2016, Issue Q4
- 16-20 Texas border cities illustrate benefits and challenges of trade
by Jesus Cañas
2016, Issue Q3
- 2-2 President's perspective
by Robert S. Kaplan - 3-6 Texas enterprise zone benefits for poor prove elusive
by Wenhua Di & Daniel Millimet - 7-7 Spotlight: Texas business starts outperform U.S.; formation rates decline
by Jack Wang & Michael Weiss - 8-9 On the record: a conversation with Alan D. Viard - corporate tax overhaul plan targets disincentives to invest in the U.S
by Michael Weiss - 10-10 Noteworthy: education, energy, trade
by Sarah Greer & Stephanie Gullo & Justin J. Lee - 11-14 Mobile payments promise to improve financial accessibility in Mexico
by Michael Perez - 15-20 Less involuntary part-time work suggests Texas economic strength
by Anil Kumar & Michael Weiss
2016, Issue Q2
- 2-2 President's perspective
by Robert S. Kaplan - 3-7 Risks mount for Eleventh District banks amid energy weakness
by Kelly Klemme & Edward C. Skelton - 8-9 On the record: a conversation with Annise Parker - playing to Houston’s strengths: internationalism, energy, innovation
by Michael Weiss - 10-13 Once-robust wage growth stops as Texas economy slows
by Emily Gutierrez & Amy Jordan - 14-14 Noteworthy: energy, output and education
by Navi Dhaliwal & Sarah Greer & Emily Gutierrez - 15-15 Central American population soars in Texas, U.S.; migrant profiles evolve
by Emily Gutierrez & Pia M. Orrenius - 16-19 Houston grinds to a halt as oil industry declines
by Jesse B. Thompson - 20-20 Snapshot: El Paso job growth at postrecession high
by Marycruz De Leon
2016, Issue Q1
- 2-2 President's perspective
by Robert S. Kaplan - 3-7 Texas economy remains resilient, but low oil prices loom as future risk
by Keith R. Phillips & Christopher Slijk - 8-9 On the record: Texas home prices to keep rising despite energy slowdown
by Michael Weiss - 10-13 High school financial literacy mandate could boost Texans' economic well-being
by Camden Cornwell & Anthony Murphy - 14-14 Newsworthy: energy, naturalization and border
by Navi Dhaliwal & Emily Gutierrez & Christopher Slijk - 15-15 Spotlight: remittance to Mexico fall as immigration, income stagnate
by Jesus Cañas & Pia M. Orrenius - 16-19 Texas office, industrial markets mostly healthy despite energy bust
by Laila Assanie
2015, Issue Q4
- 2-2 President's perspective
by Robert S. Kaplan - 3-7 Texas health coverage lags as Medicaid expands in U.S
by Sarah Greer & Jason L. Saving - 8-9 On the record: Texas banking legend shares lessons learned
by Michael Weiss - 10-13 Texas ports stay busy as trade values fall along Gulf, rise inland
by Jesse B. Thompson - 14-14 Newsworthy: housing, labor and energy
by Sarah Greer & Emily Gutierrez & Michael Weiss - 15-15 Spotlight: Mexico Development Bank lending rises following financial reforms
by Michael Perez - 16-19 OPEC likely to keep pumping despite budget woes of some members
by Navi Dhaliwal & Martin Stuermer - 20-20 Snapshot: conference to consider Texas residential real estate amid oil slump
by Laila Assanie
2015, Issue Q3
- 2-2 President's perspective
by Robert S. Kaplan - 3-7 Wage flexibility in Texas may ease impact of tighter monetary policy
by Anil Kumar - 8-9 On the record: Greece's fiscal woes among issues hobbling euro zone rebound
by Michael Weiss - 10-13 Mexico's four economies reflect regional differences, challenges
by Jesus Cañas & Emily Gutierrez - 14-14 Noteworthy: education, taxation and income
by Sarah Greer & Emily Gutierrez & Michael Weiss - 15-15 Spotlight: diversified Houston spared far
by Jesse B. Thompson - 16-20 Texas maintains top exporter standing while its trade remains concentrated
by Janet Koech & Mark A. Wynne
2015, Issue Q2
- 2-2 President's perspective
by Helen E. Holcomb - 3-7 Robust regional banking sector faces new economic hurdles
by Kelly Klemme & Edward C. Skelton - 8-9 On the record: trade advocates, cattlemen have beef with meat labeling rules
by Michael Weiss - 10-13 ADP payroll processing data can provide early look at Texas job growth
by Keith R. Phillips & Christopher Slijk - 14-14 Noteworthy: income disparity, visas, energy
by Kristen Davis & Sarah Greer & Emily Gutierrez - 15-15 Spotlight: Chinese slowdown restrains Texas exports
by Jack Wang - 16-16 Snapshot: Texas growth conference series
by Amy Jordan
2015, Issue Q1
- 2-2 President's perspective
by Richard W. Fisher - 3-7 Texas facing economic headwinds in 2015
by Keith R. Phillips & Christopher Slijk - 8-9 On the record: immigrant legalization offers range of economic gains, some fiscal costs
by Michael Weiss - 10-13 Lower oil prices weaken prospects for job, economic growth in Texas
by Michael D. Plante - 14-14 Noteworthy: workforce, immigration and retirement
by Kristen Davis & Sarah Greer & Emily Gutierrez - 15-15 Spotlight: incentives draw firms, but at what cost?
