1985, Issue Sum
- 14-24 Savings and loan asset composition and the mortgage market
by Frederick T. Furlong - 25-45 Determining geographic markets for deposit competition in banking
by Michael C. Keeley & Gary C. Zimmerman - 46-63 Interest rate volatility and alternative monetary control procedure
by Robert H. Rasche
1985, Issue Spr
- 5-27 Competition for money market deposit accounts
by Michael C. Keeley & Gary C. Zimmerman - 28-39 The information content of credit aggregates
by Bharat Trehan - 40-54 Whither the unemployment rate?
by Brian Motley
1985, Issue Fall
- 5-13 Revisions in the \"flash\" estimates of GNP growth: measurement error or forecast error?
by Carl E. Walsh - 14-25 Developments in British banking: lessons for regulation and supervision
by Kristin L. Hotti & Randall Pozdena - 26-43 U.S. budget deficits and the real value of the dollar
by Michael M. Hutchison & Adrian W. Throop
1984, Issue Win
- 5-21 The economics of firm size: implications from labor-market studies
by Michael C. Keeley - 22-26 Dynamic adjustment in money demand
by Brian Motley - 27-44 Intervention, deficit finance and real exchange rates: the case of Japan
by Michael M. Hutchison - 45-63 Indicators of long-term real interest rates
by Charles Pigott
1984, Issue Sum
- 5-25 Cyclical unemployment and employment: effects of labor force entry and exit
by Michael C. Keeley - 26-39 How soon will the U.S. reach full employment? an assessment based on Okun's law
by Brian Motley - 40-55 Velocity and inflation expectations, 1922-1983
by Michael W. Keran - 56-77 The \"great velocity decline\" of 1982-83: a comparative analysis of M1 and M2
by John P. Judd & Brian Motley
1984, Issue Spr
- 5-15 Deregulation and deposit insurance reform
by David Pyle - 16-30 Bank regulation and deposit insurance: controlling the FDIC's losses
by Barbara Bennett - 31-38 A view on deposit insurance coverage
by Frederick T. Furlong - 39-55 Pricing mortgages: an options approach
by Ben Iben & Randall Pozdena
1984, Issue Fall
- 5-25 Budget deficits, exchange rates and the current account: theory and U. S. evidence
by Michael M. Hutchison & Charles Pigott - 26-35 The real interest rate/budget deficit link: international evidence 1973- 82
by Michael M. Hutchison & David Pyle - 36-46 Money supply announcements, forward interest rates and budget deficits
by John P. Judd
1983, Issue Win
- 5-7 Financial development and reform in the Pacific Basin
by anonymous - 9-24 Financial reform in Australia and New Zealand
by Hang-Sheng Cheng - 25-46 Financial reform in Japan
by Charles Pigott - 47-63 Asian dollar market
by Kenneth Bernauer
1983, Issue Sum
- 4-6 Risk and interest rates
by anonymous - 7-18 Bank capital risk in the post-1979 monetary and regulatory environment
by Jack H. Beebe - 19-30 Pricing debt instruments: the options approach
by Ben Iben & Randall Pozdena - 31-45 Real interest rates, money and government deficits
by Brian Motley - 46-51 The behavior of money and the economy in 1982-83
by John P. Judd & Rose McElhattan
1983, Issue Spr
- 4-5 Managing uncertainty
by anonymous - 6-11 The baby boom, the housing market and the stock market
by Roger Craine - 12-19 The recent decline in velocity: instability in money demand or inflation?
