- 2015-16 Market Structure or Traders' Behaviour? An Assessment of Flash Crash Phenomena and their Regulation based on a Multi-agent Simulation
by Nathalie Oriol & Iryna Veryzhenko - 2015-15 The Role of Psychology in Austrian Economics and Game Theory: Subjectivity and Coordination
by Richard Arena & Lauren Larrouy - 2015-14 Revisiting Methodological Individualism in Game Theory: The Contributions of Schelling and Bacharach
by Lauren Larrouy - 2015-13 La difficile conciliation entre politique de concurrence et politique industrielle : le soutien aux énergies renouvelables
by Patrice Bougette & Christophe Charlier - 2015-12 Eco-Innovation and Firm Growth: Do Green Gazelles Run Faster? Microeconometric Evidence from a Sample of European Firms
by Alessandra Colombelli & Jackie Krafft & Francesco Quatraro - 2015-11 Nature des sociétés de capital-investissement et performances des firmes : le cas de la France
by Muriel Dal-Pont Legrand & Sophie Pommet - 2015-10 Régulation par contrat
by Frédéric Marty - 2015-09 Household Waste Recycling: Economics and Policy
by Ankinée Kirakozian - 2015-08 Real Firms, Transaction Costs and Firm Development: A Suggested Formalisation
by Michael Dietrich & Jackie Krafft & Jolian McHardy - 2015-07 Long Tails in the Tourism Industry: Towards Knowledge Intensive Service Suppliers
by Christian Longhi & Sylvie Rochhia - 2015-06 Testing Quantum-like Models of Judgment for Question Order Effects
by Thomas Boyer-Kassem & Sébastien Duchêne & Eric Guerci - 2015-05 Corporate Governance, Innovation and Firm Age: Insights and New Evidence
by Stefano Bianchini & Jackie Krafft & Francesco Quatraro & Jacques Ravix - 2015-04 Markup Heterogeneity, Export Status and the Establishment of the Euro
by Sarah Guillou & Lionel Nesta - 2015-03 Natural Disasters, Household Welfare and Resilience: Evidence from Rural Vietnam
by Mohamed Arouri & Adel Ben Youssef & Cuong Nguyen - 2015-02 The Law of Diminishing Elasticity of Demand in Harrod’s Trade Cycle (1936)
by Michaël Assous & Olivier Bruno & Muriel Dal-Pont Legrand - 2015-01 The Dual Role of Mobile Payment in Developing Countries
by Laetitia Chaix & Dominique Torre
- 2014-49 Using Ordinal Variables to Measure Multidimensional Poverty in Two South Mediterranean Countries
by Valérie Bérenger - 2014-48 Tinkering With Regulation: Strategizing Tools as Organizational Bricolage
by Isabelle Corbett-Etchevers & Aura Parmentier Cajaiba & Giovany Cajaiba Santana - 2014-47 Bricolage Perspective on Strategizing Tools: A Comparative Case Study
by Isabelle Corbett-Etchevers & Aura Parmentier Cajaiba & Giovany Cajaiba Santana - 2014-46 Single Till or Dual Till at Airports: a Two-Sided Market
by Estelle Malavolti - 2014-45 Towards a Sustainable Tourism
by Malgorzata Ogonowska & Dominique Torre - 2014-44 Evolution des carrières et des salaires des enseignants chercheurs depuis le plan de revalorisation de 2008. L'exemple de la section 5 du CNU (Sciences Economiques)
by Thomas Jobert - 2014-43 Pierre Quesnay (1895-1937) from the League of Nations to the Franc Poincaré: Financial Discipline and Monetary Pragmatism
by Muriel Dal-Pont Legrand & Dominique Torre - 2014-42 Constructing a Novel Competitiveness Index for European Regions