by Michael Weiss
2014, Issue Q4
- 2-2 President's perspective
by Richard W. Fisher - 3-7 Single-family housing squeeze eases in Texas; multifamily soars
by Laila Assanie - 8-9 On the record: bankers reengage in housing as purchasers confront budget-busting prices
by Michael Weiss - 10-13 Producers, refiners view strategies to trim Texas' glut of ultralight condensate oil
by Jesse B. Thompson - 14-14 Noteworthy: income, agriculture, health care
by Sarah Bindner & Kristen Shepard & Christopher Slijk - 15-15 Spotlight: NAFTA at 20: shortcomings suggest trade agreement alone isn't enough
by Jesus Cañas & Pia M. Orrenius
2014, Issue Q3
- 2-2 President's perspective
by Richard W. Fisher - 3-7 Budget balancing act: health and education stretch Texas resources
by Jason L. Saving - 8-9 On the record: south Texas county hopes to see lasting gains from Eagle Ford Shale oil boom
by Michael Weiss - 10-10 Noteworthy: child migration, energy, business climate
by Sarah Bindner & Chelsea LeHew & Kristen Shepard - 11-11 Cities look to regenerate activity at old malls
by Michael Weiss - 12-16 Mexico's new banking measures aim to increase credit, transparency
by Edward C. Skelton
2014, Issue Q2
- 2-2 President's perspective
by Richard W. Fisher - 3-20 Strength of economy, limited benefit eligibility in Texas curb long-term unemployment rate
by Anil Kumar - 8-9 On the record: Texas students often lack skills, financial knowledge for college success
by Michael Weiss - 10-13 Banking recovery could be vulnerable to interest rate increases
by Kenneth J. Robinson - 14-14 Noteworthy: agriculture, Mexico, air traffic
by anonymous - 15-15 Spotlight: would a Texas central bank set rates higher?
by Janet Koech & Mark A. Wynne - 16-19 Reforma Energética: Mexico takes first steps to overhaul oil industry
by Jesus Cañas & Michael D. Plante
2014, Issue Q1
- 1-1 President's perspective
by Richard W. Fisher - 3-7 Texas to remain a top state for job growth in 2014
by Keith R. Phillips & Christopher Slijk - 8-9 On the record: Federal Reserve historian seeks to expand access to central bank records
by Michael Weiss - 10-13 Texas leads nation in creation of jobs at all pay levels
by Melissa LoPalo & Pia M. Orrenius - 14-14 Noteworthy: energy, health insurance, federal taxes
by anonymous - 15-15 Spotlight: health coverage misses many in DFW, Texas
by Jason L. Saving & Michael Weiss - 16-16 Snapshot: two conferences to mark Dallas Fed Centennial
by Michael Weiss
2013, Issue Q4
- 1-1 President's perspective
by Richard W. Fisher - 3-7 Water scarcity a potential drain on the Texas economy
by Keith R. Phillips & Edward Rodrigue & Mine K. Yücel - 8-9 On the record: you can go home again: Mexican migrants return in record numbers
by Michael Weiss - 10-10 Noteworthy: national defense, income, border
by Christina English & Melissa LoPalo & Michael Weiss - 11-11 Spotlight: energy, trade in southern New Mexico lift state’s economic performance
by Avilia Bueno & Roberto Coronado - 12-15 Barbecue vs. gumbo: economic traits tie neighboring Texas and Louisiana
by Jason L. Saving & Michael Weiss - 16-19 Shale revolution feeds petrochemical profits as production adapts
by Jesse B. Thompson - 20-20 Snapshot: the FOMC’s lengthening statements
by Mark A. Wynne
2013, Issue Q3
- 1-2 President's perspective
by Richard W. Fisher - 1-14 Noteworthy: water, immigration, trade
by Amy Jordan & Melissa LoPalo & Edward Rodrigue - 1-15 Spotlight: firms expect health act to raise labor costs
by Amy Jordan & Pia M. Orrenius - 1-20 Snapshot: Republic of Texas dollar slumped when public doubted its worth
by anonymous - 3-7 Did home equity restrictions help keep Texas mortgages from going underwater?
