- 175-182 Europe 1992: some monetary policy issues
by Robin Leigh-Pemberton - 183-243 International dimensions of monetary policy: coordination versus autonomy
by Jacob A. Frenkel & Morris Goldstein & Paul R. Masson - 245-290 The dollar in the 1990s: competitiveness and the challenges of new economic blocs
by Rudiger Dornbusch - 291-297 Overview: central bank perspectives
by John W. Crow - 299-307 Overview: central bank perspectives
by Leonhard Gleske - 309-313 Overview: central bank perspectives
by Alan Greenspan - y:1989 Monetary policy issues in the 1990s - a symposium, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, August 30- September 1, 1989
by anonymous
- 1-32 Causes of changing financial market volatility
by Robert J. Shiller - 33-78 Financial factors in business fluctuations
by Mark Gertler & R. Glenn Hubbard - 79-132 The international transmission of asset price volatility
by Charles A. E. Goodhart - 133-140 Globalization of financial markets: international supervisory and regulatory issues
by Alexandre Lamfalussy - 141-184 Policies to curb stock market volatility
by Franklin R. Edwards - 185-231 Exchange rate volatility and misalignment: evaluating some proposals for reform
by Jacob A. Frenkel & Morris Goldstein - y:1988 Financial market volatility : a symposium , Jackson Hole, Wyoming, August 17-19, 1988
by anonymous
- 1-17 Can regulatory reform prevent the impending disaster in financial markets?
by Franklin R. Edwards - 19-62 Eroding market imperfections: implications for financial intermediaries, the payments system, and regulatory reform
by Robert A. Eisenbeis - 63-79 Financial restructuring: the Canadian experience
by Charles Freedman - 81-102 Financial restructuring: the United Kingdom experience
by Anthony D. Loehnis - 103-119 Financial restructuring: the Japanese experience
by Yoshio Suzuki - 121-137 Perspectives on financial restructuring
by L. William Seidman - 139-166,185-205 Redesigning regulation: the future of finance in the United States
by Thomas F. Huertas - 167-205 The case for preserving regulatory distinctions
by James Tobin - y:1987 Restructuring the financial system : a symposium, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, August 20-22, 1987
by anonymous
- 1-14 Debt, financial stability, and public policy (Symposium overview)
by Bryon Higgins - 15-26 Debt: the threat to economic and financial stability
by Henry Kaufman - 27-61 Increasing indebtedness and financial stability in the United States
by Benjamin M. Friedman - 63-97 International debt and economic instability
by Rudiger Dornbusch - 99-106 International debt and public policy
by A. W. Clausen - 107-163 Regulatory policies and financial stability
by Robert A. Eisenbeis - 165-208 Debt problems and macroeconomic policies
by Lawrence H. Summers - y:1986 Debt, financial stability, and public policy : a symposium, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, August 27-29, 1986
by anonymous
- 1-32 Gauging the evidence on recent movements in the value of the dollar
by Richard M. Levich - 33-63 Causes of appreciation and volatility of the dollar
by William H. Branson - 65-92 Effects of the strong dollar
by Robert Solomon - 93-102 The international role of the dollar
by Otmar Emminger - 103-155 Is the strong dollar sustainable?
by Paul R. Krugman - 157-183 The U.S. payments deficit and the strong dollar: policy options
by Richard N. Cooper - 185-226 Is there a case for more managed exchange rates?
by Jeffrey D. Sachs - 227-234 The U.S. dollar: recent developments, outlook, and policy options (overview)
by C. Fred Bergsten - 235-240 The U.S. dollar: recent developments, outlook, and policy options (overview)
by William Poole - 241-244 The U.S. dollar: recent developments, outlook, and policy options (overview)
by Henry C. Wallich - y:1985 U.S. dollar: recent developments, outlook, and policy options - a symposium, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, August 21-23, 1985
by anonymous
- 1-32 The causes of inflation
by Frederic S. Mishkin - 33-56 The benefits of price stability
by Stanley Fischer - 57-96 Estimated tradeoffs between unemployment and inflation
by Ray C. Fair - 97-103 The role of the central bank in achieving price stability: an international perspective
by Helmut Schlesinger - 105-135 Credibility and monetary policy
by Bennett T. McCallum - 137-167 Monetary strategy with an elastic price standard
by Robert E. Hall - 169-199 The value of intermediate targets in implementing monetary policy
by Benjamin M. Friedman - 201-208 Price stability and public policy (overview)
by James Tobin - 209-222 Price stability and public policy (overview)
by Allan H. Meltzer - y:1984 Price stability and public policy : a symposium, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, August 2-3, 1984
by anonymous
- 1-27 Identifying the effects of structural change
by Lawrence R. Klein - 29-83 Changes in U.S. industrial structure: the role of global forces, secular trends, and transitory cycles
by Robert Z. Lawrence - 85-122 Macroeconomic policy under structural change
by Robert E. Hall - 123-176 Targeted industrial policies: theory and evidence
by Paul R. Krugman - 177-229 Labor market policies in response to structural changes in labor demand
by Michael L. Wachter & William L. Wascher - 231-265 Capital formation, technology, and economic policy
by Barry P. Bosworth - 267-320 International trade policies in a world of industrial change
by J. David Richardson - 321-339 Industrial change and public policy (overview)
by William Diebold - 341-349 Industrial change and public policy (overview)
by George C. Lodge - 351-371 Industrial change and public policy (overview)
by Jerry Jasinowski - y:1983 Industrial change and public policy: a symposium, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, August 24-26, 1983
by anonymous
- 3-46 Issues in the coordination of monetary and fiscal policies
by Alan S. Blinder - 47-95 The role of expectations in the choice of monetary policy
by John B. Taylor - 97-129 The effect of U.S. policies on foreign countries: the case of Canada
by Charles Freedman - 133-180 The effects of alternative operating procedures on economic and financial relationships
by Carl E. Walsh - 181-222 Selecting monetary targets in a changing financial environment
by Edward J. Kane - 223-265 Using a credit aggregate target to implement monetary policy in the financial environment of the future
by Benjamin M. Friedman - y:1982 Monetary policy issues in the 1980s: a symposium, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, August 9-10, 1982
by anonymous