by Marko Danon - 2014-41 Routines and Networks: Strengthening a Missed Link
by Aura Parmentier Cajaiba & Giovany Cajaiba Santana - 2014-40 Michaël Polanyi on Reality, Knowledge, and Economics
by Agnès Festré & Pierre Garrouste - 2014-39 A Virtuous Cumulative Growth Circle among Innovation, Inclusion and Sustainability? A Structuralist-Keynesian Analysis with an Application on Europe
by Giulio Guarini & Giuseppe Garofalo & Alessandro Federici - 2014-38 Firms' Leverage and Export Market Participation: Evidence from South Korea
by Haeng-Sun Kim - 2014-37 International Trade and Firm-level Markups when Location and Quality Matter
by Flora Bellone & Patrick Musso & Lionel Nesta & Frederic Warzynski - 2014-36 L'évolution du lien entre les normes comptables et prudentielles : une analyse du point de vue des parties prenantes du secteur bancaire
by Samira Demaria & Grégory Heem - 2014-35 De la soutenabilité budgétaire des contrats de partenariat public-privé
by Frédéric Marty - 2014-34 Futures Market Volatility, Exchange Rate Uncertainty and Cereals Exports: Empirical Evidence from France
by Raphaël Chiappini & Yves Jégourel - 2014-33 A Partial Characterization of the Core in Bertrand Oligopoly TU-games with Transferable Technologies
by Aymeric Lardon - 2014-32 Does a Firm's Exposure to Ethical Issues Matter to Financial Markets? A Governance Perspective
by Denis Cormier & Michel Magnan - 2014-31 Adoption of Information and Communication Technologies and New Organizational Practices in the Tunisian Manufacturing Sector
by Adel Ben Youssef & Walid Hadhri & Hatem Mhenni - 2014-30 Domestic Credit in Times of Supervision: An Empirical Investigation of European Countries
by Thomas Jobert & Alexandru Monahov & Anna Tykhonenko - 2014-29 Do Credit Constrained Firms in Africa Innovate Less? A Study Based on Nine African Nations
by Edward Lorenz - 2014-28 Capital, richesse et croissance: de la recherche empirique aux éclairages théoriques
by Jean-Luc Gaffard - 2014-27 The Complementarities between Information Technologies Use, New Organizational Practices and Employees' Contextual Performance: Evidence from Europe in 2005 and 2010
by Adel Ben Youssef & Ludivine Martin & Nessrine Omrani - 2014-26 Conflict Management in Interorganizational Projects: An Integrative Analysis of Two Longitudinal Case Studies in Information Systems
by Stéphanie Missonier & Frédérique Chedotel & Sabrina Loufrani-Fedida - 2014-25 Determinants of the Duration of European Appellate Court Proceedings in Cartel Cases
by Florian Smuda & Patrice Bougette & Kai Hüschelrath - 2014-24 Keynes and the Interwar Commodity Option Markets
by Maria Cristina Marcuzzo & Eleonora Sanfilippo - 2014-23 When Economics Met Antitrust: The Second Chicago School and the Economization of Antitrust Law
by Patrice Bougette & Marc Deschamps & Frédéric Marty - 2014-22 Pertinence des mesures non-GAAP pour les marchés boursiers : le cas des firmes du CAC 40
by Denis Cormier & Samira Demaria - 2014-21 Rock around the Clock: An Agent-Based Model of Low- and High-Frequency Trading
by Sandrine Jacob Leal & Mauro Napoletano & Andrea Roventini & Giorgio Fagiolo - 2014-20 Renewable Energy, Subsidies, and the WTO: Where has the 'Green' Gone?
