- 203 Corporate separateness
by Roger D. Rutz - 202 Risk-based capital and off-balance sheet activities
by Robert B. Avery & Allen N. Berger - 201 An analysis of bank hedging in futures markets
by Gary D. Koppenhaver - 200 Off-balance sheet activities and the underinvestment problem in banking
by Christopher M. James - 199 Ownership structure, deregulation, and bank risk taking
by Anthony Saunders & Elizabeth Strock & Nickolaos G. Travlos - 198 The market's evaluation of bank risk: a methodological approach
by Gary Gorton & Anthony M. Santomero - 197 Parameter variability, event studies, and the two-index model
by Edward J. Kane & Haluk Unal - 196 Contagion effects and banks closed in the free banking period
by Gerald P. Dwyer & Iftekhar Hasan - 195 A re-examination of the history of bank failures, contagion, and banking panics
by R. Alton Gilbert - 194 Capital requirements and optimal bank portfolios: a reexamination
by William P. Osterberg & James B. Thomson - 193 Bank capital regulation in the 1980s: effective or ineffective?
by Michael C. Keeley - 192 Risk-based capital adequacy standards for a sample of 43 major banks
by Ehud I. Ronn & Avinash K. Verma - 191 Margins and the future of the markets
by Merton H. Miller - 190 The fact and the fiction of October 19
by Joseph A. Grundfest - 189 Lessons from October 19th
by Robert R. Glauber - 188 Lessons from the crash of '87: systemic issues
by Gillian Garcia - 187 Remarks for the panel \"Lessons from October 19, 1987\"
by Martha R. Seger - 186 Systemic risk and financial restructuring
by William Taylor - 185 The effects of regulation on systemic risks
by Anna J. Schwartz - 184 The bank by any other name
by Thomas G. Labrecque - 183 The first law of restructuring
by Barry F. Sullivan - 182 An overview of financial structuring
by Alan Greenspan - 3 The financial services industry in the year 2000: risk and efficiency: proceedings of a Conference held May 11-13, 1988
by anonymous
- 181 Federal tax treatment for bank loan losses and bank capital adequacy
by Gerald A. Hanweck - 180 Bank equity returns: the difference between intrastate and interstate bank mergers
by Francisco de Cossio & Kevin P. Scanlon & Jack W. Trifts - 179 The effect of new capital issues on the prices of holding company shares
by Donald M. Brown & Steven C. Isberg - 178 Branch banking, market concentration, and the competition for small firm business
by William C. Dunkelberg & John D. Leeth & Jonathan A. Scott - 177 Structure - performance relationships in regional banking markets
by Constance R. Dunham - 176 Optimization and bank management comments on papers by Udell and Morgan- Smith
by Richard W. Nelson - 175 Designing the optimal loan review policy
by Gregory F. Udell - 174 The relationship between returns to risky lending and Gap management
by George E. Morgan - 173 Modelling credit exposure on swaps
by Mark Muffett - 172 Market discipline, information disclosure, and uninsured deposits
by George Pennacchi - 171 Off-balance-sheet items and the changing market and interest-rate sensitivity of deposit-institution equity returns
by Edward J. Kane & Haluk Unal - 170 Finance theory and financial intermediation
by C. W. Sealey - 169 The valuation cost approach to the theory of financial intermediation
by Tim S. Campbell - 168 Determinants of small bank acquisition premiums
by Donald R. Fraser & James Kolari - 167 Problem banks: the Phoenix factors
by Daniel Huyser - 166 Local economic effects of bank failures
by R. Alton Gilbert - 165 Assessing the management consignment program
by Paul M. Horvitz - 164 A practical perspective on thrift difficulties
by William E. Gibson - 163 Managing the troubled thrift
by Lawrence Connell - 162 Who should learn what from the failure and delayed bailout of the ODGF?
by Edward J. Kane - 161 Does capital forbearance pay and if so for whom?
by Gillian Garcia & Michael Polakoff - 160 The current magnitude of the problem in the S&L industry
by Elijah Brewer - 159 Public policy toward failing institutions: the lessons from the thrift industry
by George G. Kaufman - 158 How to get off the back of a tiger, or, do initial conditions constrain deposit insurance reform?
