Forecasting in the Deterministic Model of the Russian Banking System
by Stanislav Radionov - 49-77 Comparison of Cryptocurrency and Stock Market Volatility Forecast Models
by Artem Aganin & Vyacheslav Manevich & Anatoly Peresetsky & Polina Pogorelova - 78-102 Illiquidity Effects in the Russian Stock Market
by Sergei Gurov - 103-121 Impact of Geographical Diversification on Credit Risk of Microfinance Organizations in Armenia
by Aram Mkhitaryan - 122-147 A Nexus Among Technology Input, Research Activity, Innovation, and Economic Growth: A vis-a-vis Analysis between Asia and Europe
by Maneesh Pandey & Komal Shekhawat & Irina Sergeeva & Olga Orlova
2022, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 497-522 The «Collateralized» Ruble: Deus ex Machina?
by Alexander Smirnov - 523-551 Competitive Storage and Commodity Price in Continuous Time
by Georgy Trofimov - 552-578 Income Inequality and the Cost of Living at the Sub-Regional Level. Estimates for Russia
by Alexandr Surinov & Artur Luppov - 579-597 Economic Assessment of CO2 Emissions in the Environmental Section of ESG
by Viktor Gazman - 598-622 Nowcasting of the Components of Russian GDP
by Natalya Makeeva & Ivan Stankevich - 623-646 Semi-Nonparametric Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity Model with Application to Bitcoin Volatility Estimation
by Juri Trifonov & Potanin Trifonov
2022, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 343-374 Demand for Skills: Analysis Using Online Vacancy Data
by Artem Volgin & Vladimir Gimpelson - 375-403 Provider Altruism in Incentives Contracts: Medicare’s Quality Race
by Galina Besstremyannaya & Sergei Golovan - 404-428 Market Reforms in Electricity Sector: Pros and Cons
by Yulia Vymyatnina & Yulia Raskina & Elena Artyukhova & Elena Babkina - 429-449 Hedonic Price Indices: Application to the Russian Market
by Marina Turuntseva & Vadim Zyamalov - 450-474 The Structure of Management Quality Assessment of Russian Banks
by Konstantin Polyakov & Marina Polyakova & Liudmila Zhukova - 475-486 Does Innovation Increase Labor Wage and Boost Firm’s Financial Performance? Evidence of Agricultural Firms in Vietnam with Bayesian Approach
by Quang Phu Tran & Kien The Nguyen
2022, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 177-212 The Labor Supply Elasticity for Married Men in Russia
by Alexey Zamnius & Andrey Polbin & Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev - 213-239 Meta-analysis of the Gender Pay Gap in Russia
by Sergey Roshchin & Natalya Yemelina - 240-269 Human Capital Measures in Economic Growth Studies: An Overview
by Daria Avdeeva - 270-284 The Choice of a Compromise Rate for Intra-Company Lending of Enterprises
by Mark Gorskiy & Mikhail Khalikov & Ivan Vnukov - 285-306 Modeling of Optimal Credit Limits in Microfinance Organizations
by Alexander Sorokin - 307-332 India-China Trade: History, Present State and Prospects
by Natalia Galistcheva & Maria Reshchikova
2022, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 9-36 Institutional Investors, Investment Horizon and Corporate Governance
by Kirill Povkh & Maria Kokoreva & Anastasia Stepanova - 37-68 Regional Input-Output Multipliers: Methodological and Informational Issues
by Alena Chepel & Andrey Chernyavskiy - 69-103 Bank Default's Factors Differentiation Based on License Withdrawal Reasons
by Andrey Zubarev & Kirill Shilov - 104-119 An Alternative Assessment of Banks’ Risk in a Low Interest Rate Environment
by Petr Teply & Matej Maivald & Libena Cernohorska - 120-144 Convergence in German Regional Housing Markets
by Elena Semerikova & Andreas Nastansky & Anastasia Blokhina - 145-164 Corruption, Violence, and the Rule of Law Affecting Regulatory Control: Forecast Evaluation
by Arvian Triantoro & Khalid Zaman & Sriyanto Sriyanto & Hailan Salamun & Shabnam Shabnam & Sasmoko Sasmoko & Yasinta Indrianti & Abdul-Rashid Abdul-Aziz & Mohd Khata Jabor
2021, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 515-539 Long-Term Trend Employment Decline in Russian Agriculture and Countersanctions Policy: Was There Any Effect?