by Patrice Bougette & Christophe Charlier - 2014-19 Eco-innovation and Regulatory Push/Pull Effect in the Case of REACH Regulation: Empirical Evidence from Survey Data
by Nabila Arfaoui - 2014-18 Reshaping Standard Microeconomics for Political Action: Kenneth J. Arrow and Thomas C. Schelling’s Rand Corporation Projects on Racial Issues
by Cléo Chassonnery-Zaïgouche & Lauren Larrouy - 2014-17 Challenging Standard Non-Cooperative Game Theory? From Bacharach's "Variable Frame Theory" to "Team Reasoning"
by Lauren Larrouy - 2014-16 Virtual Social Currencies for Unemployed People: Social Networks and Job Market Access
by Maëlle Della Peruta & Dominique Torre - 2014-15 La construction des Business Models des fournisseurs d'Infrastructure as-a-Service : l'étude de deux 'purs players' français
by Franck Léon - 2014-14 Compétences relationnelles et entreprises à internationalisation rapide et précoce : une approche multi-niveaux
by Djamila Elidrissi & Valérie Hauch & Sabrina Loufrani-Fedida - 2014-13 Consumer Choice Theory and Social Learning
by Anaïs Carlin - 2014-12 Bank Leverage, Financial Fragility and Prudential Regulation
by Olivier Bruno & André Cartapanis & Eric Nasica - 2014-11 Institutional Determinants of Japanese Outward FDI in the Manufacturing Industry
by Raphaël Chiappini - 2014-10 Reconsidering the Nature and Effects of Habits in Urban Transportation Behaviour
by Olivier Brette & Thomas Buhler & Nathalie Lazaric & Kevin Marechal - 2014-09 Internal and External Effects of R&D Subsidies and Fiscal Incentives: Empirical Evidence Using Spatial Dynamic Panel Models
by Benjamin Montmartin & Marcos Herrera - 2014-08 La nature devenue projet de compensation écologique
by Séverine Borderon - 2014-07 Fiscal and Monetary Policies in Complex Evolving Economies
by Giovanni Dosi & Giorgio Fagiolo & Mauro Napoletano & Andrea Roventini & Tania Treibich - 2014-06 Towards an Economics of Convention-based Approach of the European Competition Policy
by Frédéric Marty - 2014-05 Splitting Nuclear Parks or Not? The Third Party Liability Role
by Gérard Mondello - 2014-04 IFRS Standards and Insurance Companies: What Stakes for Long-Term Investment? A French Case Explanatory Analysis
by Samira Demaria & Sandra Rigot - 2014-03 Do People Stand by their Commitments? Evidence from Classroom Experiments
by Agnès Festré & Pierre Garrouste - 2014-02 Lange's 1938 Model: Dynamics and the "Optimum propensity to consume"
by Michaël Assous & Roberto Lampa - 2014-01 The Effects of Biased Technological Changes on Total Factor Productivity: A Rejoinder and New Empirical Evidence
by Cristiano Antonelli & Francesco Quatraro
- 2013-49 Selective Sorting of Waste: A Study of Individual Behaviors
by Ankinée Kirakozian - 2013-48 Pour une hiérarchisation et une nouvelle forme de rédaction des décisions de l'Autorité de la concurrence
by Marc Deschamps - 2013-47 Asian Disease-type of Framing of Outcomes as an Historical Curiosity
by Dorian Jullien - 2013-46 Intentional Apple-choice Behaviors: When Amartya Sen Meets John Searle
by Dorian Jullien - 2013-45 Insolvency Traps and Multiple Equilibria Complex Dynamics in a Simple Bond Market
by Alfredo Medio - 2013-44 MIT and Money
by Perry Mehrling - 2013-43 Routines Resistance: How Conflicts within Transactive Memory Obstruct Routinization
by Peter T. Bryant & Nathalie Lazaric & Moustapha Niang - 2013-42 L'évolution des conditions de financement des contrats de partenariats public-privé : quels impacts de la crise financière ?
by Frédéric Marty - 2013-41 Solow's Struggle with Medium-Run Macroeconomics: 1956-1995
by Michaël Assous - 2013-40 Do Incentive Systems Spur Work Motivation of Inventors in High Tech Firms ? A Group-Based Perspective
by Nathalie Lazaric & Alain Raybaut - 2013-39 Equilibrium versus Process: A Confrontation between Mainstream and Austrian Ontology
by Sandye Gloria-Palermo - 2013-38 Is Misallocation Higher in France than in the United States?
