- 14-13 House price growth when children are teenagers: a path to higher earnings?
by Daniel H. Cooper & María Jose Luengo-Prado - 14-12 Saving for a rainy day: estimating the appropriate size of U.S. state budget stabilization funds
by Bo Zhao - 14-11 Smoothing state tax revenues over the business cycle: gauging fiscal needs and opportunities
by Yolanda Kodrzycki - 14-10 The forecasting power of consumer attitudes for consumer spending
by Michelle L. Barnes & Giovanni P. Olivei - 15-6 Within-school spillover effects of foreclosures and student mobility on student academic performance
by Katharine L. Bradbury & Mary A. Burke & Robert K. Triest - 15-2 Nudging credit scores in the field: the effect of text reminders on creditworthiness in the United States
by Anat Bracha & Stephan Meier - 14-9 Measuring unfamiliar economic concepts: the case of prepaid card adoption
by Marcin Hitczenko & Mingzhu Tai - 14-7 Foreign nurse importation to the United States and the supply of native registered nurses
by Patricia Cortes & Jessica Pan - 14-6 Financial frictions and the reaction of stock prices to monetary policy shocks
by Ali Ozdagli - 14-5 This is what's in your wallet... and here's how you use it
by Tamas Briglevics & Scott Schuh - 14-4 Consumer cash usage: a cross-country comparison with payment diary survey data
by John Bagnall & David Bounie & Kim P. Huynh & Anneke Kosse & Tobias Schmidt & Scott Schuh & Helmut Stix - 14-3 The ins and arounds in the U.S. housing market
by Rüdiger Bachmann & Daniel H. Cooper - 14-2 Labor market transitions and the availability of unemployment insurance
by Katharine L. Bradbury - 14-1 Merchant steering of consumer payment choice: evidence from a 2012 Diary survey
by Oz Shy & Joanna Stavins - 13-8 The effect of unemployment duration on future earnings and other outcomes
by Daniel H. Cooper
- 13-26 The role of economic, fiscal, and financial shocks in the evolution of public sector pension funding
by Robert K. Triest & Bo Zhao - 13-25 Household inflation expectations and consumer spending: evidence from panel data
by Mary A. Burke & Ali Ozdagli - 13-24 An evaluation of the Federal Reserve estimates of the natural rate of unemployment in real time
by Fabia Gumbau-Brisa & Giovanni P. Olivei - 13-23 U.S. consumer demand for cash in the era of low interest rates and electronic payments
by Tamas Briglevics & Scott Schuh - 13-22 The cost of fiscal policy uncertainty: industry evidence of its impact on the labor market
by J. Christina Wang - 13-21 Technological progress, the \"user cost of money,\" and the real output of banks
by Susanto Basu & J. Christina Wang - 13-20 Optimal monetary policy under model uncertainty without commitment
by Anna Orlik & Ignacio Presno - 13-19 Not so fast: high-frequency financial data for macroeconomic event studies
by Ali Ozdagli - 13-18 Walking a tightrope: are U. S. state and local governments on a fiscally sustainable path?
by David Coyne & Bo Zhao - 13-17 Is bank debt special for the transmission of monetary policy? Evidence from the stock market
by Filippo Ippolito & Ali Ozdagli & Ander Pérez-Orive - 13-16 Optimal recall period length in consumer payment surveys
by Marcin Hitczenko - 13-15 Modeling anchoring effects in sequential Likert scale questions
by Marcin Hitczenko - 13-14 Affirmative action and stereotype threat
by Anat Bracha & Alma Cohen & Lynn Conell-Price - 13-13 How many cards do you use?