by Claudia Campbell & Hyman Minsky - 157 The Ohio S&L crisis in retrospect: implications for the current federal deposit insurance crisis
by J. Huston McCulloch - 156 An examination of bank failure misclassifications using the Cox model
by William R. Lane & Stephen W. Looney & James W. Wansley - 155 Discussion of practical aspects of interest rate swaps vs. \"the market for interest rate swaps\" -- Alternative explanations of interest rate swaps
by Linda T. Rudnick - 154 Alternate explanations of interest rate swaps
by John J. Pringle & Larry D. Wall - 153 Credit risk and the scope of regulation of swaps
by Clifford Smith & Charles W. Smithson - 152 Why commercial banks sell loans: an empirical analysis
by Christine A. Pavel & David Phillis - 151 The paradox of loan sales
by Gary Gorton & Joseph G. Haubrich - 150 Benefits of expanded bank powers for community banks
by O. Jay Tomson - 149 The thrift institutions' experience with service corporations
by Harold Olin - 148 Problems of community banks and their need for expanded powers
by P. Michael Laub - 147 Risks and profitability in the banking system: assessment and prescription
by Thomas S. Johnson - 146 Expanding bank powers: international perspectives
by Yuko Oana - 145 Comments on expanding bank powers: an international perspective
by William Peter Cooke - 144 Expanding bank powers: a Canadian perspective
by Allan Popoff - 143 An introduction to expanding bank powers: international perspectives
by William S. Ogden - 142 Financial innovations and the merging of commercial and investment banking activities
by Jack Guttentag - 141 Clubs, markets, and variations on a theme by Senator Glass
by Alex J. Pollock - 140 Financial innovation: opportunities, risk, and regulation
by John G. Heimann - 139 Financial innovations and the merging of commercial and investment banking activities
by William J. McDonough - 138 Introductory remarks on the merging of commercial and investment banking
by Martha R. Seger - 137 The customer is always right: the case for functional regulation of financial services
by Hans H. Angermueller - 7 Merging commercial and investment banking--risks, benefits, challenges : proceedings, 23rd Conference on Bank Structure and Competition, held May 6-8, 1987
by anonymous
- 136 Geographic deregulation of banking: an analysis of the impact
by Douglas D. Evanoff & Diana Fortier - 135 The effect of multi-bank holding companies on bank funds
by Donald M. Brown & Jude Naes - 134 Declining profitability at small commercial banks: a temporary development or a secular trend?
by Lynn A. Nejezchleb - 133 Public policy toward interstate bank mergers: the case of concern
by Peter C. Carstensen - 132 Public policy implications of legislation limiting the growth of interstate banks
by Geoffrey P. Miller - 131 Interstate banking game plans
by Christine A. Pavel & David Phillis - 130 The role of border states in the interstate landscape: forecast and implications
by Larry A. Frieder - 129 The use of economic models in banking
by Roy E. Moor - 128 The importance of economic tools for decision making in large banks
by David A. Walker - 127 Franchising: the alliance alternative
by John C. Dean - 126 Effective utilization of a bank holding company
by Stanley M. Huggins - 125 Strategic niche and the profitability of banking
by Wayne Passmore - 124 The regulation of futures
by Robert Wilmouth - 123 Regulation of asset sales, futures and interest rate swaps
by Joseph S. Lenchner - 122 Interest rate swaps
by Owen Carney - 121 Credit-lines for new instruments: swaps. over-the-counter options, forwards and floor-ceiling agreements
by Marcelle V. Arak & Laurie Goodman & Arthur Rones - 120 The market perception of bank off balance sheet activities
by Elijah Brewer & Gary D. Koppenhaver & Donald H. Wilson - 119 An empirical analysis if standby letters of credit
by Lawrence M. Benveniste & Allen N. Berger - 118 Off-balance-sheet activity: a growing concern?
by James Chessen - 117 Valuing conjectural government guarantees of FNMA liabilities
by Chester Foster & Edward J. Kane - 116 Estimating portfolio net worth values and interest rate risk in savings institutions
by Dennis E. Bennett & Roger Lundstrom & Donald G. Simonson - 115 Current-value accounting: feasibility for financial institutions
by David Lereah - 114 Deposit insurance, capital regulation, and bank risk
by Evelyn F. Carroll & Jane Kise - 113 A risk-based capital adequacy rule: the futures industry perspective
by Paul Burik - 112 Developing a risk-related premium structure for deposit insurance
by Eric Hirschhorn - 111 Banking risk and the investor
by Harry W. Keefe - 110 Risk from a banker's viewpoint
by George J. Vojta - 109 Banking risk in historical perspective
by George G. Kaufman - 108 Contagious bank runs, financial structure and corporate separateness within a bank holding company
by Mark J. Flannery - 107 An analysis of the concept of corporate separateness in BHC regulation from an economic perspective
by Anthony Cornyn & Gerald A. Hanweck & Stephen A. Rhoades & John T. Rose - 106 The effects of multimarket contact on savings and loan behavior
by Loretta J. Mester - 105 Rival stock price reactions to large BHC acquisition announcements: evidence of linked oligopoly?
by Richard L. Mugel & Gary Whalen - 104 Is board composition a substitute for an active takeover market in banking?