by Anil Kumar & Edward C. Skelton - 8-9 On the record: outgoing D/FW Airport chief cites international growth as key to future
by Michael Weiss - 10-13 Getting prices right: addressing Mexico’s history of fuel subsidies
by Amy Jordan & Michael D. Plante - 16-19 For Hispanics, border wage gap reflects education, English divide
by Christina English
2013, Issue Q2
- 1-2 President's perspective
by Richard W. Fisher - 1-11 Noteworthy: Population, natural gas, birth rates
by anonymous - 1-12 Spotlight: As Mexico’s social safety net grows, issues arise
by Melissa LoPalo & Pia M. Orrenius - 1-13 Banks continue their recovery despite slowing revenue growth
by Kenneth J. Robinson - 3-7 Texas housing recovery gains momentum
by Christina Daly & D'Ann M. Petersen - 8-10 On the record: trains carry the load of U.S. crude surge as pipeline growth lags
by Michael Weiss - 17-24 Will reforms pay off this time? Experts assess Mexico’s prospects
by Jesus Cañas & Roberto Coronado & Pia M. Orrenius
2013, Issue Q1
- 1-2 President's perspective
by Richard W. Fisher - 1-14 Noteworthy: ports, insurance, shale oil
by anonymous - 1-16 Snapshot: fewer 'acute risks' strengthen global outlook
by anonymous - 3-7 Texas likely to continue to lead nation's recovery
by Keith R. Phillips - 8-9 On the record: Hispanic workforce faces smaller but persistent education, wage gaps
by Michael Weiss - 10-13 Mexico develops niche approach to expansion of banking services
by Edward C. Skelton - 15-15 Spotlight: out of the shadows: worker pay, benefits could rise with immigration law revamp
by Pia M. Orrenius & Michael Weiss & Madeline Zavodny
2012, Issue Q4
- 1-2 President's perspective
by Richard W. Fisher - 1-14 Noteworthy: Construction, compensation, pollution
by anonymous - 1-15 Spotlight: Dollar-sensitive Mexican shoppers boost Texas border retail activity
by Roberto Coronado & Keith R. Phillips - 1-20 Snapshot: Mexico's economic expansion slows
by anonymous - 3-7 Determining creditworthiness and Texas' case for a top rating
by Jason L. Saving - 8-9 On the Record: Increased U.S. energy supply helps offset tight global conditions
by anonymous - 10-13 Brutal drought depresses agriculture, thwarting U.S. and Texas economies
by Emily Kerr - 16-19 Booming shale gas production drives Texas petrochemical surge
by Jesse B. Thompson
2012, Issue Q3
- 1-2 President's perspective
by Richard W. Fisher - 1-14 Noteworthy: Employment, immigration and finance
by anonymous - 1-15 Spotlight: Gas tax trends drive highway funding shift
by Jason L. Saving & Michael Weiss - 3-7 Texas housing market finally building a solid recovery
by D'Ann M. Petersen - 8-9 On the Record: For-profit higher education attracts students, scrutiny
by anonymous - 10-13 Eleventh District savings and loans outperform industry nationwide
by Kenneth J. Robinson - 16-19 Mexican banks get ahead of new global capital standards
by Edward C. Skelton
2012, Issue Q2
- 1-2 President's perspective
by Richard W. Fisher - 1-14 Noteworthy: Texas tourism, banking, agriculture
by anonymous - 1-15 Spotlight: Shale oil exploration - Permian Basin booms as new techniques resurrect old sites
by Robert W. Gilmer & Jesse B. Thompson - 3-7 Oil boom in Eagle Ford Shale brings new wealth to South Texas