by Elena Kotyrlo & Yulia Nikulina & Alexander Zaytsev - 540-559 Some Tariff Consequences Assessment of the Power Grid Industry Consolidation in Russia
by Oksana Mozgovaya & Yulia Sheval - 560-573 Rail Freight Sector: Different Organizational Models and Possible Scenarios for Russia
by Alexander Tomaev - 574-594 2019 Crab Quota Auction: History, Evaluation, and Alternative Scenarios
by Dmitriy Ivanov & Nikita Kalinin & Alexander Nesterov & Ivan Susin - 595-609 Export Transformation in Belarus: Results and Opportunities
by Ivan Lyubimov & Diana Mirakyan - 610-627 Classifying Countries in Terms of Government Expenditure: A Multi-criteria Approach
by Lich Khac Hoang & Moumita Chatterjee & Kien The Nguyen & Duong Anh Nguyen - 628-638 Can Education Policy Promote Environmental Quality: An Overlapping Generations Model
by Fatma Safi & Lobna Ben Hassen
2021, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 359-378 Economic Inequality in the Access to Remote Learning Assets Amongst Youth in BRICS Countries: What Can We Learn from Pre-COVID-19 Data?
by Garen Avanesian & Marina Borovskaya & Sakshi Mishra & Marina Masych & Tatiana Fedosova & Valeria Egorova - 379-402 Factors of Pricing in Russian Public Higher Education Institutions
by Aleksandr Dmitrienko - 403-422 Returns to Education in the Russian Federation: Some New Estimates
by Ekaterina Melianova & Suhas Parandekar & Harry Anthony Patrinos & Artem Volgin - 423-451 Impact of the Level of Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility on the Share Price: Quantitative and Textual Analysis
by Elena Fedorova & Igor Stepnov & Pavel Drogovoz & Anna Rashchupkina & Anastasiia Remesnik - 452-477 Impact of EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism on Russia
by Anton Votinov & Samvel Lazaryan & Stanislav Radionov & Sergei Sudakov - 478-503 Price-setting Behavior in Russia: Study of Survey Evidence
by Alexey Evseev & Farida Iskhakova
2021, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 177-195 Yield Curve Estimation in Illiquid Bond Markets
by Mikhail Makushkin & Victor Lapshin - 196-226 Optimal Liquidity and Risk-free Asset Portfolio
by Alexander Smirnov - 227-262 The Impact of Global Economic Activity, Oil Supply and Speculative Oil Shocks on the Russian Economy
by Daniil Lomonosov & Andrey Polbin & Nikita Fokin - 263-291 Risk Attitude, Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment
by Ariadna Gromova - 292-308 On the Interpretation of the Disposable Household Income Statistical Indicator
by Yurii Ivanov & Alexey Ponomarenko & Aleksandra Sil'chuk - 309-346 Dutch Disease Effects in the Azerbaijan Economy: Results of Multivariate Linear Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Estimations
by Ibrahim Niftiyev
2021, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 9-41 Priority Development Areas and Productivity Growth in Russian Cities
by Sergei Belev & Viktor Veterinarov & Olga Suchkova - 42-64 Features of the EAEU Strategy for the Formation of an FTA Network
by Vladimir Zuev & Elena Ostrovskaya & Valentina Skryabina & Hryhorii Kalachyhin - 65-101 Revisions of GDP: Data and Assessment of Statistical Properties
by Ekaterina Astafieva & Marina Turuntseva - 102-128 Insurance Company Performance within the Framework of Trade Agreements
by Valentina Demchuk - 129-146 Analysis of the TV Show «Sdelka?!»: Prospect Theory Approach
by Sofia Dolgikh & Bogdan Potanin - 147-164 Unlocking Technology Adoption for a Robust Food Supply Chain: Evidence from Indian Food Processing Sector
by Vranda Jain & Tavishi Tewary & Badri Narayanan Gopalakrishnan
2020, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 475-502 Financial Repression in a DSGE Model with Financial Frictions
by Mariia Elkina & Sergey Pekarski - 503-538 How to Learn to Defeat Noisy Robot in Rock-Paper-Scissors Game: An Exploratory Study
by Gregory Chernov - 539-571 Income Inequality in Russia. Measurement Based on Equivalent Income
by Aleksandr Surinov & Artur Luppov - 572-597 Russia’s Budgetary System: How Much Sustainable?
