1987, Volume 11, Issue Sep
- 32-37 Economic development efforts in the seventh district
by David R. Allardice & Alenka S. Giese
1987, Volume 11, Issue Nov
- 3-9 Is the seventh district's economy deindustrializing?
by Alenka S. Giese & Robert H. Schnorbus - 10-18 Some macroeconomic effects of tariff policy
by David Alan Aschauer - 19-28 The federal safety net: not for banks only
by George G. Kaufman
1987, Volume 11, Issue May
- 3-14 Why commercial banks sell loans: an empirical analysis
by Christine A. Pavel & David Phillis - 15-22 Tax reform looks low risk for economy
by Thomas A. Gittings - 23-35 Crosscurrents in 1986 bank performance
by George Gregorash & Eileen Maloney & Don Wilson - 36-43 Would banks buy daytime fed funds?
by Richard D. Simmons
1987, Volume 11, Issue Mar
- 3-13 Costs and competition in bank credit cards
by Paula Binkley & Christine A. Pavel - 14-18 Economic events of 1986-a chronology
by George W. Cloos - 19-28 The minimum wage: no minor matter for teens
by Donna C. Vandenbrink - 29-31 Technical correction: the inflation-adjusted index of the dollar
by Jack L. Hervey & William A. Strauss
1987, Volume 11, Issue Jul
- 3-22 The new dollar indexes are no different from the old ones
by Jack L. Hervey & William A. Strauss - 23-27 Global banking, financial integration major conference themes
by Theresa Ford - 28-38 Standby letters of credit
by Gary D. Koppenhaver
1987, Volume 11, Issue Jan
- 3-15 Futures market regulation
by Gary D. Koppenhaver - 17-28 The international value of the dollar: an inflation-adjusted index
by Jack L. Hervey & William A. Strauss
1986, Volume 10, Issue Sep
- 3-17 What is the natural rate of unemployment?
by Ellen R. Rissman - 19-22 Annual conference assesses banking risk
by Richard D. Simmons - 23-31 Uninsured deposits as a source of market discipline: some new evidence
by Herbert L. Baer & Elijah Brewer
1986, Volume 10, Issue Nov
- 3-14 Can the monetary models be fixed?
by Diane F. Siegel & Steven Strongin - 15-24 Small business, big job growth
by Eleanor H. Erdevig - 25-31 How the market judges bank risk
by Elijah Brewer & Cheng-Few Lee
1986, Volume 10, Issue May
- 3-14 The internationalization of Uncle Sam
by Jack L. Hervey - 15-22 Fiscal policy and the trade deficit
by David Alan Aschauer - 24-38 The impact of geographic expansion in banking: some axioms to grind
by Douglas D. Evanoff & Diana Fortier
1986, Volume 10, Issue Mar
- 3-12 M1: the ever-changing past
by Diane F. Siegel & Steven Strongin - 13-17 Wealth effect of geographical deregulation: the case of Illinois
by John J. DiClemente & James Kolari - 18-21 Economic events of 1986-a chronology
by George W. Cloos - 23-39 Interstate banking game plans: implications for the Midwest
by Christine A. Pavel & David Phillis
1986, Volume 10, Issue Jul
- 3-15 The relationship of money and income: the breakdowns in the 70s and 80s
by Diane F. Siegel - 16-31 Securitization
by Christine A. Pavel
1986, Volume 10, Issue Jan
- 3-10 Federal funds flow no bargain for Midwest
by Eleanor H. Erdevig - 11-16 Update: public utility taxation in Illinois
by Diane F. Siegel & William A. Testa - 18-31 Futures options and their use by financial intermediaries
by Gary D. Koppenhaver
1985, Volume 9, Issue Sep
- 3-5 Financial industry deregulation in the 1980s
by Douglas D. Evanoff - 6-17 Is deposit rate deregulation an Rx for M1?