by Robert W. Gilmer & Raúl Hernandez & Keith R. Phillips - 8-9 On the record: Georgia data quantify impact of undocumented workers
by anonymous - 10-13 Mexico resilient in 2011 amid global uncertainty and sluggish U.S. growth
by Jesus Cañas - 16-19 Self-employment an option for workers who lose jobs in economic slowdowns
by Anil Kumar & Michael Weiss
2012, Issue Q1
- 1-2 President's perspective
by Richard W. Fisher - 1-14 Noteworthy: Agriculture, population growth, venture capital
by anonymous - 1-15 Spotlight: Health care reform: reducing ranks of uninsured Texans comes at a price
by anonymous - 3-7 Texas economy moves from recovery to expansion
by Jesus Cañas & Keith R. Phillips - 8-9 On the record: Benefits of a progressive consumption tax: a conversation with Alan D. Viard
by anonymous - 10-13 Limited English skills, relative youth contribute to Hispanic poverty rates
by Yingda Bi & Pia M. Orrenius & Madeline Zavodny - 15-15 Spotlight: Health care reform - reducing ranks of uninsured Texans comes at a price
by Yingda Bi
2011, Issue Q4
- 1-1 President's perspective
by Richard W. Fisher - 1-14 Noteworthy: Personal income, record drought, defense spending
by anonymous - 1-15 Spotlight: Texas employment : gains aren’t simply a low-wage jobs story
by Yingda Bi & Pia M. Orrenius - 3-7 States still feel recession's effects two years after downturn's end
by Jason L. Saving - 8-9 On the record: Dodd–Frank: toward greater financial system stability: a conversation with Robert D. Hankins
by anonymous - 10-13 Private equity industry: Southwest firms draw on regional expertise
by Alex Musatov & Kenneth J. Robinson
2011, Issue Q3
- 1-2 President's perspective
by Richard W. Fisher - 1-14 Noteworthy: Education, oil prices, Texas agriculture
by D'Ann M. Petersen - 1-15 Spotlight: Mexican financial market : new instruments, rules boost capital investment
by Edward C. Skelton - 3-7 Breaking out of recession: gauging Texas’ response to Fed stimulus
by David Luttrell & Harvey Rosenblum - 8-10 On the record: Shifting from world population explosion to global aging : a conversation with Joseph Chamie
by anonymous - 11-13,20 Mexico rides global recovery but still faces hurdles
by Jesus Cañas & Roberto Coronado & Robert W. Gilmer - 16-19 Underemployment poses long-term financial risk to more workers
by Anil Kumar & Michael Weiss
2011, Issue Q2
- 1-2 President's perspective
by Richard W. Fisher - 1-14 Noteworthy: Demographics, natural gas, electric power
by Pia M. Orrenius - 1-15 Spotlight: Texas service sector outlook survey completing the regional economic picture
by Jesus Cañas & Emily Kerr - 3-7 Texas housing on bumpy road after stimulus effects fade
by D'Ann M. Petersen & Adam Swadley - 8-9 On the record: Mexico's economic reforms propel postrecession rebound: a conversation with Banco de México's Governor Agustín Carstens
by anonymous - 10-13 Bank profits rebound as loss set-asides ease
by Kelly Klemme & Kenneth J. Robinson - 16-19 Sizing up nanoelectronics: gauging the potential for new productivity wave
by Keith R. Phillips & Adam Swadley & Jackson Thies & Mine K. Yücel
2011, Issue Q1
- 1-2 President's perspective
by Richard W. Fisher - 1-14 Noteworthy: New Texans, Mexican population, higher education
by Jason L. Saving - 1-15 Spotlight: Educational opportunity: Does low-income housing tax credit hurt nearby schools?