by John P. Judd - 20-35 Gap management: managing interest rate risk in banks and thrifts
by Alden L. Toevs
1983, Issue Fall
- 4-5 Challenges to monetary policy
by anonymous - 7-26 Monetary policy regimes and international term structures of interest rates
by Joseph Bisignano - 27-44 Deregulated deposit rates and monetary policy
by John P. Judd
1982, Issue Win
- 5-6 Fiscal policy: influence on money, saving and exchange rates
by anonymous - 7-18 Disentangling monetary and fiscal policy
by William G. Dewald - 19-36 Monetary and fiscal impacts on exchange rates
by Joseph Bisignano & Kevin D. Hoover - 37-54 Consumption, saving and asset accumulation
by Brian Motley
1982, Issue Sum
- 4-5 Time and economics
by anonymous - 6-17 On federal deficits and their economic impact
by Rose McElhattan - 18-31 Consumption and the term structure of interest rates and inflation: an international comparison
by Joseph Bisignano
1982, Issue Spr
- 4-5 Measurement and policy
by anonymous - 6-18 \"Shift adjustments\" to the monetary aggregates
by Barbara Bennett - 19-34 Enforcing anti-redlining policy under the Community Reinvestment Act
by Randall Pozdena & Alane Sullivan - 35-55 Pricing federal irrigation water: a California case study
by Yvonne Levy
1982, Issue Fall
- 5-6 Money: demand and control
by anonymous - 7-18 An examination of the Federal Reserve's strategy for controlling the monetary aggregates
by John P. Judd - 19-30 Dynamic adjustment in the demand for money: tests of alternative hypotheses
by John P. Judd & John L. Scadding
1981, Issue Win
- 4-5 Money and the Monetary Control Act
by anonymous - 6-21 Monetary-control implications of the Monetary Control Act
by Michael A. Klein - 22-40 The pricing of Federal Reserve services under MCA
by Gary C. Zimmerman
1981, Issue Sum
- 5-6 Monetary policy and interest rates
by anonymous - 7-20 Why have interest rates been so volatile?
by Paul Evans - 21-44 Liability management, bank loans and deposit \"market\" disequilibrium
by John P. Judd & John L. Scadding - 45-70 The response of real output and inflation to monetary policy
by Rose McElhattan
1981, Issue Spr
- 4-5 Windfall profits, interest rates and index numbers
by anonymous - 6-28 Crude oil price controls and the windfall profit tax: deterrents to production?
by Yvonne Levy - 29-43 Interest rate forecasts and market efficiency
by Adrian W. Throop - 44-56 Indexes, inflation, and public policy
by Herbert Runyon
1981, Issue Fall suppl
- y:1981:i:fallsuppl The Reagan economic plan--supply-side, budget and inflation
by James Tobin - y:1981:i:fallsuppl:x:1 The Reagan economic plan--discussion
by Robert Hall
1981, Issue Fall
- 5-7 Inflation, growth and exchange rates
by anonymous - 8-18 Inflation and economic growth in Pacific Basin developing economies
by Maxwell J. Fry - 19-36 Money and credit in China
by Hang-Sheng Cheng - 37-54 The influence of real factors on exchange rates
by Charles Pigott - 55-71 Effectiveness of exchange-rate changes on the trade account: the Japanese case
by Kenneth Bernauer
1980, Issue Win suppl
- y:1980:i:winsuppl Alaskan North Slope oil in national perspective
by Yvonne Levy
1980, Issue Win
- 5-6 Studies in labor markets and utility pricing
by anonymous - 7-24 Should discouraged workers be counted in the labor force? a job-search approach
by Rose McElhattan - 26-39 Welfare and youth unemployment: evidence from a controlled experiment
by Randall Pozdena - 40-63 Pricing federal power in the Pacific Northwest: an efficiency approach
by Yvonne Levy
1980, Issue Sum suppl
- y:1980:i:sumsuppl Short-run monetary control under alternative reserve accounting rules
by John P. Judd & John L. Scadding
1980, Issue Sum
- 4-5 Responses to international inflation
by anonymous - 6-23 Managed floating and the independence of interest rates
by Adrian W. Throop - 24-42 Wringing out inflation: Japan's experience
by Charles Pigott - 43-56 Financial deepening in Pacific Basin countries
by Hang-Sheng Cheng
1980, Issue Spr
- 5-6 Aspects of inflation
by anonymous - 7-29 Effects of monetary disturbances on exchange rates, inflation and interest rates
by Michael W. Keran & Stephen Zeldes - 30-49 Expectations, money, and the forecasting of inflation
by Charles Pigott - 50-70 Money, inflation and causality in the United States, 1959-79
by Michael Bazdarich
1980, Issue Fall
- 5-6 Resource allocation--industry and housing
by anonymous - 7-28 An intersectoral analysis of the secular productivity slowdown
by Jack H. Beebe & Jane Haltmaier - 29-47 Inflation expectations and the housing market
by Randall Pozdena
1979, Issue Win suppl
- y:1979:i:winsuppl Monetary sources of inflation in Saudi Arabia
by Ahmed Abdullah Al Malik & Michael W. Keran
1979, Issue Win
- 5-6 Proposition 13 and financial markets
by anonymous - 7-24 Proposition 13 - genesis and consequences
by William H. Oakland - 25-38 The effect of Proposition 13 on California municipal debt
by Jack H. Beebe - 39-53 Competition between the commercial paper market and commercial banks
by John P. Judd
1979, Issue Sum
- 5-6 Japan: growth and prospects
by anonymous - 7-17 On Japanese economic growth
by Martin Bronfenbrenner - 18-30 U.S banks in Japan and Japanese banks in the United States: an empirical comparison
by Henry S. Terrell - 31-45 Japan's policy of food security: an alternative strategy
by Michael Gorham
1979, Issue Spr
- 5-6 Money, prices, and exchange rates
by anonymous - 7-18 Estimating the underlying inflation rate
by John L. Scadding - 19-34 Money and exchange rates, 1974-79
by Michael W. Keran - 35-46 Has a strong U.S. economy meant a weak dollar?