by Paul L. Kasriel - 18-24 Universal reserve requirements and monetary control
by Robert D. Laurent - 25-30 Usury ceilings and DIDMCA
by Donna C. Vandenbrink - 31-44 Priced services: The Fed's impact on correspondent banking
by Douglas D. Evanoff - 45-57 Private prices, public insurance: The pricing of federal deposit insurance
by Herbert L. Baer - 58-68 Bank and thrift performance since DIDMCA
by Diana Fortier & David Phillis - 69-79 A deregulated rerun: Banking in the Eighties
by Randall C. Merris & John H. Wood
1985, Volume 9, Issue Nov
- 3-7,12-16 The financial stress in agriculture
by Gary L. Benjamin - 8-11 The Farm Credit System: Looking for the proper balance
by George D. Irwin - 17-2123-28 Lean years in agricultural banking
by George Gregorash & James Morrison - 22-23 An ag banker's views
by C. Robert Brenton - 29-35 Policy options for agriculture
by Michael D. Boehlje - 31-33 Simulating some options
by anonymous
1985, Volume 9, Issue May
- 3-17 Bank and nonbanks: The horse race continues
by Christine A. Pavel & Harvey Rosenblum - 18-27 Cautious play marks S&L approach to commercial lending
by Christine A. Pavel & David Phillis
1985, Volume 9, Issue Mar
- 3-11 Steel fights back
by George W. Cloos - 12-22 Bank gap management and the use of financial futures
by Elijah Brewer
1985, Volume 9, Issue Jul
- 3-16 Public utility taxation in Illinois
by Diane F. Siegel & William A. Testa - 17-20 Foreign deregulation, agricultural credit problems highlight bank conference
by Christine A. Pavel - 21-35 Metro metrics
by Diana Fortier
1985, Volume 9, Issue Jan
- 3-17 The effects of nationwide banking on concentration: Evidence from abroad
by Herbert L. Baer & Larry R. Mote - 21-34 The product market in commercial banking: Cluster's last stand?
by John J. DiClemente & Kit O'Brien & Harvey Rosenblum
1984, Volume 8, Issue Sep
- 3-12 State taxation of energy production: Regional and national issues
by William A. Testa - 24-30 Did usury ceilings hold down auto sales?
by Donna C. Vandenbrink
1984, Volume 8, Issue Nov
- 3-12 Trimming the hedges: Regulators, banks, and financial futures
by Gary D. Koppenhaver - 13-23 The bucks stop elsewhere: The Midwest's share of federal R&D
by Eleanor H. Erdevig
1984, Volume 8, Issue May
- 3-14 Bank mergers today: New guidelines, changing markets
by John J. DiClemente & Diana Fortier - 15-31 The right rabbit: Which intermediate target should the Fed pursue?
by Gillian Garcia
1984, Volume 8, Issue Mar
- 3-11 The Midwest prepares for interstate banking
by Sue F. Gregorash - 12-23 Regulatory innovation: The new bank accounts
by Gillian Garcia & Annie McMahon
1984, Volume 8, Issue Jul
- 3-12 High speed rail in the Midwest
by Herbert L. Baer & Donna C. Vandenbrink - 13-16 1984 Bank Structure Conference highlights
by anonymous - 17-23 Individual bank reserve management
by Vefa Tarhan
1984, Volume 8, Issue Jan
- 3-14 Economic upheaval in the Midwest
by George W. Cloos & Philip A. Cummins - 16-29 Measuring and managing interest rate risk: A primer
by George G. Kaufman
1983, Volume 7, Issue Sep
- 3-13 Natural gas policy and the Midwest
by William A. Testa - 14-23 Justice's merger guidelines: Implications for 7th District banking
by John J. DiClemente & Diana Fortier
1983, Volume 7, Issue Nov
- 3-13 Foreign currency futures: some further aspects
by Henry N. Goldstein - 14-31 Through the seventies and beyond
by George W. Cloos
1983, Volume 7, Issue May
- 3-12 Bankers and nonbanks: a run for the money
by Christine A. Pavel & Harvey Rosenblum & Diane F. Siegel - 13-20 First year experience: Illinois multibanks shop carefully
by Sue F. Gregorash - 21-31 Bankers' acceptances revisited
by Jack L. Hervey
1983, Volume 7, Issue Mar
- 3-31 The Garn-St Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982
by Herbert L. Baer & Gillian Garcia
1983, Volume 7, Issue Jul
- 3-16 Including thrifts in bank merger analysis
by John J. DiClemente - 17-23 Do yield curves normally slope up? The term structure of interest rates, 1862–1982
by John H. Wood
1983, Volume 7, Issue Jan
- 3-7 Chicago: city of the big straddles
by Paul L. Kasriel & Randall C. Merris - 10-19 Interest rate volatility in historical perspective
by Harvey Rosenblum & Steven Strongin - 20-31 What is a bank?
by John J. DiClemente
1982, Volume 6, Issue Win
- 3-11 Foreign currency futures: reducing foreign exchange risk
by Karel V. Chalupa - 12-22 Small-issue industrial revenue bonds in the Seventh Federal Reserve District
by David R. Allardice - 23-35 Economic stagnation and the resurgence of trade restrictions
by Jack L. Hervey
1982, Volume 6, Issue Midyear
- 3-31 Review and outlook: 1981–82 - Hard times, the Midwest in trauma
by anonymous - 32-43 Lagged reserve accounting and the Fed's new operating procedure
by Robert D. Laurent - 44-55 The effects of usury ceilings
by Donna C. Vandenbrink
1982, Volume 6, Issue Fall
- 3-7 Monetary policy objectives for 1982
by anonymous - 8-14 Testimony of Paul A. Volcker, Chairman, Federal Reserve Board
by anonymous - 15-25 Reserve targeting and discount policy
by Paul L. Kasriel & Randall C. Merris - 26-36 Deregulation of the financial sector
by George G. Kaufman & Larry R. Mote & Harvey Rosenblum - 37-45 Activities of International Banking Facilities: the early experience
by Sydney J. Key
1981, Volume 5, Issue Sep
- 3-13 Interest rates and exchange rates under the Fed's new operating procedure: the uneasy marriage
by William L. Wilby - 14-17 The internationalization of U.S. agriculture
by Jack L. Hervey - 18-23 A new role for federal crop insurance
by Jeffrey L. Miller
1981, Volume 5, Issue Nov
- 3-12 Gold in the international arena: how automatic is international adjustment?