by Flora Bellone & Jérémy Mallen-Pisano - 2013-37 La macroéconomie à l'épreuve des faits
by Jean-Luc Gaffard - 2013-36 Inequality, Debt and Taxation: The Perverse Relation between the Productive and the Non-Productive Assets of the Economy
by Mario Amendola & Jean-Luc Gaffard & Fabrizio Patriarca - 2013-35 Procyclicality and Bank Portfolio Risk Level under a Constant Leverage Ratio
by Olivier Bruno & Alexandra Girod - 2013-34 Is Financial Support for Private R&D Always Justified? A Discussion Based on the Literature on Growth
by Benjamin Montmartin & Nadine Massard - 2013-33 In Search of the Right Tool: From Formalism to Constructivist Modelling
by Sandye Gloria-Palermo - 2013-32 The Impact of Venture Capital Investment Duration on the Survival of French IPOs
by Sophie Pommet - 2013-31 L'articulation économie, droit et politique dans la pensée ordolibérale
by Marc Deschamps - 2013-30 Killing a Second Bird with One Stone? Promoting Firm Growth and Export through Tax Policy
by Michele Bernini & Tania Treibich - 2013-29 Firms' Leverage and Export Quality: Evidence from France
by Michele Bernini & Sarah Guillou & Flora Bellone - 2013-28 First Time Lucky? An Experiment on Single versus Multiple Bank Lending Relationships
by Giorgia Barboni & Tania Treibich - 2013-27 Simple and Complex Dynamics: A Hidden Parameter
by Alfredo Medio - 2013-26 As-Efficient Competitor Test in Exclusionary Prices Strategies: Does Post-Danmark Really Pave the Way towards a More Economic Approach?
by Frédéric Marty - 2013-25 Industrial Seigniorage, the Other Face of Competition
by Jordan Melmiès - 2013-24 Do Overseas Investments Create or Replace Trade? New insights from a Macro-Sectoral Study on Japan
by Raphaël Chiappini - 2013-23 Pourquoi des politiques de concurrence ?
by Marc Deschamps - 2013-22 Policy Design, Eco-innovation and Industrial Dynamics in an Agent-Based Model: An Illustration with the REACH Regulation
by Nabila Arfaoui & Eric Brouillat & Maïder Saint-Jean - 2013-21 Rationality and Efficiency: From Experimentation in (recent) Applied Microeconomics to Conceptual Issues
by Dorian Jullien & Judith Favereau & Cléo Chassonnery-Zaigouche - 2013-20 Entry and Post-Entry Dynamics in Developing Countries
by Francesco Quatraro & Marco Vivarelli - 2013-19 L’instrumentation de la GTEC au service de l’articulation entre compétences individuelles et employabilité : le cas de la plateforme eDRH06
by Eve Saint-Germes & Sabrina Loufrani-Fedida - 2013-18 Social Learning about Consumption
by Isabelle Salle & Pascal Seppecher - 2013-17 Residents' Influence on the Adoption of Environmental Norms in Tourism
by Malgorzata Ogonowska & Dominique Torre - 2013-16 Organizational Attention Elasticity: An Exploratory Case of Cement Production
by Evelyne Rouby & Catherine Thomas - 2013-15 Le rôle des connaissances architecturales dans l’élaboration de la plateforme technologique d’un écosystème en émergence: le cas des plateformes NFC
by Amel Attour & Maëlle Della Peruta - 2013-14 Designing a Qualitative Research Project Consistent with its Explicit or Implicit Epistemological Framework
by Marie-José Avenier & Catherine Thomas - 2013-13 Modeling Luxury Consumption: An Inter-Income Classes Study of Demand Dynamics and Social Behaviors
by Anaïs Carlin - 2013-12 Adoption et modèles de diffusion régionale de l’innovation dans les gouvernements locaux: le cas du développement de l’e-Gouvernement en Lorraine
by Amel Attour - 2013-11 Bacharach's ‘Variable Frame Theory’: A Legacy from Schelling's Issue in the Refinement Program?