by Ànna Mikhaylova & Evgeny Timushev - 598-621 Next Credit Cycle: Danger of New «Euthanasia for the Rentiers»
by Anastasia Podrugina & Anton Tabakh - 622-649 Method for Analyzing Economic Processes in Conditions of Instability (on the Example of Analyzing the Dynamics of Revenue of Russian Companies)
by Yuri Polunin & Andrei Yudanov
2020, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 323-339 The Russian Electricity Reform: Achievements and Unresolved Issues
by Jakov Urinson & Igor Kozhukhovski & Igor Sorokin - 340-371 True Value of Electricity in Siberia: Cost-Benefit Analysis
by Natalya Gorbacheva - 372-390 The Influence of Trends in the Data on the Accuracy of DSGE Model Estimates
by Anton Votinov & Samvel Lazaryan - 391-414 The Impact of Risk Premium on Russian Macroeconomic Indicators
by Andrey Zubarev & Konstantin Rybak - 415-433 The Impact of Greenfield-FDI on Socio-Economic Development of Pakistan
by Ali Raza & Muhammad Azam & Muhammad Tariq - 434-464 «An Imaginary Patient» or What Should Be the Financing of Patronized Goods
by Alexander Rubinstein
2020, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 157-190 The Fatherhood Wage Premium in Russia
by Aleksey Oshchepkov - 191-214 Lending to Russian Small Businesses: From a Traditional to a Partnership-based Banking Model
by Natalia Egorova & Ekaterina Koroleva - 215-267 The Determinants of Capital Flight: An Overview of the Problem
by Nina Leonova - 268-294 Estimating Fiscal Multipliers in Russian Economy
by Ilya Zyablitskiy - 295-310 The Effect of Leverage, Dividend Policy, and Relational Capital on Corporate Performance
by N. Ngadiman
2020, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 9-27 History of the World Largest Credit Risk Losses in 1972–2018
by Henry Penikas - 28-52 Assessment of the Functional Relationship between the Yield Spread and the Default Spread
by Tatyana Erofeeva - 53-84 International Experience of Taxation of Crypto-assets
by Dmitry Kochergin & Natalia Pokrovskaia - 85-100 Soft Budget Constraints and Investment Support in Estonian Agriculture
by Olga Aleksandrova - 101-116 Textual Analysis of Pricing in the Moscow Residential Real Estate Market
by Gleb Goncharov & Timur Natkhov - 117-145 Improving the Financial Sustainability of Russian Football Clubs
by Ilia Solntsev
2019, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 497-523 Modeling the Probability of Credit Default of Clients of Microfinance Organizations: The Case of One MFI
by Konstantin Polyakov & Liudmila Zhukova - 524-541 The Balance of Payments and Russian Economic Growth
by Edgar Demetrio Tovar-Garcia & Carlos A. Carrasco - 542-561 The Determinants of Private Investment in Russia: The Role of Corporate Income Tax
by Anton Votinov & Mariia Elkina & Ivan Nikonov - 562-584 Transformation of Pricing in the Gas Industry As a Way to Stimulate Russia's Economic Development