by Michael Bazdarich
1979, Issue Fall
- 4-5 Alternate strategies toward inflation
by anonymous - 6-22 The phenomenon of inflation, and the prospects for anti-inflation policy
by Michael Bazdarich - 23-37 Conducting effective monetary policy: the role of operating instruments
by John P. Judd & John L. Scadding - 38-49 Optimal control and money targets: should the Fed look at \"everything\"?
by Kenneth Froewiss & John P. Judd - 50-64 Exchange-rate policies and inflation: theory and evidence
by Hang-Sheng Cheng
1978, Issue Win
- 5-6 Problems of resource utilization
by anonymous - 7-19 Dividing up the minerals of the deep seabed
by Michael Gorham - 20-39 An economic alternative to current public forest policy
by Yvonne Levy - 40-52 Pollution control legislation and the capital-appropriations- expenditure lag
by David Condon
1978, Issue Sum
- 4-5 Money, inflation and trade in the Pacific Basin
by anonymous - 6-22 Rational expectations and counter-cyclical monetary policy: the Japanese experience
by Charles Pigott - 23-36 Inflation and monetary accommodations in the Pacific Basin
by Michael Bazdarich - 37-48 Alternative balance-of-payments adjustment experiences: Korea and Taiwan, 1973-77
by Hang-Sheng Cheng
1978, Issue Spr
- 5-6 Information and market efficiency
by anonymous - 7-19 Using T-bill futures to gauge interest rate expectations
by William Poole - 20-29 GNMA futures: stabilizing or destabilizing?
by Kenneth Froewiss - 30-38 Public and private sector information in agricultural commodity markets
by Michael Gorham - 39-53 Practical monetarism and the stock market
by Kurt Dew
1978, Issue Fall
- 4-5 Inflation, uncertainty and capacity utilization
by anonymous - 6-19 Inflation expectations and factor demands in manufacturing
by Joseph Bisignano - 20-30 Estimating a stable-inflation capacity-utilization rate
by Rose McElhattan - 31-39 Room for growth: speeds of adjustment of labor and capital
by Larry Butler
1977, Issue Win
- 3-4 Real world risk and bank risk
by anonymous - 5-11 Real world risk and financial institutions
by Herbert Runyon - 12-25 A perspective on liability management and bank risk
by Jack H. Beebe
1977, Issue Sum
- 4-5 Reactions to uncertainty
by anonymous - 6-20 Savings, money demand and the inflation/unemployment tradeoff
by Joseph Bisignano - 21-31 Risk premiums in international securities markets: the Canadian-U.S. experience
by Kenneth Froewiss
1977, Issue Spr suppl
- 5-11 The monetarist controversy: presentation
by Franco Modigliani - 12-26 The monetarist controversy: discussion
by Milton Friedman - 27-46 The monetarist controversy; or, should we forsake stabilization policies?
by Franco Modigliani
1977, Issue Spr
- 3-5 The business cycle revisited
by anonymous - 6-13 The \"new\" theory of the business cycle: are recessions just random?
by Larry Butler - 14-21 Inflation and the business cycle
by Herbert Runyon - 22-34 The outlook for inflation based on cost-push and capacity factors
by Yvonne Levy - 35-45 Labor force participation and unemployment insurance--a time series study
by Rose McElhattan - 46-52 Unemployment, unused capacity and the business cycle
by Larry Butler
1977, Issue Fall
- 3-5 Banking in the world economy
by anonymous - 6-18 Commercial bank financing of world payment imbalance
by Hang-Sheng Cheng - 19-35 Economic indicators and country risk appraisal
by Nicholas Sargen - 36-43 International banking, risk, and U.S. regulatory policies
by Robert Johnston - 44-55 Flexible exchange rates, multinational corporations, and accounting standards
by John H. Makin
1976, Issue Sum
- 3-4 Financial markets and uncertainty
by anonymous - 5-16 Variable rate residential mortgages: the early experience from California
by George G. Kaufman - 17-24 Inflation and the efficiency of capital markets
by Joseph Bisignano - 25-33 Equity shares and the financial markets
by Herbert Runyon - 34-43 Has the money-GNP relationship fallen apart?