by William L. Wilby - 13-23 The demise of the gold standard
by John H. Wood
1981, Volume 5, Issue May
- 3-12 Interest rates and inflation
by John H. Wood - 13-19 Federal tax and spending reform
by W. Stephen Smith - 20-23 The discount rate - will it float?
by Paul L. Kasriel
1981, Volume 5, Issue Mar
- 3-5 The significance and measurement of concentration
by David R. Allardice & Eleanor H. Erdevig - 6-12 District trends in banking concentration
by Eleanor H. Erdevig - 13-21 Structural change in Wisconsin in the 1970s
by David R. Allardice - 22-23 Benjamin Franklin and monetary policy in colonial Pennsylvania
by John H. Wood
1981, Volume 5, Issue Jul
- 3-23 Improving housing finance in an inflationary environment: alternative residential mortgage instruments
by Eleanor H. Erdevig & George G. Kaufman
1981, Volume 5, Issue Jan
- 3-7 The Midwest and the recession
by George W. Cloos - 8-17 Interest rate volatility in 1980
by Paul L. Kasriel - 18-23 1980 developments in rural credit markets
by Gary L. Benjamin
1980, Volume 4, Issue Sep
1980, Volume 4, Issue Nov
- 3-6 Capital spending—the national need
by George W. Cloos - 7-15 The impact of freer trade—the Tokyo Round and the Seventh District
by Jack L. Hervey - 16-23 Electronic funds transfer: revolution postponed
by N. Sue Ford
1980, Volume 4, Issue May
- 3-12 Cyclical downturn in housing
by William R. Sayre - 13-18 Bank funds management comes of age—a balance sheet analysis
by Elijah Brewer - 19-23 Sinking float
by Thomas A. Gittings
1980, Volume 4, Issue Mar
- 3-10 Bank funds management comes of age
by Elijah Brewer - 11-18 Monetary aggregates redefined
by Anne Marie L. Gonczy - 19-23 Problems facing agricultural banks
by Gary L. Benjamin
1980, Volume 4, Issue Jul
- 3-6 Utilizing the bank holding company
by Robert P. Mayo - 7-14 The credit restraint program in perspective
by Randall C. Merris & Larry R. Mote - 15-23 The history of potential competition in bank mergers and acquisitions
by W. Stephen Smith
1980, Volume 4, Issue Jan
- 1-31 Perils of the 1980s
by anonymous - 3-11 Review and outlook: 1979–80
by anonymous - 12-18 Agriculture: embargo undermines strong world demand for agriculture
by anonymous - 19-22 International: inflation and slowing growth plague the world economy
by anonymous - 23-30 Finance: restraint versus inflation
by anonymous
1979, Volume 3, Issue Sep
- 3-9 The inflation-unemployment tradeoff
by Thomas A. Gittings - 10-14 Urban mass transit—a major revival
by Morton B. Millenson - 15-23 Banking holding companies: Competitive issues and policy
by Anne S. Weaver
1979, Volume 3, Issue Nov
- 3-10 The European Monetary System
by Joseph G. Kvasnicka & Neil J. Pinsky - 11-14 Securities losses—a liquidity trap?