by Alexey Makarov & Vyacheslav Kulagin & Anna Galkina & Tatyana Mitrova - 585-604 Long Run Return and Survival Factors of ICO
by Andrei Simonov & Vadim Zyamalov - 605-623 Russian Food Market Transformation: Income and Substitution Effects
by Ekaterina Berendeeva
2019, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 345-364 Why Are Some Theories Not Recognized, While Others Are Succesful? «Meritorious Paternalism» of R. Musgrave and «Libertarian Paternalism» of R. Thaler
by Alexander Rubinstein - 365-383 The Potential for Increasing Tax Revenues Amidst Reducing Fiscal Inconsistencies Zone(based on Kazakhstan’s economy researches)
by Sara Alpysbayeva & Madiyar Kenzhebulat & Gaukharbek Karashulakov - 384-417 Assessing the Consequences of the Pension Reform in Russia in a Global CGE-OLG Model
by Andrey Zubarev & Kristina Nesterova - 418-443 Bankruptcy Predictions for Air Carriers: Global Market
by Alex Borodin & Victoria Pyatanova & Anton Yashin - 444-464 On Wavelet Transform for Stock Price Modeling by Fuzzy Systems
by Anna Brychykova & Elena Mogilevich & Alexey Shvedov - 465-482 A Theoretical Approach and a Numerical Method for Finding a Quasi-Optimal Solution to a Nonlinear High-Dimensional Discrete Problem
by Mark Gorskiy
2019, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 185-237 Age and Wage: Stylized Facts and Russian Evidence
by Vladimir Gimpelson - 238-263 Socio-economic Efficiency of the Leasing in Renewable Energy
by Viktor Gazman - 264-289 On the Impact of News Tonality in International Media on the Russian Ruble Exchange Rate: Textual Analysis
by Dmitriy Afanasyev & Elena Fedorova & Oleg Rogov - 290-313 Energy Taxes and Their Contribution to Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction
by Ilya Stepanov - 314-330 Value Relevance of Government Ownership of Equity (Evidence from Russian Listed Companies)
by Anastasia Maga & Elizaveta Baranova & Zhargal Tumunbayarova
2019, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 9-31 Parametric Immunization of Interest Rate Risk via Term Structure Models
by Sergey Beshenov & Victor Lapshin - 32-60 Constructing a Financial Stress Index for Russia: New Approaches
by Mikhail Stolbov - 61-89 Barriers of the EAEU Common Market for Foreign Activity of Enterprises
by Roman Volkov & Ekaterina Sabelnikova & Vladimir Salnikov & Marat Idrisov & Saltanat Zhumabekova & Peter Piakucka - 90-117 Survival of the Fittest? Measuring the Strength of Market Selection on the Example of the Urals Federal District
by Ivan Savin & Oleg Mariev & Andrey Pushkarev - 118-142 Shareholders’ and Managers’ Interests: Collisions in Russian Corporations
by Igor' Shevchenko & Ekaterina Puchkina & Nikolaj Tolstov - 143-172 Efficiency Modeling of Russian Universities
by Daria Zinchenko & Alexey Egorov
2018, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 489-530 Low Paid Jobs in the Russian Labour Market: Does Exit Exist and Where Does It Lead to?