by Oz Shy - 13-12 The effect of foreclosure on Boston Public School student academic performance
by Katharine L. Bradbury & Mary A. Burke & Robert K. Triest - 13-11 How low can you go? Charity reporting when donations signal income and generosity
by Anat Bracha & Lise Vesterlund - 13-10 Enforcement and immigrant location choice
by Tara Watson - 15-8 Uncertainty and the signaling channel of monetary policy
by Jenny Tang - 13-9 Occupation-level income shocks and asset returns: their covariance and implications for portfolio choice
by Steven J. Davis & Paul S. Willen - 13-7 The value to banks of small business lending
by Dmytro Holod & Joe Peek - 13-6 Payment choice with consumer panel data
by Michael Cohen & Marc Rysman - 13-5 Cyclical unemployment, structural unemployment
by Peter A. Diamond - 13-4 Window shopping
by Oz Shy - 13-3 Do real-time Okun's law errors predict GDP data revisions?
by Michelle L. Barnes & Fabia Gumbau-Brisa & Giovanni P. Olivei - 13-2 The power of sunspots: an experimental analysis
by Dietmar Fehr & Frank Heinemann & Aniol Llorente-Saguer - 13-1 The impact of managed care on the gender earnings gap among physicians
by Alicia Sasser Modestino
- 12-19 Real expectations: replacing rational expectations with survey expectations in dynamic macro models
by Jeffrey C. Fuhrer - 12-18 Monetary shocks and stock returns: identification through the impossible trinity
by Ali Ozdagli & Yifan Yu - 12-17 Cyclical and sectoral transitions in the U.S. housing market
by Rüdiger Bachmann & Daniel H. Cooper - 12-16 Predicting health behaviors with economic preferences and perceived control
by Lynn Conell-Price & Julian Jamison - 12-15 Uncertainty shocks in a model of effective demand
by Susanto Basu & Brent Bundick - 12-14 Explaining adoption and use of payment instruments by U. S. consumers
by Sergei Koulayev & Marc Rysman & Scott Schuh & Joanna Stavins - 12-13 Nice to be on the A-list
by Yasushi Hamao & Kenji Kutsuna & Joe Peek - 12-12 Competitive incentives: working harder or working smarter?
by Anat Bracha & Chaim Fershtman - 12-11 Sovereign default risk and uncertainty premia
by Demian Pouzo & Ignacio Presno - 12-10 Fiscal devaluations
by Emmanuel Farhi & Gita Gopinath & Oleg Itskhoki - 12-9 Potential effects of the Great Recession on the U.S. labor market
by William T. Dickens & Robert K. Triest - 12-8 Core competencies, matching, and the structure of foreign direct investment: an update
by Federico J. Diez & Alan C. Spearot - 12-7 Measuring household spending and payment habits: the role of “typical” and “specific” time frames in survey questions
by Marco Angrisani & Arie Kapteyn & Scott Schuh - 12-6 Relative pay and labor supply
by Anat Bracha & Uri Gneezy - 12-5 Selecting public goods institutions: who likes to punish and reward?
by Michalis Drouvelis & Julian Jamison - 12-4 Investment in customer recognition and information exchange
by Oz Shy & Rune Stenbacka - 12-3 Valuable cheap talk and equilibrium selection
by Julian Jamison - 12-2 How consumers pay: adoption and use of payments
by Scott Schuh & Joanna Stavins - 12-1 Are American homeowners locked into their houses?: the impact of housing market conditions on state-to-state migration
by Julia Dennett & Alicia Sasser Modestino
- 11-17 Inflation dynamics when inflation is near zero
by Jeffrey C. Fuhrer & Giovanni P. Olivei & Geoffrey M. B. Tootell - 11-16 The Great Recession and bank lending to small businesses
by Judit Montoriol-Garriga & J. Christina Wang - 11-15 Games with synergistic preferences
by Julian Jamison - 11-14 Managing self-confidence: theory and experimental evidence
by Markus M. Mobius & Muriel Niederle & Paul Niehaus & Tanya Rosenblat - 11-13 Core competencies and the structure of foreign direct investment
by Federico J. Diez & Alan C. Spearot - 11-12 Further investigations into the origin of credit score cutoff rules
by Ryan Bubb & Alex Kaufman - 11-11 The role of expectations in U. S. inflation dynamics
by Jeffrey C. Fuhrer - 11-10 Trends in U. S. family income mobility, 1969-2006
by Katharine L. Bradbury - 11-9 Trade adjustment and productivity in large crises
by Gita Gopinath & Brent Neiman - 11-8 On the distribution of college dropouts: household wealth and uninsurable idiosyncratic risk
by Ali Ozdagli & Nicholas Trachter - 11-7 Customer recognition and competition
by Oz Shy & Rune Stenbacka - 11-6 House price growth when kids are teenagers: a path to higher intergenerational achievement?