by Elijah Brewer - 15-23 Business loans at large commercial banks: policies and practices
by Randall C. Merris
1979, Volume 3, Issue May
- 3-9 Subsidized housing—costs and benefits
by William R. Sayre - 10-17 Midwest—leading export region
by Jack L. Hervey - 18-23 Cattle cycles in perspective
by Gary L. Benjamin
1979, Volume 3, Issue Mar
- 3-6 Currency and the subterranean economy
by Robert D. Laurent - 7-13 Proposed redefinition of money stock measures
by Anne Marie LaPorte - 14-20 Banks and the securities markets: the controversy
by Larry R. Mote - 21-22 Holding company affiliation and scale economies in banking
by Dale S. Drum
1979, Volume 3, Issue Jul
- 3-8 The economy and the banking system
by Robert P. Mayo - 9-15 Fuel crisis hits business
by George W. Cloos - 16-23 Municipal bonds in the housing market
by David R. Allardice
1979, Volume 3, Issue Jan
- 1-30 Future uncertain
by anonymous - 3-10 Review and outlook: 1978–79
by anonymous - 11-15 Agriculture: farm income recovers
by anonymous - 18-20 Government: the federal government shifts gears
by anonymous - 21-29 Finance: restraint without imbalance
by anonymous
1978, Volume 2, Issue Sep
- 3-11 Agriculture in the seventies—a decade of turbulence
by Don A. Langford - 12-17 Effects of seasonal adjustment on the money stock
by Robert D. Laurent - 18-24 Multibank holding company expansion in Michigan
by Joseph T. Keating - 25-31 Edge act and agreement corporations: mediums for international banking
by Neil J. Pinsky
1978, Volume 2, Issue Nov
- 3-9 Capital spending—the sluggish boom
by George W. Cloos - 10-15 The new grain reserve programs
by Gary L. Benjamin - 16-21 Some insights on member bank borrowing
by Elijah Brewer - 22-26 Automatic transfers: Evolution of the service and impact on money
by Randall C. Merris
1978, Volume 2, Issue May
- 3-9 Indexation and inflation
by George W. Cloos - 10-13 Disintermediation again?
by Eleanor H. Erdevig - 14-16 Prime rate update
by Randall C. Merris - 17-19 Federal grants-in-aid—solvency for state and local governments
by Morton B. Millenson - 20-23 Convenience and needs: a post-audit survey
by David R. Allardice
1978, Volume 2, Issue Mar
- 3-6 Business insights: Instalment credit—benefits and burdens
by George W. Cloos & William R. Sayre - 7-9 Banking insights: Trends in capital at District banks: 1965–76
by Anne S. Weaver - 10-13 What is happening to the U.S. dollar?
by Robert P. Mayo - 14-21 Loan commitments and facility fees
by Randall C. Merris - 22-31 Bank failures
by Chayim Herzig-Marx
1978, Volume 2, Issue Jul
- 3-7 New six-month money market certificates—explanations and implications
by Paul L. Kasriel - 8-13 Competitive equality and Federal Reserve membership—The Board of Governors' proposal
by Anne Marie LaPorte - 14-17 Liquidity ratios weakened at district banks in 1977
by Elijah Brewer - 18-23 Canadian—U.S. auto pact—13 years after
by Jack L. Hervey
1978, Volume 2, Issue Jan
- 3-9 Review and outlook: 1977–78
by anonymous - 10-14 Agriculture: issues of the past resurface
by anonymous - 21-23 Government: a new administration takes command
by anonymous - 24-30 Finance: credit demands strong
by anonymous - 1518-1520 International: new strains emerge
by anonymous
1977, Volume 1, Issue Sep
- 3-7 Business insights: Capital spending in broad uptrend
by George W. Cloos - 8-10 Banking insights: Behavior of the income velocity of money
by Anne Marie LaPorte - 11-14 The impact of NINOWs on deposits in Illinois
by Jack S. Light - 15-20 Chain banking in the District
by Joseph T. Keating - 21-23 Farm credit concerns rise
by Don A. Langford
1977, Volume 1, Issue Nov
- 3-6 Business insights: Big year for cars and trucks
by George W. Cloos - 7-13 Banking insights: District holding company acquisitions on the rise; Deposit service charges
by Eleanor H. Erdevig & Joseph T. Keating - 14-20 Treasury to invest surplus tax and loan balances
by Elijah Brewer
1977, Volume 1, Issue May
- 3-6 Business insights: Federal spending lags expectations
by Morton B. Millenson - 7-10 Banking insights: The truth about Member bank reserve deposits as a source of Federal Reserve Bank earnings
by Eleanor H. Erdevig - 11-16 Twentieth century trends in farmland values
by Gary L. Benjamin - 17-22 Measuring the international value of the U.S. dollar
by Joseph G. Kvasnicka - 23-31 Increasing competition between financial institutions
by Jack S. Light
1977, Volume 1, Issue Mar
- 3-7 Business insights: Employment and unemployment
by George W. Cloos - 8-11 Banking insights: Banks now offer savings deposits service to businesses
by Paul L. Kasriel - 12-21 Nonbanking activities of bank holding companies
by Dale S. Drum - 22-31 State and local government deposits in the district: Laws and deposit allocation
by David R. Allardice
1977, Volume 1, Issue Jul
- 3-6 Banking insights: International banking in the Seventh Federal Reserve District
by Susan D. Sjo - 7-16 Bull market in homes
by George W. Cloos & William R. Sayre - 17-20 The prime rate revisited
by Randall C. Merris - 21-23 Social Security changes necessary
by Morton B. Millenson