by Vladimir Gimpelson & Rostislav Kapeliushnikov & Anna Sharunina - 531-562 Job Search in Russia: A Split-Population Model
by Ekaterina Batalova & Kirill Furmanov - 563-582 Economic Access to Food: Factors and Methods of Assessment
by Konstantin Borodin - 583-608 Multipolar Global Trade Slowdown and Revival
by Andrey Gnidchenko - 609-630 Phillips Curve Estimation on Regional Data
by Daria Averina & Taisiia Gorshkova & Elena Sinelnikova-Muryleva - 631-661 Ramsey Model with Financial Repression and Government Spending
by Olga Norkina
2018, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 330-361 Model of Optimal Consumption with Possibility of Taking Loans at Random Moments of Time
by Aleksandra Zhukova & Igor Pospelov - 362-386 A Model of the Real Sector of Russian Economy with Several Goods and Agents-Traders
by Sergey Vasilyev & Ivan Stankevich & Alexey Ujegov - 387-417 Interbank Network Topology in the Agent-based Model of Banking System
by Andrey Leonidov & Vladimir Nechitailo & Ekaterina Serebryannikova - 418-447 The Optimal Behavior Model of the Modern Russian Banking System
by Nikolay Pilnik & Stanislav Radionov & Artem Yazykov - 448-459 Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) Models. Errors of Numerical Methods
by Sergey Ivashchenko - 460-479 Debt Overhang and Monetary Policy in Czech Republic
by Charles Goodhart & Kanat Isakov & Udara Peiris & Dimitrios Tsomocos
2018, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 169-196 Educational Assortative Mating and Income Inequality
by Daria Zinchenko & Anna Lukiyanova - 197-227 The Pathways That Lead Youth in NEET: The Case of Russia
by Anna Zudina - 228-250 The Exchange Rate and the Verbal Interventions by the Government and the Bank of Russia
by Olga Kuznetsova & Sofiya Ulyanova - 251-274 Generalized Multi-Product Decomposition of Elements of the Use of Russia's GDP
by Nikolay Pilnik & Stanislav Radionov & Ivan Stankevich - 275-293 Shale Oil: Production Potential As a Function of Price
by Alexander Malanichev - 294-319 Comparative Analysis of Forestry Economic Indicators of Russia and Finland
by Vladimir Petrov & Tatiana Katkova & Sari Karvinen
2018, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 9-39 Modeling the Food Embargo Impact on the Russian Households’ Consumption
by Ekaterina Berendeeva & Tatyana Ratnikova - 59-83 Adaptation and the Easterlin Paradox in Russia
by Alexander Larin & Sergey Filyasov - 84-109 A Comparison of Time-series Bootstrap Methods in Terms of Backtesting Risk Measurement Models of Banks
by Mariia Dedova - 110-134 Improvement of Evaluation Approaches of the Russian Public Programs
by George Borshchevskiy - 135-152 Countries’ Participation in Global Value Chains: An Example of Consumer Electronics Industry
by Olga Klochko & Il'ya Manuylov
2017, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 529-532 Economic Demography in the Journal
by Mikhail Denisenko - 533-561 Measuring the Contribution of Demographic Change and Human Capital to Economic Growth in Russia
by Natalia Akindinova & Kseniya Chekina & Alexandr Yarkin - 562-591 Russian Pension System in the Context of Demographic Challenges and Constraints
by Oksana Sinyavskaya - 592-622 Working Life Expectancy in Russia
by Mikhail Denisenko & Elena Varshavskaya - 623-647 Mortality by Educational Level in Russia
by Anastasiya Pyankova & Timur Fattakhov - 648-679 Russian Migration Liberalization in 2007–2008: Lower Wages and Other Consequences
by Sergey Onenko & Sergey Kokovin - 680-701 Older Workers in the OECD Labour Market
by Nina Vishnevskaya - 702-720 Nobel Prize in Economics – 2017: Richard Thaler’s Contribution
by Ksenia Panidi
2017, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 385-411 How Substantial Is Employment Discrimination Against the Disabled in Russia?
by Anna Demianova & Anna Lukiyanova - 412-433 The Index Fund Rationality Paradox and Categorical Thinking
by Evgeni Tarassov - 434-450 Modeling the Stock Market Dynamics by Takagi–Sugeno Fuzzy Inference Systems
by Elena Mogilevich & Alexey Shvedov - 451-481 Development of the Model of Improving the Effectiveness of Investment Portfolio
by Varvara Nazarova & Ivan Levichev - 482-514 Testing for Insider Trading in the Depositary Receipts and Common Shares of the Russian Public Companies
by Elena Chirkova & Vladislav Petrov
2017, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 201-223 Economics of Lies: Causes, Determinants and Experimental Measurements
by Aleksey Belyanin - 224-260 Estimating Gravity Models of International Trade: A Survey of Methods
by Andrei Shumilov - 283-311 Backstage Games of Management Companies
by Eduard Inozemtsev - 312-332 "Green Finance" as Recipe for Solving Global Problems
by Violetta Arkhipova - 333-350 Auctions with Resale: A Survey
by Ivan Susin