by Wenhua Di & James C. Murdoch - 3-7 Texas economy to ride higher in the saddle in 2011
by Emily Kerr & Keith R. Phillips - 8-9 On the record: PISA results shed new light on U.S. education debate: a conversation with Lori Taylor
by anonymous - 10-13 Oil and gas rises again in a diversified Texas
by Jackson Thies & Mine K. Yücel - 16-19 Trade conference explores U.S.–Mexico 'common bonds'
by Jesus Cañas & Roberto Coronado & Robert W. Gilmer
2010, Issue Q4
- 1-2 President's perspective
by Richard W. Fisher - 1-14 Noteworthy: Gulf oil spill: Costs of well disaster still piling up
by Jackson Thies - 1-14 Noteworthy: Airlines: Texas carriers fly fuller; mergers ahead
by Adam Swadley - 1-14 Noteworthy: Income and poverty: Texans slip during recession
by Yingda Bi - 1-15 Spotlight: Financial services: Banking within reach of more Mexicans
by Edward C. Skelton - 3-7 New tool gauges impact of exchange rates on states
by Steve Brzezinski & Barbara Davalos & Keith R. Phillips - 8-9 On the record: Baby boomers face a changing retirement landscape: a conversation with Anil Kumar
by Anil Kumar - 10-13 Poor state finances deepen recessionary hole
by Jason L. Saving - 16-19 District banks' exposure to modified loans limited
by Kory A. Killgo
2010, Issue Q3
- 1-2 President's perspective
by Richard W. Fisher - 1-14 Noteworthy: Transportation: Unexpected demand drives up shipping rates
by Adam Swadley - 1-14 Noteworthy: Population: Texas grows despite recessionary doldrums
by Michael Nicholson - 1-15 Spotlight: Imports and Exports: Container trade thriving in Texas
by Pia M. Orrenius & Adam Swadley - 3-7 Texas twist: why did state's unemployment fall below nation's?
by Anil Kumar - 8-9 On the record: Texas well-positioned as Panama Canal expands: a conversation with retired U.S. Coast Guard Capt. Bill Diehl
by Bill Diehl - 10-13 Natural gas from shale: Texas revolution goes global
by Robert W. Gilmer & Emily Kerr - 16-19 Texas Manufacturing Survey offers advance look at state and national economies
by Franklin D. Berger
2010, Issue Q2
- 1-2 President's perspective
by Richard W. Fisher - 1-14 Spotlight: maquiladora employment: new data confirm pickup in Juarez factory jobs
by Jesus Cañas & Roberto Coronado - 1-15 Noteworthy: Fortune 500: Texas ties California for national lead
by Michael Nicholson - 1-15 Noteworthy: natural gas: glitches point to inflated output data
by Jackson Thies - 1-15 Noteworthy: Texas agriculture: drought's end brings optimism
by Emily Kerr - 3-7 Eleventh District banking industry weathers financial storms
by Kenneth J. Robinson - 8-9 On the record: tapping technology for immigration enforcement: a conversation with Lisa Roney
by Lisa Roney - 10-13,16 Cloud over commercial real estate is slowly lifting in Texas
by D'Ann M. Petersen
2010, Issue Q1
- 1-2 President's perspective
by Richard W. Fisher - 1-14 Spotlight: remittances to Mexico: cross-border money flows slowed by U.S. slump
by Jesus Cañas & Roberto Coronado - 1-15 Noteworthy: oil markets: Saudis abandon WTI price as benchmark
by Jackson Thies - 1-15 Noteworthy: housing: tax credit boosting sales, building -- for now
by Michael Nicholson - 1-15 Noteworthy: Texas exports: NAFTA markets spur trade turnaround
by Emily Kerr - 3-7,16 Texas economy shakes off rough ride in 2009
by Laila Assanie & Pia M. Orrenius - 8-9 On the record: why Hispanic education deficits persist: a conversation with Richard Fry
by Richard Fry - 10-13 Texas' Latino pay gaps: taking a closer look
by Emily Kerr & Pia M. Orrenius & Madeline Zavodny
2009, Issue Q4
- 1-2 President's perspective
by Richard W. Fisher - 1-10 Spotlight: Farm real estate values: Texas holds steady in 2008, bucking U.S. trend
by Emily Kerr & Keith R. Phillips