by Daniel H. Cooper & María Jose Luengo-Prado - 11-5 Self-employment in the global economy
by Federico J. Diez & Ali Ozdagli - 11-4 A response to Cogley and Sbordone's comment on “Closed-Form Estimates of the New Keynesian Phillips Curve with Time-Varying Trend Inflation”
by Fabia Gumbau-Brisa & Denny Lie & Giovanni P. Olivei - 11-3 Estimation of forward-looking relationships in closed form: an application to the New Keynesian Phillips curve
by Michelle L. Barnes & Fabia Gumbau-Brisa & Denny Lie & Giovanni P. Olivei - 11-2 Explaining gender-specific racial differences in obesity using biased self-reports of food intake
by Mary A. Burke & Frank Heiland - 11-1 Real output of bank services: what counts is what banks do, not what they own
by Robert Inklaar & J. Christina Wang
- 10-17 The financial structure of startup firms: the role of assets, information, and entrepreneur characteristics
by Catherine L. Mann & Paroma Sanyal - 10-16 Affective decision making: a theory of optimism bias
by Anat Bracha & Donald J. Brown - 10-15 Internal sources of finance and the Great Recession
by Michelle L. Barnes & N. Aaron Pancost - 10-14 Characterizing the amount and speed of discounting procedures
by Dean T. Jamison & Julian Jamison - 10-13 The distress premium puzzle
by Ali Ozdagli - 10-12 Imputing household spending in the Panel Study of Income Dynamics: a comparison of approaches
by Daniel H. Cooper - 10-11 Some evidence on the importance of sticky wages
by Alessandro Barattieri & Susanto Basu & Peter Gottschalk - 10-10 Strategic choice of preferences: the persona model
by Michael Harre & Julian Jamison & David Newth & David H. Wolpert - 14-8 How important is variability in consumer credit limits?
by Scott L. Fulford - 10-9 In search of real rigidities
by Gita Gopinath & Oleg Itskhoki - 10-8 Wage setting patterns and monetary policy: international evidence
by Giovanni P. Olivei & Silvana Tenreyro - 10-7 The sensitivity of long-term interest rates to economic news: comment
by Michelle L. Barnes & N. Aaron Pancost - 10-6 Moral hazard, peer monitoring, and microcredit: field experimental evidence from Paraguay
by Jeffrey Carpenter & Tyler Williams - 10-5 Public and private values
by Dan Ariely & Anat Bracha & Jean-Paul L'Huillier - 10-4 The asymmetric effects of tariffs on intra-firm trade and offshoring decisions
by Federico J. Diez - 10-3 A short survey of network economics
by Oz Shy - 10-2 What explains differences in foreclosure rates?: a response to Piskorski, Seru, and Vig
by Manuel Adelino & Kristopher Gerardi & Paul S. Willen - 10-1 Insuring consumption using income-linked assets
by Andreas Fuster & Paul S. Willen
- 09-21 Seeds to succeed: sequential giving to public projects
by Anat Bracha & Michael Menietti & Lise Vesterlund - 09-20 State-dependent pricing and optimal monetary policy
by Denny Lie - 09-19 Productivity, welfare, and reallocation: theory and firm-level evidence
by Susanto Basu & Luigi Pascali & Fabio Schiantarelli & Luis Serven - 09-18 The valuation channel of external adjustment
by Fabio Ghironi & Jaewoo Lee & Alessandro Rebucci - 09-17 Multiple selves in intertemporal choice
by Julian Jamison & Jon Wegener - 09-16 Estimating demand in search markets: the case of online hotel bookings
by Sergei Koulayev - 09-15 Closed-form estimates of the New Keynesian Phillips curve with time-varying trend inflation
by Michelle L. Barnes & Fabia Gumbau-Brisa & Denny Lie & Giovanni P. Olivei - 09-14 Inflation persistence
by Jeffrey C. Fuhrer - 09-13 Financial leverage, corporate investment, and stock returns
by Ali Ozdagli - 09-12 Housing and debt over the life cycle and over the business cycle