by James Brickley & Christopher M. James - 103 The wealth effects of regulatory intervention surrounding the bailout of Continental Illinois
by John M. Harris & James R. Scott & Joseph F. Sinkey - 102 The effect of bank risk on the price and availability of uninsured deposits
by Herbert L. Baer & Elijah Brewer - 101 Capitalization, off-balance sheet liabilities and the cost of bank failures
by Richard W. Nelson & Sherrill Shaffer - 100 The big bust: the 1930-33 banking collapse -- its causes, its lessons
by Bert Ely - 99 Maintaining comparative advantage in an information society
by Walter B. Wriston - 98 Competitive inequities in the financial markets
by William M. Isaac
- 97 Competition for MMDAs
by Michael C. Keeley & Gary C. Zimmerman - 96 Some evidence on bank holding company regulation: the question of expansion into the insurance business
by Tim S. Campbell & J. Kimball Dietrich & Mark I. Weinstein - 95 Intra- and interindustry effects of bank securities market activities: the case of discount brokerage
by Anthony Saunders & Michael Smirlock - 94 Foreign lending, disclosure and the Mexican debt crisis
by Howard Kaufold & Michael Smirlock - 93 Money managers and bank liquidity
by Alan E. Grunewald & Alex J. Pollock - 92 An analytical framework for improved disclosure in banking
by Gary G. Gilbert - 91 Unequal treatment of banks vs. thrifts
by Joseph C. Scully - 90 Regulation during financial stress
by Thomas H. Huston - 89 Capital adequacy
by Barry F. Sullivan - 88 Commitments and contingencies: the \"invisible hand\"
by David C. Cates - 87 Off-balance sheet banking and bank capital
by Richard W. Nelson - 86 Predicting the off-balance sheet behavior of Seventh District commercial banks
by Gary D. Koppenhaver - 85 The use of interest rate futures by commercial banks
by Patrick M. Parkinson & Paul A. Spindt - 84 Views on bank safety and soundness regulation
by Gerald F. Fitzgerald - 83 Deposit insurance and the soundness of banks
by Stanley C. Silverberg - 82 Financial soundness and deposit insurance reform: comments on the Continental Illinois National Bank Experience
by Robert H. Dugger - 81 Ensuring the safety and soundness of the banking system: policy alternatives
by George G. Kaufman - 80 Deposit insurance and regulation: the view of the American Bankers Association
by P. Michael Laub - 79 Purchase and assumption mergers: do banks overbid?
by Richard Pettway & Jack W. Trifts - 78 An analysis of FDIC failed bank auction procedures
by Christopher M. James & Peggy Wier - 77 Bidding levels in purchase and assumption auctions
by Eric Hirschhorn - 76 Is private insurance a viable alternative to Federal Deposit Insurance?
by Roger E. Lumpp - 75 Private insurance is not a viable alternative to Federal Deposit Insurance
by Russell E. Van Hooser - 74 Yes -- private sector depositor protection is a viable alternative to Federal Deposit Insurance!
by Bert Ely - 73 A proposal for introducing private deposit insurance
by Catherine England - 72 The association between bank stock market-based risk measures and the financial characteristics of the firm: a pooled cross-section time- series approach
by Elijah Brewer & Cheng-Few Lee - 71 The deterioration of bank asset quality
by Yuk-Shee Chan & Stuart I. Greenbaum & Anjan V. Thakor - 70 An empirical analysis of bank risk
by George Pennacchi - 69 An analysis of risk-based deposit insurance for commercial banks
by Robert B. Avery & Gerald A. Hanweck & Myron L. Kwast - 68 Thrift institution failures: causes and policy issues
by James R. Barth & R. Dan Brumbaugh & Daniel Sauerhaft & George Wang - 67 Major causes of bank failures
by Richard L. Peterson & William L. Scott - 66 Recent bank failures: determinants and consequences
by Franklin D. Berger & Gerald P. O'Driscoll & Eugenie D. Short - 65 Agricultural policy and financial stress
by Michael D. Boehlje - 64 The lean years: trends in agricultural banking
by George Gregorash & James Morrison - 63 The role of the Farm Credit System
by George D. Irwin - 62 An overview of the financial stress in agriculture
by Gary L. Benjamin - 61 Deregulation and the competitive pressures upon British banks
by Brian Chiplin & Mervyn Lewis - 60 Recent experience in the deregulation of Canadian financial institutions
by John F. Chant - 59 Overseas financial sector deregulation: lessons from Australia and New Zealand
by Andrew S. Carron - 58 Japanese banking and corporate finance in transition
by Thomas F. Cargill & Shoichi Royama - 57 Bank regulation and structure: an international overview
by Herbert L. Baer & Larry R. Mote