by Lauren Larrouy - 2013-10 Liquidity in European Equity ETFs: What Really Matters?
by Anna Calamia & Laurent Deville & Fabrice Riva - 2013-09 Dynamics of Investment and Firm Performance: Comparative Evidence from Manufacturing Industries
by Marco Grazzi & Nadia Jacoby & Tania Treibich - 2013-08 Knowledge Cumulability and Complementarity in the Knowledge Generation Function
by Cristiano Antonelli & Alessandra Colombelli - 2013-07 Distortion Effects of Export Quota Policy: An Analysis of the China - Raw Materials Dispute
by Christophe Charlier & Sarah Guillou - 2013-06 Sraffa's and Wittgenstein's Crossed Influences: Forms of Life and Snapshots
by Richard Arena - 2013-05 Research Diary Mapping: Enhancing Reflectivity in Process Research
by Aura Parmentier-Cajaiba - 2013-04 Toying with Regulation: ‘Strategizing Tools’ as Organizational Bricolage
by Isabelle Corbett-Etchevers & Aura Parmentier-Cajaiba - 2013-03 Man and Machine in Macroeconomics
by Kevin Hoover - 2013-02 Was Harrod Right?
by Kevin Hoover - 2013-01 Persistence vs. Mobility in Industrial and Technological Specialisations: Evidence from 11 Euro Area Countries
by Raphaël Chiappini
- 2012-17 The Dialogical Model: Developing Academic Knowledge for and from Practice
by Marie-José Avenier & Aura Parmentier-Cajaiba - 2012-16 The Co-Evolution of Knowledge and Economic Structure: Evidence from European Regions
by Francesco Quatraro - 2012-15 Trade and Environment: Further Empirical Evidence from Heterogeneous Panels Using Aggregate Data
by Thomas Jobert & Fatih Karanfil & Anna Tykhonenko - 2012-14 The Survival of Venture Capital Backed Companies: An Analysis of the French Case
by Sophie Pommet - 2012-13 Capitalist Development, Innovations, Business Cycles and Unemployment: Joseph Alois Schumpeter and Emil Hans Lederer
by Harald Hagemann - 2012-12 The ‘Economics of Attention’: A New Avenue of Research in Cognitive Economics
by Agnès Festré & Pierre Garrouste - 2012-11 Social Capital and Enterprise Innovative Performance: A Multi-Level Analysis of Developing Nations
by Edward Lorenz - 2012-10 Social Decision Theory and Non-strategic Behaviour
by Dino Borie - 2012-09 Financial Reforms, International Financial Flows, and Growth in Advanced Economies
by Catherine Guillemineau - 2012-08 E Pluribus Unum: Macroeconomic Modelling for Multi-agent Economies
by Tiziana Assenza & Domenico Delli Gatti - 2012-07 International Productivity Gaps and the Export Status of Firms: Evidence from France and Japan
by Flora Bellone & Kozo Kiyota & Toshiyuki Matsuura & Patrick Musso & Lionel Nesta - 2012-06 Ambiguity, Agency Relationships and Adverse Selection
by Gérard Mondello - 2012-05 A Probabilistic Ghost in the Experimental Machine
by Dorian Jullien & Nicolas Vallois - 2012-04 Somebody May Scold You! A Dictator Experiment
by Agnès Festré & Pierre Garrouste - 2012-03 The Equivalence of Strict Liability and Negligence Rule: A "Trompe l'oeil" Perspective
by Gérard Mondello - 2012-02 Distrust and Barriers to International Trade in Food Products: An Analysis of the US — Poultry Dispute
by Christophe Charlier - 2012-01 Les clauses environnementales dans les marchés publics : perspectives économiques
by Frédéric Marty
- 2025-01 Generative Artificial Intelligence and Revolution of Market for Legal Services
by Bruno Deffains & Frédéric Marty