by Matteo Iacoviello & Marina Pavan - 09-11 Social and private learning with endogenous decision timing
by Julian Jamison & David Owens & Glenn Woroch - 09-10 Estimating the border effect: some new evidence
by Gita Gopinath & Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas & Chang-Tai Hsieh & Nicholas Li - 09-9 Efficient organization of production: nested versus horizontal outsourcing
by Oz Shy & Rune Stenbacka - 09-8 Real estate brokers and commission: theory and calibrations
by Oz Shy - 09-7 Trends in U.S. family income mobility, 1967–2004
by Katharine L. Bradbury & Jane Katz - 09-6 The optimal level of deposit insurance coverage
by Michael Manz - 09-5 Geographic variations in a model of physician treatment choice with social interactions
by Mary A. Burke & Gary M. Fournier & Kislaya Prasad - 09-4 Empirical estimates of changing inflation dynamics
by Jeffrey C. Fuhrer & Giovanni P. Olivei & Geoffrey M. B. Tootell - 09-3 Has overweight become the new normal?: evidence of a generational shift in body weight norms
by Mary A. Burke & Frank Heiland & Carl Nadler - 09-2 Another hidden cost of incentives: the detrimental effect on norm enforcement
by Andreas Fuster & Stephan Meier - 09-1 Why are (some) consumers (finally) writing fewer checks?: the role of payment characteristics
by Scott Schuh & Joanna Stavins
- 08-8 Race, obesity, and the puzzle of gender specificity
by Mary A. Burke & Frank Heiland - 08-7 The responsiveness of married women’s labor force participation to income and wages: recent changes and possible explanations
by Katharine L. Bradbury & Jane Katz - 08-6 The impact of immigration on occupational wages: evidence from Britain
by Stephen Nickell & Jumana Saleheen - 08-5 Classroom peer effects and student achievement
by Mary A. Burke & Tim R. Sass - 08-4 The value of risk: measuring the service output of U. S. commercial banks
by Susanto Basu & Robert Inklaar & J. Christina Wang - 08-3 Blood donations and incentives: evidence from a field experiment
by Lorenz Goette & Alois Stutzer - 08-2 Credit card debt and payment use
by Charles Sprenger & Joanna Stavins - 08-1 Designing state aid formulas: the case of a new formula for distributing municipal aid in Massachusetts
by Katharine L. Bradbury & Bo Zhao
- 07-16 Input and output inventories in general equilibrium
by Matteo Iacoviello & Fabio Schiantarelli & Scott Schuh - 07-15 Subprime outcomes: risky mortgages, homeownership experiences, and foreclosures
by Kristopher Gerardi & Adam Hale Shapiro & Paul S. Willen - 07-14 The effects of expectations on perception: experimental design issues and further evidence
by Tyler Williams - 07-13 Active decisions and pro-social behavior
by Lorenz Goette & Alois Stutzer & Michael Zehnder - 07-12 Social networks and vaccination decisions
by Markus M. Mobius & Neel Rao & Tanya Rosenblat - 07-11 How much is a friend worth?: directed altruism and enforced reciprocity in social networks
by Quoc-Anh Do & Stephen Leider & Markus M. Mobius & Tanya Rosenblat - 07-10 Space and time in macroeconomic panel data: young workers and state-level unemployment revisited
by Christopher L. Foote - 06-19 Measuring disparities in non-school costs and revenue capacity among Massachusetts cities and towns
by Katharine L. Bradbury & Bo Zhao - 07-9 Doing good or doing well? Image motivation and monetary incentives in behaving prosocially
by Dan Ariely & Anat Bracha & Stephan Meier - 07-8 Population aging, labor demand, and the structure of wages
by Margarita Sapozhnikov & Robert K. Triest - 07-7 The effects of competition on price dispersion in the airline industry: a panel analysis
by Kristopher Gerardi & Adam Hale Shapiro - 07-6 How strong is the case for downward real wage rigidity?