by Rose McElhattan
1976, Issue Spr
- 3-4 International banking
by anonymous - 5-8 Towards a theory of international banking
by Robert Z. Aliber - 9-19 U.S. West Coast as an international financial center
by Hang-Sheng Cheng - 20-31 Commercial bank lending to developing countries
by Nicholas Sargen - 32-39 Proposals for federal control of foreign banks
by Robert Johnston
1976, Issue Fall
- 3-4 New perspectives on stabilization policies
by anonymous - 5-19 Stabilization policy in world context
by Michael W. Keran & Michael Riordan - 20-30 Market response to economic policies: a stumbling block for policymakers
by Kurt Dew - 31-45 An experiment with an incomes policy
by Rose McElhattan
1975, Issue Win
- 3-4 Gold: end of an era?
by anonymous - 5-15 The changing role of gold in the International Monetary System
by Hang-Sheng Cheng & Nicholas Sargen - 16-20 Gold policy: the thirties and the seventies
by Kurt Dew - 21-31 Gold as a private hedge against inflation
by Michael W. Keran & Michael Penzer
1975, Issue Sum
- 3-20 Western resources: key to the nation's energy future
by Yvonne Levy - 21-24 Western manufacturing production
by Joan Walsh - 25-31 California - end of growth?
by William Burke
1975, Issue Spr
- 3-4 World inflation
by anonymous - 5-17 International money and international inflation, 1958-1973
by Edward S. Shaw - 18-30 Towards an explanation of simultaneous inflation-recession
by Michael W. Keran - 31-40 Central bank policy towards inflation
by Hang-Sheng Cheng & Nicholas Sargen - 41-48 The interdependence of national monetary policies
by Joseph Bisignano
1975, Issue Dec
- 3-4 Inflation and financial markets
by anonymous - 5-20 Inflation, finance and capital markets
by Edward S. Shaw - 21-26 The effect of inflation on savings behavior
by Joseph Bisignano - 27-35 The term structure of interest rates and inflation uncertainty
by Rose McElhattan - 36-42 The capital market crowding out problem in perspective
by Kurt Dew
1974, Issue Win
- 3-11 The Federal Reserve and the problem of inflation
by John J. Balles - 12-17 Monetary policy: a letter (II)
by Milton Friedman - 18-31 Primer on reserve requirements
by William Burke
1974, Issue Spr
- 3-8 Inflation and public policy: remarks to Oregon Bankers Association convention, Sunriver Oregon, June 14, 1974
by John J. Balles - 9-20 Investment ratios and economic growth rates
by Hang-Sheng Cheng
1974, Issue Sep
- 3-11 Problems of inflation and high interest rates: testimony before Committee on Banking and Currency, U.S. House of Representatives, July 17, 1974
by John J. Balles - 12-23 The relation between income growth and unemployment
by Larry Butler - 24-31 Summary description of Information System for Banking Agency Reports
by anonymous
1973, Issue Sep
- 3-11 Evaluating money market conditions: remarks to the Southern California chapter of the Bank Administration Institute, Pasadena, California, Sept. 12, 1973
by John J. Balles - 12-21 Oil from the Arctic
by William Burke - 22-28 Recovery in Washington
by Yvonne Levy
1973, Issue Nov
- 3-13 Monetary policy: a letter
by Arthur F. Burns - 14-18 Weakening boom?
by Dean T. Chen & Verle Johnston & Yvonne Levy - 19-23 Fueling bank-loan growth
by Ruth Wilson
1973, Issue May
- 3-8 Boom in the West
by Dean T. Chen & Verle Johnston & Yvonne Levy - 9-13 Banking the boom
by Ruth Wilson - 14-16 Cyclical patterns
by anonymous
1973, Issue Mar
- 3-11 Buying on time
by William Burke - 12-16 Horn of plenty
by Dean T. Chen
1973, Issue Jul
- 3-7 Higher payout
by William Burke - 8-10 Western consumer budgets
by anonymous - 11-15 RCPC's--transitional step
by William Burke
1973, Issue Jan
- 3-8 Housing: on the way down
by Verle Johnston