by Steinar Holden & Fredrik Wulfsberg - 07-5 Minimally altruistic wages and unemployment in a matching model
by Julio J. Rotemberg - 07-4 Debt and the effects of fiscal policy
by Carlo Favero & Francesco Giavazzi - 07-3 Impatience and credit behavior: evidence from a field experiment
by Stephan Meier & Charles Sprenger - 07-2 Using unexpected recalls to examine the long-term earnings effects of job displacement
by Yolanda Kodrzycki
- 06-18 Do subsidies increase charitable giving in the long run?: matching donations in a field experiment
by Stephan Meier - 06-16 How small is zero price? : the true value of free products
by Dan Ariely & Kristina Shampan'er - 06-15 Decomposing consumer wealth effects: evidence on the role of real estate assets following the wealth cycle of 1990-2002
by Andriy Avramenko & Michael R. Donihue - 06-14 In noise we trust? Optimal monetary policy with random targets
by Ethan Cohen-Cole & Bogdan Cosmaciuc - 06-13 A tale of tails: an empirical analysis of loss distribution models for estimating operational risk capital
by Kabir Dutta & Jason Perry - 06-12 Minimally acceptable altruism and the ultimatum game
by Julio J. Rotemberg - 06-11 Estimating the New Keynesian Phillips curve: a vertical production chain approach
by Adam Hale Shapiro - 06-10 Productivity and U.S. macroeconomic performance: interpreting the past and predicting the future with a two-sector real business cycle model
by Peter N. Ireland & Scott Schuh - 07-1 GARCH-based identification of triangular systems with an application to the CAPM: still living with the roll critique
by Todd Prono - 06-9 Efficient expropriation: sustainable fiscal policy in a small open economy
by Mark Aguiar & Manuel Amador & Gita Gopinath - 06-8 Do people behave in experiments as in the field?: evidence from donations
by Matthias Benz & Stephan Meier - 06-7 The impact of group membership on cooperation and norm enforcement: evidence using random assignment to real social groups
by Lorenz Goette & David Huffman & Stephan Meier - 06-6 A survey of economic theories and field evidence on pro-social behavior
by Stephan Meier - 06-5 Cyclical wages in a search and bargaining model with large firms
by Julio J. Rotemberg - 06-3 Dishonesty in everyday life and its policy implications
by Dan Ariely & Nina Mazar - 06-2 Measuring trends in leisure: the allocation of time over five decades
by Mark Aguiar & Erik Hurst
- 05-18 Does firm value move too much to be justified by subsequent changes in cash flow?
by Borja Larrain & Motohiro Yogo - 05-17 Contracts with social multipliers
by Mary A. Burke & Kislaya Prasad - 05-16 Heterogeneous beliefs and inflation dynamics: a general equilibrium approach
by Fabia Gumbau-Brisa - 05-15 Testing economic hypotheses with state-level data: a comment on Donohue and Levitt (2001)
by Christopher L. Foote & Christopher F. Goetz - 05-14 Real wage rigidities and the New Keynesian model
by Olivier Jean Blanchard & Jordi Gali - 05-13 Changes in the Federal Reserve's inflation target: causes and consequences
by Peter N. Ireland - 05-12 New approaches to ranking economics journals
by Yolanda Kodrzycki & Pingkang David Yu - 05-11 Large stakes and big mistakes
by Dan Ariely & Uri Gneezy & George Loewenstein & Nina Mazar - 05-10 Tom Sawyer and the construction of value
by Dan Ariely & George Loewenstein & Drazen Prelec - 06-4 Supply matters for asset prices: evidence from IPOs in emerging markets
by Matias Braun & Borja Larrain - 06-1 The monetary transmission mechanism
by Peter N. Ireland - 05-9 The roles of comovement and inventory investment in the reduction of output volatility
by F. Owen Irvine & Scott Schuh - 05-8 Intrinsic and inherited inflation persistence
by Jeffrey C. Fuhrer - 05-7 Borrowing costs and the demand for equity over the life cycle
by Steven J. Davis & Felix Kubler & Paul S. Willen - 05-6 The stock market and cross country differences in relative prices
by Borja Larrain - 05-4 Interest sensitivity and volatility reductions: cross-section evidence
by F. Owen Irvine & Scott Schuh - 05-3 The liquidity trap, the real balance effect, and the Friedman rule
by Peter N. Ireland
- 05-5 Sales persistence and the reductions in GDP volatility
by F. Owen Irvine - 05-2 Contingent reserves management: an applied framework
by Ricardo J. Caballero & Stavros Panageas - 05-1 Technological diversification
by Miklos Koren & Silvana Tenreyro - 04-9 Implications of alternative operational risk modeling techniques
by Patrick de Fontnouvelle & John S. Jordan & Eric Rosengren - 04-8 Incomplete markets and trade
by Paul S. Willen - 04-7 A general-equilibrium asset-pricing approach to the measurement of nominal and real bank output
by Susanto Basu & John G. Fernald & J. Christina Wang - 04-6 Effective labor regulation and microeconomic flexibility
by Ricardo J. Caballero & Kevin Cowan & Eduardo M. R. A. Engel & Alejandro Micco - 04-5 Defaultable debt, interest rates, and the current account
by Mark Aguiar & Gita Gopinath - 04-4 Emerging market business cycles: the cycle is the trend
by Mark Aguiar & Gita Gopinath - 04-3 Trade liberalization and the politics of financial development
by Matias Braun & Claudio Raddatz - 04-2 Estimating forward looking Euler equations with GMM estimators: an optimal instruments approach
by Jeffrey C. Fuhrer & Giovanni P. Olivei - 04-1 The timing of monetary policy shocks
by Giovanni P. Olivei & Silvana Tenreyro
- 03-8 Merger-related cost savings in the production of bank services
by J. Christina Wang - 03-7 Productivity and economies of scale in the production of bank service value added
by J. Christina Wang - 03-6 Service output of bank holding companies in the 1990s and the role of risk
by J. Christina Wang - 03-5 Capital and risk: new evidence on implications of large operational losses
by Patrick de Fontnouvelle & Virginia DeJesus-Rueff & John S. Jordan & Eric Rosengren - 03-4 Loanable funds, risk, and bank service output
by J. Christina Wang - 03-3 Diversification and development
by Miklos Koren & Silvana Tenreyro - 03-2 On the trade impact of nominal exchange rate volatility
by Silvana Tenreyro - 03-1 Gravity-defying trade
by J. M. C. Santos Silva & Silvana Tenreyro
- 02-8 Job creation, job destruction, and international competition: job flows and trade: the case of NAFTA
by Michael W. Klein & Scott Schuh & Robert K. Triest - 02-7 Job creation, job destruction, and international competition: a literature review
by Michael W. Klein & Scott Schuh & Robert K. Triest - 02-6 Inventory investment and output volatility
by F. Owen Irvine & Scott Schuh - 02-5 Corporate dollar debt and depreciations: much ado about nothing?
by Hoyt Bleakley & Kevin Cowan - 02-4 Economic effects of currency unions
by Robert J. Barro & Silvana Tenreyro